Buy American - Move To Seattle If You Want to Disprove You Are A Racist
Amen No progress without honest dialogue: f6378a53-7d30-47fa-81c2-cf8162d1165e.MP4
Thank you for your thoughts this morning. I am reminded that your father was one of the selfless pioneers of civil rights in the South, but I share your concerns. The civil rights movement has become a joke -- instead of asking for freedom and equal treatment, the civil rights activists of today demand free stuff and unequal treatment. We have to teach our children to obey the law, to never talk back to a police officer, and certainly never to pivot and point a weapon at a police officer. But today's civil rights mob claims the right to make their own law, to attack the police and to fire the police if the act as they are trained to act.
It is time to quit trying to find our virtue in how we think others view us. That is pure solopsism and if it seems crazy, it is. My tolerance for lazy thinkers has snapped. We should not find solace in whether we think others find us virtuous enough, but on what the Framers were looking for -- how do you create a political system that allows as much individual liberty as possible without descending to oglocracy? Montesquieu found techniques for that balance, looking to the Jews and the Greeks and the Romans as well as the British and the Venetians and the Swiss and the Chinese. All that got incorporated into the Constitution. And there are those who want to throw away the idea that all men are created equal in favor of Orwell's notation that some are more equal than others. And they want to throw away the idea of the protection of "life, liberty, and property" (as you know, from the original Virginia Declaration -- Jefferson changed it in the Declaration to "pursuit of happiness" in order to give rights to non-property owners). And they want to throw away the idea of the just government -- our Framers struggled over a century dealing with Romans 13 in order to get to the Declaration. You can placate the mob only a few times, just like riding on the back of the tiger.
All the best, B--"
Would you like to be a policeman? https://mobile.twitter.com/lisamarieboothe/status/1272154663312338945
I recently wrote a memo and titled it "Call Me Nuts." A dear friend and memo reader accepted the challenge and humorously sent me an e mail "you are nuts."
Would you like to be a policeman? https://mobile.twitter.com/lis
I recently wrote a memo and titled it "Call Me Nuts." A dear friend and memo reader accepted the challenge and humorously sent me an e mail "you are nuts."
These are a few reasons that make me nuts.
Progressive hypocrite liberals and assorted intellectuals have all the answers regarding how to solve the problems about which they complain, protest, riot, draft legislation but I daresay few, if any, have actually lived the experience. They probably wrote some paper in a fancy college /university in order to obtain a degree but if truth be know they don't know "shit." Johnson professed he had the answers, created the Great Society, spent trillions and here we are. No better off when it comes to having solved the problems.
What has happened is attitudes have changed and most Americans react to heinous actions and economic and social disparities have narrowed. We have made progress but mostly because attitudes have changed. What has not changed is the way liberals support unions which restrict "choice," the fact that when blacks become wealthy why do they desire to live among the "privileged" society, the black family remains broken and some 70% of their children live without a present father. Finally, why do blacks remain enslaved to the Democrat Party. Perhaps they are the ones who are nuts.
I can cite a whole host of "systemic," while we are busy using that word, hypocrisy that mostly emanates from liberals and Democrat Party members.
This is what makes me nuts and now these same arrogant's seek to have less police.
So I ask who is really nuts?
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