two knee jerks

Abby, Brian Blake, PJ and Kahlua



Buy American - Save America So Future Rioters Have Something To Destroy.
Time for a little "off color" humor:
From one of my family's dearest friends and fellow memo readers:
"Dick, I read with interest your comments on what has happened at the NY Times. Not what is happening, but what has happened. It’s done. The Old Gray Lady has morphed into an old gray whore and Sulzberger is her pimp. This is a sad demise of what was one of the world’s greatest newspapers. M---"
Finally some article that might be of interest:
Michele remains embarrassed about America and a disciple of Rev. Wright's hatred. Her husband's presidency, of which she is so proud, actually increased that of which she complains rather than healed. When it comes to race relations he and Biden did not transform America they further divided America.
Michelle Obama Gets it Terribly Wrong in Her Commencement Address and Exposes the Root of the Racial Divide - Read More
By Jim Hayek
We Have Entered a Looking-Glass World David SolwayWe live in an age characterized by belief -- that is, belief in things that do not exist, belief in complete figments of unanchored imagination, abstractions that have no contact with or bearing on reality More
Democrat Cities: Fourth-World Scourges Rich Logis
A Reply to My Critics by Daniel Pipes
All those "woke" folks awoke to a heap of rioting last week. Some even joined in so they could send a message they were angry and wanted change. When many were asked to explain what change they wanted few were able to articulate what they wanted, Well change is coming and I believe it is unlikely to satisfy because when you do not know what you want and cannot articulate what it is you want all the change that ensues will never satisfy because change is a continuum kind of thing.
America Is In A Cultural Civil War
< Ben Domenech <
of a great cultural civil war.
The country was largely unified when we all saw the terrible video of George
Floyd's tragic death - unified in anger and frustration, in wanting justice
and punishment for a cop who, whatever his motivation, went too far and
murdered a citizen for the crime of passing a counterfeit bill. Ever since
then, we've been coming apart.
The cultural civil war that has been simmering underneath the surface is now
boiling. Consider that as much as the protests can largely be described as
peaceful, they have now led to more than a dozen deaths and hundreds of
millions of dollars in property damage and theft. Consider the image
Kaine, the former Vice Presidential nominee of his party, kneeling on the
ground like he's a hostage, as if only the penitent white man will pass.
Consider the footage
shouted down for refusing to defund the police.
It sets up a clash for the fall
ml> between the politics of revolutionary racial radicalism and defunding
the police on the one hand, and law and order on the other. As Charles
Murray noted yesterday, "The 'abolish the police' movement is the final
piece needed to replicate the mentality of the New Left in the late
1960s-positions so crazy that only people completely out of touch with
reality can advocate them with a straight face." But farcical Maoism is
still Maoist, and the struggle session doesn't become less so just because
it's conducted by lunatics.
The images of woke white protesters brought to their knees across the
country, apologizing to the mob for sins they did not commit, is jarring and
disturbing. At the heights of elite power - in the corporate board rooms
that have decided to blast us with emails touting their payment of
indulgences to cement their status as "allies", and at institutions like The
New York Times - leftist campus antagonism has now been made powerful and
tangible as it entered the real world.
Many of us warned this would happen after a decade of the Ivy Leagues
churning out these aggressively woke children. They insist that they are
only exposed to thoughts that are safe, and never wrong. And if you do it,
you will kneel, or you will pay. Better get to decolonizing that bookshelf
problem> , right quick. Don't wait for them to find your wrongthink.
As David Harsanyi wrote
weekend: "My parents came to the US to make sure their kids wouldn't have to
kneel." Joshua Lawson
The kneeling phenomenon demanded by the radical left in the wake of George
Floyd's death-and embraced by those guilted into submission-creates a
two-tiered social stratification of "kneelers" and "those who refuse to bend
the knee" that's wholly un-American.
Mobs resulting from years of citizens saturated in "critical race theory"
and grievance studies have pressured far too many into believing they bear
guilt for the past sins of others. Now they kneel in fealty to that false
reality or be exiled from society.
Unfortunately, it's also moved beyond just kneeling. A crowd in Webster,
Massachusetts, recently forced Police Chief Michael Shaw to lie face-down on
the ground for eight minutes. In Cary, North Carolina, a group of Caucasians
washed the feet of black organizers to "ask for forgiveness." Not to be
outdone by the latest woke trends, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
took a knee at a massive anti-racism protest at Parliament Hill in Ottawa.
Worse, kneeling-either figuratively or literally-doesn't even satisfy the
mob. Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey said all the "right" things to the radical
leftists holding Guilt Court but was still heckled out of a public square
for refusing to defund the police department. The truth is, even mobs tire
of the readily subservient and easily obedient.
That's the dirty little secret of this moment the smarter woke practitioners
understand. Kneeling won't be enough to cause the real fear. That comes
Ben Domenech <>
Federalist. Sign up for a free trial of his daily newsletter, The Transom.
20/20 <
Copyright (c) 2020 The Federalist, a wholly independent division of FDRLST
Media, All Rights Reserved.
I believe dictatorships are easy to understand but often difficult to defeat. Inevitably they end because mankind wants to be free.
Democracies are far more complex, many end and are supplanted by dictatorships because their citizens tire of defending the virtues of democracy or because divisions develop that cannot be bridged. America is either in or approaching another crisis in our history and I believe Mead is correct when he suggests it would be unwise for America's enemies to underestimate our ability to change and survive. If we can survive Obama we can just about survive anything.
My concern is what will America be as we muddle through the change that will occur as a result of Covid 19 and Floyd's death?
We know pretty much what the radicals, who have taken over the Democrat Party, want because they are telling us and/or demonstrating each day. They propose a mixture of submission balanced by stupidity and always topped by an expansion of government solutions notwithstanding the fact that history records their repeated failure(s.) Amity Shlaes told us about how FDR's solutions prolonged the Recession in: "The Forgotten Man" and how Johnson blew it in her recent book entitled; "Great Society."
Republicans naturally profess they will protest and defend against what the opposition seeks/demands but they generally cave because they are driven by patrician attitudes and will go to any length to avoid getting in the gutter, standing on principles and getting their hands soiled. To them compromise is victory. Also, there are always too many Rhino's like Murkowski and Romney among their ranks. Weakness is their virtue.
I seriously doubt policing will be abandoned but departments will be altered and downsized and become less efficient and capable of handling increased crime etc. If you are unwilling to arrest people for crimes and/or arrest them only to return them to the streets even most liberals have to be thinking, though unwilling to openly admit, this is a questionable solution.
We know some ideas are so stupid that only liberals will embrace them.
Money will be shifted from policing spent on social therapy and mostly wasted but at least politicians will be able to say: "voters, we hear your demands."
The one positive, as I previously noted, is America initially was united in their revulsion. Then everything went down hill as anarchists took over and far too many politicians dropped their pants and fell to their knees.
In terms of COVID 19, I see more positive progress because it is a virus that is indiscriminate and will kill humans regardless of color and/or ethnicity. That does not mean rational behaviour will ensue but at least there will be better scientific minds and approaches brought to bear driven by empirical statistical evidence as less political hypocrisy will be driving decision making.
There even was an article in Tuesday's WSJ about the design of a new hospital emergency facility as a response to the pandemic.
I commend Mead's attached op ed .
Enemies See a Weak and Divided U.S.
By Walter Russell Mead
But they’re wrong. The protests showed some of America’s enduring strengths.
As the White House fumbles with its response to the country’s most disruptive mass movement since the Vietnam War and U.S. society reflects on the agonizing problems of race relations, many overseas observers will interpret these events as a further sign of American decline. They likely expect an introspective and divided U.S. to withdraw from world affairs. This is a mistake.
There are, of course, the old, familiar questions about Donald Trump—but for many world leaders they’re not the ones on most Americans’ minds. Men like Vladimir Putin, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Kim Jong Un and Xi Jinping don’t particularly care about the president’s views on minorities or the fine points of American democracy. They don’t see the U.S. as a global avatar of democracy on whose success or failure rest the hopes of suffering humanity, nor do they measure Mr. Trump by his success or failure at bringing the U.S. closer to its deepest values and its highest ideals. They and many others want to know what the president wants, how effective he will be at getting it, how long he will last, and what will come after him.
Similarly, they are less interested in whether these protests mark a new, higher stage in America’s long struggle to overcome the racial legacy of an unhappy past than in how the turmoil will affect U.S. actions abroad.
The intoxicating scent of American weakness can bring out impulsiveness in foreign leaders. During the Civil War, Emperor Napoleon III took the opportunity to install the Archduke Maximilian as emperor of Mexico and dreamed of a vast American empire under French control. In the 1930s, Germany, Italy and Japan all took advantage of U.S. isolationism. Russia attacked Georgia in 2008 as the financial crisis hit America, and Mr. Putin’s advances since then have followed his calculations of weakening U.S. focus and will. China’s transition from peaceful rise to threatening bully followed similar assessments of American feebleness.
Mr. Trump’s instinct will probably be to take dramatic actions to convince foreign leaders that he remains a formidable presence in world affairs. These can easily misfire; impulsive or poorly conceived initiatives often come out looking more like the Bay of Pigs than the Normandy invasion. These debacles underscore foreign perceptions of U.S. incompetence.
Yet foreigners often misunderstand America’s messy and open-ended political process. Messrs. Xi and Putin and their ilk already believe that democracy is a chaotic and inefficient way to run a country. They interpret demonstrations against the police as threats to the power of the state. They will tell themselves that a nation torn by internal strife will have neither the steadiness of purpose nor the domestic authority necessary to maintain the existing world order.
What they are likely to miss are the signs of American society’s enduring strengths. Despite some regrettable violence by rioters, the overwhelming majority of protesters seek to strengthen U.S. democracy, not to burn the system down. Though there’s much talk of racial polarization, legal and peaceful protests enjoy widespread white support. As the demonstrations swelled, pastors and elected officials rather than paramilitary wannabes seized center stage. Recent criticisms of Mr. Trump’s approach to the protests from current and former high ranking defense officials were not—as such rumblings in Moscow, Ankara or Beijing might be—precursors of a military coup.
Underestimating America is the most dangerous mistake foreign leaders can make. Let us hope Messrs. Xi and Putin keep this in mind as they reflect on the latest U.S. news.
Shelby doesn't steal:
Are there enough of them?
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