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Buy American - Is It Time For The "Peaceful" Rioters and Looters to Destroy Mass Media Facilities In Honor of Floyd's Memory?And:
Joe Biden - all talk no meaningful accomplishments and 30 years to do so.
I am going to try and explain, from my perspective, why America is at it's current crossroads. It is a task above my pay grade and ability but I am going to try.
The seeds of today's anarchy were planted centuries ago and relate to our history of slavery. Over centuries, these seeds have been fertilized and nurtured by those who have perpetuated racial injustice for a variety of reasons.
Universities and college liberal art departments have played a significant part in cultivating the spread of anarchism by graduating students inculcated by biased professors who focused on their antipathy towards America and it's history of prejudice. Many of these students subsequently rose to political prominence and occupy key positions in our mass media organizations.
Their misguided policies and slanted writings along with the decline in general public education, the breakdown of the family and our connection to a faith based life style and a growing dependent population that rejects personal responsibility are also root causes of why we are the America of today. The '60's introduced a new layer of public discord and, of course, we cannot discount the impact of the Civil Right's Era and patronizing mistakes of The Great Society. And what about those pesky wars and Kissinger's acceptance of the foundation of America's defeat in Viet Nam?
Move the clock forward and along comes Trump, the unexpected winner and unorthodox, boorish president who ran against the establishment and you have a volatile mixture. Add to that the mass media's desire to place the bad mouth on everything Trump does, including the outrageous attacks on his family and young son, and his instinct to respond and combative style and you create a situation where nothing he does becomes acceptable notwithstanding his many positive accomplishments.
By way of illustration I want to focus on one important piece of positive legislation in some detail (opportunity zones) but I will first list a few positive actions accomplished against great resistance and odds:
a) He changed laws pertaining to incarceration of mainly blacks for petty drug crimes.
b) He changed trade laws which led to the flight of American production and middle class paying jobs.
c) He insisted our allies contribute their fair share to NATO.
d) He treated Israel as a deserved ally and brought logic and reason to the Middle East's Gordian Knot.
e) He unleashed America's productivity by eliminating choking red tape.
f) He created capital incentives through tax reform.
g) He told the UN we would no longer fund programs that were biased and unproductive.
h) He laid the foundation for the rebuilding of our military, brought defeat to Islamic terrorism and is keeping his pledge to lower our military involvements.
i) There are many other matters I could name but now I want to discuss one of the truly great potential pieces of legislation.
If one takes the time to read Amity Shlaes' : "Great Society" you will learn about LBJ and HUD's failed mission to improve public housing.
Trump understands construction and knows something about housing and real estate. Working with Sen. Scott ( Black Rep. from SC) and Sec. Carson, Trump got approval of legislation that gave tax relief and abeyance to private individuals who would invest capital in blighted areas and create safe neighborhoods in these designated areas. These neighborhoods are a mixture of residential and commercial businesses and there is one in Savannah that has a magnificent new school, surrounded by new apartments, an assisted living facility, an area devoted to tiny homes for homeless veterans, parks, play grounds, a beautiful new filing station with a connected grocery store and additional buildings yet to be constructed.
Compare this to what Johnson and Romney did in St Louis where HUD eventually tore down high rise apartments which displaced existing homes, churches and shopping facilities and created blighted vacant areas where gangs preyed upon remaining families whose husbands were forced to leave because of restricted funding if they were present. Total government insanity which led to chaotic dangerous living conditions for America's most underprivileged. No wonder you have flash point anger and contempt ready to boil over at the slightest provocation and then add to that underemployment and drugs dealing etc. I'm from the government and I'm here to help you.
Attacking entire police departments for civil right abuses by some is another anarchistic tactic which allows their planned plundering to be effective and to destroy faith in those who serve. Finally, PC'ism has made those who reject nonsense to be branded as racists etc. validates what Kim Strassel wrote about stilling voice through intimidation. Obama used the IRS as an instrument along with, Holder, his "wing man" who ran The Justice Department - into the ground.
The mass media seldom, if ever, report what is happening as a result of Opportunity Zone Legislation while overstating incidences of police killings based on FBI surveys. The mass media does everything they can to sensationalize because if it bleeds it leads. Entertainment and revenue drive sales not facts and stories about progress.
America has enemies who want to destroy us because we are a free society and capitalism has done more good for more people than fascist regimes through socialism. We also are our own worst enemy because we have been "dumbed" down to the point where we no longer are capable of reasoning. If you do not believe this read Bloom's book and learn about Moynihan's warnings.
Trump has many flaws but none justify the way he and his family have been treated. He has endured investigations based on known lies by agencies run by scoundrels who were supported/encouraged by his predecessor. The mass media have chosen to turn their biased ink on America and have been engaged in massive cover ups and the next generation has been duped and drowned in hateful bias and we are on the path of collapsing from within and trashed cities are the evidence.
Clifford May sets the record straight by putting it in cool logical perspective:
What the alien invasion has wrought
Attacked by a common enemy, earthlings have not united
In any number of 1950s sci-fi films, alien lifeforms attack, and earthlings realize that what unites them is more important than what divides them. Over the last few months, we earthlings actually have been under attack by alien lifeforms, yet we are more divided than ever.
How different the current situation might have been had China’s rulers said early on: “A virus that came from a bat has gotten loose in Wuhan. We’re sorry. But you can count on us to be transparent and cooperative, to work with the international community to contain and eventually defeat this common enemy.”
Instead, China’s Communist mandarins concealed vital information and outright lied. Throughout January, they permitted people from Wuhan to fly around the world. Only at the end of the month was Wuhan locked down. By then, as The New York Times has reported, “outbreaks were already growing in over 30 cities across 26 countries, most seeded by travelers from Wuhan.”
China’s rulers went on to level absurd allegations. The most offensive: that American soldiers brought the virus to China. They insisted that Taiwan, which knew a thing or two about what was happening and how best to respond, be ignored by the World Health Organization, one of several U.N. entities they have subverted.
You may have missed this: Early on, when the Chinese Communist Party line was that the virus was “preventable and controllable,” European Union member states shipped nearly 60 tons of medical equipment to China.
“Much of this came from national strategic stockpiles, and it was sent discreetly, at China’s behest,” according to the European Council on Foreign Relations. “By contrast, when the pandemic arrived in Europe, the Chinese government made a big show of offering ‘aid’ to Europe – much of which actually came with a price tag.”
China’s rulers then posed as heroes, demanding public displays of gratitude. Their claims that Romans sang the Chinese national anthem from their balconies as a way of saying, “Grazie Cine!” appear to have been cut from whole cloth.
Over recent days, Chinese Communist Party Chairman Xi Jinping has rubbed salt into other wounds, precipitating a border clash with India, escalating threats to Taiwan, and taking additional measures to deprive the people of Hong Kong of rights his government signed a treaty to guarantee.
Europe’s response has not been forceful. Josep Borrell, the European Union’s foreign policy chief, said late last week that he opposed sanctions or even putting “investment deals” at risk. His only recommendation was raising issues of concern “in our continuing dialogue with China.”
Beijing’s actions may, however, have energized the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, a low-profile grouping convened by President Trump in 2017 in response to Beijing’s attempts to infringe freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. The other members of “the Quad” are India, Japan and Australia.
A thought: Might it be possible to expand the Quad into a serious common defense alliance? Could such an alliance be coordinated with the Trump administration’s new “Economic Prosperity Network,” whose purpose is to bring “trusted partners” together to accelerate a post-pandemic economic recovery?
Further down the road, could these associations develop into a new multilateral organization to which only free nations (and perhaps those that aspire to be) need apply – an alternative to the misnamed United Nations?
The U.N. system, it should by now be obvious, has neither the ability nor the desire to promote freedom and human rights. Nor is it adept at preventing or settling conflicts. The General Assembly is dominated by the envoys of despots. On the Security Council, both Russia and China use their vetoes in support oppressive regimes and causes.
What the U.N. and its dozens of affiliated international organizations have become good at: spending American money to advance the interests of America’s adversaries and enemies.
Proposals for a new institution of, by and for free peoples, have been floated in the past by top advisors to both President Obama and President Clinton. In 2008, John McCain promised he would create such an organization if elected president. Among the names that have been suggested: “Concert of Democracies,” “League of Democracies,” “Community of Democracies,” and “Democratic Cooperative Network.”
Let me stop here and acknowledge both the irony and difficulty of pushing for solidarity among nations that value human rights at a time when our own nation is so deeply divided.
America’s political parties resemble hostile tribes. And even within those tribes, the various clans – e.g. Trumpers vs. #NeverTrumpers – are barely on speaking terms.
Adding to this volatile cocktail are the riots and lootings that have been wreaking havoc in more than a dozen American cities, and tarnishing peaceful protests over the killing of George Floyd, an unarmed black suspect, by a white Minneapolis police officer who has now been charged with third-degree murder.
That these fires are being fueled by Antifa, and perhaps other violent extremist groups, is certain. Meanwhile, on social media, Beijing’s propagandists have been gloating. “The oppressed people in US are begging for China to liberate them from the tyranny of their brutal police state,” read one of many tweets.
Things could get worse. “To me, current conditions feel disturbingly similar to things I have seen in Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia and Colombia,” soldier/scholar David Kilcullen wrote several days before the current wave of unrest broke out.
Did China’s Communists intend for alien organisms to destabilize an increasingly disunited United States? The evidence is inconclusive. I am confident, however, that they’re shedding no salty tears over the way things are going.
Clifford D. May is founder and president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) and a columnist for the Washington Times.
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