Friday, June 5, 2020

Can America's Deplorables Trump The Anarchists and "Swampees" Again?

Will Mail-in Voting Cause Voter Fraud in the 2020 Election?
President Trump is ticked off at liberal attempts to steal the 2020 election through mail-in voter fraud. Is he justified in his thinking and is there anything that can be done Constitutionally speaking?

Buy American - Tucker Carlson is probably correct when he said, a few nights ago, Floyd's death is no longer a civil rights injustice matter. It has morphed into a Trojan Horse method for beating Trump. The Trump Haters tried at the polls in 2016 and lost. Then they tried again by impeachment because of his alleged Russian connection and failed.  It appears Obama is the only president to seek to overthrow the election of his successor.

Democrats have been successful using their radical friends in the mass media to challenge everything Trump  does and says so as to put the bad mouth on him in order to cripple his effectiveness.  In this regard, they have managed to entice his assistance because of his crude combative nature and unorthodox style

America's elitist hypocrites have been distraught from the day Trump decided to run and threatened to drain the swamp.  Well, the "swampees"  have fought back from that day forward trying to drown him with their own muck and now have used the Floyd episode to take to the streets and prove that trite saying: "with two you get egg rolls, ie." defeat Trump while destroying America as a bonus.

Democrats love nothing more than believing they are entitled to hold power because they are certain/convinced their ideas are best suited for governance. They tolerate no response/resistance because once they speak it must be so. Intimidation is their weapon of choice and now they hide behind brick and mortar thrown by anarchists who operate from within their ranks.

The majority of Americans continue to remain silent and hopefully will speak again, as they did in 2016, at the polls.  Democrats are pursuing new voting methods to delegitimize the process because they fear they have another unworthy and flawed candidate and will lose again.

Technology  has also assisted America's many enemies. Our way of life hangs in the balance, our Republic's continuance holds by a thread.  How it will eventually be resolved is anyone's guess.  Will Hillary's "deplorables"  again  hold the key that allows America to Trump the anarchists?

Stay tuned.


Breaking: Allen West Slams Social Media Giants For Helping Antifa And Censoring Americans
AL Sharpton's shake down methods have finally reached meek politicians who believe patronizing black voters by defunding police departments is the route to restore order.

Yes, Al Shaprton knows because he has made his living by having  his knee on America's neck for decades.

Shelby Steele continues to tell Sharpton the real message he needs to be telling his own people is they need to quit being dependent on government, they need to rebuild their families and they need to start doing for themselves.  Shelby is black a member of the Hoover Institution and comes at the world from the same direction as Walter Williams and Tom Sowell and offers the same advice.

Al Sharpton: Get Your Knee Off Our Necks

"The reason we could never be who we wanted and dreamed to be is you kept your knee on our neck," Al Sharpton said in reference to Floyd's May 25 arrest, during which a white Minneapolis police officer pressed his knee into the handcuffed black man's neck for several minutes even after Floyd stopped moving and pleading for air.

One day cooler heads will prevail but America may not exist and we will look back and realize we came apart at the seams because too many were afraid to protect our nation out of fear. Never feed bullies.  It only increases their appetite.  There is a fine line between peaceful protesting and bullying. Particularly is this the case when intimidation from looters drives the agenda. as it is now.

Every time I see a radical with a bull horn leading a crowd of self professed dogooders I get nauseous.

Atty.  Dowd responds to "Mad Dog."

President Donald Trump shared a letter on Thursday afternoon from famed attorney John M. Dowd attacking former Secretary of Defense James Mattis, who made a vicious attack on the president this week.

Mattis' statement claimed that the numerous violent rioters represented only “small number Mattisof lawbreakers,” which does not square well with numerous videos that have emerged showing widespread looting, attacks on law enforcement, and the destruction of businesses in the nation’s inner cities. Mattis’ statement also appeared to claim that Trump’s desire to restore law and order was somehow an attempt to divide the American people.

Trump Shares Letter From Lawyer John Dowd Unloading On James Mattis Over Mattis’ Attack On Trump

I slept on your statement and woke up appalled and upset. You lost me. Never dreamed you would let a bunch of hack politicians use your good name and reputation earned with the blood and guts of young Marines. You did what you said you would — engage in this discourse. Marines keep their word.
The phony protesters near Lafayette park were not peaceful and are not real. They are terrorists using idle hate filled students to burn and destroy. They were abusing and disrespecting the police when the police were preparing the area for the 1900 curfew. Jim, this is the new nihilism. See Dan Henniger in WSJ today. Marines support the police in harm’s way.
Did you forget that President Bush used active duty Marines to quell the riots in LA? President Trump has countless cities and some snowflake governors and mayors wetting themselves in the use of force to protect innocent lives and property. The AG of Massachusetts thinks burning property is good protest. Three more policeman were stabbed and shot in NYC last night.
Think about it. Should he be upset about the obvious failure of leadership? Where are you, Jim?
Marines go to the fight.
No one divided this country more than Obama. He abandoned our black brothers and sisters. He gave guns to cartels. He apologized for our precious sacrifice and generosity overseas. You remember, he fired you.
President Trump has done more to help our minority brothers and sisters in three years than anyone in the last fifty. Ask the black pastors. Ask the leaders of the black colleges and universities. He got them funded. Ask them about the prison reform which ended the draconian sentences imposed on young black men by the laws enacted by Biden and his hacks. You need to bone up on your homework and stop listening to Uncle Leon.
I understand, you had to stick to the assigned narrative which did not include three years of corrupt investigations and evidence to destroy this President, his office, and his lawful free election. Nancy has no tolerance for dissent in the ranks – including those with stars.
You said nothing of the ugly, hate filled, disgraceful comments of Pelosi, Schumer, Perez, and other Democrat hacks defaming the President and his office. You said nothing of the unlawful sanctuary cities and the unlawful release of hoodlums. You said nothing of the resistance movement to paralyze our courts and our government operations. You said nothing of the obstruction and subversion of our immigration laws. You said nothing of MS-13 killers and the drug cartels who own huge sections of our major cities. Jim, do you think that hateful rhetoric and those corrupt actions were inspiring and unifying? Do you think the DI’s at Parris Island would find such behavior as unifying?
Maybe, your problem, is a lot deeper. Perhaps you ought to explain how and why you (and John Allen) as CG Central Command, did not engage and take out Iranian Major General Soleimani who roamed the Middle East and wreaked havoc and death of our American boys with his infamous IEDs?
Why did it take President Trump to have the instincts and balls to take him out (of course over the objection of the geniuses in the Pentagon)?
Looks like the Persian mullahs were a one horse sleigh and Trump nailed the horse…forever. It has been quiet ever since. Perhaps, your anger is borne of embarrassment for your own failure as the leader of Central Command. Did you applaud when the President recognized the central problem in the Middle East? Did you applaud the President when he wanted to save American lives by bringing them home in one piece?
John M Dowd

And more:
General Mattis Is Wrong
By Jeffrey Lord
Gen. James Mattis served his country well and with honor. He is, without doubt, an American patriot.
But that doesn’t give him a pass from his recent anti-Trump diatribe in the Atlantic. This screed was filled with bad history and an apparent willful ignorance of exactly what President Trump has been saying and doing. It is a perfect example of a Washington Establishment figure completely and totally out of touch with the reality of history and facts.
Among the gems:
We must reject any thinking of our cities as a “battlespace” that our uniformed military is called upon to “dominate.” At home, we should use our military only when requested to do so, on very rare occasions, by state governors. Militarizing our response, as we witnessed in Washington, D.C., sets up a conflict — a false conflict — between the military and civilian society. It erodes the moral ground that ensures a trusted bond between men and women in uniform and the society they are sworn to protect, and of which they themselves are a part. Keeping public order rests with civilian state and local leaders who best understand their communities and are answerable to them.
With all due respect, General? Here’s a historical reality check.
The Washington Post did a look back at the 1968 riot in Washington, D.C., that erupted after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. A riot that killed 13 people and damaged 900 businesses, many of them minority-owned businesses.
Among other things, the Post says this:
From the air, through the haze of smoke, the city looked like a battlefield. On April 5, a convoy of soldiers from Fort Myer in Virginia began rolling over Memorial Bridge into the city. More came in from Fort Meade in Maryland. Eventually, 13,000 troops would arrive — the most to occupy an American city since the Civil War.
The president of the United States who did this was Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson. Say again, it was President Johnson — not Donald Trump, who in 1968 was 22 years old — who sent 13,000 soldiers to “occupy” Washington and restore order. And why did LBJ send in the military? To use the language Gen. Mattis is scorning, LBJ sent them in to “dominate” the nation’s capital and restore order.
Here is more from the Washington Post to refresh the General’s memory of the “battlespace” that Washington, D.C., had become in 1968:
Store windows were shattered and bystanders became looters, dashing inside to grab what they could: TVs, clothing, food, beer, hats, shoes. One man bled to death when he slashed his neck and chest on a broken store window.
Fires began spreading throughout the city. The D.C. fire department’s handwritten logs from that night note the crowd growing bigger and angrier, setting cars ablaze at dealerships and stoning overwhelmed police and firefighters as they responded.
“Small groups of young males average age about 20 years old are wandering about smashing windows and looting.”
“Fire department is leaving the scene of a large fire because being shot at.”
“Four men with rifles spotted on top of Hawk and Dove restaurant … Police responding.”
By 2 a.m. Friday, hundreds of police had begun to regain control, but fires ignited again by noon and the riots intensified. The city’s mayor asked for federal troops to move in. Other neighborhoods erupted — Seventh Street NW almost down to the Mall; H Street NE to Benning Road; Rhode Island Avenue NE; streets in Anacostia, among others. Stores were smashed and looted; hundreds of fires finished the job. Many never reopened.
“It looked like a war zone,” said Darryl Stoutamire, who lived at 15th and W streets. The damage was staggering — at least $175 million in today’s dollars. More than 900 businesses were damaged, including half of the city’s 383 liquor stores. Nearly 700 dwellings were destroyed, most because they were above or next to merchants. Police arrested 7,600 adults and juveniles on riot-related charges. Bustling blocks were reduced to rubble.
The area around 14th and U streets NW was known as the Black Broadway, a world of black theaters and jazz clubs, black lawyers and pharmacists, black newspapers and the local offices for two major civil rights groups. During the riots, the stores north of U Street, where blacks felt exploited, became targets. They were stripped clean, up the 14th Street hill to Columbia Heights.…
Of the three major corridors, Seventh Street in Shaw was the most decimated. Half of the housing damaged throughout the city was along that corridor, and 200 of the 250 businesses along the major shopping thoroughfare were hit. Many black proprietors put “soul brother” signs on their windows, and that offered some protection. But a sign was of no help when someone firebombed the shop next door.…
By the weekend, the smoke began to clear. Sen. Robert Kennedy (D-N.Y.) made a tour of the damage. Bewildered people started making their way among devastated neighborhoods and wondering how and when their communities would ever come back.
What Americans are seeing right now in one city after another — all of them run for decades by Democrats — is a rerun of what happened in Washington, D.C., in April 1968.

In my opinion, for what it is worth,  Mattis should have requested a private meeting with Trump and expressed his thoughts personally.

The Key Reason DC Hates President Trump – It’s a Big Club, and He Ain’t in It… | The Last Refuge

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