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Beginning May 18 (International Museums Day), you can experience the Georgia Museum of Art's
"A wonderful collection today, my friend...not to mention this morning’s fine LTE! C----"+++++++++++
"Dick, great letter ! I read it this morning in the Savannah Fish Wrapper ! I was shocked they printed it ! A---"
I responded: "I am allowed one a month if I keep below 300 words."
I responded: "I am allowed one a month if I keep below 300 words."
"Great messages……..also super letter to the editor today….J--"
For what it is worth, I have read three comments re Bolton's diatribe and listened to the same number of those whose analysis and opinions I respect. It appears Bolton took a lot of mass media and hate Trump attributions and embellished them into slanted stories. I find it hard to believe Trump is all that Bolton suggests. I do not believe the NYT's and/or mass media's general posture is rational because there have been too many required detraction's. Bolton seemed to dwell on a lot of popular critical assertions made by the mass media and Trump haters and detractors and wrapped them in a bouillabaisse that would create sensational articles designed to sell more books. In that regard Bolton may be successful.
Trump thinks out loud but there is little evidence what he says is followed by what he does.
Second, Pompeo, unlike four other senior officials who concluded they could not work with Trump, seems to understand Trump and has worked out a relationship that works for both.
Third, Gen. Keane has consistently noted, when it comes to China, our policies have been consistent unlike Bolton's claim. In fact Trump added additional penalties regarding the re-education camps in which over a million Muslims find themselves "guests" of the CCP.
Fourth, there is no evidence, like with Obama, that suggests Trump has been easy on China and/or Russia. Don't forget, Obama told Russia's president to tell Putin after his re-election he would be in a position to be more flexible. This was caught on a mike Obama did not know was live.
Fifth and final, The president must be able to rely upon and trust the discretion of advisers. If he cannot he will eventually not seek advice. Again,what Bolton has chosen to do is harmful, sets a very bad precedence and suggests he allowed his hot temper to betray Trump, and for that matter, the nation.
Meanwhile, Xi has never met an unorthodox president like Trump. In the 7 or so years Xi has been in office he concluded Obama was a pushover. Now Xi and the CCP are facing a world that understands better China's true intentions and they are concerned. Image, losing face is important in an Asian society. Xi and the Communist party are getting black eyes for all to see and most particularly their own people. Wuhan, Hong Kong, now India have got to be making Xi nervous.
I believe Bolton's hit job was inopportune, disloyal and serves little purpose beyond feathering his own bank account because his only benefactors are those who, prior to this book, despised him. Having burned a lot of bridges. I suspect in a few months, and after a few more "CNN" type appearances, Bolton will be forgotten as with other "tell all" authors.
We already know Trump has a limited vocabulary, uses a lot of superlatives to embellish, has always been aggressive when it came to looking out for himself, is probably impatient, holds strong views and probably is not a well read person. I also believe he has a magnet type showman personality that attracts many who find him boorish but the few I know who also know him have found him to be funny, like-able and basically a man who cuts through crap. We know DC is built upon "political excrement" and most who live there are opportunists and imbued with feelings of self-importance. Politics attracts and, all too often, brings out the worst. Most politicians who place re-election beyond principle are driven by winning at all costs and we have an entire cast of such on both sides of the aisle so when someone casts the first stone, as Bolton has against an outsider who pledged to clean house, there is much that should be questioned.
CNN Spread's DISGUSTING Trump Lie |
John Bolton needs to be behind bars for this…
I will still put Trump up against Obama and Biden anytime warts and all.
Sam Nunn and Reagan loved to tell the story about a politician who was campaigning on a farm and when it came time to speak he mounted the podium and on the way stepped in some manure. He got up on the stage, began to smell something, looked down and said "Oh My God I am melting."
There is something about Maxine Waters that ticks me off. Not only is she stupid but she is ugly. She cannot help the latter but her stupidity makes her uglier. I suspect she will not die a natural death but will simply ugly away.
Rep. Maxine Waters: Getting Rid of “Racist, Ignorant, and Stupid Cops” a Top Priority - Read More
“Pure Anarchy” Civilians Caught in Seattle’s Autonomous Zone Asking for Police Protection - Read More
Now for a brief discussion of polls. We know polls can be manipulated both as to the questions asked and those who are polled.
There is no doubt Americans are justifiably tense and confused. The economy was soaring, then Wuhan invades and police events produced rioting, looting etc. The easiest emotional thing to do is blame the president on whose watch these events are occurring even though Trump may have had nothing to do in causing them. How he handles them is the test of fire. The economy is beginning to show evidence of recovering and it is incumbent upon the opposition to make sure matters continue bad and, if possible, worsen. You can rest assured Democrats will do everything in their power, assisted by the mass media, to persist in putting the bad mouth on anything Trump does in order to cast doubt about his management skills.
Politics, particularly radical Democrat politics, is about winning and power and the nation be damned. If Trump can overcome the fact that Faucci believes he still controls our nation and there is no significant recurrence of the Corona-virus, as seems to be happening in China, then I believe each successive month will show economic improvement.
As for Biden, he cannot remain in the basement hiding. If he chooses to avoid a debate then Trump, like with Eastwood, should debate an empty chair and simply ask questions and then sit in the chair and mumble disconnected answers as if he were Biden.
If America's deplorables and middle grounders are unable to come to their senses and reject Biden, the Democrats and their friends in the mass media, along with the rioters, anarchists and Black Lives Matter hypocrites, then we will pay a heavy price for our timidity because we no longer will have a republic worth saving .
Democrats have failed black voters, helped lose control of our major cities so what is left? The Democrats have to create division and discord in order to be relevant. That is their radicalized mission. They have to defeat Trump in order to regain their power and control. Sad but true.
Democrats have failed black voters, helped lose control of our major cities so what is left? The Democrats have to create division and discord in order to be relevant. That is their radicalized mission. They have to defeat Trump in order to regain their power and control. Sad but true.
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