Buy American - Pray for America
Comment from a dear conservative friend and fellow memo reader:
"Dick it all boils down to this: do Americans want a government that controls the people or one where the people control the government. The later should have no challenges. If Biden is elected the progressive Democratic left shift will be the end of America & world freedom. The study of history cannot be changed. It should only be studied for improvement not eradicated. Like him or not, President Trump is the only leader, in my life, who has attacked the corruption of the central government. No doubt the corrupt instigated resistance to his governance. This is a time for all American bright minds whether black,white, Christain, Jews, male & female to step up and speak out before this wonderful republic is gone. A---"
Why Minneapolis Was the Breaking Point
An unrelenting stream of video evidence is finally opening white people’s eyes to the systemic police violence that black Americans have been subjected to for decades. THE ATLANTIC
Trump would be wise to allow Democrat controled cities and states to wrestle with the mess they have created from a political standpoint because if pictures like Seattle continue up until election time I suspect it would enure to his benefit vote-wise. Should he seek to resolve the issue Democrats have created and allowed, it can only be done by force and Trump would have no control over the results achieved. Whatever happens that is untoward the mass media would blame him.
The Summer of our DiscontentThe streets scenes of Minneapolis and Seattle promise to play out across the country all summer, leading to November’s election. More
A series of pertinent articles you are welcome to choose:
Woke Insanity: Welcome To Your New World Order Tristan Justice, The Federalist
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