Saturday, June 27, 2020

WAKE UP! Bawdy Humor. America Seen Through My Eyes.

Buy American and Fund BLM.  Let's see who wins.

Hi Patriots,
The Black Lives Matter group has turned into a greedy violent hoard of people looking for things that they can break or steal.

They have no respect for personal property because they believe that they should have a claim on things that are not theirs.

Watch What Their Leader Threatens to Do to the Nation!


Seattle Mayor Does Nothing About CHOP


Deserved but sad and even dangerous that the fourth estate is no longer trusted:


A Biden victory is bad enough but to have him steal it is something  even worse to contemplate and yet, it is a growing reality.  Driven by the desire to retain power so they can corrupt everything they touch would be the final straw that broke the republic's back: AG Barr DESTROYS Vote By Mail Argument He’s absolutely right.
Time for some bawdy humor:

You need a sense of humour to
in a nursing home ~ that is for


An old man, Mr.. Wallace, was living
in a nursing home.

One day he appeared to be very sad and
Nurse Tracy asked him if there was
anything wrong.

'Yes, Nurse  Tracy ,' said Mr.
'My Private Part died today, and I
very sad.' 
Knowing her patients were a
forgetful and sometimes a little
she replied, 'Oh, I'm so
Mr. Wallace. Please accept my
The following day, Mr. Wallace
walking down the hall with his
Part hanging out of his
He met Nurse Tracy. 'Mr. Wallace,'
said, 'You shouldn't be walking
the hall like that.  Please put
Private Part back inside your
'But, Nurse Tracy I can't,'
replied Mr.. 
Wallace. 'I told you yesterday that
Private Part died.' 
'Yes,' said Nurse Tracy , 'you did
me that, but why is it hanging out of your
(You've gotta love

'Well,' he replied, 'Today is the
What has happened to America:

a) to begin with  the political parties have drifted so far apart that a political vacuum has been created.

b) from the day  Trump said he was going to seek the presidency there is mounting evidence Obama, Biden and an assortment of Obama's " wing persons" devised a plan to destroy his administration and to spy on many of his  campaign staff etc.

c)  Trump was not supposed to win but when he did Democrats were so mortified they resorted to arguing the electoral college needed to be thrown out. These are the same folks who said when they go low we go high.  More hypocrisy?

d) Then came The Mueller Investigation and impeachment which put the nation through years of torture, mistrust at a cost that ran into millions and which came to be a "witch hunt" from the very week it began.

e) against the most difficult odds Trump began to bring about some interesting changes.  He lowered taxes, which released economic energy, he eliminated red tape and restrictive rules and regulations which further energized our economy and he began a series of trade reforms. All of these events caused the economy to move upward, employment rose, salaries increased and Obama reminded us this could never happen but it did.

f) the better things got the more abuse Trump had to take from the mass media and the political opposition. Particularly when he sought to stop illegal immigration etc.

g) while Trump was bringing the  economy out of the Obama lethargy, he also initiated some significant moves in the foreign arena.  He re-negotiated trade relations with China and our allies, rebuilt our relationship with Israel, sought to resolve funding issues with our NATO allies, opened discussions with N Korea  and set about rebuilding our military capability.  He also continued to make military progress by ridding the Taliban and assassinating radical Islamic leaders and clamped down hard on Russia and Iran sanction-wise.

h) domestically, in addition to moves noted about regarding strengthening our economy, Trump resolved thorny and intractable issues at The V.A, brought criminal relief to the incarceration of black citizens, appointed a host of conservative judges which remains ongoing and established a program that will bring relief to housing that is unique by establishing "opportunity zones " funded by private capital among other positive accomplishments .

i) all of the above was set against a constant barrage of negative reporting attacking him personally, challenging everything he sought to do and downplaying anything positive.

j) just when the economy was beginning to hum two unrelated  events occurred that took Trump and the nation for a loop.  First, China betrayed the entire world by releasing a virus that continues devastating the world economy and causing millions of deaths and then came the brutal police action which gave rise ultimately to civil discord and mass destruction by anarchists. 

The Corona-virus was unlike anything we have experienced and we were unprepared and, naturally, the mass media attacked Trump claiming his response was both late and unsuitable. Trump responded by shutting our entire economy down, on the advice of medical advisors and he has been attacked for that as well.  Now that he is reversing course he is being attacked for being premature, mainly because of personal motivation regarding the 2020 election.

k) throughout all of the above, Trump's unorthodox style has lurked in the background and his approach and personality have moved front and center, becoming a convenient cudgel for attacking him.  Many former senior administration officials have turned against him, the most recent being John Bolton. A new theme challenges his suitability to be president and polling data suggests he is in thick political soup. Peggy Noonan continues to berate him and various op ed writers from the NYT's , WAPO, Atlantic Magazine etc. are dedicated toward making his life miserable notwithstanding the negative consequences for our nation.

l)  if a-k is not bad enough, we now have an entire segment of our nation cowering to demands from anarchists who have taken to the street, even to the point of occupying entire blocks of cities and defying their removal. Pacification of these provocations by street marauders defies common sense and has reached insane levels of cupidity, stupidity and any other idity you can name.  Anarchists are tearing down American history simply because it offends their sensibilities and Corporate America is removing product identification that equally offends.  

Entire American police departments have come under fire because of the actions of a few department renegades and all of this is not due to random acts by innocents. The destruction of our nation, the pitting of citizen against citizen has been planned and has been in the works for decades.  Entire departments in our colleges and universities have been taken over by Marxists whose goal is the overthrow of our nation. The minds of an entire generation have been sotted with messages America is an evil nation.

The Trump Haters warned he would use both the virus pandemic and rioting as an excuse to act dictatorial.  He has acted with restraint and urged mayors and governors to respond to the eruptions taking place in their communities but most have failed to act forcefully. Instead they have dropped to their knees, abandoned their police departments, acted contrite all the while laying the foundation  for more wanton destruction.

m) the uncontained  violent eruptions have largely occurred where Democrat Administrations have been in office for decades.  It is only a matter of time before the mass media will find a way to blame Trump so their preferred candidate can benefit as he remains self-imposed in his dungeon.

This is the America I see. This is the consequence of years of progressive rule, legislation and hypocrisy. and the total breakdown of a major party which has become subsumed by radicals.

I have never claimed Trump was a choir boy.  I have simply focused on his accomplishments and have been critical of his mistakes but overall I continue to believe he is superior to his opponent, warts all all. America is worth saving and if you believe not you have several choices. and will rue the day if you embrace them.


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