Who's More Radical: The Left or the Right? | PragerU
So what's new: https://nypost.com/2017/02/11/
To hear liberals, Trump caused everything, even the way he handled the pandemic,
listened to experts, was late in responding, why we were unprepared. Riots are his
fault because he lacked empathy, was not Churchillian in his language, held up a bible. Floyd was killed because of Trumpian rhetoric from Charlottesville Days. Police believe they can act like animals because Trump supports them. Trump is not presidential, a racist, worst of all, a liar and dictator. We have heard it all.
The solution: white politicians/citizens drop to their knees, beg forgiveness for
being privileged, allow rioters/anarchists to run wild/plunder because they have
been refused reparations for enslaved ancestors. Americans must tolerate nations
created within American neighborhoods and pander to Gatorade demands.
Trump is responsible for the break up of black families, their lack of education and
failures of Johnson's Great Society.
Liberals and the mass media have attacked Trump from day one. They falsely
investigated, impeached, vilified him, mocked /berated his family and cursed him in
Congress with foul language and one hater held up Trump's severed head all because
he defeated their anointed.
Radical liberals chose a nominee who does not know his name, his wife and resides in a dank basement to avoid exposing his diminished self. His record of
achievements are mostly on the wrong side of history after 30 plus years in office
during which he enriched himself and his dope ridden son. They believe Biden can
rectify all the disparaging lies hurled at our current president.
After Trump's election in 2016, and refusal by Democrats to accept his victory,
uncertainty will cloud his re-election. Demands to end the electoral college will be
heard again. Should Democrats retain The House there could even be another
attempt for renewed impeachment.
Democrats cannot bear to lose power and will stop at nothing to retain it. Scientists
may produce a vaccine against the CORONAVIRUS; nothing will stop radical
Democrats imposing a new economic order.
Trump's re-election comes with uncertainties. However, nothing compares with the
disaster of a Biden election. America's future truly hangs by a thread.
America's survival comes down to two simple words - common sense.
fault because he lacked empathy, was not Churchillian in his language, held up a bible. Floyd was killed because of Trumpian rhetoric from Charlottesville Days. Police believe they can act like animals because Trump supports them. Trump is not presidential, a racist, worst of all, a liar and dictator. We have heard it all.
The solution: white politicians/citizens drop to their knees, beg forgiveness for
being privileged, allow rioters/anarchists to run wild/plunder because they have
been refused reparations for enslaved ancestors. Americans must tolerate nations
created within American neighborhoods and pander to Gatorade demands.
Trump is responsible for the break up of black families, their lack of education and
failures of Johnson's Great Society.
Liberals and the mass media have attacked Trump from day one. They falsely
investigated, impeached, vilified him, mocked /berated his family and cursed him in
Congress with foul language and one hater held up Trump's severed head all because
he defeated their anointed.
Radical liberals chose a nominee who does not know his name, his wife and resides in a dank basement to avoid exposing his diminished self. His record of
achievements are mostly on the wrong side of history after 30 plus years in office
during which he enriched himself and his dope ridden son. They believe Biden can
rectify all the disparaging lies hurled at our current president.
After Trump's election in 2016, and refusal by Democrats to accept his victory,
uncertainty will cloud his re-election. Demands to end the electoral college will be
heard again. Should Democrats retain The House there could even be another
attempt for renewed impeachment.
Democrats cannot bear to lose power and will stop at nothing to retain it. Scientists
may produce a vaccine against the CORONAVIRUS; nothing will stop radical
Democrats imposing a new economic order.
Trump's re-election comes with uncertainties. However, nothing compares with the
disaster of a Biden election. America's future truly hangs by a thread.
America's survival comes down to two simple words - common sense.
Audio: Joe Biden Promises to Pay Reparations
The most important events this week were Joe Biden’s visits to the NAACP and California legislature, where he promised to pay reparations to the ancestors of slaves. This concept of paying for past sins is an impossible task to qualify or administer.
Let's shift from racial matters to the stock market.
Yesterday's action convinces me of several things:
a) the market will eventually be driven somewhat higher by all of the insane technical trading and algorithms and as earnings kick in multiples will decline
b) the S & P is already fully valued but also probably going higher.
c) there are many value stocks that can be purchased selling at reasonable PE's, paying decent dividends and below book - Citicorp is one such stock
d) when the market ends the federal debt will become one of the biggest issues. it has been advancing at a rate far in excess of the economic growth and cannot be sustained.
e) taxes also will eventually have to be raised and that is not a favorable condition for the market
f) finally, The Fed is providing liquidity and that eventually will be stopped and provide another hurdle for the market.
g) inflation is not a pressing problem at the moment but should raise its ugly head within the next two years. that also creates issues for the market.
h) market support from buy backs is over
i) capitalism, as we have come to know it, is over because government bail-outs will allow politicans to become more involved in the corporate world
j) a Biden election will become the most severe of all negatives.
Two matters than vex me are:
a) It appears several drug/bio-tech companies could possibly develop a vaccine for CORONAVIRUS in less than a year's time so why does it take 2 to 4 years generally for other drug approvals?
b) I live in a gated community and the Board and management have responded in a most effective manner to the pandemic yet, as we begin to open our facilities, we cannot hire people. If this is because Democrats forced Republicans to add a $600 payment so you can earn more staying home why not allow people to work beyond 8 hours if they choose to do so and earn some extra money?
There are so many other rules and regulations that continue to make little sense that could be changed and/or eliminated to make us more competitive etc.
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