Friday, June 12, 2020

B'day Celebrations. Memo Reader Responses. Trump His Own Enemy. Antifa.

Stella and Max celebrate their birthdays here .

From my English girlfriend - Heidi -
Buy American - Save America - Erase Our History.
"Hey Dick.   You are FAR FROM BEING NUTS!    Come on now-- in this email, I agreed 👍  with every single thing you  wrote.   So glad you compose these messages,  columns, etc. daily.  I really enjoy reading and passing on your well-written facts and opinions.   

You are so right/Biden!  Oh, would it be horrible if we cannot keep Trump in the White House ☹.  I do believe his approval rating will improve-- same situation happened 4 years ago--you remember.   Yes. He needs to watch the way he comes across on TV at times-- BUT--that is  him!  OK.   Only time will tell.
C---- and I feel he will not be going anywhere except back to the White House.  Gotta hope for the positive; it definitely worked to put him in office!

Yea! Again--look what he has accomplished in 3+years🥳.

Tell Lynn I said hello 👋.   Hope ya'll and your entire family stay well and safe.  
Have a great weekend 😀 F---💞"
"You are nuts. L----"
"This from another one of my many beautiful girl friends: "Hope all is well with you and your family. Read your email as I always do and I so totally agree with you. I think you hit the nail on the head. I never thought Trump would be elected. I wish he would shut his mouth. But, I do believe he’s doing what is right.
"Your memo is excellent, thoughtful and well presented.

Many thanks, L---- S."
It struck me the other day that all this statue destruction etc. is really only  Democrats destroying their own Democrat history!!!
This from a black female friend who has made something of herself and who I believe has some valid points.

"Do you need schools named after Hitler or statues of Hitler to remember the Holocaust?

Of course not.

There's something called books where history is recorded.  Statues are meant to honor people, and the Confederates were not honorable people. As a matter of fact, they were losers.  Show me in history, where the United States has ever honored someone who lost?

At this point, anyone who doesn't understand what is happening in the country is being willfully ignorant.  And the Slippery Slope arguments are growing old.  When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression. G-----"

great blog    thanks    j--
I nibbled yesterday with some of the little amount of money I put aside.  Added to EMRA, which is an electric utility holding company which owns Tampa electric and rounded out my holdings of Wells Fargo. The latter pays a decent dividend which I believe they can maintain.  Management has changed but they still suffer from the stench of their former misdeeds 

EMRA is just a plain vanilla utility with modest future growth potential and a fair dividend which they should be able to both maintain and increase.

I believe the three biggest hurdles for the economy and thus, the market are:

a) return of the Coronavirus
b) a Biden election
c) how the economy and America  responds as we re-open as a nation.

I believe there is more market downside and volatility ahead.

Kim is back from her vacation and is laser right.  Trump  remains his own worst enemy when it need not be the case.

Trump Is Beating Trump

Biden wants to make the race a referendum. The president needs to make it a choice.

Opinion: Trump Is Beating Trump

Potomac Watch: Joe Biden wants to make the race a referendum. The president needs to make it a choice. Images: AFP/Getty Images Composite: Mark Kelly
In theory, President Trump is in a pitched battle with Joe Biden for the presidency. In reality, Mr. Trump is in a battle with Mr. Trump.
That’s one way to look at the recent round of sliding Trump poll numbers, which the media and Democrats are prematurely hailing as an obituary for the administration, but which also have Republicans nervous. Mr. Trump’s path to re-election rests in painting a sharp contrast between his policies of economic restoration, a transformed judiciary and limited government with those of Mr. Biden’s promise of (at best) a return to the slow growth of the Obama years or (at worst) an embrace of progressive nirvana. Instead, he’s helping Democrats and the media make the race a referendum on his Twitter feed.
“Let Trump be Trump!” cry the president’s supporters. They argue it worked before. But this isn’t 2016. The U.S. is emerging from an unprecedented pandemic lockdown that left millions unemployed or bankrupt, children without education, the social order in shambles. The fury that followed George Floyd’s death has put Americans on the edge. They need calm leadership and a positive vision for the future.
Mr. Trump offers glimpses. His May 30 speech following the historic manned SpaceX launch—which addressed the Floyd killing—was a call for justice and peace as well as a tribute to American aspiration. In a subsequent Rose Garden speech, he deplored Floyd’s “brutal death” and reminded viewers that “America needs creation, not destruction.” A week later, his Rose Garden remarks celebrated a jobs report that defied gloomy predictions, and it showcased the American desire to get back to work.
But these highlights were quickly eclipsed by the many openings Mr. Trump provided the media and Democrats to focus not on American revival, but on Mr. Trump. His complaints about Defense Secretary Mark Esper; his bitterness toward former Secretary Jim Mattis. The walk to St. John’s Episcopal Church, where he flashed the Bible; the arguments over why he visited the White House bunker. His tweeted suggestion that the 75-year-old protester in Buffalo pushed to the ground by police might have been a “set up.” What happened in Minneapolis—a city run by Democrats in a state run by Democrats—was no fault of the White House. But the president’s need to be at the center of everything has allowed a hostile press to present him as the source of racial tension.
The Trump campaign makes a compelling case that it is nonsensical to claim Democrats are running away with the race. Democratic pollster Doug Schoen wrote that the recent CNN survey showing Mr. Biden up 14 points nationally was skewed—it underrepresented Republicans and counted registered voters rather than likely ones. Match-ups still look tight in swing states.
Mr. Biden is also grappling with an enthusiasm problem. Mr. Trump this year has set records in primary after primary in voter turnout—even though he is uncontested. A recent ABC poll showed only 34% of Biden supporters were “very enthusiastic” about their nominee, compared with 69% of those backing Mr. Trump. Officials also note that the race—at least the mano-a-mano part of it—has yet to begin.
But there’s no question Mr. Trump’s numbers have eroded, both overall and among key voter subgroups. The latest Gallup poll finds only 47% approval of his handling of the economy, down from 63% in January. Those numbers are bleeding into congressional races, putting Republican control of the Senate at risk and raising the possibility of a rout in the House. If the Trump campaign can’t turn things around, the country could be looking at total Democratic control for the first time since 2010—and a liberal Senate majority that may well eliminate the filibuster for legislation and pack the courts. The stakes are high.
The prospect of a turnaround rests on Mr. Trump’s ability to do more than taunt his competitor as “Sleepy Joe” and rail against the “RADICAL LEFT!!” With an economy in tatters, Mr. Trump has an opening to redefine the election as a choice. Americans can vote again for the policies that revived the economy after the moribund Obama-Biden years and continue transforming the judiciary. Or they can take a chance on a Democrat who has promised to raise taxes on 90% of Americans, kill blue-collar fossil-fuel jobs and ban guns, and a party that is considering demands to “defund the police.”
Democrats want this election to be a simple question of whether Americans want four more years of a chaotic White House. The country has had its fill of chaos, so that could prove a powerful message for Mr. Biden. Mr. Trump has to decide just how much he wants to help him.

And:  Dov Fischer speaks out:

Meanwhile my black female friend sent me a video of rioting by people after sport victories and claimed the mass media, and those protesting about same after Floyd , failed to bring attention to the destruction and theft they caused.  Perhaps she has a valid point.  One, however, does not justify the other.  At best it simply hilghts more mass media selectivity and hypocrisy.

No Peace, No Justice

By Rabbi Dov Fischer 

It is a favorite mantra at leftist demonstrations: “No Justice, No Peace.” To engage in constructive dialogue, it is important to hear the other side and to know their rallying cry.
And now for yet another side’s rallying cry: “Nuh-uh, pal. Rather: No Peace, No Justice.”
The ideal of Justice is characterized and epitomized by that blindfolded lady holding balanced scales. That is justice. Justice is blind. Justice is balanced and even. And the lady can spend her time weighing the scales while blindfolded  because she is not concerned that someone will throw a Molotov cocktail at her.
These animals come out on all kinds of occasions. It is not about anger. It has nothing to do with racism or justice. Let there be a devastating hurricane, and the same animals will vandalize, ransack, burn, and steal.
True justice does not come from ransacking stores, burning down neighborhoods, and viciously attacking innocents.
Let this be clear: Those who are burning down stores in Democrat-controlled cities are every bit as evil as the man who stood on George Floyd’s neck. The kind of vicious animal who would torch the restaurant of an innocent African-American family is an evil Satan. The sort who would break a storefront window and ransack the insides of a shop that was built by legal immigrants to America from Mexico is a pig.
The overwhelming lopsided majority of police officers, firefighters, National Guard troops, and other first responders are both righteous and among our society’s very best. Police officers and firefighters are right up there with pastors, priests, and rabbis when it comes to helping people, protecting them, counseling them, and making our country every bit as great as it is. Just as it is news when “man bites dog” but not when dog bites man, so it is news when Derek Chauvin did what he did. Consider: All over America, now for a long time, police patrol while wearing video cameras. Their patrol cars record them. Their body cams show all. Moreover, civilians film them with smartphones and then post the videos on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.
There are some 700,000 police officers employed in the United States. Thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousandsmillions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of police calls have taken place since we Americans — rightly — put our cops on video. For example, in 2015 the police had more than 50 million encounters with civilians. And yet one bad apple, Derek Chauvin, stands out. It is like airline safety. How many hundreds of thousands, even millions, of flights go unnoticed — but let there be one Malaysian Airline Flight 370 disappearance, and CNN has all the “news” it needs for Wolf Blitzer, Jake Tapper, Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, and all the rest of their hacks to report for three years until Donald Trump gets elected president.
If there were any number of cops like Chauvin, do we doubt they would be all over YouTube, CNN, MSNBC, and Twitter? We don’t see daily police misbehavior in the era of the police body cam because the police are good people. They took that job in order to serve, protect, and defend. Those are good things.
But the looters, vandals, and arsonists are the Satans of our society. It is they and their very existence that compels us to recruit, train, and arm police officers in the hundreds of thousands. Those animals breaking storefront windows and setting Target stores ablaze are the lowest evil our society knows. We do not have laws that sufficiently address their evil. Anything short of 20 years’ imprisonment for store vandalism and public mayhem is insufficient.
“No Justice, No Peace?” How in the world does Derek Chauvin’s apparent evil get solved or prevented next time by burning down a neighborhood pharmacy? Who are the animals kidding? Answer: They are kidding no one.
Do not mistake anarchy for anger. Anger is watching a man beg for air while a cop stands on his neck for nearly nine minutes. Fury is learning that the victim died from that. Inconsolable fury would come if such a killer would face no consequences. That is anger.
But on the streets — in crystal-clear contradistinction from the peaceful marchers and from others working overtime within the system to address this disaster and to work to assure that it not recur — the animals are a different breed. Those animals are not angry. They are having the time of their lives. For the anarchists, it is a moment in which to regale and deface and tattoo national monuments like those that honor our fallen World War veterans. This is what the anarchists wait for: the moments when, like the parasites they are, they can deposit themselves within a larger and healthy organism — decent and righteous human beings who are outraged and peacefully demand better — and then the animals, less easily detected, can ignite their fires and wreak their havoc.
These animals come out on all kinds of occasions. It is not about anger. It has nothing to do with racism or justice. Let there be a devastating hurricane, and the same animals will vandalize, ransack, burn, and steal. Remember this? How about this? Let there be a power outage in New York City, and the same animals come out and do the same thing. Take a look. What was the cause of social justice then? It was not about “Free Nelson Mandela.” It was not about “Free Anatoly Sharansky.” It was not about “Free the Hostages.”
It was about Free Stuff.
The places where decent people go when there is injustice include (i) attorneys’ offices, (ii) the halls of justice, and (iii) the offices of elected officials whom we send to the legislature to enact necessary protections. We petition. We write passionately. We speak powerfully. We organize for change.
But where do the animals go? They go to Target, Best Buy, and Nike. This mayhem has nothing to do with George Floyd or Derek Chauvin. Rather, these are their moments to steal a television set. Make that three television sets. Oh, just make it as many TV sets as can be carted away into a waiting vehicle. Time to grab 10 undershirts, no matter the size. And 20 undershorts, no matter the style. A golden moment to steal overpriced LeBron and Kaepernick athletic shoes and, while there, to steal the cash register. And, oh yeah, on the way out, to steal as many sets of shoelaces as can be carried. And then to set the place on fire.
These are the animals of the night. They have nothing to do with George Floyd. They have nothing to do with anger or with protesting injustice. They run rampant every Saturday night in Chicago, murdering another three or five — or maybe an even dozen — Black women and children. Remember all the news about how the New York Times recently listed the names of coronavirus victims? Have you heard similar news that the Chicago Sun-Times lists the names of every murder victim in Chicago, with date, time, and location? Just this past Memorial Day weekend, 50 people were shot and 10 murdered in Chicago. The very next day another 28 were shot in Chicago. A five-year-old girl got shot. A 37-year-old guy got shot while sitting on his porch. Black lives matter? More innocent Blacks get murdered in cold blood every weekend in Baltimore, Chicago, Memphis, St. Louis, and Detroit than will be killed wrongfully in an entire generation and more by isolated despicable bad apples within America’s approximately 700,000 honorable police officers.
Right now, if there is to be justice — and there must be — first there must be peace. Anger is OK. Even if it is true that the gentleman was passing around counterfeit money, decent Americans intuitively grasp the evil that appears to have been done to George Floyd. But mayhem and arson and wanton violence that destroys the hopes, dreams, and livelihoods of Americans of all colors, ethnicities, and creeds is not anger. Rather, it is the way that the very sickest Satans in our society celebrate and party. Here the animals set fire to the personal belongings of a Minnesota homeless man. Here, looters attack other looters to swipe their stealings. Here, they beat the living daylights out of a woman in front of her store as her husband tries to stop them. Put these animals — these sub-human dirtbags — on a scale alongside Derek Chauvin, and ask blindfolded Lady Justice which is worse.
And whom do these dirtbags hurt, as if they even care? They hurt the families of the inner cities, the mom-and-pop store owners, the minorities who open ethnic small restaurants of Chinese, Thai, Korean, Vietnamese, Ethiopian, or Middle Eastern food — because middle-aged-and-older immigrants who come here legally but lack language skills, advanced degrees in higher education, or critical business contacts open such restaurants. That is who gets hurt by the animals, the vandals, the looters, the arsonists. The victim is the person who opens a discount store downtown or a clothing store because that is all they feel they can do to support their families. That is who gets hurt. When downtown Baltimore or Ferguson burns, that is not impacting the bottom line of Exxon, JP Morgan, Raytheon, or Caterpillar.

So if there must be battle lines drawn, and if Americans must take sides, right now the choice is clear: No peace, no justice — first the animals must be stopped.
Link to  brief history of Antifa:

In the heat of the moment people overdue perhaps but if we allow competence to be defeated by ethnic and racial acts of affirmative action we will become less competitive and all will lose in the long run.

I am all for rigorous educational opportunities to elevate levels of competence but it must we earned to be worth anything and rigorous because the competition is getting better and better.
 Did you hear the family (brothers and sister) of George Floyd opened a
Go Fund Me account to "help the family"? It's already raised
$13,958,800. from donations. Yes, almost $14 MILLION. This is for a
guy who was arrested NINE times; was a convicted drug dealer (and at a
drug deal the day he died); held a gun to the stomach of a pregnant
lady while his five buddies robbed her home; did prison time three
different times totaling about eight years, and obviously didn't learn
from our penal system. And America is memorializing him by painting
murals of the guy on the sides of buildings like he's a hero? You
gotta be shitting me. Unbelievable.

Some kind of American's are just plain stupid!

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