Monday, June 8, 2020

Comments From Memo Readers. Liberals Feel Good. Conservatives Feel Guilty. Creative Israel.

Buy American - Save America, don't riot. 

This is sickening:


This was written by the astute son of a very dear and long time friend and fellow memo reader:

"This to be the biggest reversal in public sentiment and perception in the history of the world and shows how much influence the media has. 2 weeks ago- majority of country on lock-down, if you don't adhere to social distancing and guidelines stay at home you are an ignorant redneck threatening the public health of the entire country, this is the most important sacrifice we can make to save mankind. Now- if you don’t go gather in mass with thousands of people and publicly protest you are an ignorant racist and part of the problem."

I wrote him back that he had several problems:  first he was logical, second, he could reason, but, most important of all, he was white and white homo sapiens no longer have any societal worth.

This from a dear friend and fellow memo reader who also served his nation in the military:

After almost two weeks, I am tired of all the protests, which, at this point are not effective. They did a good job of bringing a terrible problem into focus.

Now it is time to get to work resolving systemic problems, not just shouting about them

I am particularly upset with Washington, DC. You wouldn't know it is the Nation's

Capital and so belongs to everyone. Now we have 16th Street turned into a billboard, and we have a "Black Lives Matter Square," all at the Mayor's sole instigation. No one else had a voice. 

We have the Lincoln Memorial guarded by troops. Perhaps for Blacks, and most others, the most meaningful monument in DC. How does this help the protesters?
I want the City back for every citizen, not just protesters. Get the mobs out of the Streets and make them free to all again

In fact, more Blacks are murdered in Chicago in a week than are killed by US Police in an entire year. Why aren't the protesters marching there ?

Another comment from a dear friend, a great public servant and fellow memo reader:

"But you don’t understand... How can everyone be a winner if standards are too high for the least able?
On defunding the police, if it were only adults who would suffer negative consequences, I’d pray for them to do it first in San Francisco.-- sl"

More commentary from a friend and fellow memo reader:

"Derek Chauvin was a racist cop, 
a registered Democrat, 
working for a Democrat Police Chief, 
voted into office by Democrat voters, 
in a Democrat controlled city, 
in a Democrat controlled state. 
He had 18 complaints against him and was let off multiple times by Democrat prosecutor, now Democrat Senator and failed Democrat presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar. 
But somehow it's all Trump's fault? "


I was having fun with one of my son's in law 'I asked had he seen the article in The WSJ on how to talk to children about the riots?' He said the kids were not aware of the rioting.  I jokingly asked him was "he" aware of the rioting and this was his response:
"Am I aware they are happening? Sure. Do I care? Nope. All I hear is bitching, no solutions. As if being angry grants you special privileges.

Election year fodder for people who can only "feel" and not think critically. The unfortunate product of 100+ years of government schooling. 

It's futile to try and present a different viewpoint or recognize inconsistencies in their argument (unless I want the mob to label me a "racist" and end our careers and jeopardize our kids' futures), so I just go about my business as the world burns."

And my reaction to this link:

All because a schmuck of a  mayor lost control because he was too busy thinking he should be kneeling rather than standing up for the law:

Finally:  This from my computer guru and fellow memo reader:

 "Millennial Millie is a video blogger who has decent credibility. This is her latest of today.
I’d be willing to bet YouTube takes it down (it’s 20 minutes and well worth it)

Minneapolis riots were 2 years in the pre-planning according to this video report!"

This was sent to me by a friend and fellow memo reader. I make no comment.  You decide for yourself.

UPDATED: Highly Recommended: Larry Johnson On Floyd's DeathLarry Johnson has a really good guest article at TGP: Death of George Floyd in Minneapolis is a Result of Approved Minneapolis Police Training. As not infrequently happens, the title of an article may not fully communicate the true import of the piece. That's the case here. Johnson covers a lot of ground, including Floyd's toxicological condition as well as the operative Minneapolis PD regulations on "neck restraints." I've selected some excerpts that include a brief passage that in my opinion communicates very clearly what was most likely going on in Floyd's encounter with the police. This will surely be coming out at any trial. The only reason we haven't heard some of these things already is because the Fake News Media doesn't want us to know.


First, be aware that throughout Johnson appears to be assuming that Officer Chauvin's use of a "neck restraint" was applied in order to subdue Floyd. I'm going to argue that that's not exactly the case. More precisely, I argue that the restraint was applied to Floyd to immobilize him for his own safety while the police waited for the paramedics to arrive.

Second, I highly recommend that you follow the link below re "Speedballing." It will give you a very clear idea of Floyd's likely condition. Again, bear in mind that Floyd had in his body 4x the amount of Fentanyl known to cause death. In addition to the Meth and other stuff.

We turn to Johnson:

... The video record of the incident is incomplete. New footage has emerged that shows Floyd in the vehicle and he is not sitting passively. The new video shows evidence of a struggle aka “active aggression.” 
I am not defending the use of this type of restraint. But I am pretty certain that evidence will emerge showing that Chauvin was trained to use the knee to the neck as a means of “non-violent” restraint. ... 
Then there is the matter of George Floyd’s drug intoxication. He was Speedballing. (See here for a full description of Speedballing.) When you mix Methamphetamine with Fentanyl, that is “Speedballing”. You are mixing an upper with a downer. 
Methamphetamine is a stimulant. Fentanyl is a depressant. According to the American Addiction Centers, combining stimulants like meth with depressants (like Fentanyl) can mask overdose symptoms until it’s too late to get help. 
The Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association reports that, “Respiratory failure is particularly likely with speedballs because the effects of stimulants wear off far more quickly than the effects of opioids.” 

Ok. From the above we get a likely picture of Floyd overdosing or experiencing excited delirium--which amounts to much the same thing: likely death. He was foaming at the mouth and active. We now know that the officers saw this and expressed concern that Floyd was in a state of excited delirium. If you were an experienced officer like Chauvin and saw this happening in the back of your squad, what would you do? I think you'd get Floyd out of the car, while calling paramedics and attempting to immobilize Floyd while waiting for the paramedics. Immobilization is a recognized approach to treating persons suffering from excited delirium. Why the "neck restraint"? To immobilize Floyd's head and prevent him from harming his face.

That, I think, is the import of what Johnson says next:

The part of the video that is missing (and the story that still needs to be told) is how Floyd reacted when he was put into the police car. The video that has emerged indicates there was some commotion inside the car. That commotion will explain why Floyd was taken out of the car, put on the ground and restrained in accordance with Minneapolis Police Department procedures. 

Johnson next moves on to Minneapolis Police Department procedures. What's important to be aware of here is that the City Council refers to "chokeholds and other neck restraints". "Chokeholds" is the old fashioned term, "neck restraints" is the more PC term--although LE professionals recognize a distinction. What they both describe are ways of rendering a resisting subject semi- or fully unconscious so that the subject can then be handcuffed. The danger involved in these holds is ending up in a struggle in which--whether intended or not--the officer has his forearm across the front of the subject's throat and ends up crushing the trachea. And that's also the importance of the autopsy report which points out that Floyd suffered no traumatic injuries or even bruising.

It's patently obvious that "chokeholds and other neck restraints" has little if anything to do with the immobilization procedure that Chauvin was employing, and that neither "chokehold" nor "neck restraint" is truly a proper description for Chauvin's actions. It also illustrates the dishonesty of the City Council. They want you to believe, for political reasons, that they're trying to stop police officers from gratuitously murdering people or, at least, from recklessly employing sadistic techniques. But what about potentially life saving or injury prevention techniques?

This part of the story is being largely ignored. Yet, just last night, the Minneapolis City Council admitted this ["chokeholds and other neck restraints"] was a practice by banning its use going forward: 
All 12 members of the city council voted to make “quick changes” as the investigation progresses, ultimately resulting in a consent decree from the courts that will require change, said Lucero, who was appointed to the position in January 2019 by Gov. Tim Walz, a Democrat.
The following reforms are to be implemented immediately:
— Chokeholds and other neck restraints are banned.
The mere fact that these “restraints” are now banned is a clear admission that they were approved methods under the rules and procedures of the Minneapolis Police Department. Oh yeah, one last thing, the Chief of Police of the Minneapolis Police Department is black. Are we supposed to believe he was unaware of this practice? Bullshit. He came up through the ranks and his training record will show that he not only was trained in the method used by Officer Chauvin. He also probably used it once or twice during his rise to the top of the force.

As an aside, my wife was listening to CBS News early this morning. It was briefly announced that other police departments around the country were taking the same action that Minneapolis was taking: banning "chokeholds." Places like Seattle and Santa Cruz were mentioned. That's right: Deep Blue cities, like Minneapolis.

UPDATE: Final Autopsy on Floyd: Bad Heart, Drug Use, COVID-19, “No Life-threatening Injuries”.

Hmmmmm. Homicide with no life threatening injuries. Go figure, eh?
Democrat ruled city:
When a person says they are liberal I believe they do so because it makes them feel good and suggests they are giving and compassionate. When a person says they are conservative, liberals see a black cloud and think negativly because to be conservative suggests you are less giving, more cautious and less compassionate. You have no heart. I submit most liberals think emotionally with their hypocritical hearts because they lack brains.

Liberal legislation allows/encourages people to become dependent because it involves a helping hand from government.  America was not built on dependency. Conservative legislation suggests moderation.

Republicans profess to care about moderation, being conservative not being spenders but we know that is not true. Democrats, at least, legislate according to their beliefs. At least their honest about their stupidity.
Creative Israel:

The rifle-mounted SMASH 2000 can lock onto bomb-carrying drones and shoot them down mid-flight.
By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News
When we moved to Savannah some 18 years ago (Lynn was born in Savannah) I was asked to join the JEA Board. I told them I would be happy to do so but would have to think what I could do that would be additive.  I came up with the idea of a Speaker Series and Bret Stephens was my first speaker.  He, in turn, introduced me to Kim Strassel and so the story goes.

When Bret left the WSJ for The NYT's , I asked him would he be accepted and feel comfortable.  He said: ' Same message to a different audience.'

As for Bari Weiss, I have never met her but her father, Lou , lives in Pittsburgh and is a dear friend of my son.  Adam Solender wanted to invite Baricome to speak so I put him in touch but Bari has become popular and her cost was beyond what we could  afford.

I hope Bari will one day speak here because she is the American equivalent of Caroline Glick, so to speak.

What the article below suggests is that intimidation and knee buckling has occurred at The NYT's and heads had to roll to pacify their staff. So much for freedom of the speech and diverse opinion.

Frankly, I would no longer wrap a fish in that paper because I would not want to eat a fish that had a virus.

The Day the New York

 Times Redefined


‘Liberal’ as ‘Closed-

minded Outrage Mob’

When Senator Tom Cotton is branded more uniquely offensive than Putin, Erdogan, Ahmedinejad, Maduro or the Taliban, the NYT’s pro-Israel Jewish conservatives are on borrowed time.

By Jonathan S. Tobin 

The tragic murder of George Floyd, an African-American man by a Minneapolis policeman, set off protests throughout the United States and eventually the world about the persistence of systemic racism and police misconduct.

But among the sidebars that emanated from the incident was a cautionary tale about the futility of the search for an alternative to the toxic left-right partisanship that is tearing America apart. What happened at The New York Times in the last week after it published an op-ed by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), demonstrates that the notion that even the most powerful brand in journalism can maintain a forum where both left and right can comfortably co-exist is an illusion.

The pushback at what is now derisively termed #bothsidesism has made some conservative Jewish writers and editors at the newspaper a target of social media rage from the left. Cotton’s controversial article has already cost their editor his job and led to an avalanche of often anti-Semitic abuse at another.

Cotton’s article took the position that the proper response to the rioting and looting that took place in the aftermath of some of the anti-racism demonstrations required the deployment of the military and the possible invocation of the rarely used Insurrection Act.

The argument for this position was outdated by the time it was published. After nights of violence for which civil authorities in major cities seemed at first to have no adequate answer, the rioting largely ceased, rendering Cotton’s concerns moot. 

His proposal, and some questionable analogies he mustered to defend it, were seen as inflammatory, even if most Americans agree with him about the government’s obligation to keep the peace. Yet the notion that Cotton was proposing a military coup to suppress all dissent was as preposterous as his fears that the looting would not end without military intervention.

The reaction to it from both much of the Times’s staff and its heavily liberal readership were not just criticism, but anger that the piece was published.

The paper’s editorial page editor James Bennet and its publisher Arthur Sulzberger initially defended its publication on the grounds that it was the paper’s duty to present views that were at odds with its own opinions.

But within 48 hours, the improbable argument that Cotton’s ideas were a threat to the safety of the paper’s African-American staff, or constituted advocacy for fascism, not to mention a flood of canceled online subscriptions, carried the day.

Sulzberger walked back his defense, and, Bennet claimed he hadn’t read it, blaming the decision on a lower level editor named Adam Rubinstein. Ultimately, the Times claimed the article hadn’t been adequately fact-checked — something Cotton’s staff asserted was untrue — and didn’t meet its standards. Two days after that, Bennet was forced to resign.

But the result was also proof that Bennet’s efforts to open up the paper’s opinion section to more conservative views have failed.

In 2017, Bennet made a splash by poaching Bret Stephens, a Pulitzer Prize-winning conservative columnist from the Wall Street Journal, along with the lesser-known Bari Weiss, who also joined the paper as an opinion editor and writer. Also joining the staff was Rubinstein, who came from the since-defunct Weekly Standard, a conservative magazine.

Stephens and Weiss are neo-conservatives who are strong supporters of Israel and critics of anti-Semitism. Stephens is a former editor of the Jerusalem Post and Weiss first made her name as a student activist dedicated to exposing anti-Zionist bias at Columbia University.

But while both have stuck to their conservative principles on the issues, they are also ardent opponents of Trump. Their leaving the Wall Street Journal was seen as testifying to the difficulty of maintaining Never Trump views at a conservative publication that is, like most Republican voters, still solidly behind him.

Bennet’s decision seemed to promise that there was an alternative to the bifurcated debate in which every position is boiled down to pro or anti-Trump.

But the feedback from the paper’s readers — and the constant undercurrent of criticism of their presence from their liberal fellow staff members — called into question the idea that they could comfortably coexist with the paper’s core audience. Both quickly became piñatas for reader outrage that never seemed to ebb.

The Cotton op-ed also exposed what Weiss diagnosed on Twitter as a civil war going on inside the paper between older staff and younger employees. 

The former were committed to what she called "civil libertarianism" in which publications like the Times published a variety of views. The latter espoused "safetyism" —a belief that "the right of people to feel emotionally and psychologically safe trumps what were previously considered core liberal values like free speech." 

Weiss, who has written on the subject of leftist intolerance of open debate on college campuses, believes such closed-mindedness has now spread to America’s most influential newspaper.

While, as she noted, there are limits to the boundaries of any such debate, the idea that Cotton’s piece was uniquely offensive was dubious. The Times has published many op-eds from sources with equally questionable assumptions and motives. No page that has run authors such as Vladimir Putin, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Nicholas Maduro, or the leaders of the Taliban or Iran, can claim to have any real limits to what it will publish. 

Nor can it argue that it holds all authors to rigorous fact checking, a point that was made by Michael Oren, the former Israeli ambassador to the United States, based on his account of his experiences with Bennet’s predecessor Andrew Rosenthal.

Nor can the Times credibly claim to have standards against publishing inflammatory opinions since only a day later, it ran a piece from columnist Michelle Goldberg which not only described Cotton as a "fascist" in its headline but also branded anyone who defended the Trump administration as either a bigot or dishonest.

Like her, journalists who are outraged by Trump agree with readers who don’t want to see opinions that contradict their beliefs. More to the point, they believe traditional notions about covering the administration or conservatives objectively instead of slanting the discussion against them in both news articles and opinion, are outdated and wrong.

But what was particularly disturbing about the storm over the Cotton op-ed was the way Weiss become the focus of a deluge of Twitter abuse that not only denounced her support for publishing conservative views but also focused on her identity as a Jew and a supporter of Israel.

Though Stephens has gotten himself in trouble due to his own intolerance for criticism, the reactions to many of his columns, have often fallen along the same lines.

Regardless of whether Stephens, Weiss and Rubinstein have a future at the Times after Bennet’s departure, there’s no question that they — and the spirit of openness to non-liberal opinions that their editor tried to champion — are now outliers at the newspaper. 

Goldberg, who is conspicuous for her anti-Zionism, as well as her hard line against Trump, is far more in touch with what the paper’s readers want and its publishers, who are more dependant than ever on revenues derived from the paper’s stance as the flagship of the anti-Trump "resistance," are clearly prepared to follow suit.

Cotton, a likely 2024 GOP presidential contender, is none the worse for this dust-up. But the argument about his article illustrates that there’s even less room for considering views from both sides of the political divide than previously thought at a publication that long considered itself the nation’s paper of record.

Instead, Americans will continue their descent into ideological silos in which they will read, listen and watch different media without being confronted with views that don’t confirm their pre-existing prejudices.

No matter what you think of Trump, Cotton, Stephens or Weiss, the consequences of this trend — and the mobilization of social media mobs that enforce it that seem particularly intolerant of pro-Israel Jews — for public discourse and civil peace are as obvious as they are dangerous.

Ivanka Trump Blasts “Cancel Culture”, After Wichita State University Drops her as Commencement Speaker Read More


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