Buy American - Hose down the radicals or we will continue to have more pandemics.
New Flynn Transcripts Confirm Mueller Team Lied To The Court And The Country
Tuesday evening we will witness more liberal curfews. Visually I expect to see thousands taunting those sent to keep order. This is not a curfew I recognize nor the kind one might see defined in a Webster Dictionary which is also something of a literary relic.
Tuesday evening we will witness more liberal curfews. Visually I expect to see thousands taunting those sent to keep order. This is not a curfew I recognize nor the kind one might see defined in a Webster Dictionary which is also something of a literary relic.
A few more nights of rioting, plundering and I suspect Americans, who are fed up with the failed response of their political leaders and their focus on attacking the police rather than the criminals, will lead to demands Trump call out the troops or the killings will escalate and then all hell will break loose.Cheap shot Biden has continued to attack Trump for the problems Biden and his co- politicians failed to resolve over the 30 years he has been in public office. Biden recently highlighted the importance of the middle class which his party's policies helped destroy because of failed trade and tax policies that drove production off shore and misguided progressive policies that destroyed the black family, uprooted their neighborhoods, their connection to their churches, watered down curricula, increased welfare dependency and promoted hypocritical unwarranted promotions that led to failures and destruction of feelings of one's self-worth.
The Biden Agenda: Killing Jobs, Killing Babies, Praising Rioters
NYPD chief of department speaks out, ‘outraged’ at Gov. Andrew Cuomo
By Paul Martinka and Tina Moore
The NYPD’s top uniformed cop talked to The Post in an exclusive interview Tuesday about how his cops have been “giving their blood” as they’ve responded to protests that have become increasingly violent over the past five days and raged against Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s criticism of his department.
Chief Terence Monahan said he had slept for only three hours since the fifth night of protests and that all his guys are “cut up” from struggling with troublemakers in the city.
“Our guys are tired, they’re bleeding,” Monahan said. “I think everyone you’re going to see is walking around cut up. But they’re out there again tonight. They’re out there giving their blood to keep this city safe.”
Despite the cops’ efforts, “just about all” of those arrested will be back out on the streets because of bail reform, Monahan said, noting that some people arrested for guns might remain behind bars.
“But when it comes to a burglary, which is a commercial store, which is looting, they’re back out,” he said. “Because of bail reform, you’re back out on the street the next day. You cannot be held on any sort of bail. I spoke to (Manhattan District Attorney) Cy Vance about that. He told me there was nothing he could do.”
Asked about Cuomo’s comments that the NYPD wasn’t doing its job, Monahan, who joined the department 38 years ago, said he was “extremely outraged.”
“I’m watching my men and women out there dealing with stuff that no cop should ever have to deal with, bricks, bottles, rocks,” he said. “Hit in the face with bottles and continuing to go forward to make an arrest.”
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