Sunday, June 21, 2020

But Then What Do I Know. It Will Take A Liberal Icon's Death To Stop The Increase IN Mass Crime Eruptions. Conservatives Incapable of Marketing The Truth.

Trump Hater!

Our/the Nelson family went camping for Father's Day and Abby took a picture of Dagny, Blake and Brian.
Trump got himself elected because of his un-orthodox style. Once many believed  this style had permanency they became increasingly disaffected.  No doubt he can out campaign Biden, who is mentally heading downhill, but might be saved by the mass media who want him to be their  president so his "black" female VP, in all probability, can take over because he will not likely serve out his term. This way the mass media will achieve their victory through the "black"  door and they can regain power for the radical Democrats.  America will then change beyond recognition and possibly even beyond redemption. Color over competence ?

The polls favor Biden and will through the remaining days of the campaign but they can be wrong as they were before because polls are manipulated to create the message the mass media wants. Accuracy is not their goal.  That said, Trump has his work cut out and if the economy snaps back and rioting calms down and Biden is smoked out of his basement lair Trump's prospects will show marked improvement.  Too early to conclude anything.


Trump should have his speechwriters draft a serious speech in which he tells the nation why his election is not only justified, based on pre-virus accomplishments, but why he is best able to bring us out of the post virus period and back to recovery levels in keeping with those he helped to  produce earlier.

In this address he should enumerate the various reasons why Biden is unqualified to be president, not only because of obvious medical frailties but also because of his lack of accomplishments and actual evidence of consistent  poor judgement. and corrupt activities.

Trump should stay on message and not wander off into his usual off hand style.  If he wants to be taken seriously and dis-spell the attacks from his haters and detractors he must be serious himself. His instincts are sound,  his love of country is genuine but his combative style, his put down of others,  his attacks and vulgarity have worn thin.

Most importantly is his lack of explaining.  I have raved bout The Opportuntiy Legislation Trump embraced because of his association with and belief in  Sen. Scott and Sec Carson.  He has only spoken about the money raised but never explained the benefits.  Entire areas of cities are now being developed for public housing and the legislation defines what must be done to receive tax reliefs.  The development requires all kinds of amenities and 24/7 protection so they will not become crime infested etc.

But then, what do I know?+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Buy American -
Pressuring Jews to reject their affiliation with the  Democrat Party.  Will it be successful?

JEXIT: New group pushing Jews to exit Democratic party

Group organized by Jewish Trump supporter makes play on BREXIT, calling on Jews to leave their traditional union with the Democratic Party.
By World Israel News Staff

A group of Jewish Republicans is advising fellow Jews, who are members of the Democratic Party, to bail out and vote for President Trump in November, saying American Jews “can no longer blindly vote Democrat.”

Michelle Terris is the founder and president of JEXIT – ‘Jews Leaving the Democrat Party’ and the former co-chair of the Jews for Trump coalition in the 2016 elections. In an interview on Israel News Talk Radio Monday, she said that as a party, the Democrats were no longer supporting Israel.

“We are trying to educate and persuade our Jewish brothers and sisters to leave the Democratic Party, which has basically abandoned the Jews and Israel,” Terris said. “JEXIT is a movement that believes that American Jews can no longer blindly vote Democrat.”
Terris admitted that some Jews might have a problem voting for Trump, acknowledging that voting Republican would be “a difficult red pill to swallow.”

“We try to deal in facts, not feelings,” Terris said. “A lot of people – it’s difficult for them, we call it TDS, the Trump Derangement Syndrome, because people are afraid to admit that they are supporting the greatest president for Jews and Israel.”

“We know based on the conversations that we have  they are very disenchanted with their party and see that it has moved so far radically to the left they basically don’t really have a choice but to vote for President Trump.”

JEXIT says its mission is to educate Jews about the “dangerous shift” in Democrat party policy away from support of Israel.

Jews have traditionally been a bulwark of support for the Democrats, but JEXIT says the party is “undergoing a seismic and alarming change” by embracing anti-Semitic and anti-Israel comments by congressional Democrats like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, who not only fail to defend Israel but instead support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.


Seattle Police Union Chief Begs For ‘Leadership’ After Fatal Shooting In CHOP; CHOP Defends ‘Defund The Police’

As I knew would eventually  happen
crime has begun to soar and police response to same has dropped to either zero or become thwarted by thugs and anarchists.  In time some liberal icon will get his/hers and that will cause the mass media to swing into action and demand a stop be put to these wanton attacks.
As I read Shelby Steele's: "Shame" it is evident we are going through another phase of what began in the '60's.

The question we must ask ourselves, and hope we can answer, is how much more will America change, yet stay faithful to it's Constitutional roots while delivering true freedom  to black Americans?

The true and only solution is for black Americans to take themselves by the scruff of their own necks and change. They are now free to do so but they keep eating off liberal dinner plates.

Steele experienced hypocrisy when he was on an all white swimming team in high school and was not invited on a team retreat. He concluded  hypocrisy is not evil but exists as the  pretense of innocence. Because of the moral need of whites, blacks are smothered by acts of hypocrisy.

All the movements of the "60's were intended to move America beyond its institutionalized self- congratulatory acts of hypocrisy. The problem is that it went too far. but did accomplish one positive, ie. America could not go back to hypocrisy because it had been exposed.

Authenticity supplanted hypocrisy and this came to mean a rejection of traditional Americanism which led to an entire development of counter-culturalism.

However,once blacks achieved freedom they were stripped of excuses of inadequacies borne out of years of mistreatment and deprivation but rather than recognize the connection liberals responded with programs that highlighted what came to be a belief that blacks were inherently inferior except ina certain field, ie sports.

Steele tells the story of Justice Thomas, his graduation from Yale Law School and his self imposed choice of tough courses and upon graduation law firms still assumed he was Yale's token.

As a result of America's historical evils,social and political morality became the more important measure of character than private morality. Those who embraced the belief that America was inherently evil disassociated  and this action helped identify them. In Steele's case,partly because of the influence of his father who always believed America was a strong nation and thus could and would change, Steele never believed America and capitalism were  inherently evil and this is what eventually led him to his conservative ideology in addition to the fact that he came to realize conservatism allowed blacks to be in control of their own fate and spared them always being  beholden to others.Steele eventually came to reject liberalism which he believed saw black as tokens of white innocence than as human beings.

Liberals supplanted evil with Good as their beacon, their challenge.  Good became the new liberalism. Disassociation and good became entwined.

Steele believes Liberals bested conservatives because they were the first to embrace dissociation that America was inherently evil whereas the conservatives had no mechanism to do so.  Consequently, liberals were able to define the actions of others and were first to embrace  identity politics. If one did not conform to their view they were branded as racist etc.and thus intimidation, which Kim Strassel wrote eloquently about in her own book, became a profound weapon to still voices of the opposition.

The introduction of relativism undercut what was previously considered great about America, Jefferson's definition of freedom. Freedom, however, was implemented in ways that favored the white establishment thus,allowing liberals to win moral authority but in the '60's it became evident the disassociation movement highlighted the failure of freedom's broader implementation.

Conservatives took the hit for all the hypocrisies that were uncovered in the '60's and  liberals were successful in claiming innocence Thus began the introduction of welfare policies whose effect was to destroy the black family, create a culture of dependence and all the rest Moynihan was berated for by his own but proved correct because it did eventually occur.

Disparate impact became the the new measure for injustice and the liberal 'feel good solution' was government social engineering policies.( I am from the government and am here to help you out of the misery hard hearted conservatives continue to impose) Consequently, liberal solutions have left blacks living with feelings of inadequacy, and identifying with grievance and entitlement..  Blacks became contingent people, relegated to the sidelines pleading with government not for their already won freedom but for programs and preferences as the ladder to full equality.  For anyone who can see,  this has all led to a "fool's bargain" and a formula for self defeat.

Meanwhile, liberals have sated their need to assuage guilt for America's systemic evil, have gained political power, captured the black vote and  have placed the indelible 'bad mouth of racism' on conservatives who, we know, are totally incapable of marketing the truth and blacks are too enslaved to understand they are tokens of white "innocence" than human beings.

Steele's last chapter is entitled: Liberalism is Beautiful,but Conservatism is Freedom.

Based on the knee jerk reaction to the recent police episodes and wanton destruction and murders caused by anarchists and an assortment of deranged radicals, it seems to me we are repeating the  failed Liberal Mantra all over again.  I suspect it will produce the same failures. Blacks will be patted on their head, some changes will occur but not the ones needed for the type of  lasting change required,  blacks seek and have a right to expect.  Why?  Because you cannot form a successful strategy fashioned on an ideology that is a reaction to America's past sins. That is backward looking.

.Conservatism, on the other hand, offers true and realistic freedom which also embodies failure,is the tougher road but includes free markets,free individualism functioning in a free society where the words  in the Constitution mean what they say and where hypocrisy no longer rules. 

Conservatives Unite
A Commentary
 Dr. Hal Morris

A Fox New poll released today indicated that in the upcoming presidential election, the Biden Candidacy is ahead of the Trump Candidacy by double digits. Even more interesting are the remarks of those being polled as recorded by the pollsters.

Sixty-eight percent of Biden supporters fear the reelection of Trump and only thirty-one percent felt enthusiastic over Biden’s candidacy. Trump supporters were fearful of Biden being elected by thirty-one percent and sixty-two percent were wildly enthusiastic over Trumps reelection. That being the case it caused me to wonder why the large difference in enthusiasm?

In speaking to Biden liberal supporters, I find that their overwhelming reason for not supporting Trump is his personality, not his policies. When asked about policies and accomplishments, the hatred spews and the remarks (with profanity) are “Trump is a racist, a demagogue, sexist and anti-Semitic SOB.” Little if any policy differences. Our discussion is then augmented by asking “how an intelligent person like me could support Trump” They use no data, facts, or rational to support their arguments. No facts but an emotional response devoid of logic.

In spite of all of the facts and information available, the Elitist Liberal Snobs together with the Never Trump Haters, continue to depend on distortions, outright lies and wildly outrageous positions like “Conversion  to Socialism”, “Open Borders”, Unrestricted Immigration, Sanctuary Cities, Elimination of Policing, Expansion of a Welfare State, Reduction of the Military and Open voting for illegals and convicts that are still incarcerated.

As liberal elitists sit around their dinner parties and after dinner conversations at home, or in coffee houses, or in emotionally sensitive spaces in college dorms and student unions, they can pontificate over the values of Communism or Socialism verses the evils of Capitalism.

The adults can interject into the conversation how well they have done in the stock market over the last three years or how their dividends continue to increase. They can then marvel how astute and alert they were by investing in the latest IPO or new private sector start up. They can even marvel how well our space program is doing as the result of private initiatives. Better yet, they can congratulate the private sector pharmaceutical companies on the progress they are making towards the development of a vaccine to address the pandemic causing virus we are experiencing.

They reflect on how unsophisticated those are who those who disagree with them. As we learned the last election, we as conservatives are labeled as racist and rich, unenlightened and uninformed, and labeled as “The DEPLORABLE’S” who are beyond salvation.

Regardless of the data on increased crime, dependency problems, and the deficits of these outrageous positions, they never abandon their promises to garner votes. They frantically search for the next crisis and whatever protest occurs so that whatever the protesters demand, regardless how foolish it may be, a promise is made, but not necessarily delivered. “Promise then anything but give them…”

Examine closely the eight years of the Obama Presidency. When they had the votes to pass legislation to improve the lot of the poor urban black family did they? They did rush through a partisan Health Care Bill without details or committee hearings, passed the bill fraught with lies and broken promises at night. Who can ever forget Madam Pelosi statement “We have to pass the bill so we can see what is in it.” A total failure.

Now the opportunity presents for them to garner votes to portray themselves as being deeply disturbed over our past history of slavery. In the senate, the good Senator Dick Durban, ignorant of the world’s history, spoke of how we invented slavery. No mention the fact that his party for years supported Jim Crow laws and eulogized Klan officers in the Senate. How convenient that the far-left liberal element only gets riled up in an election year.

Now, after over thirty years in the House, Speaker Pelosi dresses in African garb, kneels and wants to destroy Confederate statues. Democrat/Socialists call Donald Trump a raciest and anti-Semitic while they attack his family. Ignoring the facts that daughter and son-in-law are Jewish and that his record of supporting Israel is laudable. His record as a businessman and President demonstrates fairness in hiring and promoting people of all colors, and importantly reducing the unemployment rates for Women, Blacks, Hispanics and Asians.

The leftist Democratic/Socialists elitists gloss over the Obama years of high unemployment, stagnation, and failed foreign policy. They ignore the steady rising crime rates in poor black urban cities. Their rhetoric has divided this country as it has never seen since the civil war. But, by maintaining a racist agenda, they once again follow their game plan to divide in a hope to regain power in House and Senate and win the Presidency.

Since the 2016 election and the refusal of the Democratic/Socialist Party elected officials, the pro liberal media and their candidate Hillary Clinton, couldn’t accept with grace, the defeat of their candidate. First, he only won the Electoral College vote. Next, collusion with Russia was the excuse, Then the bogus emphasis on Trumps mental and physical abilities. How can we ever forget obstruction of justice and the Russian Impeachment hoax?

But, wait folks, I’m sure there is more coming.

I’ve developed a strong aversion to the thinking of east and west coast liberal, elitist snobs. Now living on the east coast of Florida, and previously growing up and living in the New York metropolitan area one would think that by now I could have built up a tolerance to liberalism. But being a man of logic, I can’t reconcile myself to the hypocrisy of their credo publicly.

Each election, however, seems to bring out the worst garbage they spew and the hypocrisies they practice. For example, little attention is payed to previous digitally recorded statements which clearly shows the ever-changing positions taken and expanded upon in Senate and House speeches. Add the doublespeak on the campaign trail and it is easy to see that their positions and promises have been dependent upon whichever way the wind blows.

If one looks at the values they preached in the past, one will see the contradictions. Border security, who built the first fence? Who built the cages to house illegals? The then current Democratic/Socialist leadership positions and those of the past President. One need only to go to YouTube to view the many recordings of House and Senate speeches in order to expose the double standards of Democratic/Liberals.

For example, when they controlled the Senate under Obama, they voted for secure borders and a border wall. Schumer the minority leader spoke eloquently from the floor of the senate to emotionally support the fence and legal immigration. When Trump recommended we follow the law and reduce illegal immigrants, and build and repair the existing wall, they called him and his supporters racist. When the pandemic hit the US, Trump acted decisively stopping flights from Wuhan and China and closed the border from China. They called him racist but, as the pandemic grew, they yelled that he didn’t act fast enough. Believe me, you can’t make this up.

Of course, the overwhelming number of Liberal Television and print media news outlets fail to accurately portray the news while they, take out of context, statements of the Trump Administration in order to distort Conservative and the Presidents positions. How many times has the media been exposed as being biased to the far left? When caught in a distortion or lie they quickly take their biased headline and print a small type retraction on a page buried in the back of the paper.

So far, it hasn’t been necessary for conservatives to distort the many bumbling positions of Joe Biden, the Democratic/Socialist party candidate. He does that on his own. Just give him a teleprompter, camera, and a mike and interpreter and let him go. Looks like he’s the best weapon the Conservatives have to end this liberal elitist behavior.

They are quick to criticize Trump and his handling of the “fake news”. Yet the other day the released their criteria for Biden’s new conferences. Press must submit questions in advance and no questions to be asked in public, no interchanges with the press.

Oh yes, there was collusion, but it was between the Democrat/Socialist party, Clinton campaign, Trump Haters in the Federal Government, Obama appointees and the media. Using the failed Steele dossier as well as false warrants to eaves drop and even subsequent clandestine wiretapping failed to prove the liberal charges that the President was a traitor.

As for the impeachment, that was a fiasco and an embarrassment, and wasted millions of dollars. But I just can’t wait for the rich liberal and barely educated elitist celebrities, together with the million-dollar athletes, to also shout out from behind their secure gated estates how better off we would be as Socialists.

So, fellow conservatives, it is incumbent upon us to increase our efforts to write, talk, explain, and counter negativism about conservative values and positions. I, for one, wear my TRUMP MAGA hat and fly my American Flag proudly. I will continue to use facts and data in support of conservative positions and not let emotional feelings without logic dominate. When and if I discover that the president and I disagree I will step back and think - but never throw the baby out with the bath water.

The author of this essay, Dr. Morris, was a Superintendent of Schools for over thirty years in heavily integrated communities. 


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