Buy American - And if only black lives matter that is why our nation will remain divided and the prospect of more riots will be ever present. If killing innocent policemen/women is deemed the solution to a wanton killing by a few renegade police then there will be no healing. Being a melting pot is one thing but when that pot turns into a a flaming cauldron and burning buildings that is un- acceptable/intolerable and must end. Calm seems to be descending. Even anarchists need to sleep.
As for the mass media they are beyond redemption and interest in what they say, report, and show will continue to be ignored/discounted by increasing numbers. This is not a healthy condition because citizens need unbiased ombudsmen whose responsibility is to report honestly, to uncover corruption and to keep public official's feet to the fire. The fourth estate once was a trusted fourth pillar supporting our republic .
Trump has a history of blowing off steam through Tweets and then not acting. He would be wise to keep the pressure on governors and mayors to act responsibly, insist they call up their respective guards but he would be unwise to nationalize troops for several reasons:
a) Once he does it is his egg that get's cracked and
b) He should only do so when and if matters get so bad and the people responsible are so derelict citizens of that state and/or city call out for help.
Soldiers are not as well trained for civil disorder as are the "guards." Soldiers are trained to kill, guardsmen/women are trained to control.
Trump laid it out well in his speech on May 30 and that speech should be replayed.
Anarchists know they can entice Trump by waving anything red and he is likely to charge. The bull in The White House should disregard the Anarchist's bill and give the governors and mayors all the rope they need..
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