Buy American - Avoid Seattle
If Blacks control so many major cities do they protest too much?
Comments from a friend and fellow memo reader:
" Too many people are confusing the phrase “black lives matter”, which is undeniable, with the BLACK LIVES MATTER “ organization of activists.
Speaking or writing, the phrase is not necessarily agreement with the principles of the Black Lives Matter organization.
Well that won’t solve anything for anybody. Some say that we are hopelessly polarized. That racial tensions are a fever pitch because Trump made the Democrat party behave the way they’re behaving. And of course the other side maintains the Democrat party has behaved in an abominable way for the express purpose of keeping America divided with a pandemic and rioting as the backdrop. But I do know which party doesn’t want to open up the churches. Because without a lot of prayer, American may not have a prayer. R--"
Democrat pandering: https://www.facebook.com/153657598048710/posts/3050697141678060/
The media industry has truly gone off the deep end as a result of eliminating vast popular, delightful and instructive TV programs including those catering to children like Deputy Dawg etc. ,that teach good citizenship, and adult shows depicting police in a positive light. If that is not painful enough, supplicant major corporations are jumping aboard the contrition bandwagon, in knee jerk fashion, by donating millions of dollars of stockholder money to organizations like "Black Lives Matters" to demonstrate their belated compassion, support and disgust over Mr. Floyd's death at the hands of a renegade policeman.
I thought the Ringling Circus had been abandoned because of complaints of animal cruelty.
Democrat pandering: https://www.facebook.com/
The media industry has truly gone off the deep end as a result of eliminating vast popular, delightful and instructive TV programs including those catering to children like Deputy Dawg etc. ,that teach good citizenship, and adult shows depicting police in a positive light. If that is not painful enough, supplicant major corporations are jumping aboard the contrition bandwagon, in knee jerk fashion, by donating millions of dollars of stockholder money to organizations like "Black Lives Matters" to demonstrate their belated compassion, support and disgust over Mr. Floyd's death at the hands of a renegade policeman.
I thought the Ringling Circus had been abandoned because of complaints of animal cruelty.
If those who read my memos ever read "Atlas Shrugged," and then saw the two ill fated movies of Ayn Rand's classic, Seattle is what America will become if we elect more Democrats to run our Cities and States.
The Mayor of Seattle has allowed a large swath of her city to become off limits because it is now controlled by anarchists who want to establish a separate country within America. They actually took over a police precinct and now operate as the law and order guardians of 7 square downtown Seattle blocks and the Mayor is baffled about what to do so she decided to do nothing.
I wish the states of California, Washington and Oregon, beautiful as they may be, were zippered . Then we could unzip them, let them float out to the Pacific Ocean and become a separate nation of failed states.
They could elect Pelosi as their president and Feinstein as her VP and live happily ever after.
Breaking: Suspect Accused Of Killing Retired Police Captain Previously Convicted Of Felony He Never Served A Day
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Turn on sound 1st. then double click on VIDEO
Ross rants before returning to The Hamptons for the summer:
Airline stocks and cruise stocks have gone through the roof. Be careful. Airlines have a very long way to go the become cash flow positive again, and while cruise lines have bookings, it is unclear how sustainable that will be. The same goes for hotel stocks. They all will return to doing business, but it is a long way to cash flow. If you were smart enough to buy these stocks two weeks ago, you may wish to cash out while you can, and enjoy your smart move. While I think the economy will revive better than many predict, it is still a mine field, and a lot of unknowns. In addition, we just saw why most experienced investors think the market got ahead of itself, and why they sold on Thursday to take profits. I am not suggesting a continued big down for the market at all, but there will be some continued volatility for a while until we get a better handle on the impact of virus spikes and the pace of economic recovery. The shorts were being squeezed, but right now, but they are starting to short big again as the market rises. Just don’t get caught up in the euphoria, or the fear momentum play. Follow the Fed. They are in control now, and they are continuing to feed the capital markets and the economy with massive liquidity and support. Also keep in mind the algos follow each other, and when a big bear move happens it sometimes gets accelerated and accentuated by the algo programs kicking in to sell all at once, then the short traders jump on, and we are off to a 1900 point drop.
The Fed has assured that the stock market should do fairly well for the next two years assuming Biden does not get elected. They are committed to near zero rates, and massive liquidity. They are also using a reserve rate with banks that is so low it encourages banks to make loans, instead of as before, where the reserve rate was 2%, and that was high enough that banks kept their money at the Fed instead of making risky loans. That keeps the money supply flowing over, and all that cash needing a place to go feeds the stock market. In addition, the US stock market is now the place where a lot of foreign money comes to seek a safe haven. At least until the election, the amount of cash invested is likely to maintain higher stock prices than we would otherwise expect in such a near depression environment. That is the main explanation for the record levels of the Nasdaq. There is simply no other place to invest. Bonds are now too risky and provide nil return, Annuities are a stupid investment. Most of us know nothing about commodity trading, so it is far too risky for most of us. China, the EU and emerging markets are far too risky as well. So while I think the market is ahead of itself, it may be that it is driven higher simply by the massive flow of cash that has no place to go. The election is the next big thing, and right now it is getting too close to know. I still think Trump pulls it out with a growing economy, standing up to China and rebuffing the latest threat to democracy by the radical left. Once Biden has to appear with no teleprompter, to defend the left wing policies of the Dems, then add the Durham indictments, and Biden will fumble and fold. He is only doing well now because he only from his basement teleprompter .
61% of corporations say they are having issues bringing back employees. A major cause is the $600, plus child care, and fear of virus. Regardless, economic activity is picking up across the country. Most companies are holding cash for the next sudden storm instead of spending on cap ex. The oil industry is stopping most cap ex for now and that means oil prices will spike higher in two years when no new wells are coming on line. In addition, there will have to be a lot of consolidation in the industry over the next year as oil prices remain relatively low. Inflation is around 1.7% and unlikely to go up much except for food. The $600 will run out end of July, and there is very little PPP money left to dispense . Overall, without the politics and press bias, it has been a very successful program. In a couple of weeks the lift from the program and the $600 in July 31, will end. On the good news side, a lot of tech production is rushing out of China.
I am not on Facebook or Twitter, so I am not afraid of the mob’s social blasts which I avoid by having a private mailing list for the Rant. Someone has to speak up with reality. I don’t apologize for what I say. I can’t be intimidated. So the Rant will continue to tell it like it really is. If we are afraid to speak, we have lost it all.
On May 31, there were 18 young blacks murdered in Chicago in one day. 25 in three days. All the while protests were bemoaning Floyd, and CEO’s and companies were falling all over themselves to pander and promise “change”. Floyd, a career criminal, was given a burial equal to a president, but the 25 murdered in Chicago were ignored. There was a white cop murdered in an ambush in CA. His funeral was ignored. Another cop got ambushed and two cops have been stabbed in Manhattan this past week, and two shot. Then there was the black guard in DC who got murdered while on duty. Have you heard much of any of this on mainstream media. I guess it is routine that blacks can murder blacks in Chicago en masse, and that is just routine for the media. So now we are told it is racism by cops that is the problem for violence against black young men. In all of last year only 10 unarmed blacks were shot by cops, and at least two had guns in their car. 18 were murdered in Chicago by other blacks in a single day. I am back to my suggestion, we need to be objective and have perspective in all things data driven. Chicago has an almost all black administration, and black police chief . They operate under a court ordered set of rules for cops that Obama and Loretta Lynch put in place. Before the riots and chaos, the stats in Dem run cities were: NYC- shootings up 18%, burglaries 31%, car jacking 64%, Just one number-there were 1,279 more burglaries this year than last. In San Fran murder up 19%, burglary 23%, arson 39%. Philadelphia-burglary of commercial establishments up 28%, shooting 51%, and auto theft 28%. All these cities are Dem run and have lots of blacks in high office, and, in some, black police chiefs. Some is due to releasing criminals from prison early. In Minneapolis property and violent crime was up 33% and 29% before the riots. The county jail had released 40% of its prisoners. Not that there is any connection of course. You would likely be surprised to know the chief in Minneapolis is black.
In NYC last week during the riots, cops arrested over 650. Obama’s last AG, the one who just talked about grandchildren with Bill Clinton on the tarmac, Lauretta Lynch, pushed through 7 separate police reform agreements. Crime in every one of those cites has gone up materially-especially Chicago as the cops are now reluctant to go to certain areas and to make aggressive street patrols. So of course NYC has hired her to reform the cops in NYC. The rioters are mostly back on the street. In San Fran the radical left DA refuses to prosecute “victimless” crimes. In the black community in Minneapolis, cops were told to ease up before Floyd. In that precinct, which they burned down, violent crime has doubled since last year. So in light of all this, the demand is to reform, eliminate police, or cut police budgets, and go without bail. Makes sens? Not to me. This whole concept of defund is so insane there is no reason for further comment.
They told us in the seventies and eighties we just needed to have minority mayors and police chiefs and blacks in charge of big cities. Holder demanded court ordered agreements to require police reforms in many cities. They got that. We were told there needed to be many more blacks in TV ads to make young blacks feel like they had more opportunity. Practically every ad on TV today has black actors, and even mixed race families. We even had a black president and AG for eight years which showed even a black can be elected president. Trillions have been spent on poverty programs, and all sorts of training programs. So what is the result, more crime and black owned shops torched. Now it is the racist cops who are at fault, and we need more wasteful entitlement spending and “reform”. Why do bad teachers get to stay on payrolls and remain in the classroom in poor neighborhoods. Then they complain about bad schools. That is the fault of the teachers union and all the corrupt contributions they give to Dem mayors who let it happen. But it is your fault because you are racist. The NY Housing Authority projects with a majority of black tenants became like under developed country’s slums under DeBozzo, but they blame us, and demand even more money. Ben Carson had to step in and get a court order to fix the apartments to make them habitable.
Black parents want to send their kids to charters. So DeBozzo stopped new charters in deference to the union. The union has tight rules on hours etc. Young teachers anxious to really help in poor schools were stopped by the union from working extra hours to help the kids and from buying supplies. Eventually several I knew quit and went off doing other things in frustration, but it is you racists who are at fault for bad schools. The NYC schools under Bloomberg had a top notch chancellor. DeBozzo has a terrible chancellor, but it is your fault NYC has failing schools. Education is the basis for success and yet I hear nobody demanding reform of teacher union control that is destroying the futures of these black kids. A analysis was done of a comparison of the SAT scores in NYC charters vs public schools in the same neighborhood. The kids in the charter schools were chosen by lottery, not pre-selected. Results; charter kids on average scored 300 points higher on SAT’s and some went on to get a PhD, or to succeed in other ways. The main difference was there are no discipline issues in charter schools- disrupt class and you are out.
Now we need a massive culture change in black communities, which now will not happen for years, as the, blame whitey and cops is the mantra. Self-responsibility is never mentioned in public. Thanks to the press and college ideology, we need more spending and self-flagellation. Only a few blacks are calling for blacks to take self- responsibility . The situation will only get worse as cops are being charged with crimes for just pushing rioters and protesters. They even took the top cable show off TV- Live PD in fear of causing a problem. We are going back to the bad old days of high crime, and cops will now be afraid to do anything to stop it fearing they will be charged with being too rough. It is all a scam where the black mayors and left wing politicians demand more money they can waste, and use to buy votes by raising wages of teachers who then pay them off with campaign contributions out of union dues. Nothing has changed for the better in these issues since 1968. It is easy to yell racist, and the press just jumps on board. On four occasions in NYC I got physically involved to help cops subdue resisting perps. Having learned the application of a choke hold in judo class in college, I used it on two occasions. It is highly effective for gaining full control of a resisting thug if applied correctly, and you don’t kill a healthy thug. But now it is banned for cops so maybe they will just be forced to shoot the perp instead.
We have reached a horrible and very dangerous inflection point in America. We are now in a civil war for the future of the nation. The campus ideology has now taken control. The firing of the two editors at the NYT and Inquirer, Drew Brees, the shutting down of TV shows, an all-out attack on the editor of the top economic journal to try to force him to resign for being truthful, the demand that a top accounting professor in CA be fired for not granting special treatment of blacks on their final exam, the LA Times deciding that the words riot and looting are racist, and several other new incidents, has put a massive lid on free speech and free press. Penn Athletics just announced that black athletes will get a special room in which to meet separately, special deans of diversity and inclusion will be hired, and they will get special tutoring to help with their studies. What lesson does that send- you don’t have to try your best, we will cover for your weaknesses. It is the standard campus playbook, either you adhere to what we say, or you say nothing, and if you dare to speak, we run you out, and demand a mea culpa like Drew Brees. This is extremely dangerous. Jefferson said when he drew up the first amendment- this is the key to our constitution and democracy. It is not a coincidence that free speech is the first amendment. Without it we are living Orwell’s 1984. This is 1789 in Paris and 1936 in Berlin all alive here in the US. Watching Dems take a knee dressed in black garb, was disgraceful. The country’s leaders bowing down to rioters in essence. If Biden is elected we are in really serious trouble as he will allow this and encourage it-even when he is awake. This is what happens when they stopped teaching American and world history. The kids have no grounding in history and why the first amendment is so critical. They never heard of the brown shirts. They are them. I am sick and tired of all the emails form major companies in the past week pandering and promising to hire and promote more blacks. What happened to hiring and promotion on merit. So now some white or Asian kid is not going to get that job because we have to fill the quota of blacks getting the position whether or not they are qualified. It is discrimination of the worst kind and if it were done in reverse there would be civil rights lawsuits and bad press for the corporation, and managers would be fired. Again what is the message to blacks-you don’t have to be the best you just have to be black.
A major university, I think Yale, but I am not sure, has a $46 billion with a B, endowment. They never touch more than 5% to be used for general cost coverage. Instead they have students borrow money they cannot afford to cover the costs of 150 deans and staff of diversity and other things that do not contribute one iota to education. The universities with these big endowments are disgusting hypocrites.
The events in Seattle are outrageous and the mayor's condoning it is warped. They should be swept away by the cops and national guard before that is copied elsewhere. It is a replay of occupy Wall St which finally ended very badly and was swept away by the cops when too many girls were being raped. For Seattle authorities and the governor to allow this to happen is insanity. It just shows how far left some government leaders have moved and how dangerous.
The CNN poll was invalid and a Dem pollster said it was heavily weighted to Dem voters and not potential voters. Don’t believe anything coming from CNN. Point being, Trump may be falling back, but there is a silent majority across the nation that is very angry with the anti-cop rhetoric, and the pandering to blacks by companies and politicians and more tax money being thrown at black programs. Trillions have been wasted already to no avail. More money is rarely the answer in these culture driven situations. The pandering across all parts of society now is going to end very badly, and is going to cost everyone unsafe streets and higher taxes. Black communities will suffer the most as the cops back away. Just wait until the election and fed up voters go for Trump and law and order as with Nixon when crime was rampant.
I head back to my home in the Hamptons this weekend for the rest of the summer.
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