Buy American - I have no intention of shining black people's shoes as Dan Cathy, of Chick Fil A, suggests. Nor will I buy any of their food. I no longer purchase anything Nike makes either. I am tired of corporate executives politicizing everything. They are welcome to have their own personal views but, as executives of companies doing a public business, they need to be more restrained.
If Cathy continues in this mode he will injure the great institution his father built.
Chick-Fil-A's Dan Cathy Assumes White Christians Are Racists; Asks Them To Repent
White Christians should repent for racism and fight for their black brothers and sisters, Chick-fil-A's CEO urged, after weeks of protests over police brutality and the death of Rayshard Brooks. "Most of us, white people, we're out-of-sight-out-of-mind oblivious to it," Cathy said about injustice against black Americans. "We cannot let this moment pass."

While on my horse another matter that really sticks in my craw is the way citizens of cities who have conducted business, paid taxes and been positive forces are being ignored by cowardly mayors who are giving preferential knee bending treatment to thugs and anarchists. The scenes in Seattle are sickening.
“I’m Scared”: Seattle Residents Living Near CHOP Frightened For Their Safety - Read More
The same goes for Atlanta where a taser is deemed lethal but to pacify the black population the district attorney decides it becomes non-lethal when a policeman has it taken from him and subsequently shoots his attacker and now faces a charge of murder.
Apparently the district attorney, who made the switch, is in a run off so he decided he can sacrifice a policeman's own civil rights to gain election leverage.
“It's The Worst Day in Law Enforcement,” Police Morale Hits New Lows in Atlanta - Read More
All we witness these days are politicians who are feckless, virtually all Democrats who have lost their sense of duty and responsibility and believe they can finesse blame by dumping on their police department personnel.
Since being quarantined I have little knowledge of what is happening in downtown Savannah but from all appearances our mayor has been doing a great job of keeping our historic and beautiful city calm. I am sure we would be happy to hire some of the better police who are disgusted with the way they have been treated in other cities.
A final get it off my chest is the obvious contempt Democrats demonstrate for this nation by nominating Biden who has demonstrated he has some serious health issues. Every true blooded American should be offended that all Democrats and their mass media friends want is to win and regain power.
Is Biden slipping mentally? Here's what the nation thinks. READ IT HERE
Breaking: New Poll Shows Americans Deeply Unhappy, Which Is What Happens When You Lock Them Up And Call Them Racists
My recently deceased long time friend, Professor Hank Abraham, an expert on History of The Supreme Court and close friend of deceased Justice Scalia, warned me, shortly after Chief justice Roberts was appointed, he would eventually seek comity and thus would not be a reliable conservative vote. Hank's viewpoint and prediction has proven more than accurate.
Roberts appears more desirous of building pleasant relationships than interpreting the law.
On Daca, Obama Can but Trump Can’t
The Supreme Court endorses a double regulatory standard.
The Editorial Board
Sometimes getting to the right policy via the wrong process does more harm than good. We fear that will be the case with Thursday’s unfortunate 5-4 Supreme Court decision to block President Trump’s rescission of Barack Obama’s order for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, widely known as Daca.
The decision in DHS v. University of California is being cheered because it offers a reprieve to the so-called Dreamers who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children. We support legalization for these 700,000 or so immigrants, as a matter of fairness and as contributors to American life. But this is an issue for Congress. The Court’s ruling on administrative-law grounds reads like a desired policy outcome in search of justifying legal logic, and it is likely to do long-term harm to the Constitution’s separation of powers and maybe to immigration reform.
Chief Justice John Roberts joined the four liberals, as he so often has, in ruling that the Trump Administration hadn’t properly followed the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). The Court remanded the rescission back to DHS to rewrite with a formal rule-making with notice and comment period.
This may seem routine, but the problem is that the Obama Administration never followed the APA when it issued Daca in 2012. Daca was never tested in court, but the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in 2015 issued an injunction against a companion order to Daca. The Supreme Court upheld that injunction, and the Trump Administration had every reason to believe Daca was thus illegal too.“Today the majority makes the mystifying determination that this rescission of DACA was unlawful. In reaching that conclusion, the majority acts as though it is engaging in the routine application of standard principles of administrative law,” Justice Clarence Thomas writes in a dissent joined by Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch. “On the contrary, this is anything but a standard administrative law case.”
As Justice Thomas explains, a President should not have to follow normal administrative procedures to reverse a policy that was unlawful in the first place.
The Chief strains to rationalize his double regulatory standard by quibbling that a memo by former DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen in June 2018 that expands on its original legal justification for ending Daca is a “post hoc” rationalization. But as Justice Brett Kavanaugh explains in his dissent, the Chief’s logic stretches the Court’s own precedents to rule the Nielsen memo out of legal bounds.
The practical consequence of the ruling is that a President can create an unlawful policy without legislation from Congress, but a future President cannot lawfully undo it without first jumping through regulatory hoops that can take years. This is an invitation for executive mischief, especially by Presidents at the end of their terms. They’ll issue orders that will invite years of legal challenge if the next President reverses them.
As Justice Thomas puts it: “Today’s decision must be recognized for what it is: an effort to avoid a politically controversial but legally correct decision” that has “given the green light for future political battles to be fought in this Court rather than where they rightfully belong—the political branches.”
The result will also further diminish Congress, and one casualty could be immigration reform beyond Daca. President Trump’s Daca rescission had brought the political parties to the table, but Democrats now have little incentive to negotiate a compromise. They’ll hold out until they control the White House, impose their policies by executive fiat, and dare the Supreme Court to block them—and threaten to pack the Court if it does.
The Daca ruling is merely the latest in which the Chief Justice has joined the liberals to avoid a ruling that would have been criticized by the media and Democrats. Recall ObamaCare, the 2019 Census case, and Monday’s on sex and gender identity. It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that the campaign of intimidation and threat of court-packing by Senate Democrats are getting the results they want.David Harsanyi, NRO
The mass media are seeking retribution for having egg on their face as a result of their 2016 prediction Trump would lose. They may think themselves hard boiled reporters but I suspect they will wind up totally scrambled once again. What they miss is that the nation may not like Trump and have tired of his unorthodox ways but they absolutely are disgusted with the mass media, with the radicalization of the Democrat Party, are increasingly
Media Begging for a 'Second Wave' Price & Gray, RealClearPolitics
Trump appears at a rally in Tulsa and the mass media have drawn their long knives depicting him as some thoughtless monster who is ignoring all of the advice Faucci has been giving regarding masks, large gatherings etc.
Perhaps the mass media and Democrats are upset because Trump draws crowds and Biden brings out mostly family which he does not even recognize.
Perhaps the mass media and Democrats are upset because Trump draws crowds and Biden brings out mostly family which he does not even recognize.
Naturally Democrats have followed suit with their own hypocritical harangues and accusations.
Where were they when thousands were destroying cities and retail stores? Obviously they believe the virus only appears when Trump is present and knows better than to invade the air they breathe.
What is truly most interesting and increasingly revealing is Trump apparently enjoys surrounding himself with advisers who hold views with which he often disagrees. Perhaps this is why he also has enjoyed/suffered a high rate of "inelegant firings" because he expects them, after they have their say, to execute his policies and many cannot bring themselves to do so.
If this is the case, one can argue his style of combative management creates a significant amount of burn out and even unnecessary/disruptive conflict. It might also cause less talented people to apply and thus, Trump short changes himself and the nation accordingly.
I have just begun reading Shelby Steele's "Shame." It is a tough read though only 200 pages because he challenges the reader with meaty ideas in every sentence.
His premise is liberals have failed and in the process reinforced what they profess they were seeking to end. Their policies have broken the black family, kept blacks enslaved though they live in a nation that offers freedom and until whites throw off the yoke of "guilt" blacks will never be free.
Freedom is what America is all about and the idea that America holds blacks back is no longer operative, as it once was, yet, liberals cannot abandon their "guilt" which motivates/controls their every thought in matters racial
Ever since the '60's America has divided itself into two philosophical camps. Neither faction are willing to, or even can, absorb/accept what the other is saying and thus we are no longer a nation that can come together in compromise . As long as each holds to their viewpoint, blacks will continue to be held back because they have diminished self esteem, lack the education to move forward and free themselves from dependency.
That said, resolution is not actually that simple. The problem is more complex. Steele goes into significant detail to explain blacks have made tremendous progress and yet the model liberals continue to embrace is predicated on the mistaken belief America is an evil country.
Shelby is a black conservative and a fellow at The Hoover Institute. He is the intellectual twin of Thomas Sowell who also is a Hoover Fellow.
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present - in which 'the Party' is always right.”
George Orwell, 1984
Also: Animal Farm and Atlas Shrugged.
Report: Seattle's Breakaway CHOP Is Now a Murder Scene UPDATED
If you listen to much of the media, Seattle’s anarchist-occupied section is part street party, part SJW indoctrination center. It’s certainly the latter, but it’s perhaps less of a carnival despite Police Chief Carmen Best’s insistence that it’s not a “cop-free zone.”
Last week an unwilling resident found himself and his business subjected to crime after a CHOP speaker urged the crowd to attack, and neither the police nor the fire department showed up to help him.
Today there’s a report of a murder, followed by another shooting.
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