Saturday, June 27, 2020

According To Biden 1/3rd of America Tested Positive. The Mass Media May Have Finally Accomplished Their Goal. Dungeon Biden Or Gulliver Trump. Take Your Pick.

Mason Rudikoff.  My/our nephew.


Anarchists and Trump's Reelection Lloyd MarcusWhat we are experiencing across America is leftists' frustration over their inability to remove Donald J. Trump from the White House.  More+++The Russian Origins of Black Neo-Marxism Gary GindlerBLM stormtroopers are trying to provoke a racial war in America in the hope that it will develop into a civil war -- simply because it is much easier to make a revolution during a war.   More
Buy American From A Destroyed Store and Help A Victimized Merchant


Biden makes another humiliating gaffe READ IT HERE >>
It is amazing how a pandemic can expose a bunch of politicians who are so incompetent and inept that had the citizens known what they know now they probably would never have voted for them. They are not exclusive to one side of the country either. They govern in New York, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Oregon, California,  Washington D.C as well as the state of  Washington.

They also seem to have something else  in common, ie. they are all Democrats and run the gamut from radical to just being stupid. They all lack common sense and many are just plain cowards who believe pandering to anarchists will buy peace.

Something has to be seriously wrong  about those who seek office, are elected by voters who also seem to lack a total sense of knowing anything about the boobs they vote into office. One would think, with all the technology and TV exposure,  we would be able to separate the "stink weeds" from the Bermuda grass but such is not the case.

How can a city like New York go so rapidly from Giuliani to de Blasio? Michigan has not had many decent governors in quite a while so they are entitled to a pass and Chicago has been a political  swamp for decades as has D.C.  So many of those who governed these places wound up in jail.

Those who initially protested the Floyd incident were totally justified but when  radicals swept in and took over and began destroying property and declaring war zones and were followed by acts of cowardice on the part of public officials any empathy I felt has been erased.  Furthermore, if appeasers think they can  engage in rational discourse, in my view,  they are nuttier than the anarchists. What is happening has been planned and all it took was an event that could be turned into a "justified" provocation so rioting could ensue.

There is no justification for further tolerance. The anarchists have thrown down the gauntlet and it is past time for an overwhelming response.

Shakespeare's Rotten Denmark has crossed the pond.
 It does appear the mass media may have finally accomplished their long sought goal of convincing voters their sustained attacks on Trump have been justified all along. Trump's personality and his constant  responses have begun to wear thin because the economy is no longer humming and the pandemic is reappearing.  Even the strongest of walls can only take so much constant battering.

When things were going well,l Trump's unorthodox behaviour was overlooked but when matters turn down unorthodox behaviour offers too thin a veneer against constant berating  Trump has always been his own worst enemy but his can do approach was needed to refloat the ship of state that had been taking on water and listing badly from decades of misguided legislation, political mismanagement and mounting debt that prevented necessary expenditures on infrastructure, rebuilding military preparedness etc.

Along came Covid 19 buttressed by a recurring episode of police overkill and the fragile threads of our republic have come apart at the seams.  Nothing Trump does will be portrayed in a positive light because the mass media and radicals on the other side of the aisle smell blood. If Trump moves to restore order he will be blamed for any killing that occurs and if order is not restored, even though cowardly Democrat officials failed in their responsibilities, Trump will be blamed because the president is forever vulnerable and that pesky buck has nowhere else to go.

If the pandemic returns, Trump will be blamed for re-opening the economy too soon  because of the upcoming election and he has already been blamed for responding too late.

His many accomplishments will no longer protect him from blame because he is no longer likable. The mass media and Trump Haters have seen to that and he has made his own contributions.

His opponent believes he can sit in his dungeon and win by default because the mass media will protect him from his lack of achievements, will cover for his mental inadequacies while voters have decided to ignore his lies, deceitful behaviour, poor judgement, racial hypocrisy and amassing of a fortune through his and his son's corrupt endeavors.

The Durham Report might turn out to be Murine but the efforts by Obama and Biden to mask their nefarious deeds are complex and the public's appetite for such is limited. Biden's choice of a VP could also prove distasteful but voters seem to be in a pro Biden forgiving mood.

If Biden is elected, I believe China will light firecrackers and feel they can do just about anything they wish and whatever allies we have will become thoroughly cowed. Mounting deficits will continue to constrain The Fed's latitude for conservative monetary policies and Biden's desire to  overturn Trump's policies will crush any thought of corporate expansion so the economy could easily revert to Obama levels of paltry growth. I also believe Iran would feel emboldened and Israel might be forced to take pre-emptive actions because Biden and the radicals in his party are no friend of Israel. If  Democrats capture The Senate and retain The House then the ability to do damage will be greatly heightened and accelerate.

If Trump is re-elected but loses The Senate he will be blocked in a legislative sense and even if he retains control of The Senate the next four years will be much like the past four - an extended period of contentious stalemate.  A new statue might be built on the mall and it would resemble  one of GulliverTrump.

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