Bolton has bolted so where does he go to seek a trustworthy friend and Trump would be wise to act uncharacteristically, turn the other cheek and not dignify Bolton's diatribe.
Bolton had an opportunity to testify before Congress but chose to sell his book instead. Trump is not a hawk, Bolton is. Trump and Bolton was an oil and water choice by Trump who still does not know the characters arrayed against him. He truly has yet to clean house of Obama holdovers and particularly in some of the key agencies that remain filled with bureaucrats who do not accord with Trump's agenda and keep slow walking him.
I am starting a new franchise business for those who are compassionate. I am providing prayer rugs for a small fee and this includes cleaning, should there be blood on them, for those who want to visit/commiserate with friends whose homes have been robbed and/or were unable to receive police protection.
These rugs were not made in China, N Korea or Iran but in America and were purchased from the man who makes those pillows.
Because rioters etc. were not chastised/restrained for standing 6 feet from each other while protesting, looting and stealing from stores they destroyed it is going to make it increasingly difficult to enforce this command when the nation opens up and people start going to restaurants, beaches etc.
The mass media disregarded their responsibility because they were too busy highlighting the circus taking place in America's streets. Just another instance where the mass media missed an opportunity to perform their civic duty.
Protest Marches are part of American history but since we no longer care about history I suspect a new method of protest will replace marches which is probably a good thing. After all, many protest marches end in rioting, are taken over by thugs and, even if not, it is tiring on the feet and perhaps causes bunions.
I invite memo readers to offer suggestions on what new manner of protests can replace those that require marching. I will be happy to post any ideas submitted/suggested.
Salena hopes America heals we have enough "heelish hypocrites" roaming the streets.
'I think healing needs to happen in the country'
My Interview With Ivanka Trump after her day with faith leaders in Pittsburgh
By Salena Zeto
Click here for the full story.
Click here for the full story.
This is Beverlyn who was on Laura Ingraham's show the other night. The Hodge Twins have several videos on their facebook page that are interesting!
Paul Harvey is dead but his common sense and insight still resonates:
Paul Harvey " Policeman " One of His Best Narrations - YouTube
This from a very dear friend and a sometime tennis partner and fellow memo reader:
This from a very dear friend and a sometime tennis partner and fellow memo reader:
"After 34 years as a badge and gun carrier you can imagine what I think of the horror show we're watching in our country. Chauvin couldn't have been more wrong. I went through two police academies and federal agent training. NO ONE teaches a law enforcement officer to kneel on anyone's neck, especially after they have been handcuffed. The fight ends when the subject is cuffed. Every time. But what has transpired since then is twilight zone material. Candice Owens nails it in this video. She's a brilliant woman. I applaud her. It's worth the time to watch it.
I hope you're doing well. I miss seeing you on the courts.
A real History of George Floyd’s criminal life:+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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