Monday, June 1, 2020

They Are Coming Out Of The Woodwork.

Buy American - Rebuild America


Ivy League trained attorney doing his part to destroy America:

David Horowitz speaks out:

It’s Not About Race

The Left exploits another black victim. 
By David Horowitz

David Horowitz is the author of Blitz: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win, which will be published tomorrow, June 2, by Humanix Books:
A black man is arrested and murdered in an act of heinous violence while handcuffed and defenseless. Three fellow officers, in close proximity to the killer cop, watch the crime, listen to the black man plea for his life and do nothing to stop it. For the next several days angry mobs tear up American cities, looting stores, burning buildings, police cars and American flags and even killing individuals in their path. The rationale offered for their violence and criminal acts is that they are protesting a racist system - or in Senator Bernie Sanders more colorful words, “a grotesque system of ingrained racism and economic disparity that now more than ever needs to be ripped down.” These attacks on America are what the riots are really about. Sanders’ “grotesque system of ingrained racism” is a leftwing fantasy that fuels the rage of the rioters and their violence, which is directed not only against white Americans but also black Americans whose neighborhoods and shopping centers and businesses Sanders’ comrades are pleased to torch.
No one knows for certain the motives that actually led Officer Derek Chauvin to take George Floyd’s life and to do so in such a brutal manner. Chauvin was a bad cop with a long dossier of misconduct complaints and three killings already on his record. But let’s posit the most logical explanation: he was a racist. And so were his three accomplices. What does this say about “a grotesque system of ingrained racism” in America? Absolutely nothing.
Is there a cop, or a politician from the president on down, or a publication that in the week of George Floyd’s murder rose up to defend the murderer? Is there any public voice claiming that there were extenuating circumstances – that he was resisting arrest for example – that would justify the act? There wasn’t. The attorney general for the state of Minnesota is black; the police chief is black; the vice president of the city council is black, the congresswoman for the district is black. A normal view of this matter would recognize it as an isolated incident involving four bad cops who should long before have been removed from the force by the Democrat politicians who control the state.
But these are not normal times. In the same statement, Sanders accused President Trump of “advocating violence” against black communities across the nation because he called for law and order, while at the time praising those demonstrators who were actually protesting and doing so peacefully. We live in times when the Democrat Party and its leaders conflate the black community with its criminal element in order to indict white Americans as “white supremacists,” bearers of “white skin privilege – a term coined by the Weathermen, a domestic terrorist organization in the 1960s.
Fueling the flames of hate against white people, against police, against America’s president and America itself is the daily message of Democrat leaders like Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Stacey Abrams and Joe Biden. This hatred is magnified by the Trump-hating and America-trashing leftwing media. This hate has now born bitter fruit across the nation.
There are voices, however – black voices on the left - who see through the hypocrisy. Atlanta is a major American city that has been run by black politicians for decades. In Atlanta  rioters attacked the CNN Center, site of a channel that is relentless in attacking Trump, white America, and its allegedly racist system. CNN is openly blaming “white supremacy” for the riots. An Atlanta black rapper named “Killer Mike” had this to say about CNN’s role in fueling the hatred whose chickens had come home to roost: “I love CNN, I love Cartoon Network. But I’d like to say to CNN right now, ‘Stop feeding fear and anger every day. Stop making people feel so fearful. Give them hope.’”
Virtually every official in Minnesota with influence over the Minneapolis police and the decision to keep Derek Chauvin on the force despite his alarming record is a Democrat: the governor, the attorney general, the Minneapolis congresswoman and the mayor. The city council consists of 12 Democrats and a Green Party member. The Democrat Party is the “system” that protected the bad cop and led to George Floyd’s death.
Just as the Democrats protected the bad cops, so they encouraged the rioters by fueling the myth of America’s systemic racism, by not providing a sufficient police presence, when the mayhem started, to nip it in the bud, and by attacking Trump for “glorifying violence,” when he warned the rioters that if the local authorities failed to protect law-abiding citizens he would meet force with force.
The organizers of the violence were two far left organizations – Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Until the Minneapolis riots Attorney General and former DNC head, Keith Ellison featured a picture on his website advertising the Antifa handbook for conducting civil war. The proximity of the Antifa-spearheaded riot in Minneapolis prompted Ellison to remove the photo, because Antifa’s destruction of his capital city would obviously lead to bad press.
The racist organization Black Lives Matter, which has led the war on cops for several years, is officially endorsed by the Democrat Party, was invited multiple times to the Obama White House, and is funded along with Antifa by Democrat donors like George Soros.
The Democrat Party’s leaders without exception have spread the lies that there is an open season on black Americans conducted by (white) police. They neglect to mention  that police departments in major cities are frequently run by black Americans; that black cops are actually more likely to kill black suspects than white police officers, and that an unarmed black is less likely to be killed by police than to be struck by lightning. Black males are 6% of the population but they are responsible for more than 50% of the homicides and violent crimes. This is why virtually every civil rights cause celebre of the last fifty years has involved encounters with the law rather than racist vigilantes from the general populace.
Democrat leaders like Sanders, Warren and Harris feed the myth that economic inequality is a systemic oppression of blacks when the majority of African Americans are in the middle class, and the source of gross poverty is the bad behavior of individuals. It has been statistically shown that not having children out of wedlock and getting a high school education will lift an individual out of poverty. The Democrat Party controls virtually all the failed public schools in the nation where year in and year out 40% of the students drop out before they graduate and 40% of those who do graduate are functionally illiterate.
Democrat welfare policies and political dependence on teacher unions are 100% responsible for these deficiencies. The Democrats’ defense of their indefensible behavior is to blame Trump and Republicans for the resulting inequities and to call all their critics racists. Democrats are wedded to a collectivist ideology called Identity Politics, which erases the individual and individual accountability in order to indict and hold races responsible, as it happens the white race. This is the poisoned well of Democrat politics and it is why self-anointed champions of “black folk” have felt so free to dishonor the memory of George Floyd by burning American cities in order to advance their civil war against the United States.
Democrats must not allow America to recover:

Democrats Panic Over Economic Recovery
"We are about to see the best economic data we've seen in the history of this country."
By Nate Jackson

Two years ago, we explained why a good economy is bad for Democrats. Long before any notion of shutting down the economy to mitigate a contagion, Democrats were pushing for recession because it would help their political prospects. They didn’t get the recession they wanted in 2018, though they did ride their Russia-collusion hoax to take back the House. The recession has come in 2020, however, so a former economic adviser to Barack Obama recently laid out the new danger for Democrats: “We are about to see the best economic data we’ve seen in the history of this country.”
Jason Furman said that back in early April, but Politico just reported it yesterday. Furman, now a Harvard professor, was warning fellow Democrats about the prospects for a fast and substantial economic recovery from the Great Coronavirus Shutdown.
According to Politico, “Furman’s case begins with the premise that the 2020 pandemic-triggered economic collapse is categorically different than the Great Depression or the Great Recession, which both had slow, grinding recoveries.” We’d like to note a great irony that, naturally, Politico ignored: Democrat policies greatly exacerbated those downturns and slowed the recoveries. FDR’s New Deal worsened the depression, while Obama’s heavy-handed regulatory and tax regime had our economy stuck in low gear for eight years.
On the other hand, President Donald Trump brought lower taxes and less regulation, putting our economy on exceptionally strong footing and making the U.S. more resilient in the face of calamity. Where would we be right now if COVID hit during the Obama economy?
The “partial rebound,” Furman warned, “can be very very fast, because people go back to their original job, they get called back from furlough, you put the lights back on in your business.” He added, “Given how many people were furloughed and how many businesses were closed you can get a big jump out of that. It will look like a V.”
Frankly, we’re not quite “V” optimistic because so many small businesses are going out of business and even big companies are reeling and will be slow to recover. Still, we do see evidence pointing toward a substantial rebound ahead and we think the sheer numbers of recovery will be stunning and encouraging. “Q3 may be the single best GDP quarter since regular data,” says Larry Kudlow, head of the White House National Economic Council. And Furman predicts, “You could easily have one to two million jobs created a month in those four reports before November,” as well as perhaps “double-digit positive economic growth” just ahead of the election. “These will be the best jobs and growth numbers ever.”
Furman’s prognostication certainly serves to, er, pull off the Democrats’ mask. They’re moving the goal posts on continued lockdowns and screaming that Republican governors will have “blood on their hands” for reopening because their entire election pitch depends on the U.S. plummeting into a depression. A “V” recovery would spell disaster for them, while it would obviously be fantastic for America. And doesn’t that about sum up the real issue here? What’s good for America is bad for Democrats, and vice versa.
And today's new crop of Jane Fonda's
Flatow challenges Friedman:

10 Questions For Thomas Friedman

The UJA Federation of New York has invited controversial New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman to be the featured speaker at its upcoming June 4 event. Friedman will be the star of what the Federation is billing as a “conversation” with the editor-in-chief of the New York Jewish Week, Andrew Silow-Carroll.
In announcing the event, the Federation stated, “We’ll take your questions on the global ramifications of this age of uncertainty.” I have some questions, but they concern the credibility of the speaker who has been selected as an authority on global events. Perhaps Mr. Silow-Carroll can ask them.
  1. Mr. Friedman, in your New York Times column on April 4, 2012, you endorsed what you called “non-violent resistance by Palestinians” against Israel. The examples of such resistance you gave were boycotts, hunger strikes, and rock-throwing.
Last week, a young Israeli soldier, Amit Ben-Yigal, was murdered by an Arab who threw a heavy rock at his head. He was at least the 17th Israeli murdered by Arab rock-throwers since the 1980s. Mr. Friedman, do you still consider rock-throwing to be “non-violent”?
  1. In your February 4, 2020 column, you claimed that the real obstacle to peace is the impact of climate change in the Middle East. One of your main pieces of evidence was the fact that “in the summer of 2018, the Sea of Galilee [the Kinneret] was so low from droughts…that it was threatening to become another saline lake, like the Dead Sea.”
On April 24, The Jerusalem Post reported that the water level in the Kinneret is now at a 16-year high. In fact, it is so high that it has almost reached what the Israelis call “the upper red line,” meaning it may flood the nearby city of Tiberias if water is not drained. So, Mr. Friedman, will you now acknowledge that your fears were exaggerated?
  1. In your December 29, 2016 column, you claimed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called President Obama “an enemy.” The Committee on Accuracy in Middle East Reporting (CAMERA) conducted a thorough search but found no evidence that the prime minister ever used that term. What’s your evidence for claiming that Netanyahu did?
  2. In your February 4, 2015 column, you argued that if Israel’s prime minister addressed Congress against the Iran deal, “anti-Semites, who claim Israel controls Washington, will have a field day.” Can you see why many Jews would regard it as disingenuous for you to repeatedly claim that Israel controls Washington and then urge Israel to change its policies because otherwise anti-Semites will claim Israel controls Washington?
  3. In your November 19, 2013 column, you wrote that “many American lawmakers [will] do whatever the Israel lobby asks them to do in order to garner Jewish votes and campaign donations.” Can you understand why many Jews regard these words as both dangerous and anti-Semitic?
  4. In your December 13, 2011 column, you wrote that the standing ovations that Israel’s prime minister received in Congress were “bought and paid for by the Israel lobby.” Can you understand why many Jews regard this charge as a classic anti-Semitic libel?
  5. In your February 5, 2004 column, you wrote that Israel “had George Bush under house arrest in the Oval Office.” Can you understand why many Jews see this accusation as an anti-Semitic trope?
  6. In your October 19, 1987 column, you predicted that in 12 years “Israel and the occupied territories [would] be in, demographic terms, a bi-national state.” Well, here we are, 33 years later, and Israel is obviously not a bi-national state. Are you willing to acknowledge that you were mistaken?
  7. You have been arguing since the 1970s that Yasser Arafat had become moderate and Israel should negotiate and make concessions to him. But in January 2002 – more than eight years after he supposedly made peace with Israel – Arafat was caught trying to smuggle 50 tons of weapons into Gaza on board the SS Karine A. Do you still consider Palestinian leadership to be “moderate”?
  8. Two of the largest Palestinian Authority-ruled cities, Tulkarm and Kalkilya, are located about nine miles from the Mediterranean Sea. That means that if a Palestinian state were established, Israel would be just nine miles wide. That’s less than the distance from your home in Potomac, Maryland, to nearby Washington, DC. Can you understand why Israelis are reluctant to put themselves in such a vulnerable position?
And one question for the UJA Federation: How much are you paying Thomas Friedman? Ordinarily, a speaker’s fee might be regarded as private information. But considering Friedman’s long history of making troubling statements, it seems only fair that donors to the UJA Federation be informed how much of their donations are being used to pay him.

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