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(THOUGHT PROVOKING) Victor Davis Hanson: How cultural revolutions die --- or not
All this nonsense and stupidity will eventually peter out if/when a liberal icon is harmed by the same folks he/she now supports. When the backfire occurs then the hypocrites will reverse course supported by the mass media which is interested in making money through entertainment as well as sticking their knife into the heart of our republic, conservatives and capitalism.
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I have been thinking about why we seem to be passing through a revolutionary period.I have mentioned some of the reasons relate to the type of education our college and university students receive because of entire departments are filled predominantly by radicals, progressive liberals, many of whom hate America, are committed socialists who refuse to accept capitalism etc.
Another reason is that the '60's sort of 'koshered' disrespect for authority and the latitude we have allowed for bad behaviour because of the decline in American culture etc.
A third reason is obvious events that served as a match because we allowed too many wrongs to go unresolved because of a contentious political environment and unwillingness to compromise in order to move forward.
The current Supreme Court will finally be deciding some thorny issues and perhaps their decisions will throw some retardant over current anarchist flames. Furthermore, if Trump is re-elected and retains control over the Senate and gains some votes in The House, immigration and police reform might finally be addressed and that will go a long way towards calming the heated atmosphere.
Obviously shutting down Trump's strong economy, which was moving off the charts, caused severe angst and uncertainty. The Corona-virus was unique and the solutions were challenging because we had never faced a comparable situation which was further compounded by the Floyd matter and other police incidents.
Hopefully calm will begin to descend upon the land as economic improvements occur and some of the Supreme Court decisions will find favor.
I have been thinking about why we seem to be passing through a revolutionary period.I have mentioned some of the reasons relate to the type of education our college and university students receive because of entire departments are filled predominantly by radicals, progressive liberals, many of whom hate America, are committed socialists who refuse to accept capitalism etc.
Another reason is that the '60's sort of 'koshered' disrespect for authority and the latitude we have allowed for bad behaviour because of the decline in American culture etc.
A third reason is obvious events that served as a match because we allowed too many wrongs to go unresolved because of a contentious political environment and unwillingness to compromise in order to move forward.
The current Supreme Court will finally be deciding some thorny issues and perhaps their decisions will throw some retardant over current anarchist flames. Furthermore, if Trump is re-elected and retains control over the Senate and gains some votes in The House, immigration and police reform might finally be addressed and that will go a long way towards calming the heated atmosphere.
Obviously shutting down Trump's strong economy, which was moving off the charts, caused severe angst and uncertainty. The Corona-virus was unique and the solutions were challenging because we had never faced a comparable situation which was further compounded by the Floyd matter and other police incidents.
Hopefully calm will begin to descend upon the land as economic improvements occur and some of the Supreme Court decisions will find favor.
Israel Thwarts Attempt to Smuggle Weapons Into Gaza by Sea
The Israeli military — in conjunction with the Shin Bet domestic security agency — recently thwarted an attempt to smuggle weapons into the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip by sea from Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, it was announced on Wednesday.
Several weeks ago, two terror operatives were arrested on a arms-carrying boat intercepted by the Israel Navy.
An investigation revealed that the weapons on board were intended for use by Hamas.
One of the terrorists was identified as Mahmoud Bachar. He was described as a “high-profile smuggler” who worked with Gaza-based terror groups, and the IDF called his capture a “significant operational achievement.”
Obama tried smuggling his hatred of Netanyahu and Israel into U.N Resolutions only to be thwarted by Trump and Putin? Ask what was Biden's role. Did Doofus go along to get along?
MORE DETAILS EMERGE About Obama’s Planned UN Resolution Against Israel
Following the Yisrael Hayom report earlier this week revealing that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu appealed to Russian President Vladimir Putin to thwart the anti-Israel Resolution 2234 in the UN Security Council as well as another anti-Israel resolution that President Obama planned to propose, a Jerusalem Post report on Wednesday revealed further details about the saga.
According to the report, Israel’s Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer said at the time that he had evidence that the Obama administration was actively involved in pushing Resolution 2234 forward rather than merely abstaining from the vote in the UN Security Council.
However, then US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro denied Dermer’s words, saying that the proposal was not a US initiative. But in 2019, a New York Times Magazine article quoted an anonymous member of the Obama administration, who said that the White House pulled strings to ensure that the vote would take place after the November 2016 election so Jewish donors wouldn’t abandon the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. Furthermore, according to what an Israeli source said this week, Obama aides took part in formulating the text of the proposal.
The Post article quoted the comments made by Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Danny Dannon after the anti-Israel resolution passed.
“To be in a room and see all the other member states voting against Israel, and the US allowing it to happen, was a moment I will never forget,” Danon said. “I think the resolution was the lowest place in decades regarding Israel and the US at the UN. We did work with the US mission very closely, and we achieved a lot of things together, but that shameful vote will be what people remember of president Obama’s presidency…They will remember that moment when the US abandoned Israel and allowed a one-sided resolution to pass.”
The Israeli source this week also confirmed the Yisrael Hayom report about the additional anti-Israel resolution that Obama intended to propose at the UN Security Council but withdrew after Putin said he would veto it.
When it came to Resolution 2334, Israel “tried to block it and Obama’s people worked behind the scenes to push it. He wouldn’t take Netanyahu’s calls at the time,” the source said. “[Then president-elect Donald] Trump was also involved in trying to stop it. Egypt were sponsors of the resolution, but they pulled their sponsorship because of Trump’s pressure.”
“There was the resolution people know about and a second one, which was the parameters for a peace agreement,” which included a Palestinian state based on pre-1967 lines with land swaps,” the source said. “The parameters would have paved the way for a General Assembly decision, and forced an outline of how peace agreement would look, which was more like what the Palestinians want and very far from the Trump plan.”
Russia Saved Israel at UN from Obama's and Biden's Planned Creation of Palestinian State Based on 1948 Borders |
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tells the story of a major drama that unfolded behind the scenes at the UN Security Council shortly before former US President Barack Obama [and his vice-president Biden] left office.
By Ariel Kahana
New details about some drama involving Israel, Russia, and the US that played out behind the scenes at the United Nations Security Council some four years ago are coming to light.
It appears that Russia demonstrated a rare willingness to use its UNSC veto on Israel's behalf to block a resolution led by then-US President Barack Obama [and his vice-president Biden], which would have compelled Israel to set up a Palestinian state based on the 1948 borders.
Approximately six months ago, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at an election rally in Maaleh Adumim that he had asked a "friend," whom he referred to as "the leader of one of the superpowers who holds veto power in the UN Security Counci," to vote against the resolution. Netanyahu credited that leader, whom he did not name, with stopping the resolution.
In a recent closed-door meeting, Netanyahu revealed more details about the unusual event.
Toward the end of Obama's [ and Biden's as vice-president] second term in office, the US spearheaded UNSC Resolution 2334, which states that Israel is in violation of international law by its presence in the territories captured in the 1967 Six-Day War. Israel realized at the time that the US administration was coordinating the resolution with the Palestinians and Europeans, but had no way of blocking it without support from the US.
On Nov. 24, 2016, Netanyahu called Russian President Vladimir Putin and explained that the resolution Obama [and Biden] was working to pass would disrupt regional stability and harm Israel. Netanyahu asked Putin to state that he intended to use his UNSC veto to scupper the resolution. But Putin refused. On Dec. 23, 2016, the UNSC passed Resolution 2334, although then-US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power ultimately abstained.
However, Obama [and vice-president Biden] had additional plans, even though he had less than a month left in the White House. [Obama] and his staff began working on another UNSC resolution, which would have forced Israel to agree to a Palestinian state based on the 1948 borders. Israel's UN ambassador at the time, Danny Danon, sounded the alarm.
Netanyahu again sought help from Putin. In another phone conversation, he explained to Putin that Obama's new resolution would do serious harm to Israel and could destabilize the region.
Putin was convinced and told Netanyahu that if the resolution came to a vote, Russia would veto it.
According to what Netanyahu said in the closed meeting, Obama was informed of Russia's intention to veto the American move. Obama [and Biden] realized that if Russia vetoed a US resolution in order to protect Israel, it would be a fatal blow to the US's image as an ally of Israel and its standing in the Jewish community. Therefore, Obama decided to shelve the resolution, Netanyahu said.
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