Buy American - Return To Rational Thinking and Normal Behaviour.
The market's reaction and volatility on Thursday is not surprising. As I noted in a previous memo I thought the market's recovery was a V type yet the economic recovery was just beginning. Furthermore, I do not expect the economy will be a V type. Again, I do expect consecutive monthly improvement and believe 2021 will outperform 2020, assuming Biden is defeated.
This was sent to me by a friend
If it is all factual it is scary
In the last 96 hours...
-A Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Officer was shot in the back of the head while struggling with a rioter
-An active shooter opened fire on law enforcement at a Las Vegas courthouse
-4 St. Louis Police Officers were shot by an active shooter
-A New York Police Officer was struck by a vehicle
-3 Buffalo law enforcement officers were struck by a vehicle in front of the police station
-3 Davenport law enforcement officers were ambushed and 1 was shot
-132 officers were injured in Chicago during a riot
-9 Pittsburg officers were injured by objects during a riot
-Several officers in Rhode Island were injured during riots
-An active shooter opened fire at the Oakland Police Department
-2 officers were struck in the head with projectiles in Santa Ana
-2 Richland officers were shot in Virginia
-1 officer was struck in the head by a brick in Albany
-4 Prince William County Police Officers sustained head injuries from projectiles
-7 officers were injured in Sacramento
-Several officers were shot at and injured in Lynchburg
-Several Champaign Police Officers were injured
-3 Oak Law Police Officers were injured
-21 officers were injured in Salt Lake City
-At least 50 Secret Service Agents were injured by Molotov cocktails in Washington
-3 Denver Police Officers were ran over by a vehicle
-33 New York Police Officers were injured during riots
-6 Athens Police Officers injured during a protest
-2 Capitol Police Officers were injured during a riot in Harrisburg
-12 Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Officers were injured during riots
-21 Minneapolis law enforcement officers injured in riots
-1 Federal Protective Services Officer was shot and killed.
They had nothing to do with Minneapolis ... just that they wore a badge!!
Barr says big Democrat fish may be hooked in Durham probe
Now we are in a better position to repeat the mistakes of our history so expect slavery (back in chains) to return if Trump is re-elected according to Biden's previous imbecilic attack.
By the time I end this memo many may think I have a multitude of screws loose and perhaps I do . I am not a conspiratorialist by nature. However, I often connect bizarre thoughts and reach conclusions that , at the time, offend, seem insane, but often prove to be laser correct.
When I was engaged as a stock broker I came up with frequent stock selections that made no sense , at the time, but later proved insightful. I seldom owned them by the time my ideas were proven correct because I am , by nature, somewhat impulsive, had more ideas than money, lacked confidence in my convictions because I was young and operated in a world full of impressive geniuses and perhaps I am a trader at heart.
For those who remember, J Edgar Hoover was head of the FBI and was deemed the most powerful man in D.C , if not the nation, because he had the goods on everyone. He used his agents to spy, to gain information and often he would let his enemies know he knew about their peccadilloes which, if ever released, could destroy their political careers. He knew President Kennedy was messing around with a female Russian spy, he knew about Marilyn Monroe and "Jack." He certainly knew MLK was having affairs and thought him a tool of Russia if not an outright Communist.
Hoover used the FBI as is if it was his own play toy. Thus, I was not crazy to bet a dear friend and liberal Comey was a crooked liar and the attack on Trump and his Russian connections was all contrived nonsense. I acknowledged Trump may have had some financial dealings prior to becoming president but his love of America was genuine.
Thus, it was not outrageous for me to distrust the vaulted FBI.
I am not religious and even question the existence of God but some entity cared about America when Trump was elected just as some entity cared about America when General George Patton defeated Rommel etc. Again, for those who remember, Patton was called "Blood and Guts." He slapped a soldier whom he thought was a coward and was nearly fired by General's. Marshall and Eisenhower. He was vulgar, he was brutal but he defeated the enemy. I also believe he was killed by a Russian plot because he saw the Russians for who/what they were and was ready to go after Russia as the war ended.
The same , perhaps, can be said for McArthur who was a tactical genius but also disregarded Truman and was fired for insubordination. Truman was vilified but common sense prevailed and McArthur faded. I am sure Mattis, Powell, Romney et. al. would have been turned off by Patton's behaviour as they are Trump's.
I have never met Trump and I see his warts. I understand why so many of my friends, both liberal and conservative, are turned off by his actions and persona. I too struggle to separate his actions from his personality, his boorishness, his insecurities. Nevertheless, I believe he is the right president at the right time and history may come to see him, as they did Reagan, as one of our better presidents, not because of his personality but because he saw what others chose not to and was committed to accomplishing important things that mattered. The mass media revered Obama who has turned out to be the cad I always thought he was and now they are desperate to convince us Biden is our saviour.
We have allowed ourselves to be masked alright and long before Covid 19. We have allowed ourselves to be masked from the truth when it comes to those who want to destroy America. The elites among us have been at their nefarious goals for decades. They have been attacking us through our soft underbelly, using the blessings of our open society and our freedoms to divide and conquer us by manipulating our naivety.
We have been too trusting and we have allowed various groups to put, as I often say, the bad mouth of guilt on us because no nation is perfect, no people are godlike.
We have fallen hook line and sinker for the attacks on our history, our culture and allowed anarchists and those who benefit from crisis to destroy our strong family unit on which all surviving societies must rest, our public education, our self-confidence. We have permitted those from different cultures to believe defeat is acceptable when that is foreign to what it means to be an American. We have fallen for the debt trap believing we are financially omnipotent.
We should, by now, be discovering we have become our own worst enemy because we have allowed our standards to become corrupted.
This is why I react to the recent racial episode differently than the mass media would prefer and reject the Black Lives Matter who would have me kneel before them as they parade and allow anarchists to infect them. I will not be intimidated by Obama and those who felt guilt and elected him and his thugs because they fell for his "coolness."
If Trump is re-elected I do not fear he will become a dictator nor do I believe he is one now. I do believe the mass media want Biden to be elected because they are betting he will not live out his term and his successor will be more suitable to their goal of altering America so it will no longer be recognized.
We need presidents who are willing to put politics aside, have the courage to make decisions that may be unpopular at the time but are intended to rectify wrongs and to try untypical methods that work.
My son was here for an overnight trip with his family on the way to visit his in laws in Miami. He told me when the Coronavirus hit he was entitled to apply for an SBA loan. After many weeks they were still asking him for information. Tsy. Sec.Mnuchin, with Trump's blessing, stepped in and authorized branches of the nation's banks you are authorized to make, what was supposed to have been SBA loans and dispense funds that the government will guarantee and the recipients can treat them as grants. In two days our son and his partners had deposits. He would still be waiting for the SBA but the mass media will not inform you of this because it was successful, unorthodox and not in keeping with the way bureaucrats screw everything up they touch. No wonder people distrust government and have low expectations.
Call me nuts because I refuse to buy what the progressives, liberals, weak kneed cowardly politicians, Democrats like Pelosi, Schiff,Waters etc. are selling nor what the anarchists and Hollywood hypocrites would have me swallow. Nor, am I gong to ingest Lysol as the mass media would have me believe Trump prescribed.
Biden would not only be bad/destructive for America but for the entire West. He is corrupt, has not been correct policy-wise on anything major since birth, is mentally and physically challenged and has the wrong prescription for a nation that has been afflicted by cancerous ideas and policies that are anathema to what the Founding Father's intended. I refuse to be part of my nation's destruction and if that is being nuts so be it.
I prefer Patton and Trump, who, yes, came up with a lame excuse to avoid military service. He was, however, smart enough to leave New York and move to Florida both for tax reasons as well as for politics.
Interesting reads:
Nolte: Democrat-run cities are doomed
Black Americans' True Plight Is Not Systemic Police Brutality
Protesters Commandeer 'Autonomous Zone' in Seattle
Police abandon precinct around City Hall
The Left Will Destroy America to Regain Power By William L. Gensert
With Antifa and BLM, the left is setting a precedent for their deployment in November to either steal the election or overthrow President Trump. More+++And:America's Liberals Have Become Radically Intolerant Hugo Gurdon, DC Examiner
America Is Changing, and So Is the Media Ezra Klein, Vox
The NY Times Was Wrong to Capitulate to Liberal Pressure Steven Holmes, CNN
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