Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Lot Of Meat On This Bone Including My Essay.

Sent by dear friend and fellow memo reader:


By Victoria Tino

URGENT WARNING: Over Israel's nuclear weapons and their next planned attack after recent events. Understanding the situation and its global implications is more important than ever.

Dive deeper into the Israel Vs Iran nuclear war risks and its global consequences. Learn more here.

We lose. They win. Is that Blinken’s deal? Gee, thanks
Our enemies will never 
give up, unless we pound them into dust. Opinion.  
By Jack  Engelhard

When King David was old, and “stricken in years,” he summoned his son Solomon with instructions to finish off his enemies. This, Solomon did.

Mario Puzo used this Biblical episode for “The Godfather,” if, from the movie, you remember that during a solemn church service, Al Pacino had his men, guns blazing, wipe out his dad’s enemies one by one, in a show of force to prove who’s the boss. No mercy and No more Mr. Nice Guy.

As expressed by baseball’s Leo Durocher, “Nice guys finish last.” Machiavelli had the same idea centuries earlier. In his book, “The Prince,” he stated that it is better for a ruler to be widely feared than greatly loved, and this is something to be considered by Benjamin Netanyahu and his War Cabinet.

Especially when they are being confronted and hassled by US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, the mastermind behind Biden’s latest peace proposal, an ultimatum that runs for pages, but which I can distill in a few words…Hamas wins, Israel loses, and that is the gist of it all.

See how simple it is after the dazzling diplo-garbage has been cut to shreds?

The White House strategy amounts to a “White Paper” of surrender, such as when the British, under their mandate, had their way with the Jews, 1923 to 1948.

Whichever way the Jews turned, they lost more territory, until much of which they had fought and died for became Transjordan.

The same type of story is happening all over again, except that this time, for all the fighting and dying by the IDF, Gaza, according to Blinken, is to be retained by Hamas, and/or Fatah, terrorists one way or the other. Mahmoud Abbas says he would be delighted to get another crack at Gaza, from which he’d been booted out in 2007, by Hamas.

Don’t think for a minute that this is Biden’s plan. Strange, by the way, how he demands no ceasefire from Ukraine.

Biden is happy to give Zelenskyy billions in cash and arms…to keep the war going. He acts quite differently so far as Israel and the Jews…also Afghanistan.

That’s where he pulled out and left thousands behind.

So don’t count on him to know what he’s doing. Count on him to be in a fog, and to read whatever his Deep State advisors put in front of him.

Enter Antony Blinken.

Blinken has had it in for the Jewish State since Oct. 8. Oct. 7 is just another date on his calendar, and quickly, a thought that won’t leave my mind.

That is of a father and son Hamas tag-team who took turns, Oct. 7, raping, torturing and then murdering our Jewish women, and then laughing at the sport of it all.

Imagine the horror from our daughters.

Blinken will not mention this. His only concern is for those “innocent civilians,” many of whom, it turns out, took part in that sport.

So this is Blinken’s plan, attributed to Biden, and supported by Biden, to end the war immediately, as a gift to Hamas.

We lose. They win. That’s the deal? Gee, thanks.

Netanyahu and his cabinet must respond with a resounding NO. No more Mr. Nice Guy. Israel, like King David, fights on to win.

New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes regularly for Arutz Sheva.

He wrote the worldwide book-to-movie bestseller “Indecent Proposal,” the authoritative newsroom epic, “The Bathsheba Deadline,” followed by his coming-of-age classics, “The Girls of Cincinnati,” and, the Holocaust-to-Montreal memoir, “Escape from Mount Moriah.” For that and his 1960s epic “The Days of the Bitter End,” contemporaries have hailed him “The last Hemingway, a writer without peer, and the conscience of us all.” Contact here.
Hostages running ot of time. Many already have.
The Hostages Are Running out of Time
By Sherwin Pomerantz  

Israel believes that more than a third of the remaining Gaza hostages are dead, a government tally stated on Tuesday, as the United States sought to advance their recovery under a proposal to wind down the war with Hamas. Of about 250 people dragged into the Gaza Strip by Hamas-led Palestinian terrorists during the Oct. 7 cross-border massacres that sparked the war, scores were freed in a November truce, while others have been recovered - dead or alive - by Israeli troops.  The government tally said 120 remain in captivity, 43 of whom have been declared dead in absentia based on various sources of information, including intelligence tip-offs, CCTV or bystander videos and forensic analysis. 

Hamas, which threatened at the outset of the war to execute hostages in reprisal for Israeli air strikes, has since alleged such attacks caused hostage deaths. Israel has not ruled that out in all cases, but said that some recovered hostage bodies showed signs of execution.  On Monday, four more hostages were added to Israel's list of fatalities

US President Biden on Friday went public with an Israeli proposal to wind down the war, under which some hostages would go free during a preliminary ceasefire.  But mediated efforts to clinch that deal have been bogged down as Israel insists on eventually resuming the campaign to destroy Hamas while the Palestinian terrorist group demands a guaranteed end to the war and withdrawal of all invasion forces. 

Israel is fighting an existential public relations war for its right to self-defense, Israeli Ambassador to the US Mike Herzog told the annual Jerusalem Post Conference in New York on Monday as he reflected on the last nine months of the Gaza war. 

"While we fight the military war on the ground in Gaza, we fight another war which is critical as well, the war to defend our right to exist, our right to defend ourselves,” he said in a conversation with Jerusalem Post Editor-in-Chief Zvika Klein.  “It's a war of perceptions and narratives. It's a war against those who want to delegitimize the State of Israel. It is a critical war, and we need to think about this strategically, long term,” said Herzog, who has been Israel’s Ambassador to the US since the war began.  “For us, this war is existential. It touches on existential nerves,” he said. 

Insanity in the international diplomatic world reign supreme. The non-existent  “State of Palestine” has filed an application to the International Court of Justice to intervene in the genocide case brought against Israel by South Africa.  According to the application, signed by Palestinian Authority Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs Ammar Hijazi, the P.A. is seeking to intervene under articles 62 and 63 of the ICJ statute. Israel’s conduct in the “genocidal war” against Hamas in Gaza “is an attack on the very foundations of the international legal order,” the application states. 

It goes on to accuse Israel of “starving the Palestinian people in Gaza” and “depriving the population of life-saving medicine.” Nicaragua, Libya, Columbia and Mexico have also submitted applications of intervention. South Africa initially instituted proceedings on Dec. 29, 2023, requesting that the court issue provisional measures against Israel under the genocide convention, including ordering an immediate ceasefire. 

So there you have the ultimate insanity.  A non-existent state, Palestine, goes to the International Court of Justice to accuse a 76-year-old legitimate democratic member nation of the United Nations, of genocide against a political movement situated on a piece of land that is also not a nation but a terrorist entity officially bent on the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people.   You couldn’t make this up. 

Israel may have no choice but to accept the proposal on the table forcing Hamas to do the same unless they find a way to weasel out of it and, only then, will we know the real details of the contents of the document.   As I’ve said before, if we find it intolerable we can always walk away from it.  But one does get the feeling that some of our “friends” are not being totally hones with us on this issue.

What Then America?

Essay By Dick Berkowitz

Will the world ever thank Jews for what we/they have contributed? Or will the world continue to hate them, expel them and punish them for embarrassing them for being superior?

Muslims and Arabs have paid a particularly high price for their hatred of Jews. Meanwhile,  they benefit from using what Jewish Scientists have created. Muslim and Arab hatred of Jews borders on stupidity and self flagellation. But they seemed not to care untilTrump, thinking outside the box, created the Abraham Accords.

This is why Arabs and Muslim mainly remain in the dung heap of society and wherever they go they cause nothing but trouble and excel at mainly one thing - crime and creating discord. In Europe they have exceeded the population both through immigration as well as copulation. It is interesting that the most backward of people excel at population acceleration. 

 Is this something God has ordained to punish white people? If so, why? What have white Dutch, Danes etc. done to deserve the trauma new Arab and Muslim immigration ingrates have caused? The statistics are there for anyone who cares to look.  Arabs and Muslims numbers not only excel in major cities across Europe but are increasing their demigration numbers exponentially.

This link (https://youtu.be/z8ceRZ-YiwY?si=2irS4Pk03bK0GwPX)  refers to Jewish scientists and their disproportionate contributions but their contribution extends to other endearing fields and professions like education, music, law, medicine and every component of what makes for a prosperous, decent society

So why the recent explosion in anti-Semitism?

One answer I believe is, Jews lost the propaganda war and the neo-Marxists won the battle of establishing the concept of victimhood.  Everyone has pity/empathy for the victim and the Jews are deemed to be the oppressors among the ignorant and know "nothings." The dumber the uninformed the easier they are to manipulate and those who receive "welfare goodies" are more vulnerable and intimidated by the prospect of losing their "deserved" entitlements.

Particularly is the case among "downtrodden" blacks in our society and this is why Democrats suddenly are panicking at the prospect of losing  their loyalty for, if they do, they also lose their "votes." Losing their votes makes stealing elections more difficult.

A cleavage has developed in both their category as well as the Hispanic community and after 10/6 even some faithful Democrat Jews have seen the light.

This is why Biden is now talking about the porous border and other matters he has felt comfortable disowning.  The banana attacks on his  "adversary Monkey opponent," seemingly has backfired.  Suppose the New York Judge sentences Trump to a jail sentence or, worse,  Biden's son is cleared of an open and shut case?  
Will the explosion in anti-Semitism on university and college campuses accelerate or subside as the "unwashed" return to their  Ivy League indoctrination and classrooms?

What then America?
Hating Israel Isn’t New; How the CIA and State Department Undermined the Jewish State
by Sean Durns

The Post reported that Quentin Colon Roosevelt, an 18-year-old freshman, and descendant of the 25th President, is an anti-Israel activist at the Ivy League university. But far from being hip and new, Quentin’s brand of anti-Zionism is old hat — he is merely continuing a long family tradition of anti-Israel activism.

There is an abundance of literature on Franklin D. Roosevelt’s views on Jews and Zionism, the belief in Jewish self-determination. Both FDR and his wife Eleanor had made anti-Semitic remarks. In a private conversation in 1938, then-President Roosevelt suggested that by dominating the economy in Poland, Jews were themselves fueling antisemitism. And in a 1941 Cabinet meeting, FDR remarked that there were too many Jewish Federal employees in Oregon. In his final days, FDR promised Saudi leader Abdul Aziz Ibn al Saud that he would oppose the creation of Jewish state in the Jewish people’s ancestral homeland.

FDR is the president who led the United States to victory against Adolf Hitler. He also employed Jews in high-ranking positions in his government. But he is also the president whose administration failed to save more Jews fleeing Nazism, and who refused to bomb the railway tracks leading to Auschwitz and other death camps where millions of Jews met a ghastly end. Accordingly, it makes sense that his beliefs regarding Jews have been the subject of books and belated study.

Less examined, however, is the Oyster Bay branch of the Roosevelt clan, and their beliefs regarding Zionism. In part, this is easily explained by the unique place that FDR holds in American history. He is the only president to serve four terms, and presided over both the Great Depression, World War II, and arguably the beginning of the Cold War. His branch of the family, the Hyde Park Roosevelts, were Democrats and remained active in public life for decades after his 1945 death.

At first glance, the Oyster Bay Roosevelts were more of a turn of the 19th century affair. They were Republicans, and their scion was Teddy Roosevelt, a war hero turned governor of New York state who, thanks to an assassin’s bullet, found himself as the nation’s leader in 1901.

The famously ebullient Roosevelt helped redefine the country’s idea of a president, and served as an inspiration for his cousin Franklin. But Teddy largely presided over an era of peace and tranquility, not war and upheaval.

Teddy was a philo-Semite. He was the first occupant of the Oval Office to appoint a Jewish American to the Cabinet. He championed the rights of Jews, both at home and abroad, and was harshly critical of the numerous pogroms that unfolded in czarist Russia.

As Seth Rogovoy has noted, Roosevelt’s “special relationship with Jews was forged during his time serving as police commissioner in New York City, a post he assumed in 1904.” When an anti-Semitic German preacher named Hermann Ahlwardt gave speeches in the city, Roosevelt assigned a contingent of Jewish police officers to guard the man.

Roosevelt was also a Zionist. In 1918, shortly after the Balfour Declaration, he wrote: “It seems to me that it is entirely proper to start a Zionist state around Jerusalem.” He told Lioubomir Michailovitch, the Serbian Minister to the United States, that “there can be no peace worth having … unless the Jews [are] given control of Palestine.” Six months later Roosevelt died in his sleep.

Not all his descendants would share his belief in Jewish self-determination, however.

Two of Teddy Roosevelt’s grandchildren, Kermit and Archie, served their country in the CIA during the early years of the Cold War. Both were keenly interested in Middle East affairs, and were fluent in Arabic. Both were well read and highly educated, authoring books and filing dispatches for newspapers like the Saturday Evening Post, among others.

They were also prominent anti-Zionists.

Kermit Roosevelt, known as “Kim,” played a key role in anti-Zionist efforts in the United States and abroad. He was not, by the standards of his time, an anti-Semite. But he was ardently opposed to the creation of Israel.

As Hugh Wilford observed in his 2013 book America’s Great Game: The CIA’s Secret Arabists and the Shaping of the Modern Middle East: “the anti-Zionism of the overt Cold War foreign policy establishment is well known” but “less widely appreciated is the opposition to Jewish statehood of the individuals responsible for setting up the United States’ covert apparatus in the Middle East.”

This began with the OSS, the CIA’s precursor. And it included men like Stephen Penrose, a former American University of Beirut instructor, and Kim Roosevelt’s boss during his wartime service in the OSS.

“Documents among Penrose’s personal papers reveal him engaged in a variety of anti-Zionist activities at the same time that he was commencing his official duties with the OSS,” Wilford notes.

Like many of his fellow Arabists, Penrose was the son of American missionaries who, failing to convert the native population to Christianity, sought to foster Arab nationalism instead. Penrose described himself as a “chief cook” who was “brewing” opposition to Zionism. He became one of Kim Roosevelt’s mentors.

In a January 1948 Middle East Journal article entitled, “Partition of Palestine: A Lesson in Pressure Politics,” Kim called the 1947 UN vote in favor of a Jewish state an “instructive and disturbing story.”

Roosevelt believed that the US media was unduly supportive of the creation of Israel, and claimed that almost all Americans “with diplomatic, educational, missionary, or business experience in the Middle East” opposed Zionism.

Kim’s pamphlet was reprinted by the Institute for Arab American Affairs, a New York-based group whose board he sat on. He also began working with the Arab League’s Washington, D.C., office and “turned elsewhere for allies in the anti-Zionist struggle, starting with the Protestant missionaries, educators, and aid workers.”

This nascent group soon received financial support from the American oil industry, which maintained close links to Kim’s OSS/CIA colleague, William Eddy.

As Wilford noted, the Arabian consortium ARAMCO “launched a public relations campaign intended to bring American opinion around to the Arab point of view.”

In addition to missionaries and big oil, Kim gained another important ally in the form of Elmer Berger, a rabbi from Flint, Michigan. Berger served as executive director of the American Council for Judaism, an anti-Zionist group that, among other things, opposed the creation of a Jewish army during World War II at the height of the Holocaust. Berger and Roosevelt became drinking buddies and close collaborators on their joint effort against the Jewish State.

Kim eventually became “organizing secretary” for a group called The Committee for Justice and Peace. The committee’s original chair, Virginia Gildersleeve, was both a longtime friend of the Roosevelts of Oyster Bay and the dean of New York City’s Barnard College, which today is part of Columbia.

Gildersleeve was “also a high-profile anti-Zionist” who “became involved with the Arab cause through her association with the Arabist philanthropist Charles Crane and the historian of Arab nationalism George Antonius.”

Crane, a wealthy and notorious anti-Semite, had lobbied against the creation of a Jewish state since the beginning of the 20th century, even advising then-President Woodrow Wilson against supporting the Balfour Declaration.

By 1950, the Committee had managed to recruit famed journalist Dorothy Thompson to their cause. Thompson was reportedly the basis for actress Katharine Hepburn’s character in the 1942 movie Woman of the Year. A convert to anti-Zionism, Thompson’s extensive network of reporters and celebrities proved crucial to Kim and Berger’s efforts to rally opposition to the Jewish State. In a 1951 letter to Barnard College’s Gildersleeve, Thompson wrote: “I am seriously concerned about the position of the Jews in the United States.” People, she claimed, “are beginning to ask themselves the question: who is really running America?”

Another ally emerged that year: the Central Intelligence Agency.

The CIA began funding the Committee, as well as its successor, the American Friends of the Middle East (AFME). Beginning in June 1950, Kim’s correspondence with Berger began making veiled references to the ACJ head taking on “official work” in Washington. This, Wilford believes, is a reference to working with the CIA. Indeed, the well-connected Kim and Archie Roosevelt had known top CIA officials like Allan Dulles since childhood.

With support from figures like Eddy, AFME also began encouraging Muslim-Christian alliances — ostensibly to counter Soviet influence, but also to attack the Jewish state. This led to some awkward alliances, including with Amin al-Husseini, the founding father of Palestinian nationalism and an infamous Nazi collaborator.

Husseini had ordered the murders of rival Palestinians, incited violence against Jews since the 1920s, and had led forces, equipped with Nazi-supplied arms, to destroy Israel at its rebirth in 1948. Now, along with the Secretary General of the Arab League, and Saudi King Ibn Saud, he was meeting with Eddy to discuss a “moral alliance” between Christians and Muslims to defeat communism. Kim himself knew Husseini, having interviewed him for the Saturday Evening Post after World War II.

AFME lobbied for the appointment of anti-Zionist diplomats and in favor of Eisenhower administration efforts to withhold aid from Israel. And both Berger and Thompson pushed for favorable coverage of the new Egyptian dictator, Gamal Nassar, who would wage war on the Jewish state for nearly two decades. Initially, they were successful, with TIME magazine writing that Nasser had the “lithe grace of a big, handsome, all-American quarterback.” Of course, there was nothing “all-American” about Nasser, who would become a Soviet stooge.

AFME officials like Garland Evans Hopkins would draw rebukes after claiming that Jews were bringing violence against themselves — a staple of antisemitism. Hopkins claimed that Zionists “could produce a wave of antisemitism in this country” if they continued acting against “America’s best interests in the Middle East.”

AFME itself would eventually lose influence, particularly after its boosting of figures like Nasser was revealed as foolhardy. Berger would go on to advise Senator J. William Fulbright (D-AR) in his efforts to get pro-Israel Americans to register as foreign agents.

In 1967, as Arab forces gathered to annihilate Israel, Berger blamed the Jewish State, accusing it of “aggression” and its supporters of “hysteria.” Top ACJ officials resigned in protest. That same year, Ramparts magazine exposed CIA support, financial and otherwise, of AFME.

Kim and Archie Roosevelt, however, would continue their careers as high-ranking CIA officers before eventually starting a consulting business and making use of their extensive Middle East contacts.

For some college protesters, attacking Israel — and American support for Israel — might seem new and trendy. Yet, both the CIA and big oil were precisely doing that, decades ago, forming alliances with anti-American dictators, anti-Semitic war criminals, the press, Protestant groups, academics, university administrators, and fringe Jewish groups claiming to represent “what’s best” for American Jewry.

As William Faulkner once wrote: “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”

The writer is a Senior Research Analyst for CAMERA, the 65,000-member, Boston-based Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis

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Consul Update (Edited.)

Operational Updates

Entire Gaza Strip

  • Over the past day, IAF fighter jets and additional aircraft struck and dismantled approximately 65 terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip, including military compounds, weapon storage facilities, launch sites, observation posts, terrorist cells, and additional military infrastructure.

Central Gaza Strip

  • The IDF's 679th Brigade Combat Team is operating in the central Gaza Strip under the command of the 99th Division. Over the past week, the troops carried out targeted raids in the area of Sabra as part of a divisional operation.

  • During the raids, the troops located rocket warheads and many weapons including rockets and an anti-aircraft missile launcher. Click HERE to view photos of the weapons.

  • During the activity, a terrorist cell fired an RPG at the troops, who then responded with quick artillery fire. An IAF aircraft directed by the brigade's Fire Control Center then eliminated the terrorists.

  • Last night, the brigade’s troops completed the destruction of a terror tunnel route that was one and a half kilometers long (0.93 miles) and 23 meters (75 ft) deep, in cooperation with the Yahalom Unit. The tunnel was used by the Hamas terror organization to carry out attacks on IDF troops nearby. Below is footage of the tunnel's destruction:
  • The brigade’s troops and the IAF eliminated dozens of terrorists and destroyed more than 70 terrorist infrastructure locations with the cooperation of the Yahalom unit.
  • Overnight, following precise IDF and ISA intelligence, an IAF UAV precisely struck a Hamas compound embedded inside UNRWA's "Abu Alhilu" school in Bureij, located in the central Gaza Strip, from which Hamas terrorists operated and planned numerous attacks against Israeli civilians and IDF troops operating in the Gaza Strip. The strike was carefully planned and carried out using precise munitions to mitigate any harm to civilians in the area. Below is footage of the strike:

Southern Gaza Strip

  • Troops of the 162nd Division are continuing intelligence-based, targeted operations in the Rafah area. Over the past day, the troops located significant terror tunnel shafts and numerous weapons during scans in the area. During a targeted raid, troops of the Nahal Brigade located numerous weapons, including RPGs, ammunition, explosive barrels, AK-47 rifles, and additional explosive devices. Click HERE to view photos of the weapons located by the troops.

Northern Arena

  • Following the Hezbollah terror organization's launch of approximately 30 projectiles from southern Lebanon into Israel, over a dozen fires broke out in northern Israel and the Galilee (picture below). Click HERE to view footage of the fires.

The IDF Intelligence Unit Tasked with Defending Israel from Hezbollah's Terror

The 869 Field Intelligence Unit of the IDF's 91st Division is responsible for multi-dimensional intelligence gathering in the Lebanese border region. Since the beginning of the war, the unit has been working diligently to gather intelligence, identify Hezbollah operatives, and fulfill their mission of eliminating terror threats.


Since the beginning of the war, the unit has identified over 100 terrorists and through precise high-quality intelligence, eliminated them in cooperation with IDF troops on the ground, the Israeli Air Force, and artillery. Below is footage of some of the terrorist eliminations the unit is responsible for:

How Israel Coordinates International Humanitarian Aid to Gaza

THIS REPORT from Israel's Coordinator for Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) agency details the steps Israel takes to coordinate the delivery of international humanitarian aid to the civilian population of the Gaza Strip.

Spotlight on Terror: Hezbollah, Lebanon and Syria

Today, Israel's Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism information Center published a new report which sheds light on recent developments pertaining to terror activity emanating from Lebanon and Syria, specifically the Hezbollah terror organization, one of the Iranian Ayatollah regime's main proxies. Click HERE to read the report.

Bearing Witness: An Israeli Family's Final Moments Before Being Kidnapped by Hamas on Oct. 7th

Today, a new recording of a conversation between an Israeli family and Israeli security authorities shortly before the family's kidnapping by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7th was released to the public. The conversation documents the final moments before Sharon Aloni-Cunio and her family, including her husband, David and children Emma and Yuli (age 3), were brutally kidnapped to Gaza by Hamas terrorists from their home in Kibbutz Nir Oz.

Sharon and her children were released as part of the framework of the IDF's operational pause. David is still being held captive in Gaza.

The IDF will not rest until David and every last hostage returns home.

Click HERE to bear witness by viewing the recording.

Operation: Swords of Iron Humanitarian Update

Click HERE for today's updates regarding the IDF's humanitarian efforts during Operation: Swords of Iron.


Finally, there is always a price to pay when most decisions of a major nature are involved. I have been to Bar Elan.  

One of my memo readers gave a large part of his extensive library to Bar Elan before he passed away..


Columbia University alumnus snubs alma mater, donates $260M to Israeli university

By Carl Campanile

A Columbia alumnus snubbed his alma mater and anonymously donated a staggering $260 million of his fortune to one of Israel’s largest universities.

Bar-Ilan, the public research university that is getting the gift, described the philanthropist as a “North American Jew and graduate of Columbia University who was active in World War II.”

It said Monday that the donor sees Bar-Ilan as “best able to undertake the great task of expanding science-based technological resilience in Israel.

A Columbia University alumnus has decided to give a $260 million donation to Bar-Ilan University in Israel instead of his alma mater. Facebook/Bar-Ilan University

The Columbia alum’s massive donation to a major academic institution in the Jewish state fueled speculation that he was upset with the anti-Israel and antisemitic protests that have engulfed the uptown Ivy League university amid the Israel-Hamas war.

The donor, while remaining anonymous, wanted it known that he was a Columbia graduate.

“It’s a smack in the face of Columbia. It’s just the beginning,” Hank Sheinkopf, a longtime political consultant, pro-Israel activist and rabbi, told The Post.

The announcement was picked up by e-JewishPhilanthropy.com.

The gift from the anonymous Jewish donor comes after anti-Israel protests at Columbia's campus.3

The gift from the anonymous Jewish donor comes after anti-Israel protests at Columbia’s campus. Robert Miller for NY Post

The donation also triggered a guessing game as to who the ultra-wealthy donor is. The detail that he served in the Second World War means he would be around 100 years old.

“The donor, a man of broad academic education, believed that the development of Israel’s technological resilience relies primarily on breakthrough science. During his visits to Israel, he recognized the significant impact Bar-Ilan University has made in key areas thanks to its science-based infrastructure and deep connections to all sectors of Israeli society,” Bar-Ilan president Arie Zaban said in a statement announcing the donation.

He said the gift will be invested in the development of “deep tech” sciences and has the potential to “positively influence the future of Israel and humanity.”

The World War II veteran views Bar-Ilan as best able to undertake the great task of expanding science-based technological resilience in Israel.

The World War II veteran views Bar-Ilan as “best able to undertake the great task of expanding science-based technological resilience in Israel.” James Keivom

Columbia University declined comment.

It’s one of the largest donations to an academic institution since the late hedge fund honcho James Simons and his wife Marilyn Simons donated $500 million last year to Stony Brook University, part of the public SUNY system.

James Simons died last month.





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