Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Is Marxism Preferable To Democracy? Democrats Vote Yes. Wages Vs Wokeness. Much More.

Did Hunter take one for the family in order to deflect attention from the Biden Family corruption? Biden said he would not pardon his son but he did not say he would not commute the guilty decision.
There is a You Tube Video which depicts Sen. Kennedy, from LA, revealing what we all know. Democrats desire to control the Supreme Court and  Conservative Justices. Why? Because, through intimidation, they believe they can improve the balance in decision making they cannot achieve normally because they no longer have the numerical advantage.

Once again, they want to weaponize politics so they can over rule the words of the Constitution to suit their desire to control this independent branch of our government.

In the second part of the Video the same Senator explains what we also already know.  

Illegal immigration is purposeful because it can determine future election results.

Finally, it has become obvious, Biden is using tax payer money to get out and sway the vote by bribing a certain category of voters with free beer, elimination of their student loans etc. Therefore, the actual vote, when cast,  may not be fraudulent  but this is rotten weaponized behaviour to the core. Nevertheless, we do know, Democrats have lost all sense of morality and they believe winning is more important than protecting the last vestige of honest elections.

To hell with election results just win, remain in power and insure America's future is dictated by radical elitists.

Is Marxism preferable to Democracy?
Meanwhile, as I type, The House voted to censure the Attorney General for his failure to release a doctored video which would allow Congress to listen to Atty. Hur's conclusion regarding the mental ability of Biden to remain in office, so Congress can decide for themselves.

Now that Republicans won the vote, it is doubtful the Justice Department would Allow the A.G (one of its own) to be thrown out of office.

Sent to me by a dear friend and fellow memo reader:

This quote came from the Czech Republic.  It was translated into English from an article in a Prague newspaper.

"The danger to America is not Joseph Biden, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency.  It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Biden Presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their President.  The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Biden, who is a mere symptom of what ails America.  Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.  The American Republic can survive a Biden, who is, after all, merely a fool.  It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their President." 
Trump goes to Nevada and tells workers, 'I will eliminate the tax on tips.'  I do not know the impact this has in raising the federal deficit but it beats Biden's efforts to buy votes by eliminating the pay back of education loans and giving away free beer, free birth control drugs etc.
Check out this Article from American Thinker 

Decide or not?

Hunter's Conviction Blows Up Trump's Claim of Two-Tiered Justice System' -- No, It Doesn't!
By Larry Elder

"This shows our criminal justice system works!"

"No one is above the law, not even the son of a president!"

"So much for former President Donald Trump's hollow cry of being persecuted by a two-tiered system of justice!"

This was the reaction of the liberal media following Hunter Biden's conviction on gun charges.

Hold the confetti.

Given the array of serious crimes allegedly committed by Biden family members, Hunter's gun conviction represents the equivalent of nailing Al Capone over unpaid parking tickets.

Allegations against the Bidens include illegal influence peddling and failing to register as a foreign agent. Last year, Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said: "I want to go back to where we were in January when we started this investigation. This was the narrative: the President's son's laptop was Russian disinformation; Hunter Biden was a legitimate business guy, just like Jared Kushner; No Biden ever took money from China -- that's what Joe Biden said; No money ever changed hands while Joe Biden was Vice President; Joe knew nothing about his son's dealings; And Joe never met with or spoke with any of the foreign nationals who had wired the family money."

The only reasons Hunter stood trial, and now faces prosecution for tax charges, are because A) IRS whistleblowers came forward and alleged Hunter benefited from special treatment, and B) the sweetheart deal the Justice Department negotiated with Hunter's defense lawyers blew up when the presiding judge refused to go along with it.

"It appears," said lawyers for one of the IRS whistleblowers, "that if it weren't for the courageous actions of these whistle-blowers, who had nothing to gain and everything to lose, Hunter Biden would never have been charged at all."

Judge Maryellen Noreika, a Trump appointee, said she would not "rubber stamp" the plea bargain given confusion over whether the deal applied only to the gun charges or included a resolution of the tax changes and/or whether the deal protected Hunter from any and all future charges.

As for special treatment, who foots the legal bill for Hunter's primary defense lawyer Abbe Lowell, the powerful A-lister whose past clients include big-name Democrats and Republicans? An IRS agent involved in the Hunter investigation testified before Congress that attorney Kevin Morris, also known as Hunter's "sugar brother," gave Hunter $5 million. Morris reportedly paid Hunter's five-figure monthly rent for California homes; $875,000 for 11 of his paintings; $2 million in unpaid federal, state and local taxes; car payments on Hunter's Porsche; accountants; other lawyers; travel expenses; child support payments; and payments to Hunter's vendors and debtors.

President Joe Biden, after his son's conviction, issued a statement that read in part:

"... I will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal. Jill and I will always be there for Hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. Nothing will ever change that."

Notice anything missing?

Biden neglected to reiterate his previous statement that he would not pardon Hunter. Whether Joe Biden wins or loses the election, he immediately becomes a politically immune lame duck. But he won't pardon his son? And, in the unlikely event Hunter gets jail time, father Joe won't commute the sentence?

As to the supposedly nonexistent two-tiered judicial system, the FBI acquired the Hunter Biden laptop in December 2019 and did nothing for several months. But if not for the repair shop owner making a copy of its contents, the laptop might have remained buried. The copy ended up in the hands of Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who forced its public disclosure and the damning evidence connecting Joe to Hunter's business dealings.

Several whistleblowers said the DOJ and the IRS "slow-walked" the Hunter investigations. This allowed the statute of limitations to expire on some of the most serious charges.

Finally, the "no such thing as an anti-Trump two-tiered system of justice" crowd must explain the special counsel's refusal to charge Joe Biden with illegal possession of classified documents, going as far back as when he served in the Senate. But Trump, for allegedly violating the same Espionage Act, remains on the hook.
I have Trump's email address and a week ago I urged him to consider announcing his VP selection prior to the first debate because it would disrupt the news cycle.  It also would demonstrate to voters the caliber of his selection versus kamala.  Perhaps he has listened.

My choice, which is not on the list, would be nominate his former Sec. of State again, Pompeo. If not Pompeo then Burgum.
Trump Narrows the Field for Veep
By Kurt Schlichter

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

The clock is ticking toward the Big Pick – who is Trump going to select to be his veep nominee? Usually, we would find out around the time of the convention in mid-July, but the President might want to do it sooner. He’s a master showman and will drop the news when it will have the maximum effect, but that Democrat judge in New York might make him announce his selection through one of those glass booths at Riker’s Island – which, judging by the support and money Trump got when the kangaroo kourt temporarily framed him, might just lead to Trump and the lucky selectee winning in a landslide.

The regime media has announced that Trump asked several potential picks to submit vetting paperwork. Why someone in Trumpworld would leak this info to the regime media is a good question – either it’s a calculated move for attention, in which case we should celebrate the exploitation of the garbage legacy journalists for our own purposes, or someone gets off seeing his leak up in lights. The Trump campaign has been remarkably tight-lipped this go around, as opposed to in the past when the middling MAGA types in the inner circle were still acting like it was the olden days when political players called up the N.Y. Times to dish. I’m going with exploitation – I bet the Trumpians are ruthlessly using the regime media to get the message out. Who knows, it might be Trump personally doing it. 

I’ve talked about this before, but a vice-presidential pick must have four qualities. He/she must not hurt the ticket or the party. He/she must be able to do the job. He/she must bring something specific to the table to help win in November. And most importantly, he/she must not have bragged about killing any puppies. But enough about Kristi Noem – she’s not on the list and none of the eight have a known mutt mortality rate.

The alleged candidates for being candidates are, in alphabetical if not alpha order, 

Doug Burgum, Ben Carson, Tom Cotton, Byron Donalds, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Elise Stefanik and J.D. Vance. I like them all in the sense that I could live with any one of them in the job, considering that the job basically consists of having a pulse. All of them are certainly better than Kamala Harris, but that is the lowest of bars. My dog Barkey would be a better VP than Kamala Harris, and she licks her own butt, which beats having licked any part of Willy Brown. 

Let’s see how the alleged candidates rate. 

Doug Burgum, the Dakota governor who has not wasted Lassie, is an older, rich white guy like The Donald. Can our ticket stand two of them? Yes, because people inclined to vote for Republicans do not care about race, and they do not care about gender as long as it’s one of the two that exist. He’s smart and a good gov, solid and steady. In that sense, he’s Pence without the preachiness – a soothing presence for the wavering moderate R’s who look at the senile Biden and don’t want to vote for him again but who look at Trump and literally shake at his Trumpiness. His biggest flaw is that he’s on the edge of being too old at 67, but did I mention he’s rich? And that he’s got rich friends who would write checks. This guy meets each of the three criteria. He’s a solid choice.

I adore Ben Carson, and I would call him if I needed brain surgery. But you need brain surgery if you think he’s the right choice. First, he’s too old at 72. Second, Carson is nice and kind, but we need someone who will gleefully humiliate Kamala. Third, he brings no one new to the ballot box. Yes, he’s black, but Republicans don’t care, and Democrats will call him Uncle Tom. The fact is that the race of a Republican is irrelevant. Ben Carson is a great American, but he fails on criteria three – he adds nothing to the ticket.

I like Tom Cotton’s ambition and military record. His Senate seat is safe GOP. He’s more traditionally hawkish than Trump, which might create an issue. He’s also young – he has the Ben Shapiro vibe of a super-smart guy who strikes you as about a decade younger than he is. He could certainly do the job, but what does he bring to the table? Arkansas? He’s another guy who stumbles on the third essential quality of a pick.

Congressman Byron Donalds is a solid guy with no executive experience. He’s on the list because he’s good on policy and MAGA adores him. The regime media hates him, a plus. He is young, which is good, but he’s also from Florida, creating an unnecessary constitutional hassle over residence. He’s black, but being black is not relevant for a Republican nominee. It’s fair to ask what he brings to the table besides people who were already going to be at the table. Who out there is not now voting for Trump but will if Byron Donalds gets on board? No one.

It’s weird to see Marco Rubio on the list, but after nearly a decade he may be past his immigration heresy and embarrassing 2016 performance. He can do the job, and the establishment loves him. He is youthful. He brings along the people Burgum would reassure, but he also has his immigration baggage (some of us have long memories) and he invites a Florida residence controversy. In addition, leaving office would mean a big Florida Senate seat fight that we would not be absolutely guaranteed to win. Here is the big question – why would Trump pick Rubio if Doug Burgum gives him the same benefits without the hassle?

Tim Scott is another nice guy. The donors will like him, but the donors will like several of these folks. He’s black, but that doesn’t matter in our party – it gets us no Democrat votes. The moderates love him, but that’s because he’s soft – really soft. He won’t tear down the establishment; he will try to bring everyone together for a group hug. Scott simply does not have the killer instinct. He does not want to leave Kamala twitching on the floor of the debate stage – that’s not who he is. His campaign was awful, and he sets up an uncertain and expensive Senate race. He wants the job, but not so he can rain down fire and brimstone upon his enemies. Pass.

Who is Elise Stefanik again? I mean, I know who she is, but why her? She’s done some good stuff in Congress and she seems to have a killer instinct. But she’s not going to bring along New York state. Being female will not help us either – no one is voting for a GOP ticket because the veep candidate identifies as a woman. Like the other Congresscritter on the list, Byron Donalds, it is unclear if she has the kind of executive experience required to be President, though Kamala has proven you can be a clinical moron and inhabit the VP job. Stefanik would be fine in the job, but she would not help the ticket so that she would get the job.

And then there is my home state homeboy, J.D. Vance. He’s kind of my dream veep. He’s based and ruthlessly smart. He wants to burn, loot, and pillage the establishment. That’s great for me, but maybe off-putting to the squares. He puts a Senate seat at risk and that’s not nothing. It’s also unclear what he adds – everyone who might vote for the ticket because J.D. is on it is already voting for the ticket without J.D. on it. He’s batting .667 on the criteria. That said, he’s so solid Trump may take the chance.

So, to sum up, I would be happy to have any of them in office. I would most like J.D. Vance to be in office. But should that “performance in office” qualification rank higher than the “winning the election” qualification? A dispassionate analysis would suggest Burgum, but passion plays a part. I think Trump will choose Burgum or Vance, maybe Scott. Everyone else is a wild card.

So, what will Trump do? Any damn thing he wants. Like cats, he reacts to stimuli we cannot sense. Who knows what he is thinking, but you know, after nearly a decade of Trump-centric politics, I’m inclined to trust his gut.

Of course, this regime media list could be fake news, just like the rest of the stuff it spews. There are some key names missing. Glenn Youngkin is an obvious one – current polling says Virginia is close and he could put that state in play. There’s also Nikki Haley, who recently, through gritted teeth, sort of endorsed Trump. Of course, she not only burned her bridges but bombed the rubble until it bounced. It’s unclear why others who ponce had buzz, like Sarah Huckabee Sanders, are not on the list; it’s pretty clear why Kristi Noem isn’t. Woof, woof, bang, bang.

Who knows what will happen? Who knows what Trump will do? Probably not even the President. But this is, after all, Donald Trump’s show, and the master showman loves a good surprise ending.


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