Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Love Those Kids. Consul Edited Update. Hanson On Conspiracies. More.



They should know. They went off the rails a long time ago.  Nothing but German anti-Semitic Jews who wanted to deny who they were and now vote like heathens.



Love those kids. 



Dems Will Be Left Shambles When They See Trump's Poll Numbers With Black Voters

By Matt Vespa 


Consul Update (edited.)

Operational Updates

Entire Gaza Strip

  • Over the past day, the IAF has continued to strike dozens of terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip. In one strike, IAF fighter jets eliminated two terrorists who posed a threat to IDF troops on the ground.

  • Additionally, Israeli Naval forces eliminated multiple terror targets in the Rafah area in order to assist IDF ground troops operating in the area.

Central Gaza Strip

  • Operational activity continues in the central Gaza Strip, where IDF troops are operating against terrorist infrastructure and eliminating terrorists in close-quarters combat. 

  • In one encounter, the commander of a Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) sniper cell was eliminated by an IDF fighter jet with the direction of IDF ground troops. The troops also identified and eliminated a terrorist cell that approached and posed a threat to them.

Southern Gaza Strip

  • Soldiers of the 162nd Division have been operating in the Rafah area for the past month. The soldiers gained operational control over the Philadelphi Corridor, and are targeting Hamas terrorists and its outposts in the Shabura and Tel al-Sultan areas. After intense operations over the past week, the soldiers obtained operational control of the NPK neighborhood and are operating in the area both above and below ground.

  • Since the beginning of IDF operations in the area, hundreds of terrorists have been eliminated, and hundreds of tunnel shafts and about 25 tunnel routes have been located. The soldiers continue to operate in the area and are steadily dismantling Hamas's Rafah Brigade.

Nobel Prize-Winning Novelist Issues Passionate Warning to the West About the Threat of Iran and Hamas

In THIS OPEN LETTER TO THE WEST, Nobel Prize-winning novelist Herta Muller makes a passionate plea to the free world to take seriously the existential threat posed by the Islamic Republic of Iran and its proxies, namely Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran. With vivid detail, Muller makes clear the similarities between Hamas and their genocidal forbearers, the Nazis. According to Muller, "The strategy of Hamas and its supporters is to make everything Israeli, and therefore everything Jewish, unbearable to the world. Hamas wants to maintain antisemitism as a permanent global mood."

The Failed Leadership of the U.N.'s Secretary-General

THIS VIDEO provides an in-depth look at the failed leadership of the U.N.'s Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres. Under Guterres, the UN has failed to add Hamas to the organization's sexual violence blacklist, nor has it issued a single condemnation of Hamas. To make matters worse, Guterres has used language which indicates his belief that Hamas's murderous Oct. 7th terror attacks were somehow justified. In short, Guterres' legacy is one of silence in the face of genocidal evil.

Legal Scholars Create New War Crimes Category to Describe Hamas's Slaughter of Entire Families on Oct. 7th

The bodies of the entire Kutz family being laid to rest - Livnat and Aviv and their three children - Yonatan, Yiftach and Rotem - were all murdered in their Kfar Aza home by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7th

During Hamas's murderous invasion of southern Israel on Oct. 7th, the terrorists slaughtered entire families in their homes. They live streamed their sadistic acts and posted the atrocities to social media. In light of these horrific murders and the mountain of evidence for them, legal scholars in Israel and abroad have wrestled with how to classify the weaponization of entire families as a war crime. The result has been the creation of a new term, "kinocide", which these scholars are introducing into the lexicon of international law and genocide studies. To learn more, click HERE.

Operation: Swords of Iron Humanitarian Aid Update

To view the latest data regarding Israel's coordination of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, click HERE.

Stories of the Hostages

Pictured above is Omer Neutra (22). He is currently being held captive by Hamas in Gaza.

120 individuals remain in Hamas captivity. They have spent the past 255 nights as hostages after being brutally kidnapped to Gaza. Each day, we will be highlighting their stories, until they are all released. Please do your part by sharing THIS POST and in calling for the immediate release of all the hostages. To learn more about the hostages still in captivity and to raise awareness and share their stories, please visit THIS WEBSITE.

None of us are free until each and every one of the hostages is home.

Join us in calling for their immediate and unconditional release. We must #BRINGTHEMHOMENOW.

We Honor and Remember the IDF Soldiers Who Have Fallen in the War

THIS LINK will lead you to the personal stories of IDF soldiers who have fallen in the line of duty in the war against Hamas. These soldiers made the ultimate sacrifice while fighting to protect Israel and its people.


How Left-wing Conspiracies Work

When we hear such things in the months to come, remember that these mythologies are usually a warning: what the left is alleging is, quite often, precisely what the left is already doing.

By Victor Davis Hanson

Since 2016, there has been a clear pattern to left-wing conspiracies—beyond the obvious fact that they traffic in lies, stereotypes, and paranoia to serve precise political agendas.

We now know that the conspiracy to cook up the Russian-collusion hoax—Donald Trump allegedly conniving with Vladimir Putin to rig the 2016 vote—was perpetrated by the Hillary Clinton campaign. Its funding was hidden by the Democratic National Committee, the law firm Perkins Coie, and Fusion GPS.

The Russian “disinformation” laptop hoax—the notion that the same Russians four years later created a fake Hunter Biden laptop to smear the Biden family on the eve of the first 2020 debate—was jumpstarted by the Biden campaign’s then-chief foreign policy advisor, current Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

There was never much evidence that a wayward bat or pangolin in a meat market birthed the COVID-19 pandemic, despite the efforts of China, Western and international health officials, and Dr. Fauci’s health bureaucrats to spread that lie.

The January 6th riot was certainly wrong and buffoonish. But the idea that it was an insurrection aiming to violently overthrow the U.S. government was also a left-wing myth fueled by the Democratic House leadership and the media.

All these schemes have their commonalities:

1) They are aimed at achieving political objectives.

False claims of Russian collusion likely drained millions of votes from the 2016 Trump candidacy.

A later conservative poll found that Russian disinformation may have swung enough voters to ensure a 2020 Trump loss. It certainly saved Joe Biden in the first debate when he faced the American people and flat-out lied about the laptop, quoting “experts” that his own team had rounded up to legitimize his obvious untruths.

The last thing the global health community wanted was to confront China about its culpability for killing millions worldwide. And what the Fauci health conglomerate most feared was the airing of the truth that U.S. “scientists” had helped fund and enhance quite-dangerous, understandably-outlawed, viral gain-of-function research at a Chinese lab soon to be run by the People’s Liberation Army. These functionaries’ clear hatred of President Trump was a subtext to their distortions and lies that only a complete shut-down of the U.S. economy could save America from millions of unnecessary deaths. In other words, for well over two years, anyone who dared suggest a laboratory origin for COVID was pilloried, while the accusers privately knew that it was likely true and that they were complicit.

The January 6th myth—that conservatives were violent insurrectionaries—led to the greatest militarization of Washington, DC, since the Civil War. Barbed wire and fencing around all the major tourist spots helped advance the myth of a besieged nation that Joe Biden, that old moderate, would heal from the existential threats birthed by the soon-to-be-impeached-twice Donald Trump.

2) These conspiracies involved the most powerful U.S. government agencies.

James Comey’s FBI altered a FISA warrant. Comey himself misled the president of the United States, lying that the latter was not the target of an FBI investigation while leaking confidential, if not classified, documents. The FBI hired foreign national Christopher Steele to compile dirt on a presidential candidate. The FBI’s Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe, and James Baker were knee-deep in efforts to leak the dossier and other disinformation to ensure Trump was not elected. The CIA’s John Brennan and the Department of Justice’s Loretta Lynch were well aware of their own agencies’ involvement in fueling the slander.

Fifty-one former “intelligence authorities” brazenly lied in 2020 when they signed a letter claiming that the Biden laptop—then in the possession of the FBI, which knew of its authenticity—had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation. Grandee signatories like James Clapper, John Brennan, Michael Hayden, and Leon Panetta had no evidence that the laptop had anything to do with the Russians. Lots of contacts in the FBI confirmed that it did not. Yet they signed their names and, in doing so, ruined their former agencies’ credibility, all for the short-term agenda of getting Joe Biden elected.

From 2020 to 2023, at the height of the pandemic, the main players in the U.S. health apparat—the NIH, the CDC, and the NIAID—all created narratives that were obvious lies, or at least had no evidence to sustain them. There was never clear-cut evidence for the bat/pangolin theory of COVID genesis, for state-imposed mass masking and social distancing as scientifically-proven effective tools to control the pandemic, for the assurance that a national quarantine would do far less damage than the virus, and for the idea that experimental mRNA coronavirus vaccinations and their serial boosters in the long term would prevent the vaccinated from being either infected or infectious.

The reaction to the January 6th riot was likely politicized by the Speaker of the House, the Pentagon and the Capitol Police on the theory that the small number of violent rioters, if left to run amok and then severely punished after show trials in federal courts, would do lasting damage to the conservative cause and Donald Trump in particular.

3) The media conspired with government agencies to spread the hoaxes.

On the eve of the 2016 election and in its aftermath, Buzzfeed, CNN, the Washington Post and other news outlets all rushed to leak the most salacious made-up smears from the Steele dossier, fed to them by the FBI and other government officials. Their unsourced yellow journalism soon ensured the ill-fated Mueller investigation that was designed, quite successfully, to derail or slow the early Trump administration agenda.

In 2020, top members of the FBI partnered with social media companies, especially Twitter and Facebook, to censor news that contradicted the yarn that the Biden laptop was Russian disinformation.

While Anthony Fauci and his team, along with officials at the CDC and NIH, were furiously corresponding to tamp down any suggestion of a lab-leak origin for COVID or that their own policies were scientifically unproven, the media was fed their heroic stories and spread them as gospel.

As a result, the nation was assured that Fauci et al. stood for “science,” and their skeptics were little more than ultra-MAGA, Trumpist yahoos. The old time-tested, safe, and life-saving Ivermectin, well aside from the debate over its actual efficacy in treating COVID, was rendered a dangerous “horse dewormer,” while the mRNA vaccines were deemed perfectly safe for young, healthy men, despite being in little danger from COVID but susceptible to vaccination-caused myocarditis.

So effective were our bureaucrats in using the media in their propaganda that ancient canons of medical science—viruses can indeed provide valuable natural immunity; vaccines are of only temporary efficacy against the quickly-mutating coronaviruses; complete nationwide quarantines would lead to untenable social, economic, and political damage; viral pandemics are unlikely to be of direct animal origin if the virus has never been observed in an animal prior to human infections, etc.—were often mocked as self-interested pseudoscience.

The media ensured that reports of numerous FBI informants present on January 6 were suppressed. They also smothered evidence that the loaded January 6th congressional committee was manipulating evidence, suppressing testimonies, and deliberately not interviewing inconvenient witnesses.

Instead, the media ran with wild lies of violent and often-armed “insurrectionists” who had long planned a systematic takeover and who had succeeded in killing “five law enforcement officers” (only one, Brian Sicknick, died—a day later on January 7, from natural causes). The media smeared the name and reputation of the unarmed Ashli Babbitt, killed while going through a broken window into the Capitol, and then hid the name of the Capitol Police officer who had lethally shot her.

4) Few, if any, in the media or the government were ever punished for their conspiracies to create and spread such complete fabrications.

Few at CNN who spread the Russian collusion lie were ever permanently punished. No Pulitzer Prizes for such false coverage were revoked. James Comey (claiming amnesia 245 times while under congressional oath), James Clapper (previously lying under congressional oath), John Brennan (previously lying twice while under congressional oath), and Andrew McCabe (lying repeatedly to federal investigators) were never formally charged—unlike those who went to jail after falsely being indicted for collusion. All instead used their liberal notoriety to land lucrative network consultantships or book deals—and to persist in the Russian collusion hoax.

None of the 51 intelligence authorities who lied to the nation and thereby helped warp an election have ever retracted their statements, much less apologized. All knew then, and are currently without a doubt after the conviction of Hunter Biden, that his laptop and contents were not just authentic but proven to be so by the FBI. Barring apologies, the assumption remains that they believe their misinformation and disinformation led to the election of Joe Biden and, thus, that their noble ends were properly justified by any means necessary.

Dr. Francis Collins, Dr. Fauci and his lieutenants, Peter Daszak and a string of others have never been formally disciplined for their efforts to spread misinformation that likely contributed to tens of thousands of deaths from the unwarranted national lockdowns. Even to this day, Dr. Fauci insists U.S. funding for Wuhan had nothing to do with gain-of-function research and still does not concede that it is almost certain that the virus originated in the lab.

From the above, we can assume that conspiracies successfully achieve left-wing goals. The hoaxes are used by bureaucracies against conservatives and Republican candidates. They are spread like wildfire by a corrupt media and, when exposed and refuted, rarely lead to legal culpability or disgrace rather than publicity-driven lucrative post-scandal employment.

One chief common trait is projection. By accusing others of high crimes and misdemeanors, the conspirators become exempt from criminal charges.

Hillary Clinton and her campaign were never charged with illegally hiring a foreign national to draw on Russian sources to smear their 2016 campaign opponent.

The Biden campaign was never held accountable for conspiring to organize so-called retired intelligence experts to formally lie to the American people to influence an election.

High officials of the U.S. government lied under oath with impunity about their role in funding gain-of-function research after conspiring to circumvent U.S. law prohibiting such research.

U.S. elected and bureaucratic officials deliberately suppressed the use of law enforcement on January 6 despite the ensuing lax security, warped a U.S. House committee investigation, and used the Washington D.C. court system to convict hundreds for dubious crimes in order to use their convictions and prison terms for political agendas.

No wonder, then, that we should expect some sort of similar hoax to arise before the 2024 election. Do not be surprised when told of a “secret” Trump plan uncovered to round up critics in 2025 and send them to “camps,” or lurid revelations about “evidence” that Trump is in worse physical and mental shape than is a debilitated Biden, or some fantastic MAGA plot to implement “voter suppression,” or allegations that the Trump campaign’s “dark money” involves “collusion,” “disinformation,” and “sinister foreign actors.”

When we hear such things in the months to come, remember that these mythologies are usually a warning: what the left is alleging is, quite often, precisely what the left is already doing.


Fighting Continues as do Demonstrations

By Sherwin Pomerantz

The IDF on Monday said that its Division 162 has defeated half of Hamas’s battalions in Rafah, including killing at least 550 terrorists, as well as destroyed around 200 tunnel shafts, and eliminated the terror group’s last major rocket inventory. Further, the IDF said that within a couple of weeks it would likely be in control of all of Rafah and that the final battles with the remaining two Hamas battalions in parts of Tel al-Sultan and the eastern part of Shabura are already underway.

In addition, the IDF said that the tunnel network in Rafah, especially near the Philadelphi Corridor with Egypt has been found to be even more complex than those found in Khan Yunis, Jabaliya, and the military quarter of Gaza City.  Currently, the IDF says Division 162, commanded by Brig. Gen. Itzik Cohen, has already achieved operational control of over 60-70% of all of Rafah with all of the 1.4 million or so civilians having long fled to al-Muwasi on the coast, central Gaza and Khan Yunis.

IDF sources also said they believed they had killed more than 550 terrorists, but that this number represented actual bodies seen, versus Hamas forces who entered a structure which was then bombed, but without finding a body.

The Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon almost completely halted its attacks on Israel this week, IDF data showed Tuesday, as US presidential envoy Amos Hochstein arrived in the region in an attempt to prevent all-out war on the Jewish state’s northern border.  According to the IDF’s Home Front Command, the most recent alert for rocket and missile fire on the northern border was activated at 3:21 a.m. on Sunday in the area of the Upper Galilee town of Mitzpe Hila, while drone alert sirens last sounded in the north some three hours earlier.

Though a “suspicious aerial target” crossed from Lebanese territory into the maritime space near Acre on Israel’s northern coast on Monday, it was shot down by air defense fighters, and no alerts were triggered.

Meanwhile, Hezbollah’s last official statement taking responsibility for attacks on Israel was issued through Lebanese media on Saturday.  Hochstein, who also serves as a senior adviser for energy and investment to the president, met with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu shortly after touching down in Tel Aviv on Monday.  The White House official told the premier that de-escalation is possible, but that there is no “magic solution” to the situation, which he said was largely dependent on what happens with Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Hezbollah has refused to negotiate a possible truce with the Jewish state until a full ceasefire is implemented in the Palestinian coastal enclave.

Over one thousand humanitarian aid trucks languished on the Gazan side of the Kerem Shalom border crossing, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on Monday, adding that UN officials claimed that looting of trucks made the distribution of the aid too dangerous.  On Sunday, Israel announced a “tactical pause of military activity” along the road stretching from the Kerem Shalom crossing to the Salah al-Din Road before continuing north.  The IDF noted that the pause, which took place from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. local time, was part of a joint effort with the Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) to increase the amount of humanitarian aid going into Gaza.

The military said that the pause came in light of related talks with the UN and other international organizations.  In a video posted by the IDF to X, formerly Twitter, on Sunday, a spokesperson noted that, in coordination with COGAT, more than 35,000 aid trucks entered the strip through the Kerem Shalom crossing since the start of the war. 

The military noted that 1,400 hundred trucks had been waiting to be picked up for distribution at the border crossing.  According to the WSJ report, no UN trucks had arrived to retrieve the aid by mid-afternoon. However, citing the IDF, the report noted that 21 other trucks had arrived to pick up aid.  “We need to keep people safe,” Gaza-based United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) director Scott Anderson told the WSJ. UNRWA has received heavy criticism in Israel and abroad for alleged ties to Hamas. In February, the IDF discovered a Hamas command tunnel underneath UNRWA’s Gaza headquarters.  Late last month, the Knesset passed a preliminary bill designating the UN agency as a terrorist organization. 

Monday night saw a large demonstration against the Prime Minister at his residence in Jerusalem which is just 150m from where we live.  Police used water cannon to disperse the crowd that attempted to breach the barricades that were in place to keep the demonstrators at a safe distance from the residence.  Sadly, a number of people were injured.  The intent of the demonstration was to underscore the need for action to release the hostages for whom each day pushes their risk of death in captivity to a higher probability level.  May they come home soon.


What do the protesters really want?

It is inconceivable that all of the opposition to the current government is just about new elections or even replacing the prime minister



There has been an immense investment in protesting the current Israeli government, its leadership and its policies. Front and center, of course, is rabid hatred of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This is closely followed by the demonization of “extreme” or “far-right” leaders, meaning of course, Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir, who are clearly pulling the marionette strings of power, thus assuring their own continued tenure.

The indictment of the government is more aesthetic than it is politically detailed: The PM is only interested in his own survival, all that is being done is for political purposes and represents a betrayal of the interests of the Israeli people.

Ok, so we get the part about the rabid hatred of the PM. But what exactly is he doing or not doing that constitutes a betrayal of the interests of the people?

This is never quite articulated and, since nature abhors a vacuum, it leaves open to interpretation what exactly the protesters have in mind. The choice of words in the slogan “Bring Them Home Now” clearly, and I suspect by design, implies that freeing the hostages is up to us: That it is within our power and ability to have them returned.

Of course, then, the failure to achieve that must be laid at the doorstep of the Israeli leadership, which is guilty of abandoning the hostages. So, the implication is that our leadership is unwilling to do what needs to be done to “bring” the hostages home.

What exactly would need to be done?

Well, some of the protesters are honest enough to speak their deep-seated conviction: pay any price. Repeat the disaster of the Gilad Shalit deal, magnified by the reality that there are 120 hostages rather than just one.

This demand, of course, completely reverses the government’s approach to the hostage situation, borne out in the first negotiated deal, in which military prowess and achievement prompted Hamas to come to the table.

With all the media pile-on in support of the protesters, this strategy of militarily bludgeoning Hamas into releasing hostages is obscured and, worse, denigrated.

It certainly appears as if the focus on defeating Hamas is increasingly regarded by protesters as a self-serving way of keeping the government in power rather than the desire of most Israelis.

Beyond this warped thinking, there is the above-mentioned self-evident condemnation of the PM as a failure and someone unworthy of his position.

Fair enough. Now, the question is, what besides the displacement of the PM is the agenda of the protesters? Surely, just having a new election cannot be the reason why protesters block highways.

This is not the League of Women Voters on steroids. There surely must be more to the wish list than a new election. Well, for example, what would the protesters want to come out of the new election besides, of course, the unseating of the PM?

Here is where things get a bit murky and probably deliberately so. The protesters want to appear to be public fiduciaries, so they would demure from discussing what is they are hoping to see come from the elections they so desperately desire.

Is all this a shill for the return of Yair Lapid, perhaps mixed in with Benny Gantz and even Yair Golan? In other words, is this a preliminary pep rally for the formation of a left-of-center coalition, that might again include the Ra’am Party?

If that is so, and it seems perfectly reasonable to assume that it is, what would this coalition see as being in the interests of the Israeli people? Or better stated, would such a coalition advance something it believes should be in our citizens’ interests, whether our citizens think so or not?

After all, the protesters have received aid and comfort from the Biden administration, which is certainly not above telling us what is in our best interests.

So, is it reasonable to suppose that the real agenda is a political platform known to organizers but likely not known to the vast majority of the protesters on the street? Is it also possible that the agenda is focused on attaining the wet dream of the Biden administration, as well as a key reason why the administration would make common cause with protest leaders: to advance the vision of the two-state solution?

The willingness to pursue this pipe dream cannot possibly be directly articulated, though protest leaders do invoke the need for “national solutions.” Right now, they would likely parry the idea, if not outright deny it, and would denigrate anyone who would suggest that this was their agenda.

However, this goal might actually be integral to the push to bring down the government. A willingness to support a two-state solution could account for American support for the protesters and the lack of transparency as to their objectives.

Supporting a two-state solution is not evil, but it is massively naïve and, yes, stupid. The fact that it enjoys very little popular support is not a strategic problem for the protest organizers, since the Left has always disdained the sensibilities of Israel’s “deplorables.” However, discussing it now, before the appropriate coalition is in place, would be self-defeating.

So, let’s just make sure that this horrific government is replaced, so we can all rest easier and feel more righteous. And as to what happens then, well… I guess you’ll just have to stay tuned.

Sent to me by a dear friend and fellow memo reader:

I have yet to hear anyone discuss one of the key factors behind rape as weapon of war:  it happens because the perpetrators view women as property and their rape as the ultimate robbery/insult to the men who the perps perceive as their owners.  Some important dialogue in this interview, and while I admire Sandberg for finally speaking out after 25 years in her corporate isolation, it's not that complicated about "what else happened."  What happened was, because the right has morals, there was instant, universal outrage on the right.  Then the left saw that it was more convenient to side with the rapist murderers than the hated right.  Don't discount the possibility that Sandberg will be driven to the right by the crazy left.


Thank Soros and his elected district attorney:

The Philadelphia story of Jew-hatred

The School District of Philadelphia is under attack by vicious anti-Semites.

An illustrative image of the Philadelphia skyline. Source: DeepAI.


Attacks on the Jewish state and the people committed to it are hardly new. However, a series of rants at School District of Philadelphia (SDP) public meetings present a new twist on an old illness.

The latest effort to attack Jews is to shout the demand that the haters of Jews have the “right” to teach “facts” about a conflict halfway around the globe about which they know virtually nothing other than that they hate Zionism, hate what they think it stands for and are convinced that Jews are the personification of evil “white” America.

A ringside seat in this arena of blame and shame can be found at every recent SDP board meeting, during which speakers—primarily current and former SDP teachers known as “Educators for Palestine”—espouse passionate proclamations of “facts” about which no debate is to be permitted. These are “facts” like the claim that all Jews who believe that Israel has a right to exist as a Jewish state and the right to self-defense against existential threats, are despicable and violent racists cruelly advocating for the murder of innocent people of color. 

This, of course, is the mantra of Hamas, the terrorist organization that butchered, incinerated and raped to death more than a thousand innocents in southern Israel on Oct. 7, but who now claim that Israel is the guilty party. According to the Hamas supporters lecturing at SDP board meetings since Oct. 7, anyone who disagrees with their narrative has no right to be heard in public schools and no right to complain to authorities about the harassment of their children. These Hamasists insist that Philly students must be indoctrinated with their smears and lies about Jews and that anyone who disagrees is a racist.

Philly Educators for Palestine monopolized virtually every speaker slot during the May 30 and June 6 SDP board hearings. They accused Philadelphia’s Jewish teachers, parents and students and the SDP Jewish Family Association of being “outside agitators” from the “right wing.”  They handed out Marxist propaganda celebrating Ebrahim Raisi, the “Butcher of Iran,” at their rally preceding the board meeting. They demanded that the Board acquiesce in their defiance of rules, procedure and order.

Parent and university professor Adeem Suhail invoked his status as an educator to justify his claim that “the occupation of Palestine at the hands of the State of Israel has long been a textbook example of racist and violent settler-colonialism.” Suhail’s distorted and mythical claims assume as “fact” that Jews have no connection to the Land of Israel, never had a Temple there, were never exiled and never yearned to return—and that all Jews are white oppressors. 

Suhail insisted the School Board “allow our students and our teachers their right to learn and teach historical facts”—but he was talking about his facts, not the actual facts about the Children of Israel or the Land of Israel. He and his co-ideologues certainly don’t want Philadelphia students to learn the facts about Hamas’s murderous terrorism; its taking and raping of hostages; its use of hospitals as military command centers; or its theft of billions of dollars in international aid to fund the purchase of weapons and the construction of military tunnels in which no Arab civilians are permitted shelter.

Promoting hatred between the citizens and students of Philadelphia, teacher Khalid Bilal charged that “white supremacy drives Zionism”—even though most Israeli Jews are people of color.  Even the anti-Israel United Nations conclusively rejected the “Zionism is racism” attack on Jewish liberation back in 1991. 

Parent Ahmed Moor baselessly charged Jewish children and families of propagating a race war, stating, “We can’t have white women calling the police … on children of color anymore.” 

Teacher Keziah Ridgeway of Northeast High School charged the district with “becoming Florida” because it dared to prohibit antisemitic words and images at school events. Ridgeway also repeatedly slammed a Jewish teacher by name, falsely accusing her of revealing confidential information about a student because, according to Ridgeway, the teacher allegedly shared on social media a school presentation that had already been seen by thousands and Ridgeway herself publicly posted. How confidential could that presentation be?

All of this antisemitic hatred is not only on display at SDP board meetings while the Board remains silent throughout. The people espousing these lying rants want their hatred to become School District policy. They want to carve this hate into the curriculum and thus engrave it on the minds of Philadelphia’s children. 

Here are some actual facts: Denying Jewish history, denying the deep connection between the children of Israel and the Land of Israel, denying the Jewish commitment to Zion and denying the Jewish right to national liberation are all antisemitism because they are lies about Jews, lies about history and denials of the rights of Jews as Jews. 

People understand that Holocaust denial is antisemitic. In the same way, denial of the grotesque Oct. 7 atrocities or justifying is also antisemitism. By all means, let’s teach facts. We can start with those.

Lori Lowenthal Marcus is the Legal Director of The Deborah Project, a public interest law firm asserting and defending the civil rights of Jews in educational settings.

From a very dear friend and memo reader:


Goodbye to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

By Andrew P O’Meara Jr. Colonel, US Army (Ret) and MG Paul E. Vallely, US Army (Ret)

We consider Affirmative Action to have failed. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Critical Race Theory are being sent to their grave, thank God. A collision course with WOKE authorities, who control our government and society, has come to fruition. We defended and won our position. Since affirmative action is unconstitutional, there should be no need to outlaw the practice or other divisive issues. Congress should establish penalties for violating Constitutional Law that protects every race, color, and creed. Setting mandatory prison sentences and forfeiture of tenure and endowments for each offense involving the imposition of affirmative action would discourage the Left from outrageous disregard for the constitutional order and the sovereignty of the people.

Shelby Steele makes a case for us in White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era. Steele argues that liberty and full equality require each citizen to acknowledge self-reliance. Each citizen competes and advances based on merit. Each free and equal citizen competes with obligations to sink or swim. Thus, freedom is not free. We must earn it.

Full equality also disenfranchises the race baiters and hustlers who have become wealthy, shaking down Whitey. If all are equal, the label of racist becomes an empty threat. And the race baiters are out of work.

Where did we go wrong? Slavery and segregation were based upon the assumption of the inferiority of blacks. Whites within the academic community had long supported the premise of black inferiority upon which segregation was built. The blacks’ inferiority required equal opportunities to advance, which was not genuinely equal. Thus, the academic community was complicit in denying opportunity to the black community. This was true at all levels since their teaching concealed the reality.

The arrival of freedom through Civil Rights Legislation unmasked the prejudice of educators, who were mortified by their long history of racism.

As Yogi Berra opined, please take it when you come to a fork in the road. We had arrived at the fork in the street.

To mask their record of racial prejudice, Shelby Steele argues that the academic community offered to support black affirmative action based upon the assumption that blacks were indeed inferior and unable to compete as equals.

The Jesse Jackson of the black community bought into affirmative action and accepted the assumption of black inferiority, preserving Jessie Jackson’s cash cow of white guilt for denying blacks freedom. Thus, the evil compromise was adopted to assume black inferiority over the objections of the leadership of the Civil Rights era.

The assumption of inequality was adopted by the academic community that divorced black students from the obligation to carry their weight as equals, thereby rejecting the burden of self-reliance. It was an outcome that denied blacks full equality in return for a free ride with the unequal opportunity to advance without merit in the academic community. Thus, it has come to pass sixty years later. We have pilots who can’t fly planes safely, educators who cannot express the fundamental principles of the subjects they teach, and doctors who are unable to master the technical subjects that are the foundation of their profession.

It is a dangerous situation that promises to result in failures, representing the predictable results of rejecting merit; it has simultaneously resulted in the collapse of American exceptionalism.

Critical Race Theory (CRT) institutionalizes all the worst aspects of affirmative action while it demonizes whites as beneficiaries of white privilege. CRT will continue the decline of society by demonizing merit and accelerating affirmative action, exacerbated by eliminating white competitors.

We are on the high road to catastrophic failure. We got there by denying merit, abandoning exceptionalism, and rewarding incompetence and ignorance. It is time we mend our ways or see the loss of man's last best hope.

Confiscation of endowments should be a priority to pay for damages inflicted upon society by insurrections planned and launched by academe that have violated public safety and inflicted grievous harm upon property, private businesses, and the people. Confiscation of endowments and forfeiture of tenure would simultaneously disempower tyrannical academic oligarchs of the educational community. (The professoriate has carried out the fundamental transformation of America into a socialist police state in collusion with the Obama/Biden regime in an autocratic demonstration of raw power in complete disregard for the Law of the Land.)

The Law should include penalties for advocating the overthrow of the government, indoctrinating students using Marxist-Leninist (CRT) instruction, and violating academic freedom to subvert the constitutional order. Thus, stiff penalties should be imposed for teaching communism and for imposing mandatory affirmative action.

Such legislation is needed at the state and national levels since much of the funding and authority for educational institutions originate at the state level. Ultimately, state authorities must take responsibility for cleansing sedition, treason, and unconstitutional indoctrination from our entire educational system, K-12, colleges, and universities. This is the responsibility of the people, who remain sovereign only insofar as the will of the people remains the law of the land.

We are all free and equal. Merit remains the foundation of American exceptionalism. All must accept the obligation of self-reliance. All enjoy the liberty promised by the founders. Moreover, we must outlaw affirmative action. As Shelby Steele, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, and countless others have demonstrated, Blacks will show that they can compete as equals in society.

And guilty white educators should shut the Hell up. In addition to racial prejudice, their adoption of socialism fully justifies their white guilt. Suffer your humiliation in silence! There is no need to destroy Western Civilization to conceal your old sins of bias and sedition.


Released and Distributed by the Stand Up America US Foundation


What Republicans Can Learn From the Tories' Impending Disaster

By Jonathan Tobin Editor in chief, JNS.org

Britain's Conservative Party is on the brink of what might well be its extinction. The U.K.'s oldest political party is currently trailing Labour by more than 20 points with less than three weeks to go before voters elect a new parliament on July 4. And though one should always be cautious about analogizing events in different political systems, there's a lesson in this for Republicans in the U.S.

The contrast in the prospects of the two parties couldn't be starker.

In the United States, right now the GOP is on track to regain the White House with a good chance to control at least one if not both Houses of Congress in January. Despite being the object of a formidable lawfare campaign to both bankrupt and imprison him, former president Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in national polls as well as in battleground states. Though anything can happen between now and November, the party's conservative base appears to be more committed than ever to Trump and, given Biden's perceived weaknesses, that could be enough to give the Republicans their best result in 20 years.

Things are different on the other side of the pond.

It's likely that British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called a snap election because he thought that doing so would catch the upstart Reform Party, led by Brexit leader Nigel Farage, unprepared. Sunak assumed that, at worst, the Conservatives would retain a significant portion of their seats even if Labour was probably going to coast to victory with its leader, Sir Keir Starmer, replacing him as prime minister.

But Sunak miscalculated. Despite a ragtag slate of candidates and little time to make up for its enormous disadvantage in organization, Reform is on the rise. Polls show it nipping at the Tories' heels for second place in an election where the identity of the winner is no longer in doubt. Reform is trending up at 15 percent and the Conservatives are heading down at 22 percent. With Sunak's campaign looking dull and pointless compared with that of the brash Farage, the notion of Reform catching the Tories, something that would have previously been inconceivable, is now possible.

Why are the Tories on the verge of collapse?

Over the last 14 years, during which Britain's Conservatives have governed, they've not merely failed to fulfill their promises about limiting the uncontrolled immigration that is transforming the country. They've actually presided over an unprecedented increase in it.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson won a historic victory in 2019 largely on the strength of working-class former Labour voters who wanted not only their country out of the European Union but limits imposed on immigration. That gave Johnson the chance to achieve a genuine realignment of British politics. Instead, the Tory establishment, under both Johnson and his disastrous successors Liz Truss and Sunak, were always more interested in appealing to the interests of the City of London, the U.K.'s Wall Street. Ignoring their voters' demands, they pursued policies on immigration and social issues indistinguishable from those of their Labour rivals.

If American politicians behaved in this manner, they would have been beaten in primaries. And there's no way the GOP could head to a national election being led by someone who disagreed with its voters on most key issues. But Britain's political system allows the leadership of its major parties to ignore the wishes of grassroots voters. The only way for the people to make their voices heard is by abandoning their party altogether, and that's what's happening to the Conservatives. As a result, the Tories may well go from the 80-seat majority they won less than four years ago to holding 80 seats or less in the next parliament, their lowest total in their two centuries of existence.

The Republican Party has been more accountable to its voters. Much to everyone's surprise, the GOP electorate embraced Trump in 2016 specifically because he wasn't a typical Republican politician interested only in tax cuts and hawkish foreign policy. They loved the fact that he trolled the Washington establishment on immigration, pursued trade policies that would protect American jobs, and said what they were thinking about the disastrous wars started by the last GOP president. Most of all, he understood that American politics was changing and that working-class voters were no longer represented by a Democratic Party that was solely concerned with the interests of credentialed elites, Wall Street, and woke cultural policies.

It hasn't been all smooth sailing for Trump's GOP. The COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 election and the subsequent Jan. 6 Capitol riot hurt it badly. And though Republicans won the House in the 2022 midterms, it was by a far smaller margin than expected.

It's also true that the congressional leadership of the GOP has often been as determined to ignore conservative voters as their counterparts in London. But by re-nominating Trump, Republican voters have a chance to change that. And that is why, rather than their base abandoning them, as happened to the Tories, the GOP could find itself back on top in Washington next year.

Republicans might be in the same position as the Tories right now if people like 2012 presidential nominee Mitt Romney or his running mate, former House speaker Paul Ryan, were at the head of their 2024 ticket. But in Britain, the moral equivalents of these Never Trumpers are still in charge. While Britain's Conservative voters told their leaders what they wanted in the 2016 Brexit vote and the 2019 general election, the Tory establishment refused to go along.

Given the first-past-the-post system, even if Reform ties or beats the Conservatives in the national vote, it may just mean hundreds of second-place finishes. Those few Tories who keep their seats will probably be on the party's Left flank, further sinking the chances of changing and thereby saving the party. It also remains to be seen whether Farage can begin the process of political realignment that will see the Conservatives replaced as the main opposition to Labour.

But the lesson here for Republicans, including those who remain members in good standing of the D.C. establishment, is that conservative political parties that ignore their voters are headed for the scrap heap of history. If they want to avoid the fate of Britain's Tories, they must follow Trump's lead and listen to their working-class voters rather than to Wall Street or Never Trumpers who have long since abandoned them for the Democrats.

Jonathan S. Tobin is editor-in-chief of JNS.org and a senior contributor to The Federalist. Follow him @jonathans_tobin.


The world has always been in turmoil and now that we have the "righteous U.N setting our principles and morality" matters have only worsened. It should be disbanded.

While we believe Israeli women, the world must believe them too - opinion

When women come forward as survivors of sexual assault and gender-based violence, they are usually met with support and sympathy - victims and survivors of Oct. 7 have not been treated with humanity.

‘Share the stories,” was the answer from every single survivor, witness, first responder, and sexual violence advocate we met with when we asked, “What can we do?” the pain and sadness in our eyes mirroring theirs.

Why should those who have lived through the most horrific violence during an atrocity documented in real time by the perpetrators themselves, need to ask anyone to tell their stories? To believe them? 

It’s quite simple, really. It’s because the world, and those who claim to #BelieveAllWomen, have distorted and denied the truth of what happened in Israel on October 7 and what continues to happen to the hostages. 

Over four days in Israel last month, our delegation, “I Believe Israeli Women,” met with survivors and experts to be able bear witness to the atrocities, learn about and understand the ongoing needs, and build a network that will amplify the voices and develop action plans across varied disciplines and arenas of expertise in the United States and Israel. What we heard again and again, were the echoes of a common refrain: The survivors of October 7 are speaking out – and we in the Diaspora have a critical role to play in amplifying the truth. 

Walking the paths of destruction in Kibbutz Kfar Aza and standing in the open fields at the Nova musical festival in southern Israel broke our hearts. We saw the holy ground where Israelis were brutally mutilated, raped, burned, killed, and left for dead. We heard from survivors and first responders who shared detailed accounts of what they had experienced, seen, touched, and heard – as well as the immense needs that have emerged in this new reality. 

When women come forward as survivors of sexual assault and gender-based violence, they are usually met with support and sympathy – and the perpetrators are condemned. The victims and survivors of October 7 have not been treated with such humanity. 

Instead, many have denied the atrocities of sexual violence that occurred on that day, or demanded that the survivors furnish evidence of the attacks. When The New York Times published “Screams without Words,” with evidence on Hamas’s use of sexual violence, the reaction on social media and in outlets such as The Intercept was not outrage but doubt, and a demand for proof. 

Similarly, the UN secretary-general’s report, which cited clear and distinct evidence that sexual violence had occurred, was met with harsh criticism and skepticism.

Even more recently, there was deafening silence in response to the release of the video of young female IDF soldiers being taken hostage. Video that was filmed and uploaded to social media by the terrorists themselves. Where is the world’s outrage? 

Jewish women and their safety remain outliers in feminist advocacy 

No one said “resistance by any means necessary” when the Chibok girls were kidnapped. No one blamed Ukraine for the rape of Ukrainian women. And, no one asked for more evidence when the Yazidi women were burned. But there is a difference when it comes to Israel. Instead of being supported, Israeli women are either disbelieved or blamed.

I Believe Israeli Women is a movement created in partnership with the Seed the Dream Foundation and Jewish Women International to address this disinformation and denialism. The movement stands in solidarity with Israeli women, men, and children – and is a growing network that will speak out against the use of gender-based violence as a weapon of war. 

We refuse to be silent. We must ensure that the truth is heard. 

We call on everyone committed to eliminating sexual violence and assault to join us in standing with Israeli women, men, and children. 

The way to help support them is simple: Believe them, believe the evidence. Hold as an incontrovertible fact that Hamas used sexual violence as a weapon of war against Israeli women, men, and children on October 7 and that ongoing sexual violence is believed to be presently committed against Israeli hostages still in Gaza. It is only when we acknowledge the truth, that we can counter the disinformation. 

Meeting the survivors of October 7, some of the released hostages, and the many compassionate therapists, caregivers, and first responders committed to providing ongoing relief was deeply inspiring. The strength these individuals have shown in the wake of tragedy and trauma is a testament to the indomitable resolve of the Israeli people. 

But the trauma is ongoing. The needs on the ground are high – and will likely increase in the coming months and years. We have an obligation to speak up and support the survivors – especially those subjected to sexual violence – and to become the voice screaming out for those who are no longer with us.

It is time to stand up and believe Israeli women. It is time to believe the evidence. It is time to amplify the voices of those who have suffered and those who are suffering. It is time to bring the hostages home. It is time to demand accountability and ensure that the victims of October 7 are not forgotten. 

Our movement begins by saying out loud, “I believe Israeli women.” Please join us: jwi.org/ibelieveisraeliwomen.

Dr. Marcy Gringlas is president of Seed the Dream Foundation. Meredith Jacobs is CEO of Jewish Women International.

The time has come .


The Jewish state needs a comprehensive strategy against the threat from Lebanon.

The war, launched by Iran-supported militias on Oct. 7, has long exceeded the single front in Gaza. Yemen’s Houthis have closed the Red Sea to international shipping and, along with Iraqi Shiite militias, regularly launch drones and missiles at Israel. The attacks aren’t directed only at the Jewish state: More than 170 attacks took place on U.S. and allied forces in Syria and Iraq between October and February.

Yet the prospect of open warfare between Israel and Hezbollah dwarfs these developments. The Institute for National Security Studies, a Tel Aviv-based think tank, estimates that the group has around 200,000 rockets and missiles, including precision-guided munitions capable of hitting targets in Israel within a few yards’ radius. Hezbollah also has missiles such as the Fateh-110 and M-600 systems, which could hit Israel’s central cities. The group boasts a ground force of somewhere between 50,000 and 100,000 fighters.

War between Israel and Hezbollah could lead to a wider regional conflagration. Iran has control of a contiguous corridor from the Iraq-Iran border, through southern Syria and into Lebanon. Iranian client fighters could easily make their way along this line to an Israel-Hezbollah combat zone. Its forces could likewise launch missiles and ordnance from Iraqi and Syrian soil.

Neither side appears to want immediate confrontation, but that doesn’t mean it won’t come. Senior Hezbollah official Naim Qassem recently described Hezbollah’s current level of engagement as representing a “complete” but not “all out” intervention. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly prevented the swift response to Hezbollah’s Oct. 8 attacks that Defense Minister Yoav Gallant favored.

The status quo is disruptive. Some 60,000 Israelis have left their homes, from Rosh Hanikra to Kiryat Shmona. The country’s north has effectively been shut down for the past eight months. Hezbollah’s rockets and drones have hit the cities of Acre, Tiberias and Nahariya.

Such a departure is unprecedented. More than a century ago Jews’ determination to hold the remote settlement of Tel Hai against a Shiite Arab militia gave birth to a central national myth. The eight Jews killed in the fighting at Tel Hai on March 1, 1920, entered the Israeli pantheon as a symbol of determination to hold the ground, no matter the cost. Kiryat Shemonah, the “Town of the Eight” in Hebrew, is named after them. Today the border communities are empty. Hezbollah is using antitank missiles to destroy the neat red-roofed houses of Metula.

Israel maintains the tactical advantage. Hezbollah has reported the deaths of nearly 350 fighters in recent fighting. Israel has lost 10 soldiers and 15 civilians near the border area. Yet despite this disparity, Hezbollah’s losses aren’t significant enough to deter it from further attacks.

Israel thus faces a dilemma. The present state of affairs is untenable, unless Jerusalem wishes to concede a de facto security zone of control to Hezbollah on Israel’s side of the border. If the fire is spreading south, the natural response is to spread it north. Increased air attacks up to Beirut, possibly accompanied by a ground incursion, would be among the list of options. The 36th Armored Division, which played a prominent role in the invasion of Gaza, is training close to the border.

Yet such an incursion would need to consider what would happen after Hezbollah’s forces were pushed north of the Litani. Would it merely be a punitive hit-and-run raid? If so, is it worth the losses that would come from it, given the likelihood that Hezbollah would return to the border once the fighting concluded? If not, what is Israel’s preferred arrangement on the Lebanese side of the border after the fighting?

Israel’s leadership is considering these questions, and it doesn’t have time to waste. An agreement to end the Gaza war might have led to a messy de facto cease-fire in the north. But the fighting likely won’t end anytime soon. With more than 60,000 displaced Israelis, and daily missile attacks in the north, Israel must answer soon.

Mr. Spyer is director of research at the Middle East Forum and director of the Middle East Center for Reporting and Analysis. He is author of “Days of the Fall: A Reporter’s Journey in the Syria and Iraq Wars.”




The Biden White House Can't Cover Up the President's Senility 

By Matt Vespa


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