Thursday, June 6, 2024

Shades Of Nixon? More.



Wow is all there is to say. This is truly remarkable to see. G-d performed and continues to perform unbelievable miracles for the Jewish people!


Shades Of Nixon: Biden Refuses To Turn Over Potentially Devastating Tapes

Almost exactly 50 years ago, the Supreme Court ordered President Richard Nixon to turn over White House tapes that he had refused to release for nearly a year, citing executive privilege. On July 24, 1974, the court unanimously rejected Nixon’s executive privilege claim. Sixteen days later, Nixon resigned.

Fast forward to this year, and President Joe Biden is refusing to release tapes of his interviews with Special Counsel Robert Hur about his handling of classified documents, citing, as Nixon did, executive privilege, with an added twist about the risk of “deep fakes.”

Biden is, in fact, so determined to keep the tapes secret that he’s willing to let his attorney general get slapped with contempt of Congress, a charge two House committees advanced on Thursday for Garland’s refusal to comply with a congressional subpoena.

The White House is also being sued by the Heritage Foundation, Judicial Watch, and a dozen news organizations – including CNN and the Associated Press – for access to the tapes after the White House refused to comply with Freedom of Information Act requests.  

The Biden administration argues that there’s no reason to turn over the tapes since the transcripts are already out.

But last Friday, the administration admitted that the transcripts had been altered.

That admission came in response to Heritage’s lawsuit. The White House told a federal court that the transcripts were “accurate … except for minor instances.”

In response to that, Heritage’s Oversight Project posted on X that: “After being forced into federal court by us, the White House admits they altered evidence to make Biden appear less incompetent This case has been blown wide open.”

The White House response was to label Heritage’s assertion a “total lie.” But Biden has already been caught lying about what he told Hur, so why should anyone trust this administration when it says the transcripts are accurate?

Indeed, the more the White House fights the release of these tapes, the weaker its case becomes.

If releasing the transcript didn’t fall under an executive privilege claim, how in the world does the actual recording?

The idea that AI is the reason for withholding this evidence is completely ludicrous. Anyone with skills could use the transcript as the basis for “deep fakes.” If anything, releasing the audio would make it harder to get away with deep fakes because the actual recording would be widely available.

And if Heritage is lying about the White House doctoring the transcript, then prove it by releasing the tape!

The public’s right to have access to these tapes became more urgent this week after the Wall Street Journal reported that in small, private meetings, Biden’s mental acuity is often terrible – that he’s frequently inaudible, confused, and sleepy.

This is a side of Biden that the White House – with the willing participation of the mainstream press – has meticulously kept hidden.


FITTON: “The DOJ Has Been Compromised!”

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton joins "Mornings with Maria" on Fox Business to discuss the Hunter Biden gun trial, the double standard of justice between Trump and Biden, and more! 
Nellie Bowles, in today's The Free Press, has a section about this fool who just lost her job by, of course, being a progressive and basically hating Jews.  Click on the underlined links to see how:

Briahna Joy Gray is letting it all hang out: Bernie Sanders’ former press secretary gives us a window every day into the mind of the American left. She’s been employed by The Hill, an otherwise normal, sane publication, where she gives her take from the progressive side of things. Her latest take: Hamas wants to build a beautiful multifaith, multiethnic country of freedom, just like the United States. 

“When Hamas is talking about eliminating Israel, it’s talking about not killing all of the Jews. It’s about eliminating the idea,” she said onstage this week. (One of the panelists, Free Press columnist Eli Lake, erupts in laughter.) “Sir, can I just finish this sentence? It’s about eliminating the idea of a Jewish state, ending a Jewish state, ending an ethno-national state, and having a state more like what we have in the United States.” The Bernie brigade genuinely believes that Hamas wants to make a country just like the United States. I think they genuinely think this is what will happen. I think they’ve been foie gras–ducked with so much Iranian propaganda, they think this is what Tehran is too. Freedom has gotten so normal to this group they have no concept of what life under fundamentalist Islam even would look like. 

And when the sister of a Hamas hostage implored Briahna to think about the suffering of the female hostages, Briahna literally rolled her eyes and ended the call. I’m grateful to Briahna Joy Gray for making the leftist stance here so clear. Which is why it’s a bummer that it looks like The Hill ended her contract on Thursday. 



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