Sunday, June 23, 2024

Scalia Video. Iran Goes Nuclear?

In a video I recently viewed,  deceased Justice Scalia made the point the best protection for our republic was the separation of power clause.  Biden has chosen to dictatorially avoid Congress by running our republic through presidential orders and because the GOP does not have the power to stop this monarchial approach, and Democrats don't care about the constitution, Biden continues getting his murderous way by projecting fear mongering and repeating constantly the lie Trump will destroy our democracy while becoming a dictator.  Goebel could not have done a better job of propaganda  had he tried.

Weaponizing politics and personality attacks have altered the political landscape and brought political nastiness to a new degrading level.

The Democrat Party no longer gives a damn about America as if it ever did since Wilson.  The elitists simply want to control the nation, it's people in ways that will cripple America and cause the enslaved citizens to bend to their ways.

This is what the founding father's feared and sought to avoid. This is why they established 3 separate, distinct independent government bodies. As long as Americans chose to obey the laws the Supreme Court may have been the weakest of the 3 branches but actually were the strongest.  SCOTUS has no army to enforce their decisions, they even have no control over their salaries. 
The Justices simply have life tenure

Soros understands that by electing district attorneys who do not wish to enforce existing laws he can become, theoretically,  the 4th branch of government.

We have allowed this to happen and are paying a high price for Biden's open border policies and district attorneys who control enforcement,  or lack thereof, in America's major Democrat, and mostly black, controlled cities like Philadelphia, Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Detroit etc.
I ain't the only one.

Obamas War: Iran Turns Nuclear 



Do you think this imminent war has anything to do with Hamas?


Do you think it has anything to do with Palestinians? Think again:  


Many countries are telling their citizens to leave Lebanon NOW. 

Netanyahu asserts the United States is “slow walking” arms shipments to Israel; this would not be the first time the U.S. did this. During the Obama administration, they did it during a Hamas war.


My friends are telling me there may be fewer than thirty hostages left. Soon, the hostages will not be relevant during any “negotiations” with Hamas.


What has not been publicized much is “innocent” Palestinians like doctors and UNWRA workers are holding hostages. During the October 7th rampage, many Arabs trailed the Hamas members, looted Jewish homes, and took hostages. Kidnappers believed they could get money for living as well as dead hostages. One even kept the head of an Israeli soldier in their refrigerator. 

Hamas does NOT control all hostages 


Hamas leader Sinwar and some hostages are not in Gaza; they may be hiding in the Sinai in one of the dozens of tunnels between Gaza and Egypt. 


Iran is pushing Israel to war on its own terms and timing. 


I have heard this now from several people who would know. 


If you follow me, you know I have been saying “prior” to October 7th,  Iran was going to create turmoil with Israel. I have attached my April 10, 2023 column. I said it was all a smokescreen. Everything since last fall, all the turmoil, the Hamas slaughter is there to cover or misdirect the world's attention, from Iran’s nuclear program. 

Now, information suggests Iran has decided to start a regional war as it approaches the hour they become a nuclear power. “The hour” means they have loaded weapons onto warheads and can threaten Israel with a nuclear attack.


It can be argued Israel is already in a three-front war with Hamas, Lebanon, and Syria, not including Iraq and Yemen. Iran crossed the red line with their missile attack on Israel; however, now they will use their proxies in Lebanon and Syria to fire more lethal, powerful weapons that will be difficult to shoot down. Heavier and with more firepower, firing the rockets from Lebanon and Syria will have more room to load munitions due to them not needing as much fuel.

When this happens, there will be no choice for the US and its allies, Germany and France, but to join in and stop the aggression. 

Israel is nothing more than a short-term goal to Iran’s becoming a regional Hegemon. They want to consolidate control over their people and spread the revolution across the Middle East. You are talking about World War three. 


A few years from now, and potentially millions of lives lost, there will be a day of reckoning among the supporters of Iran. Why were the sanctions not followed? Why did this and the Obama administration enable Iran to grow and threaten not just Israel but the United States? 

Which media was bought and paid for? Which politician was bought and paid for? There is already ample evidence many are on the Muslim Brotherhood payroll.

There is ample evidence many “reporters, photographers, and UN “workers” are also on their payroll.

“Reporters” who took pictures and videos of terror attacks while they participated in them. UNRWA workers and “journalists” are holding hostages. Since the Holocaust, there have been gut-wrenching recriminations about where the Jewish community was in Germany and the U.S. failed to prevent it. 




Some of my Israeli friends think Biden is Israel's “friend.” Biden is NOT in control here. He is, at best, a puppet. The same crowd that ran the Obama administration is the unseen hand behind the significant decisions. No doubt, Susan Rice and Obama are pulling the strings. Neither are lovers of Jews and Israel.


I thought after October 7th, people would wake up. Indeed, many have, but there is still a large segment of Jews that blame all of this on Netanyahu. 

Netanyahu did not cause this by trying to reform the Judiciary.


October 7th was an attack years in the making. Iran pulled the trigger. This event was highly organized, including the so-called “grassroots” college demonstrations. 


The Biden administration has been playing a double game. They enabled Iran to recover from the dead by ignoring Trump's sanctions. Thus, Iran was able to finance their proxies.

Iran is not only becoming a regional Hegemon, but they are going to continue growing as a worldwide threat. 

One has to ask why would Obama and Biden support such a terrible deal with Iran. This deal didn’t stop them from becoming a Nuclear power. It guided and protected them along the way. It was a ruse. 

Obama was always fixated on Israel and Islam, and not in a positive way. Some believe Obama wanted to create a counter to Israel with Iran. Believe it or not, Qui Bono ( who benefits) is the most logical choice. Then you must ask yourself why. What possible benefit accrues to anyone who loves our country and loves Israel? Someone who wants to weaken the United States and destroy Israel?


I believe Obama's worldview was so radical, so different from the United States' values, he did EXACTLY what he wanted. He was NOT incompetent, not weak. He was evil, and he was not kidding when he said he fundamentally wanted to change the United States

Obama supported the Muslim Brotherhood. HE pushed the Nuclear deal, which made no sense if you are a supporter of the United States and Israel. 

Obama isolated AIPAC by having them sign the ten-year deal for military equipment—ten years with limits. 

Obama helped create, along with Soros and others, J Street, which divided the Jewish people and weakened AIPAC. 

Read Michael Oren's book on the Obama administration and see how hostile he was to Israel.  Obama said at Netanyahu's first meeting. ( using his hand across his throat), “This is what I do to those who cross me.” “Paraphrasing”


Here are a few excerpts from Michael Oren's book regarding Obama and Israel. 



12. Obama won’t hit Iran: By early 2012, Oren has concluded that “in the absence of a high-profile provocation” such as an attack on a US aircraft carrier, Obama would not order the use of force against Iran, notwithstanding the president’s endless talk of all options being on the table. Furthermore, the US would pursue a diplomatic accord “even at the risk of reaching a deal unacceptable to Israel.” And if Israel “took matters into its own hands, the White House would keep its distance and offer to defend Israel only if it were counterstruck by a hundred thousand Hezbollah missiles.”


20. Ties in tatters: The Obama administration’s admission in late 2013, soon after Oren returns home from Washington, that it has been secretly negotiating a nuclear deal with Iran strikes him as evidence of how low relations have sunk. “Most disturbing for me personally was the realization that our closest ally had entreated with our deadliest enemy on an existential issue without informing us,” he writes. But in Oren’s assessment, ties have worsened yet further ever since. He notes that Obama denounced the loss of Palestinian civilian life during last summer’s Operation Protective Edge in Gaza as “appalling” — a word the president had last used to describe Gaddafi’s massacre of Libyans. 

He points out that the administration “delayed the delivery of munitions needed by the IDF” and ordered US airlines not to fly to Israel after a rocket landed a mile from the airport, handing Hamas its “greatest-ever strategic victory.” By the end of the war, Oren concludes grimly, “aspects of the US-Israeli alliance” are “in tatters.”

Sound familiar? It is NOT Biden in control, it is Obama. DELAYING MUNITIONS TO ISRAEL WHEN hundreds of thousands of rockets rain down on NORTHERN ISRAEL IS NOT THE ACT OF A “ FRIEND. "

Yet, even with all of this evidence of duplicity, rising anti-Semitism, and a looming existential war, Jews still overwhelmingly support Biden. 


My next column will discuss Egypt and what has happened with Rafah and Egypt's border with Gaza. Where and why did Hamas get all its military supplies, equipment, and escape roots? 



We will get through this. If we all wake up.


Am Yisrael Chai


Larry Levine



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