Sunday, June 9, 2024

Essay. Israel Blamed For Rescuing It's Own Hostages. More.

Essay By Dick Berkowitz

What Do I know?

The mass media have decided, it is time to start repeating/parroting Trump  will destroy our democracy.  They seem to ignore  he was president and did not destroy our democracy.  In fact, he accomplished some positive results which benefited the lower economic classes who were able to buy and pay for food, gasoline and even put aside some savings because inflation was low and salaries were rising.  

I believe these abilities did not destroy our democracy but rather enhanced it. However, when you are protecting the president who actually has destroyed our democracy you have to circle the wagons.

Since Biden, of course, is the one who has destroyed our democracy he needs to make sure he projects his own destructiveness on Trump so that "Biden Loyalists" have something to repeat because they are engrained at lying.  This is how they weaponize what actually happens. Their goal is to repeat something so that it becomes so or so they think.  Consequently, Trump becomes a liar when Biden lies all the time. Trump is now a convicted felon, where no crime has been committed, but when it is Biden and son who  have lined their pockets, and so it goes.

If  Democrats do not steal the election, with support from our various and nefarious intelligence agencies or another 52 Blinken intelligent sheep who might signed a letter shortly before the election, attesting to the fact Trump is a threat to our democracy and in bed with Putin,  I suspect Trump will win in a walk-away. 

I always assume most elections, even ones we believe are valid, have 3 to 5% illegal voting either because somehow "dead" are allowed to vote," voter registrations are not up to date and we are a very large nation etc. This time, the fraudulent hurdle rate might be as high as 8%, because illegal immigrants will certainly add to the fraudulent voting numbers and the GOP, though more prepared, cannot cover what happens at every voting location. Even America, which is decidedly "overlawyered," probably does not have the money or ability to flood the nation with lawyers to assure skullduggery is detected.  

Current polls show a tight election.  Nevertheless, when you see shifts of some magnitude in black, Hispanic and even Jewish support and the prospect of Muslim voters in decline, I believe this will enhance the prospect of  a significant Trump sweep. Polls, as we know, predicted Dewey's triumph over Truman only to prove very wrong because Dewey was stiff.  I will never forget the picture of Dewey fishing and the photographer took a few steps back and showed the boat still docked. That was a killer.

The upcoming debates could also serve as a comparable death knell for Biden if Trump is able to contain himself.

Having made my prediction and demonstrated my willingness to walk the plank, what do I know? 
Gantz slinks away

Hamas hid four hostages in a crowded civilian area and fired on rescuers.

It’s rare good news in a grinding war. On Saturday Israeli commandos rescued four hostages from two civilian buildings near the heart of Gaza’s Nuseirat market. It was a high-risk but well-planned and -executed mission that is a morale boost for Israelis.

Noa Argamani, age 26, Almog Meir Jan, 21, Andrey Kozlov, 27, and Shlomi Ziv, 40, were all abducted during the music-festival massacre. A video showed Ms. Argamani begging for her life. Eight months later she heard a knock on the door: “It’s the IDF, we’ve come to rescue you.” She can now visit her terminally ill mother. Mr. Jan was mobbed on his return by friends chanting, “He is one of us, and we will never give him up,” a refrain of sports teammates now given new meaning. Mr. Jan’s father died hours before his son’s return.

The non-surprise is that professional anti-Israel voices, United Nations officials and the European Union foreign-policy chief rushed to attack Israel. Egypt condemned the operation “in the strongest terms.” How dare Israel rescue its own citizens. Didn’t it know there would be casualties? The BBC asked whether Israel gave a warning that the rescue raid was coming. Seriously? A tip-off to terrorists? Perhaps read them Miranda rights too.

“BREAKING: Gaza’s Health Ministry says 274 Palestinians were killed during the Israeli operation,” reports the Associated Press, only 48 hours after it had exposed how the Hamas ministry’s daily death tolls are “at odds with underlying data.” When will the media stop taking the kidnappers at their word?

Haters of Israel will blame it and excuse Hamas every time, and the media are easily manipulated into playing along. The Hamas figure is likely inflated, and it includes the terrorists killed trying to stop the rescue as well as those who hid the hostages.

Hamas started the war with a massacre, took these hostages and hid them in a crowded civilian area. Then, when Israel came to free them, Hamas responded with heavy fire, including RPGs—yet people are condemning Israel. It makes us wonder if the West has lost the moral discernment and instinct for self-preservation needed to defend itself in a world of killers. Hamas could not survive if not for its enablers around the world.


BIBI, don't get sucked into a two state solution.  Never trust the PLO or Palestinians at their word. Always remember Oslo.

The Saudi don't give a damn about the Palestinians. They simply fear a backlash from other Islamic nations.  It simply boils down to Saudi weakness at Israel's expense.


Report: US, Saudi Arabia closing in on mutual defense deal

US and Saudi officials told WSJ that the deal is close to being finalized, but US approval may depend on it being tied to Israel-Saudi normalization, for which Saudis demand Israeli commitment to a Palestinian state.

US President Biden and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman

The United States is close to closing a mutual defense pact under which it would be obligated to ensure the security of Saudi Arabia, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday, citing US and Saudi officials.

However, the deal would rely, on Israel agreeing to a path to Palestinian statehood in the long run and ending the war in Gaza in the immediate future.

According to the US Constitution, treaties like the Strategic Alliance Agreement, as the deal is officially known, must receive a two-thirds majority vote in the Senate. According to the report, it is unlikely to gain support from enough lawmakers without being linked to a Saudi commitment to normalize ties with Israel.

The Saudis are conditioning normalization with the Jewish state to Israeli support of a credible pathway toward a two-state solution with the Palestinians.





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