Friday, June 28, 2024

Dr.Jill to Joe: "You answered every question and did not wet your pants."
Dear Friend of EMET,

Israel is under attack, fighting a seven-front war against the tentacles of the Iranian regime. As Israel works to finish off Hamas in Gaza, it is preparing for the next battle with one of the strongest armies in the region – Hezbollah. Meanwhile, global Jewry has faced the most antisemitism since World War II. The United States is not an exception, and over the past year, American Jews have helplessly watched as Western streets were taken over by keffiyeh masked rioters calling for their genocide in major metropolises like New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Washington, DC.

Every day, EMET’s team goes to Capitol Hill to ensure that American legislators and policymakers are well-informed about the threats and challenges that Israel and the Jewish community faces daily. We provide them with fact-based, non-ideological information about antisemitism both on campus and off, as well as geopolitical analysis of the reality in the Middle East. Over the past year, EMET’s main focuses have been: Iran’s nuclear program, how weak policy in the Middle East has emboldened Iran, the threat of Hezbollah, the need to pressure Qatar and Turkey for their support of Hamas, UNRWA extremism and antisemitism in the U.S. education system.

This is incredibly important as the media seeks to minimize the threats against Israel and the global Jewish community from terrorist groups and their sympathizers. Israel and the Jewish community need help. Now more than ever, American politicians need to hear from you, and EMET will guarantee that your voice is heard.

EMET was the first and only organization dedicating time and resources to work with congressional offices to pass the Antisemitism Awareness Act, which would institutionalize the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism to be used in cases at the federal level. Without this protection passed at the federal level through the Antisemitism Awareness Act, Jews across the US have no real recourse against acts of hatred perpetrated against them, unlike every other minority group. Due in part to EMET’s efforts, the AAA passed in the House. But our job isn’t over until it passes in the Senate!

Additionally, EMET has supported legislation seeking to sanction the International Criminal Court for its biased and politically motivated case against Israel. This legislation also passed in the House and EMET is working hard to see it pass in the Senate as well.

Over the past year, EMET has brought on-the-ground experts, and families of hostages, to Capitol Hill for meetings with Congressmen and Senators. We at EMET firmly believe that we must keep the story of the hostages front and center, and that we must do everything possible to bring them home safely. They are a reminder to lawmakers that Israel didn’t start this war.

EMET also dedicates resources to public outreach, ensuring that we provide the public with analysis from the best experts in Washington and the world through webinars and constant publications. View our past webinars here.

Notable speakers include Mosab Hassan Yousef, Professor Avi Bell, Ambassador John Bolton, Lieutenant Colonel (Res.) Sarit Zehavi, and many other regional experts, politicians, former officers and analysts.

We take no money from governments or agenda-driven donors. Given the growing challenges both in the Middle East and the US, EMET needs to expand and increase its activities to ensure that the Jewish people remain safe.

This is why we need your support. We cannot do this alone. EMET depends on you to make sure the Jewish people and Israel are strong in the face of so much adversity.

Investing in EMET is investing in the Jewish community and Israel’s future, and in the strength of the United States of America.

Invest in EMET. Invest in the Truth.

Thank you.

Sarah Stern

This is one of the most important SCOTUS decisions in terms of restricting  the non-elected bureaucrats in my lifetime.
Breaking news: Supreme Court reduces the authority of executive agencies

The New York Times 


An exterior of the U.S. Supreme Court building.
By Kenny Holston/The New York Times
Supreme Court Overrules Chevron Doctrine, Imperiling an Array of Federal Rules
The foundational 1984 decision underpinned many regulations on health care, safety and the environment. The vote was 6 to 3, dividing along ideological lines.

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