Thursday, June 6, 2024

Let Hostages Go. Israel Responds. Essay. More.

As expected.

Hamas Rejects Latest Ceasefire Over Israeli Refusal to Halt War

The terror group objects to an additional condition of the outline, which would see Israeli soldiers remain in the Strip while captives are freed.


Day 244 Hostages Update: Hamas Leader Appears to Reject Israeli Proposal; World Leaders Call on Hamas to Accept Deal

On Wednesday, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh appeared to publicly reject Israel’s latest ceasefire and hostage release proposal unveiled by U.S. President Joe Biden last week. Today, world leaders from the U.S., Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Thailand, and the United Kingdom signed a statement calling on Hamas to accept the latest proposal. The statement reads, “There is no time to lose… [the proposal] would lead to an immediate ceasefire and rehabilitation of Gaza together with security assurances for Israelis, and Palestinians, and opportunities for a more enduring long-term peace and a two-state solution.”

Israel strikes Hamas, Islamic Jihad squads hiding in UNRWA school

The strike came on the heels of a similar strike on Tuesday, in which Israeli jets hit a Hamas compound inside a UNRWA school in the central Gaza area of Bureij.

By Pesach Benson, TPS

Israeli aircraft struck a compound inside a UN Relief and Works Agency school in Gaza where Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists were hiding, the Israel Defense Forces said on Thursday morning.

The IDF said terrorists eliminated in the strike in the central Gaza area of Nuseirat included members of Hamas’s elite Nukhba Force who participated in the attacks of October 7.

“The terrorists directed terror from the area of the school while exploiting it and using it as a shelter. Several terrorists who planned to carry out terror attacks and promote terrorist activities against IDF troops in the immediate time frame were eliminated in the strike,” the IDF said.

“Before the strike, a number of steps were taken to reduce the risk of harming uninvolved civilians during the strike, including conducting aerial surveillance, and additional intelligence information,” the IDF added.

Hamas claims of civilian casualties could not be independently verified.


An Israeli military infographic showing the location of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists inside a UNRWA school in Nuseirat, Gaza on June 5, 2024. (Photo by IDF Spokesperson)

On May 30, Israeli soldiers raided a UNRWA school in Rafah from where Hamas fired anti-tank rockets. Soldiers discovered tunnel shafts and rockets inside the school.

Weapons and tunnel shafts have been found in UNRWA facilities on numerous other times. Israeli forces discovered a Hamas complex located directly under the UNRWA’s Gaza City headquarters.

Computer servers belonging to Hamas were directly connected to UNRWA’s electricity system.

The embattled UNRWA is under fire amid revelations that its staffers participated in Hamas’s October 7 attacks. Israeli officials demand that the agency be stripped of its authority in Gaza and defunded.


The new leader of Mexico is a woman, vey liberal and her grandparents were practicing Jews. However, she is not nor claims to be Jewish.

If the Pope no longer considered himself Catholic would that make you suspect?


Debate Commentary

Essay By Dick Berkowitz Appeared In American Thinker 5//7/2024

We are 2 weeks away from the first debate and I would like to make some comments.  

First of all, Trump has yet to decide who he wants to be his Vice President. Is that meaningful? 

I would like to focus on 4 of his many alleged prospects.

The former Governor of N Dakota - Burgum: Executive experience, wealthy and loyal.

The current Senator from S. Carolina - Scott: no executive experience, loyal, black but not broad support among his community. 

Representative Cannon: thorough investigator, tough, excellent debater, no business experience. 

Former Gov. of Virginia- Youngkin: Important state, executive experience, good debater, proven political record.

I believe it would be good for Trump to announce his V.P Choice before the debate because it would highlight the distinction between Kamala.

That said, what about the debate itself?

Biden is vulnerable on just about any front you mention and that places him on the defensive. Consequently,  to offset this fact, he might become too aggressive and resort to lying in how he presents his claims/rebuttals.

Are you better off is questionable? Are we more secure? Certainly not because our military is meeting enlistment goals, nor attracting the kind of enlistee we need and you know the rest.

How should Trump present himself in the debate .

The Democrats have begun their fear/projection campaign and are stating Trump, if elected, will immediately engage in retribution, attempts to attack and  jail his political enemies and  destroy our democracy. Biden has already done the latter and projects on Trump what he has been doing for the last 3 plus years..

Furthermore, left to their own devices, hypocritical  Democrats have already jailed several of Trump's associates and/or sought to destroy them financially and reputation-wise.

Democrats fail to give American "deplorables" credit for seeing through garbage.

Trump, in my opinion, should try and be succinct in his answers, add some humor to his responses and ask a dour Biden to explain his current foreign policies regarding his late delivery of aid to Ukraine, the risk of allowing Ukraine to employ American weapons on Russian territory, his constraints on allowing Israel to compete Bibi's goal of destroying Hamas, freeing the remaining hostages and then questioning why Bibi was prolonging the war and, finally, allowing Iran to become more financially. secure

Weakness and feeding bullies never works.

As for the debate format.  At the minimum, Trump should insist they both stand to debate, wear no technology and during commercial breaks not even leave the stage.  

Finally, Trump should not bring up Hunter and any potential verdict, should cool his tendency to boast, interrupt constantly and/or overstate.

I believe the polls are wrong, Trump will win overwhelmingly given a reasonably honest election and Biden may not even be the Democrat nominee as they convene for their convention.




BREAKING The IDF spokesperson reported this morning an attempted infiltration by terrorists into Israel near Rafah, who were subsequently neutralized: An IDF unit conducting patrols in the border area identified several suspects approaching the border from the Gaza Strip and moving towards Israeli territory in an attempt to cross the barrier near Rafah. The unit encountered the terrorists, who opened fire, and responded with gunfire. An Air Force aircraft was dispatched to monitor the group and attacked the terrorists, killing two of them. Another terrorist was killed shortly after by tank fire. It should be emphasized that the terrorists did not cross the 'Sand Clock' barrier along the Gaza Strip. The incident is under investigation.


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