Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Consul Update - Edited. Existential Hezbollah Risk. Thank You Obama and Biden.


Consul update - edited

Operational Updates

Northern Gaza Strip

  • Yesterday (June 24), the IAF struck a structure in which Hamas terrorists were operating inside of. The structure was located in the compound of Gaza City's Islamic University in the Sabra area of the city. The terrorists used the structure to fire anti-tank missiles and to direct and carry out attacks against IDF troops. Before the strike, numerous steps were taken to mitigate the risk of harming civilians, including aerial surveillance checks.

  • Overnight, with the intelligence direction of the IDF and ISA, the IAF struck two structures that were being used by Hamas terrorists in Shati and Daraj Tuffah in the northern Gaza Strip. The terrorists operated inside school compounds which they used as shields for terror activities.

  • All of the terrorist operatives targeted were involved in the planning of numerous terror attacks against Israel; some of them were involved in holding hostages captive and helped perpetrate the October 7th Massacre.

  • In preparation for the strike, aerial surveillance checks, precise munitions, and additional intelligence measures were all used in order to mitigate harm to civilians.

  • The use of the Islamic University in Gaza City and school compounds in Shati and Daraj Tuffah by Hamas are yet another two examples of the terror organization's systematic exploitation of civilians and civilian infrastructure within the Gaza Strip for terror purposes.

Central Gaza Strip

  • Following the projectile launches toward communities near the Gaza Strip last night, IAF fighter jets struck military structures adjacent to the point from which the launches were fired in Gaza. Additionally, the IAF struck terrorist infrastructure sites, weapons storage facilities, and terrorists in the central Gaza Strip. Below is footage of the strikes:

Southern Gaza Strip

  • IDF troops are continuing precise, intelligence-based, operational activity in the Rafah areaOver the past day, the troops eliminated several armed terrorists, and IAF aircraft dismantled numerous terrorist infrastructure sites that contained terror tunnels.

IDF Major Confirmed Murdered by Hamas on Oct. 7; Body Held Captive in Gaza

SGM. Muhammad Alatrash

Today, the IDF confirmed that SGM. Muhammad Alatrash, who was abducted by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7th, was murdered by the terrorists on that dark day. His body is still being held in Gaza.

On Oct. 7th, SGM. Alatrash was killed while defending the community of Kibbutz Nir Oz from Hamas terrorists. He died defending the State of Israel and her people. May this hero's memory be a blessing for eternity.

Baby Held Hostage by Hamas Has Now Spent the Majority of His Life in Captivity

On Oct. 7th, Hamas terrorists brutally abducted baby Kfir Bibas and his 4 year old brother, Ariel, along with their parents, Shiri and Yarden, to Gaza. When he was kidnapped, Kfir had been alive for a total of 262 days. 263 days later, Kfir has now spent the majority of his life in captivity.

We urge you to join the call for Hamas to immediately and unconditionally release Kfir and all of the 120 hostages still being held in brutal captivity in Gaza. Please share THIS POST with the hashtag, #BringThemHomeNow.

IDF Locates Booby-Trapped Tunnel Shaft Inside Residential Building in Rafah

A terror tunnel shaft hidden inside a residential building in Rafah.

The Nahal Brigade, under the command of the 162nd Division, is conducting precise, intelligence-based, targeted operations in the Rafah area. The soldiers are continuing to locate large quantities of weapons in Hamas hideouts rigged with explosives, and are dismantling terrorist infrastructure in the area.

During a recent operation, the soldiers located AK-47s, explosives, grenades, ammunition, military vests, and a refrigerator with explosives planted inside it. Guided by the troops on the ground, the drone team also located booby-trapped tunnel shafts in residential buildings. Click HERE to view drone footage taken by the troops of one of the tunnel shafts.

In THIS VIDEO, the commander of the Nahal Reconnaissance Battalion, LTC. Naor, describes the unit's recent operational activity in Rafah.

Embedding terror tunnel shafts in residential areas and using them to store weapons is another example of Hamas's systematic exploitation of civilians and civilian institutions in Gaza for terror purposes.

An Overview of Recent Iranian-Backed Terror Activity in Lebanon and Syria

THIS REPORT from Israel's Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center provides an overview of Iran-backed terror activity in Lebanon and Syria over the past week.

Consulate Participates in Interfaith "You+2" Event

Last week, our Consulate had the honor of participating in an interfaith event organized by You+2 and The Temple in Atlanta. The event included a panel discussion on Hamas's murderous Oct. 7th massacre, Israel’s war against the terror organization in Gaza, and the rise of violent antisemitism around the world. Featured on the panel were Consul General Sultan-Dadon, Regional Director of American Jewish Committee Dov Wilker, and Rev. Joanna Adams, Presbyterian Pastor Emerita. The panel was moderated by Lisa Cohen, Executive Director of Scripps News.

An additional panel featured Jewish & Christian college students for a conversation about antisemitism on college and university campuses and what students can do to counter the hate targeting Israel and the Jewish people.

Thank you to the organizers, panelists and all who attended to listen and take part in these important conversations.

To view a recording of the event, click HERE.

Operation: Swords of Iron Humanitarian Aid Update

To view the latest data regarding Israel's coordination of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, click HERE.


Portentously what Israel faces from Hezbollah is because Obama and Biden  never cared about protecting Israel.   While they were supplying them with weaponry, for political reasons, Obama and Biden supporters lost sight of what these charlatans were doing that was so dangerous, ie. helping Iran become a nuclear nation and thus, an existential threat to Israel's survivability.

'Blackout scenario': 4,000 missiles and 72 hour blackouts in North, mayor warns

Nesher Mayor Roy Levy addresses the 'blackout scenario' facing Israel's North if Hezbollah attacks.

Smoke rises, amid ongoing cross-border hostilities between Hezbollah and Israeli forces, in Kiryat Shmona, northern Israel, June 14, 2024. (photo credit: AMMAR AWAD/REUTERS)Smoke rises, amid ongoing cross-border hostilities between Hezbollah and Israeli forces, in Kiryat Shmona, northern Israel, June 14, 2024. (photo credit: AMMAR AWAD/REUTERS)

Concern in Israel has risen regarding the "blackout scenario" – the scenario in which, during a war in the North, Hezbollah will manage to disrupt Israel's electricity supply for extended periods of time. 

Roy Levy, mayor of Nesher and deputy chairman of the Center for Local Government, discussed the issue with Lior Roznefeld on Radio North 104.5FM.

"I think the problem lies in the fact that everyone is throwing different information out there and not communicating with the citizens or telling them what is happening," Levy said. "Let me remind you, the story of the blackout scenario was also hidden from the local authorities until I brought it to the media.

"In all the scenarios we simulate, we're looking at about a minimum of 72 hours without electricity, and I tell people to prepare for more than that because whether there are 72 hours without electricity or 24, it is still better to be prepared when you don't have medications or an energy source to heat food for a baby and use basic and essential services. It doesn't matter if they restore power to the cellphone service if my phone's battery is dead," Levy said.

"We are hearing that we are facing a very dangerous threat of 4,000 missiles here in our area every day," he continued.

A view of the site where a rocket landed after it was fired from Lebanon, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, near the entrance to a hospital in Safed, northern Israel February 14, 2024 (credit: REUTERS/Avi Ohayon)A view of the site where a rocket landed after it was fired from Lebanon, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, near the entrance to a hospital in Safed, northern Israel February 14, 2024 (credit: REUTERS/Avi Ohayon)

"We hear that if a power station is hit, it will be immediately fixed – But I can't imagine anyone going out to fix a power station in a scenario where we're dealing with 4,000 missiles a day. We need to prepare for at least 72 difficult hours, maybe even more, I say to prepare even for a week," Levy explained.

"I understand that by the end of the week [of this hypothetical war in the North] there will be no trace of Lebanon and they will beg for a ceasefire, but we here need to be strong and be part of the fight because the strong rear we give to the IDF will enable the military to win and remove the threat from the North," Levy concluded.




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