Thursday, June 27, 2024

God Forbid. My Current Book. Consul Update - Edited.They Fell For The Media's B.S

Having listened to the debate, if that is what you call it, the only hope Biden and the Democrats have is, God forbid, Trump dies.  Trump is what we need. A businessman who thinks outside the box.  Not another scheming corrupt president.

Trump will make  a great president.  The Democrats showed they do not care about this country, just power. Their mass media friends hoodwinked them and they fell for all their B S.


The current book I am reading  is entitled: "The Pursuit of Happiness. How classical writers on Virtue Insure Humility.

Ben Franklin was a very structured man.  He devised a series of "do's" he lived by in order to achieve happiness.  He relied heavily on Cicero and a preacher named Tillitson to develop ihs philosophy which allowed him to pursue happiness and eventually  led him to join Samuel Adams and  Jefferson as the authors of our Declaration of Independence. 

Over the past 200 plus years, Americans seem to have lost our discipline and now find ourselves where we are.

Operational Updates

Northern Arena

  • Earlier today, two UAVs that were identified crossing from Lebanon fell in the area of Rosh Hanikra, no injuries were reported.

  • Also earlier today, a terrorist operative in Hezbollah's Aerial Array who launched UAVs toward Israel was eliminated in an aerial strike in the area of Sohmor

  • In addition, IAF fighter jets struck Hezbollah military structures and terrorist infrastructure sites throughout southern Lebanon.

  • Today, the IDF release updated figures related to Hezbollah's near-daily rocket attacks over the past eight months. The recent data shows that approximately one out of every six launches fired by Hezbollah at Israel lands inside Lebanon, killing and injuring Lebanese civilians.

The Lebanese Government's Complicity in Hezbollah's Terror

Since October 7th, thousands of Hezbollah rockets have been launched from Lebanon toward northern Israel, with one goal in mind: to kill innocent Israelis.

Over 100,000 Israelis have been displaced from their homes and communities.

The responsibility for these launches lies with the Lebanese government.

Click HERE to learn more about the Lebanese government's complicity in Hezbollah's terror.

Spotlight on Iran's Recent Regional Terror Activities

Acting Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri-Kani (right) meeting with the head of Hamas's Political Bureau, Ismail Haniyeh (left) in Doha, Qatar, where Hamas's top leaders are based.

THIS REPORT from the Israel-based Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center provides an overview of Iran's regional terror activities that have occured in the past week.

Pro-Terror Demonstrators Call for Violence in Front of Atlanta Consulate

On Monday (June 24), a group of pro-terror demonstrators gathered outside of our Consulate in Atlanta to call for violence against Jews and the destruction of the State of Israel. While cowardly masking their faces to hide their identities, the terror supporters shouted slogans such as "Resistance is glorious" and "Intifada, Intifada, long live the Intifada." The term "intifada" refers to the campaign of terror perpetrated by Palestinian suicide bombers and other terrorists beginning first in the 1980s and then again in the early 2000s.

The blind and ignorant hatred of these demonstrators who call for violence against Jews and the destruction of Israel ("We don't want no two states, we want '48"), is yet another example of what these demonstrators are about, which has nothing to do with improving the lives of Palestinians. To view footage of the demonstrators' chants, click HERE.

Here Is How You Can Support Israel and the Jewish People During This Difficult Time

As a Consulate, we are often asked by our friends: what can we do to support Israel and the Jewish people during this difficult time? Recently, while giving remarks at Free Chapel church's Sunday service in Gainesville, GA, Consul General Sultan-Dadon addressed this question. Click HERE to learn more about the many ways you can help.

Operation: Swords of Iron Humanitarian Aid Update

To view the latest data regarding Israel's coordination of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, click HERE.


Judge to Revisit Key Legal Finding in Trump Classified Documents Case

Even though another federal court has ruled on the matter, Judge Aileen Cannon said she would hold a hearing to determine whether prosecutors can use information from one of Donald Trump’s lawyers.

Read more


Dear Dick,

Reflecting the way Israelis view the threat from Hezbollah in a post-October 7 world, The Atlantic’s Graeme Wood argues that even if Hezbollah stopped its attacks and promised to not attack again, it wouldn’t be enough.

"If Hezbollah wished to avert an Israeli invasion, some say, it could just stop firing missiles into Israel and allow residents to return to their homes and farms. But a promise from Hezbollah to stop firing rockets would not, under Israel’s post-October 7 doctrine, be enough. After Hamas’s attack, Israel decided that an enemy’s promises are not sufficient, and instead Israel must degrade the enemy’s ability to invade and slaughter Israeli communities."

Yaakov Amidror, a former Israeli national security adviser and IDF major general, says that "Israel’s post-October 7 doctrine" extends beyond Hamas to include all of the threats posed by Iran and its terrorist proxies. "It’s no longer about what an enemy has in its mind," Amidror told Graeme. "It’s not about ideology. It’s about what they can do."

Graeme adds that the concrete actions Hezbollah would have to take to avoid a war would be "personally mortifying" for Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah. "The chasm between the two sides’ positions is wide. It is unlikely to narrow through diplomacy and negotiation."

America must ensure Israel has the weapons and capabilities it needs to protect its families and effectively counter the threat posed by Hezbollah.

          Alisha Tischler, AIPAC


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