Monday, June 3, 2024

Call Me Racist. Much, Much More. Me

Call me racist.

Alan Dershowitz warns of weaponization of US justice system post-Trump conviction

Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz expressed disappointment with the Manhattan jury's decision to convict former President Trump on 34 charges of falsifying business records. Dershowitz criticized the jury for failing to act as a check and balance on the excesses of prosecutors and judges. He suggested that the jurors were hand-picked to be anti-Trump and were influenced by outside social and political pressures.

The prosecution argued that Trump falsified records to conceal a payment to Stormy Daniels, a pornographic performer, in an effort to silence her about an alleged affair in 2006. Prosecutor Joshua Steinglass presented evidence of an elaborate scheme by Trump and his cohorts, cloaked in lies, to defraud.

Dershowitz, along with other legal scholars, criticized the evidence presented and the law pertaining to the charges. He described the trial as a foregone conclusion, engineered from the beginning by a politician who campaigned on the promise to get Trump. Dershowitz raised concerns about the lack of checks and balances in the system of rule of law and warned of the dangers of weaponizing the criminal justice system against political enemies.

Former President Trump faces a maximum sentence of 136 years, with each count carrying a maximum of 4 years in prison. He is expected to appeal the ruling, but Dershowitz fears that the appellate judges may also fall into the same trap of targeting Trump. The sentencing is scheduled for July 11, just days before the Republican National Convention where Trump is expected to be nominated as the 2024 Republican presidential nominee.


Mexico breaks with tradition.


Mexico Elects Claudia Sheinbaum as Its First Female President

The climate scientist and former mayor of Mexico City became the first woman, and the first Jewish person, to be elected president of Mexico.

Read more


We knew who Biden was all along but hatred of Trump and his personality caused us to drop our guard and think again with our hearts and not our heads.


More Blimken nonsense as Hezbollah rains down rockets in the north


Dear Dick,

Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and war cabinet minister Benny Gantz today and commended Israel's readiness to conclude a hostage deal, reiterating that the onus is on Hamas to accept it.

Ending the fighting in Gaza rests unequivocally on the verifiable achievement of three clear goals: The end of Hamas’ ability to fulfill its promise to repeat the October 7 attacks, the end of Hamas’ ability to govern Gaza, and the release of the hostages.

Israelis came under attack yet again today as Hezbollah continued to fire barrages of rockets at Israeli communities.

Video taken in northern Israel showed Israeli school children running for cover as Hezbollah launched rockets toward them. Iron Dome was activated over Israel's skies and intercepted multiple incoming projectiles. 

Israeli fighter jets struck Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon in response, including the sources of the rocket fire and a large weapons storage facility.

The IDF said it will "continue to respond against any terrorist threats on any front." Today the military announced that it completed a week-long exercise simulating an expanded war in the north against Hezbollah.

70,000 Israelis from the north are still internally displaced in Israel, unable to return to their homes since Hezbollah began attacking their communities eight months ago.
Defense Minister Gallant: We will not accept Hamas rule in Gaza

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said today that Israel is working on finding a replacement for Hamas’ rule in the Gaza Strip, pledging that the war will not end until Israel dismantles the terror group's military and governing capabilities.

"We are advancing an alternative government to Hamas, within the framework of which we will isolate areas, remove the Hamas members and bring in other forces that will enable a different government,” he said.

The IDF continued its precise and incremental operation over the weekend to root out Hamas in Rafah, killing numerous terrorists and locating weapons throughout the area.

Several more rocket-launching pits were found by Israeli troops along the Gaza-Egypt border, where Hamas deliberately built its rocket infrastructure in an attempt to evade Israeli strikes.

The IDF continues to carry out targeted air strikes against prominent Hamas officials throughout the Gaza Strip.
Biden has been lying all his life. Tell me something new.

Biden lied

No Israeli would have come up with the egregious proposal Biden announced. Opinion.

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, went in front of the cameras at the White House on 31 May and presented a multi-stage process for an end of war in Gaza that would release all the hostages, declaring it to be an Israeli peace plan.

It would be interesting to learn from Biden which Israeli came up with this plan.

Biden’s “Israeli” plan sounded comprehensive but it wasn’t, and it didn’t sound right.

According to Biden we would get all our hostages after we release several hundred merciless killers and accept a ceasefire that would become a permanent cessation in fighting. But no word about the defeat of Hamas and its leaders.

In other words, Biden’s Israel plan gifts a victory to Hamas.

Our officials have negotiated with any partner, friend or enemy, to get our hostages back for months, but the thought that Hamas would emerge armed and dangerous was never on the cards. In fact, this detail has split a part of Israeli society who want the hostages home even if Hamas is left to repeat the horrors of 7/10, but they are a vocal but small part of the population.

This part also wants to remove Netanyahu as Israel’s leader. These are led by the malcontents that had split Israeli society up to the day that Hamas attacked on 7 October. Prior to 7/10 they included notable, some would say malevolent, former leftist politicians and retired IDF and air force commanders who were telling reservists not to turn up for duty as long as Bibi was Prime Minister.

For many, these are the people that created the atmosphere in Israel that encouraged Hamas to strike. Now these people are seen as dividing the suffering families of the hostages. They have returned to their public streets with all the equipment but in smaller numbers and with different signs and are using the hostages, and the length of the war, as their cover to have Netanyahu removed.

Israel has a War Cabinet comprising both members of the government and opposition to manage the conflict. All, apparently, have the same unified goal that Hamas must be utterly defeated. This is particularly felt by our volunteer soldiers who are dedicated, to the point of self-sacrifice, to eliminate Hamas. All are motivated by the horrific events of 7/10 and are fighting under the pledge of “Never Again!”

So for Biden to spell out the conditions of a hostage deal that leaves Hamas alive and killing, and present it as an Israeli plan, did not sound right.

In his words, “After intensive diplomacy carried out by my team, my many conversations with leaders of Israel, Qatar and Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries, Israel has now offered a comprehensive new proposal. It’s a road map to an enduring ceasefire and the release of all hostages.”

Not a few Israelis are still angry that after sweeping through Gaza City and Khan Younis the IDF completely withdrew from Gaza as a precondition imposed by Hamas for the release of hostages. And Hamas broke their agreement.

Israel does not engage in negotiations for the release of our hostages in front of the media. Lives are at stake and families’ expectations can easily be dashed.

But Biden broke that sacred bond in a cynical political manner.

“I need your help. Everyone who wants peace now must raise their voices and let the leaders know they should take this deal,” he said.

For Israelis, it sounded like the US President was calling on the international community to dump down on us.

It sounded as if Biden wanted to deepen the rift within Israeli society to bring down our elected Prime Minister, and to do it during an essential war when the fate of our living hostages is at stake, made it appear an egregious cynical political ploy.

Our hostages should not be expendable pawns in particularly ill-considered publicity event.

Proving that his plan was NOT Israeli, but his own, Biden said, “Israel will want to make sure its interests are protected but the proposal says should the negotiations take longer than six weeks for phase one, the ceasefire will still continue as long as negotiations continue.”

An Israeli reading implies that after Hamas plays their psychological time games and extends agreed deadlines, Israel would be obligated not to respond militarily but to sit by and do nothing until someone can persuade Palestinian Hamas to live up to Biden’s expectations.

No Israeli would have come up with that egregious proposal.

Then Biden said, “Phase two, after an exchange for the release of all remaining living hostages, including male soldiers, Israeli forces will withdrawal from Gaza and as long as Hamas lives up to its commitments, temporary ceasefire will become, in the words of the Israeli proposal, ‘cessation of hostilities will be permanent,’ end of quote.”

It continues, “Finally, in phase three, a major reconstruction plan for Gaza would commence and any final remains of hostages who’ve been killed will be returned to their families. That’s the offer that’s now on the table, and what we’ve been asking for. It’s what we need.”

This is unacceptable to Israel. We know that if we withdraw Hamas will emerge out of their tunnels and hiding places and history has shown us, we can whistle goodbye to remaining hostages.

IDF soldiers, Hadar Goldin and Oren Shaul, were captured by Hamas ten years ago and haven’t been seen since. Hamas has given zero information to Israel and their families for a decade of their fate or whereabouts.

Ethiopian Israeli Avera Mengistu, and Bedouin Arab Israeli Hisham al-Sayed, were seized by Hamas alive in 2014 and 2015. Where are they? Hamas won’t say.

But, according to Biden, the reconstruction of Gaza begins before the remains of our dead hostages, murdered by Hamas, or these individuals held by Hamas, will be returned home to their families.

This US President has zero knowledge or empathy for basic Jewish values. Israel must not stop pursuing Hamas until we reach the last of the living and the last of our dead so they can be brought home to their families for proper burial in Israel.

And what of Hamas? Biden doesn’t say. They mysteriously disappear from Biden’s script which, he claims, was written by Israel. But, according to Biden’s script, they will remain alive and killing after an enforced Israeli withdrawal.

But then, Biden let it slip that it was not an Israeli plan after all with a giveaway line; “I’ve urged the leadership of Israel to stand behind this deal despite whatever pressure comes.”

Israel’s IDF is in the final phase of the war to militarily defeat Hamas and annihilate its leadership. If Israel had not been stopped by intense international pressure the war would truly be over by now.

We trusted Biden, we trusted the international diplomatic community. They lied to us. They left our hostages to suffer for additional months because we lost valuable time to give peace a chance.

It didn’t work. It will never work as long as Hamas exists.

The Israeli Prime Minister does not issue official international statements on a Shabbat, but Benjamin Netanyahu broke that holy tradition by making Israel’s position crystal clear.

“Israel will continue its war against the Hamas terrorist organization in Gaza until all three objectives are achieved: return of all the hostages abducted by the terrorists on October 7, 2023, and in 2014; destruction of the Hamas terrorist organization as a military and governing entity; and taking steps to ensure Gaza never again poses a threat to Israel.”

To emphasize Israel’s position, the Prime Minister added, “The actual proposal put forward by Israel, including the conditional transition from one phase to the next, allows Israel to uphold these principles.”

“Under the proposal, Israel will continue to insist these conditions are met before a permanent ceasefire is put in place. The notion that Israel will agree to a permanent ceasefire before these conditions are fulfilled is a non-starter.

“Israel’s conditions for ending the war have not changed: The destruction of Hamas military and governing capabilities, the freeing of all hostages and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel.”

Until the Prime Minister or the War Cabinet, or the Israeli Government Security Council, release any other official statement, this is the position of Israel in its war against Hamas with a primary goal being the release of the hostages, some of whom are American.

If there are differences of opinion within the War Cabinet, dissenting members may resign from the Cabinet to be replaced by others that share the basic principles of the just war that was imposed on Israel by Hamas.

Israel strongly urges the United States and the West, to stand affirmatively with Israel in this war, a war we are fighting justly and correctly, despite false accusations.

(For a step by step analysis, see this ZOA statement)

Barry Shaw is an International Public Diplomacy Associate at the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies.


Consul Update (edited.)


Operational Updates

Entire Gaza Strip

  • Over the past day, IAF fighter jets struck over 30 terror targets across the Gaza Strip, including military infrastructure, weapons storage facilities, and armed terrorist cells that posed a threat to IDF ground troops. Below is footage of the strikes:

Central Gaza Strip

  • IDF troops are continuing operational activities in central Gaza. Over the past day, the troops cooperated with the IAF and targeted terrorists who posed a threat to IDF troops, as well as a terrorist cell that operated from a military structure and posed a threat to IDF ground troops in the area.

Southern Gaza Strip

  • The IDF is continuing precise, intelligence-based targeted operations in the area of Rafah. During operational activity, the troops located large quantities of weapons and eliminated armed terrorists in the area. A launcher used to fire at IDF troops was quickly dismantled in a coordinated operation between ground troops and the IAF. No IDF injuries were reported during the incident. Below is footage of the troops' operational activities in Rafah:
  • During one operation in Rafah, troops of the IDF's Nahal Brigade located a house booby-trapped with explosives barrels. Below is drone footage of the house:

Northern Arena

  • Overnight, IDF fighter jets struck a Hezbollah launcher and military structures in the areas of NaqouraMaroun El Ras, and Khiam in southern Lebanon. Below is footage of the strikes: 

Israeli Man Presumed to Be Held Hostage in Gaza Confirmed to Have Been Murdered by Hamas on Oct. 7th

We are heartbroken to share that following a scientific identification and a thorough analysis by the IDF in coordination with anthropological experts, the body of Dolev Yehud was found in Kibbutz Nir Oz.  

Dolev (35), who was from Kibbutz Nir Oz, was a paramedic with United Hatzalah and Magen David Adom (MDA). During the brutal October 7th terror attacks, Dolev left his house in an attempt to save lives.


Originally believed to have been held hostage by Hamas in Gaza, Israeli security authorities have confirmed that Dolev was murdered by the Hamas terror organization on the 7th of October in Kibbutz Nir Oz. 

The IDF notified Dolev's family following an identification process that was carried out by medical officials from the National Institute of Forensic Medicine and the Shura military base.

May Dolev's memory be a blessing for eternity.

IDF Confirms Four Hostages Killed in Hamas Captivity; Bodies Being Held in Gaza

From left to right: Nadav Popplewell, Amiram Cooper, Yoram Metzger, Chaim Peri

Today, the IDF shared tragic news: Chaim Peri (79), Yoram Metzger (80), Amiram Cooper (84) and Nadav Popplewell (51), all of whom were brutally abducted to the Gaza Strip, have been killed while in brutal Hamas captivity. Their bodies are being held in Gaza.

The circumstances of their murders are still under investigation by Israeli authorities.

May the memories of these four men be a blessing for eternity.

Israel Issues Proposal to Secure Release of Hostages Held by Hamas in Gaza

On Friday (May 31), the Prime Minister's Office issued the following statement regarding a proposal the government has put forth to secure the release of hostages being held in brutal captivity by the Hamas terror organization in Gaza:

"The Government of Israel is united in its desire to return the hostages as soon as possible and is working to achieve this goal.


The Prime Minister authorized the negotiating team to present a proposal to that end, which would also enable Israel to continue the war until all its objectives are achieved, including the destruction of Hamas's military and governing capabilities.


The actual proposal put forward by Israel, including the conditional transition from one phase to the next, allows Israel to uphold these principles."

Military Eliminates Multiple Senior Hamas Terrorists

On Thursday (May 30), in a joint IDF and ISA operation directed by IDF and ISA intelligence, IAF fighter jets struck and eliminated the Hamas terrorist Mansur Aadel Mansur Kashalan, who was responsible for directing Hamas terror attacks in Israeli territory, especially in Judea and Samaria. 

Aadel Mansur carried out the attacks and directed them in coordination with other terror organizations in the Gaza Strip and abroad.

In another joint operation that took place this week, an IAF aircraft struck and eliminated the terrorist Walid Abed Abu Dalal in the Central Camps area of the Gaza Strip. Abu Dalal was a Hamas military wing operative and also served as the head of the technology department in Hamas's Internal Security Forces.


The Internal Security Forces, and especially the technology department, comprise a significant part of Hamas's counter-espionage and the terror organization's ability to attack IDF troops in the Gaza Strip.

Yesterday, the IAF, acting on precise aerial intelligence, struck the terrorist Tareq Darwish, who was a significant operative in Hamas's Nuseirat Battalion. 

Darwish directed and carried out terror attacks against Israel. His elimination took place following Hamas's repeated attempts impede IDF aerial operations. Below is footage of Darwish's elimination: 

Hezbollah Launches 30 Projectiles into Northern Israel; Children Flee for Their Lives

Today, the Hezbollah terror organization launched approximately 30 projectiles from Lebanon toward the northern Golan Heights. The projectiles fell in open areas.

Following the sirens that sounded earlier today regarding a hostile aircraft infiltration, the IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted an explosive UAV that crossed from Lebanon near the area of Keren Naftali. In addition, an explosive UAV that was identified crossing from Lebanon fell in the area. 

Simultaneously, an explosive UAV that crossed from Lebanon fell in the area of Metula

Later on, another siren sounded in northern Israel, during which an interceptor was launched toward a suspicious aerial target that crossed from Lebanon.

Because of Hezbollah's launches, civilians across northern Israel were forced to seek shelter. In THIS VIDEO, children are seen rushing to a bomb shelter while on their way to school.

In response to Hezbollah's attacks, the IAF struck numerous terror targets in southern Lebanon.

Nurse Who Treated Victims of Hamas's Oct. 7th Terror Attack Recounts Her Experience

In THIS VIDEO, Victoria, a nurse in charge of an operating room at Soroka Hospital in southern Israel (pictured above), recounts her experience treating victims of Hamas's murderous terror attack on Oct. 7th.

Operation: Swords of Iron Humanitarian Update

Click HERE for today's updates regarding the IDF's humanitarian efforts during Operation: Swords of Iron.


Someone asked Trump if he would act in retribution and he replied his retribution would be called success.
We actually need him as president.




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