Friday, June 14, 2024

West Sick of Jihadism. Yes They Said This. More.


The West may be sick of Jihadism but it does not have the guts to blame Russia, China, Iran, N Korea.  They blame Israel for everything under the sun as does the U.N  Wonder why?

The West Is Sick Of The New Woke Jihadism

by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness

What are the mobs in Washington defiling iconic federal statues with impunity and pelting policemen really protesting?


Dear Dick,

The IDF continues to operate in Rafah to destroy Hamas in its final stronghold and eliminate the threat from the terror group.

Today the military announced that it located and destroyed several Hamas tunnel shafts and weapons caches in Rafah, deliberately positioned inside civilian homes.

The weapons included AK-47s, ammunition, missiles, explosives, and grenades.

IDF soldiers also uncovered passages built by Hamas between the walls of homes in Rafah, used by the terrorists to move unseen through houses in the densely populated neighborhoods.

Meanwhile, Hezbollah continues to attack Israeli communities in the north with daily rocket fire and explosive drones. Wildfires caused by Hezbollah's attacks have burned over 10,000 acres of land.

Iran's terror army in Lebanon launched 250 rockets toward northern Israel over the Shavuot holiday. The IDF struck back today, destroying several weapons warehouses and other terror infrastructure in Lebanon. Hezbollah commander Taleb Sami Abdullah was eliminated by the IDF yesterday – the highest-ranking commander in the terror group to be killed by the IDF since Hezbollah began attacking Israel more than eight months ago.

Videos circulated online last night showing the aftermath of an airstrike in Lebanon, which some reports indicate killed Hezbollah's second in command. Neither the IDF nor Hezbollah have commented or confirmed those reports as of this writing.

Hezbollah is dangerously and deliberately bringing war to Israel and Lebanon. Hezbollah is entirely responsible for what may come next.

Alisha Tischler, AIPAC



Yes, he said they said this and he did their characterizations:



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