Friday, June 14, 2024

Insanity Persists. Iran Gets Closer and Closer. Outlaw Masking? Northern Israel.

Know-nothing's insanity persists.
Celebrating the Nova Massacre in New York City
Anti-Israel protesters desecrate a memorial to Hamas’s victims and attack the homes of Jewish museum donors.
The Editorial Board 

If you think this spring’s anti-Semitic campus protests were a temporary delusion, pay attention to what’s happening in New York City. On Monday anti-Israel protesters wouldn’t even let a tribute to Israelis murdered at the Nova Music Festival on Oct. 7 be held in peace.

The protesters in New York didn’t kill anyone, at least not yet. But the hatred for Jews was on ugly display. The protest was part of a “Citywide Day of Rage” that targeted New York’s museums. The group Within Our Lifetime, which organized the protests, says cultural institutions are “drenched in the blood of Palestine’s martyrs.” They seem to mean the museums’ Jewish donors.

“Long live Intifada,” the crowd cheered, waving flares outside the exhibit commemorating the hundreds who were massacred at the Nova festival. “Israel, go to hell.” Young American adults waved Hamas and Hezbollah flags and chanted, “Resistance is justified, where people are occupied.” Signs declared “Abolish the settler state.” They mean abolish Israel. The New York Post reports that one protester was captured on video declaring that he wished “Hitler was still here.”

New York Mayor Eric Adams called the spectacle “pure antisemitism,” and he’s right. Public threats and intimidation are also rising. Anti-Semites boarded a New York subway car and repeatedly shouted, “Raise your hand if you’re a Zionist. This is your chance to get out.”

A White House spokesman issued a statement that the events outside the Nova exhibit were “outrageous and heartbreaking” and that “profane banners of terrorist organizations should not be flown anywhere, especially not on American streets.” But President Biden’s waffling on the moral justification of Israel’s war to destroy Hamas has emboldened the pro-Hamas left in the U.S.

On Tuesday night, protesters vandalized the homes of Brooklyn Museum Jewish board members and the co-op building of museum director Anne Pasternak. The vandals marked the doors of their homes with upside down red triangles, a symbol used by the al-Qassam brigades, the military arm of Hamas, to identify targets. These families now need protection from the New York Police Department.

America has an anti-Semitism problem that is growing in its extremism, and these days it is mainly on the political left. Don’t be surprised if it soon breaks out into violence.
Closer and Closer To That Inevitable Day:
IAEA report: Iran installed more centrifuges at Fordow plant.
State Department says Washington and its allies are prepared to continue to increase pressure on Iran if it does not cooperate with the IAEA.
Iran has rapidly installed extra uranium-enriching centrifuges at its Fordow site and begun setting up others, a new UN nuclear watchdog report found on Thursday, according to Reuters.

The confidential International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report sent to member states described the steps Iran has taken so far, with the only concrete steps so far at either of its underground sites having been taken at Fordow, which is dug into a mountain.

"On 9 and 10 June ... Iran informed the Agency that eight cascades each containing 174 IR-6 centrifuges would be installed over the next 3-4 weeks in Unit 1 of FFEP (Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant)," the IAEA report, which was seen by Reuters, said.

"On 11 June 2024, the Agency verified at FFEP that Iran had completed the installation of IR-6 centrifuges in two cascades in Unit 1. Installation of IR-6 centrifuges in four additional cascades was ongoing," the report said, referring to one of one of Iran's most advanced centrifuge models.

While Iran had long planned to install eight cascades of centrifuges at Fordow's Unit 1 it had only prepared the "necessary infrastructure" for the cascades rather than installing the machines themselves. Before these new cascades Fordow had eight operating in total.

Responding to the report, the US State Department said that Washington and its allies were prepared to continue to increase pressure on Iran if Tehran does not cooperate with the IAEA.

The report came days after the IAEA board passed a resolution censuring Iran over its lack of cooperation with the IAEA. Diplomats said Iran’s latest activity was as limited retaliation to the resolution.

The IAEA has long sought answers from Iran on uranium traces which were found at undeclared sites. While the number of sites under investigation has been narrowed to two from three, Iran still has yet to give the IAEA satisfactory answers on how the traces got there.

The IAEA released a report at the end of May which found that Iran has further increased its stockpile of uranium enriched to near weapons-grade levels.

The report said that as of May 11, Iran has 142.1 kilograms of uranium enriched up to 60% — an increase of 20.6 kilograms since the last report by the UN watchdog in February. Uranium enriched at 60% purity is just a short, technical step away from weapons-grade levels of 90%.

Previously, the IAEA found that, between June and November last year, Iran slowed down the enrichment to 3 kg per month, but that jumped back up to a rate of 9 kg at the end of the year.

The increase came soon after Tehran barred a third of the IAEA's core inspections team, including the most experienced, from taking part in agreed monitoring of the enrichment process.

That move was part of Iran’s scaling back of its compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal it signed with world powers, in response to then-US President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the deal in 2018.
NY needs to outlaw masking at protests NOW before more anti-Semitic goons run wild
By Post Editorial Board

New York needs to restore its “no masked demonstrations” law now — not dawdle while anti-Semitic goons run wild.

And state Attorney General Tish James, who led the drive to repeal the state’s longtime mask ban amid the COVID pandemic, should be leading the charge to revive it.

Before state lawmakers went home for the year, Assemblyman Michael Reilly (R-SI) pushed for the Legislature to join 16 other states in banning “deceptive” masks or other face coverings, but the Democrats who dominate in Albany didn’t care to discuss it.

Even though goonish masking has become routine at “pro-Palestine” protests, as keffiyeh wearers turn a fashion statement into identity concealment, imitating the Antifa veterans who’ve rushed to join this latest far-left cause.

Maybe the Legislature’s leaders told themselves the issue would fade as college kids went home, but the local protests have only grown worse — more threatening, as in that “Zionists need to leave” subway outrage, and even more openly anti-Semitic “I wish Hitler was still here” guy at the “Long live October 7th” rally.

Masking emboldens the “demonstrators” and intimidates everyone else; that’s why the Ku Klux Klan adopted its masks and why so many states banned it in response.

And today’s masked protesters are every bit as odious as the Klan.

Some claim the mask-wearing is to prevent “doxxing” over their activism, but there’s no free-speech right to protest anonymously.

No, it’s all about bullying; a license to threaten, and even commit violence.
New York’s anti-mask law actually dated back more than two centuries, before James joined ACLU extremists in urging legislators to kill it, using COVID as a pretext.

But now masks are being abused in total KKK style: James has a duty to reverse course — especially if she wants to keep any hope of winning higher office.

Gov. Hochul says she’ll “look at” restoring New York’s mask ban, but that’s not good enough.

She needs to join Mayor Adams in demanding it — and to call the Legislature back for a special session to pass it.

If state lawmakers balk, well: They’re all up for election in November.

Voters can and should keep track of which politicians insist on protecting the modern version of the Klan.
Northern Israel is heating up and will be where the war extends.  It could happen at any moment.
Consul Update(Eited)

Operational Updates

Northern Gaza Strip

  • Last night (June 13), several projectiles fired from the northern Gaza Strip were identified crossing into southern Israel. A number of the projectiles were intercepted by the IDF Aerial Defense Array and the rest fell in open areas. No injuries were reported. IDF aircraft and artillery struck the launch sites from which the projectiles were fired, as well as a weapons storage facility in the vicinity of the launchers.

Central Gaza Strip

  • IDF troops are continuing operations in the central Gaza Strip. In one incident, a number of terrorists were identified operating in a military structure in the area of Zeitoun. An IAF fighter jet struck the structure.

  • In addition, a terrorist cell that was identified operating in the area was struck by an IAF aircraft. 

Southern Gaza Strip

  • IDF troops are continuing intelligence-based, targeted operations in the area of Rafah. Over the past day, the troops eliminated a number of terrorists and located large quantities of weapons and underground tunnel shafts. A number of explosive devices, as well as Hamas terrorist infrastructure sites, were located and destroyed by IDF ground troops. In one incident, a terrorist that was identified approaching IDF troops was eliminated in an aerial strike. 

Israeli Air Force Eliminates Senior Hezbollah Commander in Southern Lebanon

On Tuesday, Jun. 11, the IAF struck a Hezbollah command and control center in the area of Jouaiyya in southern Lebanon. The center was used by the Hezbollah terror organization in recent months to direct terror attacks against Israel from southeastern Lebanon. As part of the strike, Sami Taleb Abdullah, the commander of Hezbollah's Nasr Unit, was eliminated. Abdullah was one of Hezbollah's most senior commanders in southern Lebanon.

For many years, Abdullah planned, advanced, and carried out a large number of terror attacks against Israeli civilians. Three additional Hezbollah terrorist operatives were also eliminated in the strike.

Click below to view footage of the strike:

Hezbollah Launches Massive Rocket Barrage Toward Northern Israel

A father in northern Israel covers his daughter’s body during incoming Hezbollah rocket fire from Lebanon.

Since Wednesday (June 12), the Hezbollah terror organization has escalated its daily attacks against the State of Israel by launching approximately 215 rockets at the north of the country. The majority of the projectiles were intercepted by the IDF Aerial Defense Array. However, some of the projectiles that landed in open areas ignited fires in the north. In addition, two IDF soldiers stationed in the area of Manara were injured as the result of anti-tank projectile attack. The soldiers were evacuated to a hospital to receive medical treatment. Their families have been notified.

Hezbollah's targeting of Israeli civilians via rocket launches is a war crime. These attacks are intended to murder civilians and wreak havoc on the north. To view footage of the launches, click HERE.

Today, another 35 projectiles were identified crossing from Lebanon into the areas of Kiryat Shmona and Kfar Szold in northern Israel earlier today.

As a result of the launches, a fire broke out in the area of Kfar Szold. IDF artillery fired toward the sources of the launches.

IDF Troops Locate Underground Terror Compound in Rafah

The soldiers of the Givati ​​Brigade are conducting precise, intelligence-based, targeted operations in the Shabura area of Rafah. The troops are operating to dismantle terrorist infrastructure and eliminate armed terrorists both above and below the ground. 

During their activity in the area over the past week, the soldiers encountered six armed terrorists who emerged from a building and fired at them. An IAF fighter jet targeted the terrorists and eliminated them. Immediately after, the soldiers raided the building from which the terrorists emerged and located large quantities of weapons, as well as a tunnel shaft that led to the terrorists' underground compound. Click HERE to view footage of the compound.

IDF Officers Who Took Part in Hostage Rescue Share Details of Operation

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meeting with Israeli Specail Forces operatives who took part in last saturday's hostage rescue operation.

In THIS SEGMENT from Israeli news channel I24, IDF officers who took part in the heroic rescue of four Israeli hostages from Hamas captivity in the Nuseirat camp last Saturday, June 8, share their experience and provide new details of the operation.

Operation: Swords of Iron Humanitarian Aid Update

To view the latest data regarding Israel's coordination of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, click HERE.

To learn more about how the United Nations' data regarding the distribution of aid to the Gaza Strip is incomplete and inaccurate, click HERE.


The situation in northern Israel is getting surprisingly little attention in the West. Here’s some background and an explanation of just how dire it is. World War Three gets closer by the day, and I’m not exaggerating. UNSC resolution 1701 (2006) is that Hezbollah agree to stay north of the river Litani in Lebanon. This puts Israeli settlements out of anti-tank rocket range. However, Hezbollah have broken this and since 7th October have fired thousands of rockets into Israel, displacing some 60,000 Israelis from their homes. To be clear, Hezbollah is a direct Iranian proxy, who live like a virus inside the almost-dead body of the Lebanese state. Their fighters are far superior to Hamas, having gained serious experience in the Syrian civil war. They have no real ground manoeuvre or air power, but their tunnels in the chalk rock of southern Lebanon are better than Hamas’ and they have an estimated 150,000 rockets. There are UN Peacekeepers in Lebanon, but (shockingly for the UN, I know) they’re as much use as a bacon sandwich at a Bar Mitzvah. One very senior Israeli source described them to me as “an umbrella that folds when it rains”. So Israel has a real, very serious problem. They do not have the manpower to assault into Lebanon for any kind of sustained campaign, especially whilst Gaza is ongoing. So, in polite terms, they are kicking the shit out of it from the air (over which they have total superiority) and relying on missile defences. Thousands of targets have been struck in the last 9 months but Hezbollah retain very significant missile capability. This is why Israel are beholden to the USA to offer obscenely generous ceasefire terms to Hamas (that Hamas appear to be declining). They cannot afford to lose American military aid with this threat on their northern border. In the videos below, in the first vid you see the war zone northern Israel has become. The second one is the settlement of Katzrin in the Golan Heights. Surrounded on all sides by fires. In a statement to Qatari-funded Muslim Brotherhood mouthpiece Al Jazeera, yesterday Hezbollah said, “We simultaneously attacked 15 bases in the Golan and the Galilee using 150 rockets and 30 drones. This is the most extensive attack carried out by the organization since October 8, this attack came in response to the assassination in Joya and in order to deter Israel from carrying out further assassinations of this type.” On top of that, Iranian proxies in Iraq took responsibility last night for the joint operation they carried out together with the Houthis (Iranian proxies in Yemen), which launched these ballistic missiles and UAVs towards the Israeli cities of Ashdod and Haifa (third video). Iran is besieging Israel on all sides, and Israel is bending, not breaking. This situation is genuinely dire. It explains why Hamas will not sign a ceasefire deal, and why other non-Iran aligned Gulf states are meeting with IDF commanders. The entire region is teetering on the edge of a much more widespread conflict with Iran, and Israel is taking the brunt of it. If this situation deteriorates, our allies in the Gulf may call for aid. As a second front in the war against the Iran-Russia-China-Qatar axis of malign global actors, this could not be more serious or worrying. And all the while we see subversive Iranian proxy organisations organising protests about Gaza on Western streets. Hopefully the West is not defeated domestically before the war even starts in earnest.


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