Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Yes, We Are Vulnerable To A Terrorist Attack. More.

Several days ago 4 IDF (the American equivalent of 200) were killed entering a booby trapped tunnel in Rafah.  Why the Israelis are so "macho" is beyond me.  Could they not have sent a robot first?

I am half way through: "Betrayal: The Failure of American Jewish Leadership." The book contains a host of articles by prominent Jews willing to stand up and support Israel and who.
lament  if we will not fight against anti-Semitism then why should anyone else come to our cause? If we do not understand the lies espoused by anti-Semites then how can we defend ourselves?

In the 3500 year long Jewish history of Jews in Israel, including Jerusalem and Judea-Samaria, there never was a "Palestinian" Arab state.  There has never been  a Palestinian currency.  When Biden went to Israel in 2022 he announced policies hostile to Israel which were never widely reported. Only The ZOA objected while the rest of mainstream Jewish Leadership Organizations remained silent.

During and after his visit, Biden, according to the authors,  continue calling for the following: 

1) A contiguous Palestinian state on the 1967 lines (The Auschwitz lines according to Abba Eban) because this would leave Israel defenseless. Even Lyndon Johnson previously said this proposal would cause more wars.

2) Biden increased American tax dollars going to Palestinians and UNWRA etc. to $1.5 Billion

3) He also pressured Israel to allow a Palestinian consulate to open in Western Jerusalem.

4) He falsely compared the Palestinian situation to that of Ireland.

5) Biden pressed Bibi to allow Palestinians to enter Israel from Gaza and Judea-Samaria.

6) He also called check points "indignities."

7) Worst of all, Biden continued to allow Iran to spread it's nuclear wings.

8) He failed to bring up Palestinian support the anti-Israel, Al Jazeera propagandist Shireen Abu Akleh.

9) He undercut Israeli security by proposing the P.A share control of the Israeli-Jordanian crossing.

10) Biden met with Abbas despite knowing Abbas' support of "pay to slay" money going to terrorists for  murdering Jews and Americans.

11) Biden also claimed Palestinian Arabs have :"deep and ancient" territorial roots in the land of Israel.

12) He forbade Israel officials to accompany him to an Arab eastern Jerusalem Hospital.

13) He also refused to visit a Hadassah Hospital in eastern Jerusalem.

14) He pressed Israel to allow a massive Arab Building to be located in Area C of Judea-Samaria which is under complete Israeli administrative control.

15) Even as the Hamas War actively continues he has demanded Israel cede to many Hamas demands which would result in virtually giving them an Oct/7 victory.

1) Finally, many of Biden's administrative appointments are those with hostile attitudes towards Israel, ie Hady Amr, Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, Maher Bitar ,Reema Dodin to name a few.

Meanwhile, one of the worst Jewish Betrayal Organizations has come to be the ADL whose CEO is Jonathan Greenblatt, a former  member of the Obama Administration. The ADL has become an apologist for the BLM, and Greenblatt personally gave Ilhan Omar a free pass for a weak apology after her Israel bashing comments etc.

The authors also go on to explain why Jewish organizations have failed to stand up for Jewish constituents and contributors  as follows:

1) Fear brought on by defending Jews who stand up for Israel, like myself.

3) Abject ignorance:  far too many believe the lie about Israel being an apartheid nation and Israelis are an occupiers of their own land.

3) Delusional: many do not want to believe what they are seeing nor do they believe they can change the attitude of anti-Semites.

4) Appeasement: Greenblatt is an appeaser and believes in the Secret ADL/Reut report which, instead of combatting delegitimization, actually turned out to be 30 pages of Israel bashing propaganda

5) And of course, there is always the risk, over time, leadership create relationships, status and perks they do not wish to threaten and drift..

When a people are incapable or unworthy of standing up for themselves, organizations, which may have formerly been willing to support them, become vulnerable and lose their vigilance as seems to be the current case.

Several years ago I e mailed and  warned Alan Dershowitz his relationship with his Cape Cod crowd would result in a backlash and that his outspoken defense of prominent Israel supporters would eventually result in denials of his speaking and so that has come to pass.

Dershowitz continue to remain an ardent Democrat which I do not understand. He is white not black.  Why he, of all people, cannot break his loyalty is beyond me.

Jewish leadership, as noted earlier, do not want to "rock the boat."

They want to protect their access.  In the days of FDR 2 Jewish Cabinet Members would not bring up the matter of the Holocaust for fear of offending their president.


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