Friday, June 21, 2024

Essay. Timeless Twain. Newsom's Purgatory. Consul Update - Edited..

Essay By Dick Berkowitz:

What Goes Around, Comes Around.

I am no historian but I do understand "What goes around comes around."  

Why did I begin this essay with that expression?  Because Savannah, where we now live,  was founded as a debtor's colony (those who owed  money in England were dubbed "criminals.") Also, those feeling oppressed, because of their religious beliefs, were allowed to settle in America as well as Savannah. and you know the rest.  

At the time, Savannah was founded, 1733, those who were overseeing Savannah for the English king told  General Oglethorpe there were 3 prohibitions, ie. no Jews, lawyers and Spanish.

In fact, General Oglethorpe allowed Jews to disembark because they had a doctor aboard ship and Savannah was experiencing an epidemic., I believe it was Yellow Fever. Apparently, Oglethorpe did not receive the prohibition notice in time.  Therefore,  some 50 Jews from England, who had escaped Spain and Portugal because of the Inquisition, were on  that boat.

The first Jewish burial site was in the center of Savannah across the street from a now very popular restaurant and major hotel. Savannah is a beautiful historic town and was named because of  being  longitudinally even with Africa's Savannah Plains.   The burial plots of Jews was eventually dug up and they were  reburied elsewhere.

Also, Savannah is America's first "planned" city and has lovely squares which are all monumented. Furthermore,  certain types of established businesses are repeatedly located on each corner and remain so today because of our powerful Historical Society.

In later years, the Irish were allowed  to settle  and we have the 3rd largest St Patrick's Day Parade in the nation. Savannah has politically significant Jewish, Irish, black  and Greek populations.

Move the clock forward several hundred years and what does this have to do with Biden , Trump and the forthcoming election? Again ,"what goes around comes around" reveals history has a tendency to repeat itself.

Biden has opened our borders to "treal criminals" and various assorted riff raff. Trump was skewered when he called attention to the fact that many illegal immigrants, flooding America, were often those with serious criminal records, mental diseases and, again, you know the rest.

Yes, we may be "the home of the brave '' and yes, we now have a magnificent gift from the French  called "The Statue of Liberty '' located at the entrance to New York's Harbour.which welcomes those who want to start a new life legally. However, Biden continuously breaks ur immigration laws, because he wants to encourage future illegal immigrant  voters to repay his munificence by voting for the Democrat Party, so they can rule forever.

Meanwhile, perhaps Trump is demonstrating, he has finally learned that winning is more important than combing his ego and nominating friends who cannot be elected.

A recent WSJ Op Ed, by Kim Strassel, says no less and, I believe she is right and that is why I believe Trump should win an overwhelming victory not only because of this but because of an entire list of reasons which prove Biden is incapable of "rational leadership."

Biden never was an intelligent politician, in fact, he has always been a chameleon willing to embrace/grab progressive clouds and capable of being led by others by his nose. In the past three plus years, he has allowed Obama holdovers and other radicals to direct his feet into tragic blunders which has made our nation the laughing stock, not only with our Western allies, but the entire world.  

In doing so, he has also subjected our nation to potential terrorist, attacks by other powerful adversaries like China, Russia, Iran etc. and weakened our military with ridiculous efforts of socialization. The reason our military has been one of the best is because, the military is not democratic but autocratic, patriotic, voluntary and dedicated, Now it no longer can meet enlistment requirements.

In his desire to transform the Democrat Party into an unbeatable one, Biden has opened our borders to flood levels hoping, allowing many illegal immigrants with criminal records and mental issues to eventually register and vote, so he can disrupt our one last vestige of acceptable and honest elections.

To make matters worse, Biden embraced/listened to his own ego and undid, by presidential orders, most everything Trump accomplished that worked. All kitchen table purchases are higher due to inflation and disruption of the supply chain due to Covid.  Inflation is mostly man made but one cannot deny Fauci's stupid advice of shutting down America's entire economy.  Add  other unnecessary acts by Biden, because of his hatred of Trump, including disavowal of The  Abraham Accords and increasing funding of Iran's treasury, and the prospect of a serious war becomes imminent and cannot be denied.

Even Biden's assistance to Ukraine was ineffectual because of protracted hesitancy and the Hamas War could have been over had he not whipsawed Bibi's desire to be persistent. We know Biden has a historic track record of being consistently wrong since "birth."

Now, we also have learned the entire family is allegedly corrupt. Consequently, were Biden's corrupt Department of Justice willing to release critical documents even our factual proof of corruption could be proved .

I have yet to mention the accelerating pace of Biden's downhill slide in physical and mental acuity which is patently evident.  There is only so much The White House can do to hide this from us "deplorables."  We may not be as vocal as reality demands but we are not stupid.

The answer to critical change has always been through the ballot box and this is why Biden has  encouraged pre-election changes that have caught the torpid/patrician GOP with their undergarments around their shoe laces. More recently , Biden,  through a presidential order, has hidden evidence of using federal funds to further the future process of illegal immigrant voting.

I understand American's distaste for Trump. However, it is time to realize our entire republic is going down the tube  if we re-elect Biden.

This is why the first debate  is one of the most significant in my lifetime because what goes around is soon to come around.


 A Timeless Note from Mark Twain About the Jewish People, published in 1899:

"If the statistics are correct, the Jews constitute but one percent of the human race. It suggests a nebulous, dim puff of star dust lost in the blaze of the Milky Way.
Appropriately, the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is heard of and has always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as any other person, and his commercial importance is extravagantly out of proportion to the smallness of his bulk.

His contributions to the world's list of great names in literature, science, art, music, finance, medicine, and abstruse learning are also out of proportion to the weakness of his numbers. He has made a marvelous fight in the world, in all the ages, and has done it with his hands tied behind him.

He could be vain of himself and be excused for it. The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream-stuff and passed away; the Greek and the Roman followed and made a vast noise, and they are gone; other peoples have sprung up and held their torch high for a time, but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, or have vanished.

The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert and aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains.

What is the secret of his immortality?"   
                                                            - Mark Twain  
A  good thing Israel doesn’t listen to Biden:


How California’s Paradise Become Our Purgatory

by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness
Consul update - edited.

Operational Updates

Central Gaza Strip

  • During IDF operational activity in the central Gaza Strip, a number of terrorists that were identified near the troops were eliminated in a drone strike. Below is footage of the strikes:

Southern Gaza Strip

  • IDF troops are continuing precise, intelligence-based, operational activity in the Rafah area. The troops are continuing to eliminate terrorists in close-quarters combat.

  • While conducting targeted raids, the troops located several tunnel shafts in the area.

  • Additionally, IDF troops located a structure from which anti-tank missile fire was identified and directed an aircraft to strike and destroy it.

  • Click HERE to view footage of recent IDF operational activity in the Gaza Strip.

Foreign Minister Addresses Hezbollah's Increasing Aggression

Today, Israel's Foreign Minister (FM) Israel Katz addressed the Hezbollah terror organization's increasing aggression toward the State of Israel: "Israel cannot allow the Hezbollah terror organization to continue attacking its territory and citizens, and soon we will make the necessary decisions. The free world must unconditionally stand with Israel in its war against the axis of evil led by Iran and extremist Islam. Our war is also your war, and [Hezbollah leader] Nasrallah's threat to Cyprus is just the beginning. Evil must be defeated, as history has proven in the past."

To learn more about the Hezbollah terror organization, click HERE.

IDF Locates Hamas Headquarters Inside Gazan University

IDF combat teams under the command of the 99th Division are operating in the Gaza Strip.

This week, the combat teams completed a number of brigade-level operations, north and south of the Central Gaza Strip Corridor, in order to expand and increase operational control of the area.

The 8th Brigade Combat Team completed a brigade-level operation in Al-Zahra, which is on the outskirts of the city of Nuseirat. The soldiers eliminated dozens of terrorists, and located a weapons storage facility that contained mortar bombs and military equipment belonging to the Hamas terror organization.

During an operation of the Alexandroni Brigade Combat Team in Al-Omdan, located on the outskirts of Gaza City, the soldiers located many weapons and tunnel shafts in the area.

In a brigade-level operation of the IDF Multidimensional Unit, the soldiers conducted a targeted raid on a university that was being used as a Hamas headquarters and from which terrorists fired at the troops. The soldiers located weapons and barrel bombs inside the university compound (pictured below):

In addition, the soldiers eliminated a terrorist who fired an RPG missile at them from a building in the area.

Eight Months of Hezbollah Terrorists Launching Daily Rocket Barrages at Israel

For the past eight months, the Hezbollah terror organization has launched daily rocket, missile, drone and UAV attacks from their base in southern Lebanon toward the State of Israel, primarily targeting communities in the north of the country. Hezbollah's increasing aggression is a clear violation of international law (United Nations Resolution 1701), and constitutes a significant part of Iran's regional strategy of using terror proxies to attack Israel. To learn more, click HERE.

Meta Executive Shares Her View on Why So Many Are Silent in the Face of Hamas's Gender-Based Atrocities

Recently, COO of Meta Sheryl Sandberg was interviewed by The Free Press's Bari Weiss to discuss Sandberg's new documentary, "Screams Before Silence", which documents the Hamas terror organization's gender-based atrocities on and since Oct. 7th. During the interview, Sandberg shares her view as to why so many have been silent in the face of Hamas's gender-based atrocities, and what each of us can do to speak up and demand that Israeli women be heard. To view the interview, click HERE.

Operation: Swords of Iron Humanitarian Aid Update

To view the latest data regarding Israel's coordination of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, click HERE.

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