Tuesday, June 25, 2024

 America's unabated deficit spending and the ominous potential of spiraling out of control consequences

 I believe, in 4 positive ideas and the re-election of  Trump because he is the only candidate capable of 

  having enough  :chutzpah" to tweak Xi's nose. 

Recently the  Wall Street Journal's' Editorial Board published an excellent editorial which laid out the statistical

implications of our many trillion dollar debt position.. We are spending 29% of GDP and that is untenable. The

 interest alone equals what we spend on our military.  
Gerald Seib recently wrote an excellent Op Ed entitled  " Will Debt Sink The American Empire?

I always believed William Wadsworth hit the ball out of the park when he wrote: "The world is too much with us; 

late and soon, Getting and Spending, we lay waste our powers.

"Well folks,  we are there. 


1) Recently Trump proposed a solution to illegal immigration but has not fleshed it out fully.  However, this is 

what I believe he intends.  

Allow any illegal immigrant, who has a connection with an American citizen,  has no "Rap Sheet" and is,,

 willing to go to college and/or a trade school to earn a degree can, then  become a legal citizen.

2) The embrace of AI would likely enhance the productivity of this graduate. who would produce, not 

only, tax  revenue, but would enhance social tranquility, reduce the level and cost of crime and you can 

envision the rest.  

3)  Link the election of  a pro-energy president and  V. P willing to open Anwar, in order to flood the world 

with clean American oil, natural and liquid gas, and this would solve demand issues and place the cost of

energy/gasoline etc .on a downward path.

3) This single hard ball, event would re-establish America as a power and Trump could then tell XI 
we demand

 reimbursement for Covid and $3 trillion of American debt China holds will not be redeemed.

4) Finally, all tax profit from Anwar production would be designated to debt reduction and additional

 legislation would forbid grubby politicians from exploiting these funds for  their own pet wants.

Inflation would stop it's upward path, social tranquility should expand, Russian and Iranian financial 

sources would  be corralled and ,again, you know the rest..

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