The organization's top heads are apparently three founding woman and, I seriously doubt, they have an extensive employee structure. Those who riot are paid from other sources and BLM does not spend any money reimbursing black proprietors for destruction their ilk have caused or the furtherance of Black Lives, which, they profess, they want to save because they matter. Matter for what? Pawns to shake down others to finance their Marxist ways?
The bleeding hearts got snookered again.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Happy days are here again
Democrat voter fraud is no sin
What's a little corrupt vote fun
When you can rob without a gun.
Excerpts from the below article:
"...It is an unfortunate reality that elections can be stolen outright by mail ballot fraud. Election fraud, particularly an organized mail ballot fraud scheme orchestrated by political operatives, is an affront to democracy and results in voter disenfranchisement and corruption at the highest level.
Mail ballots are vulnerable to diversion, coercion, and influence by organized vote harvesting schemes. This case demonstrates my commitment to ensuring Texas has the most secure elections in the country, and I thank the Gregg County Sheriff and District Attorney for their continued partnership. Those who try to manipulate the outcome of elections in Texas must be held accountable..."
Democrat Primary: Arrests Made in Illegal Ballot Harvesting Scheme
Just another day of Democrat corruption but who cares.
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