Saturday, September 5, 2020

Success Brings Rust Which Proceeds At Warp Speed. Franklin was Omniscient. Go Ahead And Shoot.

If Trump wins re-election several positive things will happen.  The Durham Report will be released,  we will learn what is in it and The Justice Department will learn who is funding the rioting and this will blunt-their efforts as well as many of the rioters will be tried, sentenced and the rest will return to their holes to suck their thumbs until another event brings them to the surface.

If Biden should win, and actually do what is required of presidents, he will not last more than 3 months and Kamala will become president and Obama will be the puppet master pulling her strings and The Durham Report will never see the light of day nor will rioting be calmed. Bernie will have won and pretty much already has. policy wise. His ads tell the story, ie. what was once thought to be radical has become acceptable.

Meanwhile these two op eds are worth reading and you decide their merit.

I have no doubt about the first and it is already in the works. Democrats will stop at nothing to regain power and this is why they are using the pandemic to alter the method of voting. Pelosi already told us you have to pass it to learn what is in it and the same imbecilic logic dictates voting in the 2020 election. 

There will be an election but no one will know who won and then the real rioting and discord will take place.  This is the goal of the chaos crowd.  Soros' funding of state and district attorney positions has already produced the desired result.  No bail required, no suits brought so many rioters and serious criminals  go  free and don't forget about police de-funding.

Should Trump win, doubts of his legitimacy will hang over him as a cloud and he will be further crippled.  America will become increasingly divided, if that is possible short of a civil war,  and our effectiveness as a functioning republic will be crushed.

Maybe my California cousin is correct in calling me Dicken Little but nothing that has happened to date has fallen outside the scope of what I have predicted and/or warned. We have lost our university and colleges to radicals, out streets have been taken over by radicals, the Democrat Party has been pre-empted and is now controlled by radicals, law enforcement has been blunted, disorder is the rule and the infection gripping our society will only worsen.

Meanwhile the black family is broken, their links to their churches have weakened, their educational opportunities have been prevented by Democrats and unions and their economic options have, thereby, been restrained yet, their subservience to the Democrat Party remains. Out of control police episodes have provided them opportunities to bring attention to themselves and their causes while  rioting and retribution demands  have been enhanced as feckless mayors and misguided bleeding hearts throw their lot in with the anarchists..

I am not questioning the fact many black complaints are justified and need to be addressed but under the premise of rioting is not the way to accomplish solutions.  MLK proved that to be so and thuggishness results ultimately in losses for all. Any gains achieved build resentment and more barriers are created. Also, blacks need to contribute to the elevation of their own self-worth if  their accomplishments  are deemed dignified. When someone puts a gun to your head the best response is pull the trigger.

Franklin was correct - we have a republic if we can keep it but we became so successful we lost sight of the need to keep polishing the car's paint. Rust does not take long to occur and can spread at warp speed.

As for the second, I also have no doubt radicals are seeking to penetrate every aspect of our society and its various agencies and organizations but how successful they are at the nuclear level is not something I would know until it is too late.  Certainly, if the Rosenbergs and others could do it anyone can. We beat the Germans literally by months and the Russians knew everything we were doing and played us like innocent  fools when it came to their demands regarding their entry into the closing days of the  war against Japan.

The Dems Plan to Steal the PresidencyWilliam L. GensertTrump must have a plan in place to fight for this victory and organize a resistance to the Democrats installing Joe Biden as president. More
The Enemy Within Our Nuclear Weapon LabsPeter Vincent PryAmerica's nuclear weapons labs have been infiltrated with BLM and Antifa-linked left-wing fanatics.  More+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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