Sunday, September 13, 2020

BLM Founders. Stacey Adams Election Fraud/Last Paper Straw. Mass Media Liars Club. Debunking Atlantic. Ordman. Why Trump Wins?


BLM 3 founders:


I have said many times, Democrats will stop at nothing to win and/or regain power.  This was sent to me by one of my dearest friends,a brilliant lawyer and a fellow memo reader.  He flies beneath the radar screen but would make a great Supreme Court Justice and I am surprised he is not on Leo's List.  

Democrats, with Stacey Abrams leading the pact are engaged in changing the way voting is done in order to spread more chaos and suspect.  

Faith in government , capitalism and the basis for America's founding constitutional principles are under severe attack from anarchists and one of the last straws that must be turned into a paper one is our faith in the voting process.

new movie (All In: The Fight for Democracy) is currently running in Atlanta at Midtown Arts Theatre and another theatre locally.  It will be available to Amazon viewers on September 18.

The movie supposedly explores the issue of "voter suppression" in America, and uses historical clips from "Birth of a Nation" to expose, as the Amazon lead says, "a problem that has corrupted our country from the beginning."  I didn't know Stacey was so old. 

While I have not ventured to a movie house full of Stacey Abrams supporters to see this movie yet, I bet it is a safe bet to say that it does not mention the 1000 voters who voted twice in the last Georgia primary, or the convoluted litigation strategy to rewrite Georgia's election code -- all efforts to undermine democracy, and all efforts that should be associated with the Democrats.  It probably does not mention the challenge to the ineligible voters listed in Fulton County -- or the fact that the courts have stalled a hearing on the issue.  I bet it does not mention the flurry of recent voter fraud cases, the redo of the election in NC-9 because of voter harvesting, or the NY Post confessions of the long-term operator in the voter fraud shadows.  

We can expect a full court press over the next few weeks of news stories, documentaries, and propaganda like this movie with the effort to convince influencer's -- not just the people, but the legal community and judges who are willing to undermine the Constitution for political expediency in the name of voter rights (as demonstrated by the recent decision of Eleanor Ross in extending the period for receipt of absentee ballots).  All of these stories will be designed to make an emotional pull for "rights" and will tie any efforts for election integrity to "the wrong side of history.".  

But here's the story that Amazon will not tell -- every fraudulent ballot deprives another voter of his or her vote.  And a coordinated effort to allow ineligible balloting deprives all the voters when it affects the outcome of an election.  Stacey Abrams is using confusion to legitimize fraudulent voting to defeat the will of all the voters.  Her efforts, and those of Amazon in producing this movie will ultimately undermine the faith of the people in free and fair elections.  That is the source of real disenfranchisement of the whole electorate.  We are committed to clarity, transparency, and equal treatment for all voters. 

All the best,

What happened and how did the mass media fade into oblivion and entertainment rather than hard, factual news?  Capitalism, by-lines on front page , making money sole goal?

A Collection of Liars

There is nothing at all comical about the implosion of the American media.

By Roger Kimball September 12, 2020

How quaint this admonition from Dr. Johnson seems today: “Accustom your children constantly to this,” Johnson told Boswell; “if a thing happened at one window, and they, when relating it, say that it happened at another, do not let it pass, but instantly check them; you do not know where deviation from truth will end.”

Where is Dr. Johnson when we need him? How well could we profit from his scruples when it comes to the question of truth. For we live at a time when truth is everywhere under attack. I am not talking about anything arcane or polysyllabic: just plain, factual truth, as in “The battle of Agincourt took place in October 1415” or (more generally) “the documents support my claim and do not support his” or “the police station has been torched; this is not a peaceful protest but a riot.”

It is perhaps easy enough to discount some of the more florid examples of the assault on truth. I daresay that few sensible people take seriously the claims of Holocaust deniers. What is significant, however, is the way in which such extreme doctrines tend to be dismissed. Increasingly, they are repudiated not as pernicious falsehoods—the response that Dr. Johnson would have insisted upon—but as more or less unfortunate “perspectives” or “points of view,” the gospel being that everyone is “entitled” to his own such hobbyhorse, no matter how flagrantly at odds with the truth it might be. Never mind that such an attitude not only disparages truth but also erodes the legitimacy of serious opinion.

There are no doubt many reasons for this development. One important reason is the degree to which Western intellectual elites—in the media, the world of culture, and above all in the academy—have reneged on their commitment to truth. This abdication has a long and complex heritage. And it comes in many forms and degrees of finality, from various modes of trial separation to, in extreme cases, irrevocable divorce. 

Downgrading Facts

As always in the world of ideas, what matters is not so much the existence but the influence and prevalence of such commitments. In the present case, the cavalier attitude toward truth has reached epidemic proportions. It has, indeed, become part of the intellectual furniture of our age, presupposed rather than argued for.

One depressing sign of this situation is the absolute horror with which the idea of “objective truth” is regarded in chic academic circles today—and, increasingly, in the decidedly nonacademic circles of elite cultural opinion. Another sign is the widespread tendency to downgrade facts to matters of opinion—a tendency that follows naturally from the rejection of objective truth. 

This shows itself in the amazingly prevalent assumption that truth is “relative,” i.e., that the truth of what is said depends crucially upon the interests, prejudices, even the sex or ethnic origin of the speaker rather than—well, than the truth or falsity of what the speaker says. 

The basic idea is that truth somehow is invented rather than discovered. Typical of this position is the feminist complaint about “male-centered” or “white-centered” epistemologies that make false claims to universality (another word that inspires panic) or objectivity.

The British historian Simon Schama provided a more genteel expression of this attitude toward truth in the afterword to his best-selling harlequinade, Dead Certainties. “The claims for historical knowledge,” Schama assured his readers, “must always be fatally circumscribed”—fatally circumscribed, mind you—“by the character and prejudices of its narrator.” In other words, the limitations of the historian make the achievement of historical truth impossible. 

How many college-educated people today would dare to dissent from this assertion? Schama was at pains to deny that his was a “naïvely relativist position”; yet at bottom, his claim is little more than a chummy periphrasis for Nietzsche’s famous declaration of nihilism: “There are no facts, only interpretations.” 

It is unfortunate that we lack a squadron of Dr. Johnsons: they might remedy the situation considerably by applying a series of refutations like that delivered against Bishop Berkeley’s idealist philosophy. Except in the case of Michel Foucault, who might have grown overly fond of Johnson’s method of refutation, the results would almost certainly be salutary.

Nihilism in the Academy

Not surprisingly, the flight from truth has had especially devastating consequences in the academy. Among other things, it has undermined the integrity of many academic disciplines—has, in fact, done much to undermine the very idea of an academic “discipline,” that is to say, a field of study with a generally agreed upon subject matter and shared tools of inquiry.

The dizzy proliferation of “studies” programs is an important sign of this decay. Women’s studies, LGBTQ+ studies, African-American studies, Chicano studies, peace studies, textual studies: the metastasis of these and other such pseudo-subjects in the academy betokens not the extension but the breakdown of academic disciplines. 

It is worth stressing that such programs, though advertised as “cross-disciplinary,” in reality are anti-disciplinary; they require not the mastery of multiple disciplines but the abandonment of disciplinary rigor for the sake of fostering a prescribed ideology. 

The paradigm of all such efforts is “cultural studies,” an alarmingly popular intellectual solvent that is characterized not by its subject—which can be anything at all—but by its attitude. The two mandatory ingredients for cultural studies are 1) political animus and 2) hostility to factual truth. “Content” is entirely discretionary.

To date, the assault on truth in the academy seems to have been most damaging to the study of literature—partly because departures from factual truth are not always so readily detectable when the subject is literature, partly because departments of literature were among the first to capitulate to such trendy and destructive fads as deconstruction, structuralism, and cultural studies in all their unlovely allotropes. 

But few if any subjects have escaped unscathed. Philosophy, law, art history, psychology, anthropology, sociology: all have been playing an aggressive game of catch-up with literature departments in this regard. Even history, whose raison d’être, one might have thought, was a commitment to factual truth, has suffered. So, too, the natural sciences: the theory and philosophy of science—if not yet the actual practice of science—have increasingly become hostage to sundry forms of epistemological incontinence, as the logic and substance of science is deliberately confused with the sociology of science. 

According to some observers, such ideas have even begun making headway in schools of business management and accounting—though regrettably not, it seems, among those accountants employed by the Internal Revenue Service. I remember a splendid chap called Nicholas Fox, who lectures in English medical schools, who in his book Postmodernism, Sociology and Health assured readers that such terms as “patient” and “illness” are “sociological fictions” that can be cleared up by “elements of feminist theory and Derridean concepts of différance and intertextuality.”

Malodorous Fumes Escape the Academy

But if the progress of this assault on truth has been most conspicuous in the university, its colonization of more workaday precincts of society has been startling. This is something that Attorney General William Barr underscored in an interview with Townhall Friday. “They’re basically a collection of liars,” he said, summing up the behavior of “most of the mainstream media.”

They’re a collection of liars and they know exactly what they’re doing. A perfect example of that [was] the riots. Right on the street, it was clear as day what was going on, anyone observing it, reporters observing it, it could not have escaped their attention that this was orchestrated violence by a hardened group of street fighting radicals and they kept on excluding from their coverage all the video of this and reporting otherwise and they were doing that for partisan reasons, and they were lying to the American people. It wasn’t until they were caught red-handed after essentially weeks of this lie that they even started feeling less timid.

Does anyone doubt this? If you were to ask representatives of the Fourth Estate point-blank about Barr’s claim, they would sputter, roll their eyes, and tell you that the attorney general is the despicable tool of Donald Trump, a man too low to warrant the epithet “despicable.” 

But would they deny the charge? Tricky, because at least since the New York Times admitted (or do I mean “bragged”) that it had given up even trying to cover Donald Trump fairly it has been an open secret that the media does not cover the news—i.e., things that happen—it reinforces The Narrative, the storyline that this week’s wardens of wokeness tacitly agree upon. 

The Times’ admission that it had given up on telling the truth came in 2016. Since then, the declivity has been both rapid and steep. 

The Times is a poster child for this development, but it is merely a representative poster child. We’ve heard the word “pandemic” a lot recently as people scurry about trying to discover ways of exploiting our latest Chinese import. Something that is politically and morally more toxic than the coronavirus is the pandemic of mendacity in the media. I suspect many—maybe most—people understand this, which is why public distrust of the media is skyrocketing.

Barr is right that “the national mainstream media . . . has dropped any pretense of professional objectivity and are political actors, highly partisan who try to shape what they’re reporting to achieve a political purpose and support a political narrative that has nothing to do with the truth.” Not only that, “[t]hey’re very mendacious about it,” a development that is “very destructive to our Republic,” partly because the partisanship and mendacity are so one-sided, partly because it is so “monolithic.”

Escape from Mendacity

If you are able to distance yourself from the realities being described—or, rather, misdescribed—the procedure can seem comical. 

I think back, for example, to May when an MSNBC reporter stood in front of a burning police station and assured his viewers that the “protests” were “not generally speaking unruly,” or—a more recent case—when a CNN reporter described the mayhem in Kenosha, Wisconsin, as a “fiery but mostly peaceful protest.” This prompted a spate of parodies, including one that substituted an image of the burning Hindenburg behind the hapless reporter (“Hindenburg completes fiery but mostly successful journey”).

But in fact, there is nothing at all comical about the implosion of the American media. Their derelictions, as the attorney general observed, constitute a threat to the Republic. I’m told that only a tiny percentage of the voting public gets its news primarily from the mainstream media. That is consoling.

Less heartening is the reflection that the mainstream media nevertheless exerts a disproportionate influence on the climate of elite opinion. Their “fiery but mostly peaceful” yarns have done serious damage to the horizon of shared assumptions that makes our public life together inhabitable. These liars—to employ the attorney general’s apposite term—squeal like stuck pigs when the president refers to these scribes and broadcasters as purveyors of “fake news.” 

But the president is right about that, just as he is right to call them “enemies of the people.” Their irresponsibility has been toxic since the days of Richard Nixon. It went on steroids with the election of Donald Trump. 

Now, in the midst of riots in Democratic-run cities across the country, as we head into the final stretch of what is perhaps the most consequential presidential election since 1860, they have joined the forces of dissolution and anarchy. 

I am delighted that someone of the stature and authority of Bill Barr has called them out with Johnsonian frankness. I hope it will prove to be a tonic preliminary to some sort of reckoning. 


De-bunking The Atlantic Hit Job article:

This opinion just in...  [READ MORE]

Ordman: More "Edited" Good News From Israel:

Many articles in this week's positive Israel newsletter are connected with renewal - the main theme of the Jewish New Year. Israeli medical treatments and innovations have given new life to many critically ill patients. Israeli synthetic corneas have renewed the sight of the blind. Israeli conservationists have propagated endangered species and revived previously extinct ones. Israeli technology is recycling waste in Europe and generating renewable energy in some very novel places.  There are articles about new Israeli New Year stamps; renewing ancient prayer books, rediscovering ancient inscriptions, the renewal of Russian Jewry and the extraordinary union of two new Jews.  Finally, history is being made by new diplomatic relations and the return of nations to Jerusalem.

Important - If this email arrives in your spam / junk folder, please mark it as "not spam". My next newsletter will hopefully be published on Weds Sep 23rd.

I wish a Happy New Year - Shana Tova U'Metuka - to all those who celebrate it. We pray that the coronavirus pandemic will end soon in 5781.

Best regards

In the 13th Sep 20 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:

  • An Israeli prospective treatment for Alzheimer’s.
  • Israeli brain surgeons save a South African doctor.
  • Bahrain is the 4th Arab country to make peace with Israel.
  • Israeli flexible solar panels can generate electricity on any surface.
  • 2000-year-old seeds from extinct Judean palm trees have produced dates.
  • The EU is funding nine Israeli organizations combatting Covid-19.
  • Israeli drones are delivering goods for Walmart.
  • More countries are moving their embassies to Jerusalem.


Radiation to reduce Covid-19 inflammation. (TY Hazel) Doctors at Israel’s Sheba Medical Center are to test the use of low-dosage radiation on 30 severe Covid-19 patients. It is expected to reduce the inflammatory cells that invade the lungs of coronavirus patients and prevent them from oxygenating the blood.
More success for Covid-19 antibody treatment. 11 of the 12 trial patients treated with the IgG Covid-19 treatment from Israel’s Kamada (reported here previously) have now recovered and been discharged from hospital.
A national lab to study viruses. The Israeli government is to set up a new national laboratory at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for the study of viruses. It will help Israel counter pathogens after the Covid-19 pandemic. It will have special air conditioning, advanced testing tools and high-level protective gear.,7340,L-3848670,00.html
Sheba’s “Gulf” initiative. (TY UWI) Sheba Medical Center has launched its “Gulf” initiative with the first agreement between an Israeli hospital and an organization in the United Arab Emirates. Sheba will work with UAE’s APEX National Investment on key medical challenges from COVID-19 to the future of hospital care.
On stream. More details about the development of StreamO2 – the low-cost breathing machine for Covid-19 patients built by Israeli fizzy-drinks maker SodaStream (reported here previously). StreamO2 was the idea of Hadassah ICU doctor Akiva Nachshon, and recently tested successfully at Hadassah Ein Kerem in Jerusalem.
Antibody for Alzheimer’s. (TY Yehoshua) Israel’s ImmunoBrain Checkpoint aims to begin trials of its IBC-Ab002 treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. The antibody, developed by its Chief Scientist EMET Prize-winning Weizmann Institute Professor Michal Schwartz, boosts the immune system to induce brain repair processes.
Cornea and Glaucoma treatment news. The synthetic cornea from Israel’s CorNeat is beginning human trials, as reported here in July. This has become vital due to shortage of human corneas during Covid-19. CorNeat will soon begin trials of its EverPatch for Glaucoma surgery and is developing the eShunt to reduce eye pressure.
Detecting prostate cancer in Puerto Rico. (TY Hazel) The CorePlus pathology lab in Carolina Puerto Rico is the first in the Americas to detect prostate cancer using the AI-based software from Israel’s Ibex Medical Analytics (reported here previously). The system is already in use in the UK and in France.
A painless bandage. Israel’s Inteligels has developed a wound covering that can be removed without pain. It is made from a special smart transparent polymer that can be triggered to liquify and does not need to be pulled off. It is based on the work of Daniel Cohn, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry at Jerusalem’s Hebrew University.
Doctor, heal thyself (with Israel’s help). Durban pediatrician Dr Thesi Reddy (non-Jewish) was diagnosed with a brain tumor earlier this year and was given nine months to live. South African Friends of Sheba Medical Center got him to Israel, where Sheba surgeons used advanced techniques to remove the entire tumor. Amazing.
Painting by mouth. When Israeli artist Bracha Fischel became paralyzed from rheumatoid arthritis, Sheba Medical center taught her how to use her mouth to write and hold objects. Bracha was able to continue her hobby painting. She now paints with 14 others in Israel’s branch of MFPA - Mouth and Foot Painting Artists.
The 3rd best country for vegans. Israel was third on Chef’s Pencil’s top countries for vegans in 2020 and the only Asian country listed. “Unique to this newly formed country is the mix of the traditional Mediterranean diet of the area and the strict dietary laws of kosher food” Chef’s Pencil said. Tel Aviv was the 12th best vegan city.
Baby turtles get a helping hand. Endangered Mediterranean green and loggerhead sea turtles lay their eggs on Israeli beaches in May and they hatch Aug to Oct. Israel’s Nature and Parks Authority protects nests from predators and brings hatchlings to safety, even digging in the sand to find babies left behind. Beautiful video.
Lionel Messi has a vision. Israel’s OrCam Technologies (reported here previously) has engaged soccer legend Lionel Messi to help promote its AI-based wearable devices to help the blind and visually impaired read texts. Messi will give free MyEye devices to the visually impaired and increase awareness of the plight of the blind.,7340,L-3849011,00.html
Peace signing at White House. Israel and the United Arab Emirates will sign their historic deal normalizing relations at a White House ceremony on 15 Sep. The delegations will be led by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Emirati Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayad, brother of the Abu Dhabi crown prince.
Bahrain makes peace with Israel. Significantly, on the anniversary of 9/11, the Kingdom of Bahrain became the 4th Arab country to agree to a peace deal with Israel. Like the agreement with the United Arab Emirates, the Bahrain-Israel deal will normalize diplomatic, commercial, security and other relations between the countries.
Robotic arm for Covid-19 testing. (TY CTech) The Israeli R&D center of Japan’s Yaskawa Electric has built a robotic arm that can conduct around 2,800 Covid-19 tests a day and has been installed in the IDF’s main Covid-19 testing lab. The arm is faster than human testers, less error prone and can free up staff for other tasks.
Micro satellites for research and rescue. Israel Aerospace Industries is partnering Israel’s Technion Institute in its ADELIS-SAMSON project, to develop 3 new micro satellites to be launched this year. Their purpose is to help search and rescue operations, conduct remote sensing, and carry out environmental monitoring missions.,7340,L-3846374,00.html
Helicopter drones. (TY UWI) Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has unveiled its new MultiFlyer non-military unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) squadron of small helicopters. It will be used to monitor disaster areas, guide rescue missions, help with traffic control in large-scale events, and track agriculture or marine areas.,7340,L-3848495,00.html
From pilot to programmer. After 10 years in the IAF and 4.5 years as an El Al pilot, Stav Nemirovsky retrained as a computer programmer. Thanks to an IAF veterans’ association, he landed a job in the professional services department of Israeli cybersecurity company Guardicore.,7340,L-3846537,00.html
Energy everywhere under the sun. Israel’s Apollo Power’s flexible solar panels produces cheap electricity anywhere the sun shines. It operates without any construction. It is unbreakable and can be placed on any surface, on water, uneven terrain and vehicles. Apollo is working with Audi and Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi.,7340,L-3848977,00.html
Storybook app for educating children. Israel’s Amit Tishler is one of the co-founders of PopBase – an award-winning tool for producing interactive content with minimal effort. PopBase is developing Woodland Fables - a storybook game that helps kids make healthy life choices such as balanced nutrition, sleep, and physical fitness.  
Recycling waste in the Netherlands. Israel’s UBQ Materials (reported here previously) is to open its first full-scale production facility in the Netherlands. It will convert landfill waste into some 70,000 tons of sustainable, thermoplastic material for producing pipes, floors, bins, shipping pallets, crates and more.,7340,L-3847790,00.html
A date with history. The Judean date palm was extinct. But 2000-year-old seeds discovered at Masada in 2005 were planted at Kibbuts Ketura by Drs Elaine Soloway and Sarah Sallon (see here). The resulting trees were named Methusala and Hannah. Their dates were just harvested, linking the State of Israel to its ancient roots.
Currency reserves break another record. Israel’s reserves of foreign currency rose by another $4 billion to a more than $161 billion – the fifth consecutive month they have reached record levels.
Israel joins car makers’ club. Despite having no vehicle manufacturing companies, Israel has been accepted as a member of the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA). Israel’s advanced auto-tech industry was sufficient qualification.,7340,L-3848523,00.html
EU Covid-19 funds for 9 Israeli organizations.  Nine Israeli organizations have been selected for EU funding under the Horizon 2020 program designed to combat Covid-19. A total of NIS 18 million was allocated for them to work in eight of the EU’s 23 collaborative projects.,7340,L-3848373,00.html
Generating startups. The Tel Aviv Municipality along with Google and Microsoft and others are to hold Israel’s “biggest 24-hour online bootcamp” on 15th & 16th Sep. The aim is to turn the ideas of at least 100 of the 500 participating fledgling entrepreneurs into new startup companies.
UAE minister on trade with Israel. The Southern California Israel Chamber of Commerce is publicizing a webinar (Mon 14 Sep) featuring the UAE’'s new Minister of Economy, Abdulla bin Touq Al Mari, on the business implications of the historic Abraham Accord.
Opening shoe shops in the UAE. (TY JBN) Israel’s Scoop Shoes is opening five stores in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, the first such endeavor for an Israeli retailer. Scoop’s owners, brothers Ronnie and Freddie Insaz, partnered with Bethlehem businessman George Bassus, who has offices in Dubai, to establish the venture.  
The first UAE investment. UAE-based private equity and venture capital fund KEN Investments has led a $5.8 million investment in Israel’s Salaryo, which provides credit and digital banking services to small businesses in the U.S. It is said to be the first time an Emirati fund has openly invested in an Israeli company.,7340,L-3848856,00.html
We are hiring. Israeli fintech company Payoneer (reported here previously) is recruiting 300 new employees, half of them in Israel and the other half across its dozens of branches around the world. There has been a huge demand during the Covid-19 pandemic for Payoneer’s online money transfer and digital payment services.,7340,L-3847358,00.html
Investing in wellness. Israel’s Joy Ventures seeks out and supports organizations that are actively working on wellness solutions to help those suffering from the ‘new world’ brought on by Covid-19. Its portfolio includes Sanga (meditation) and virtual personal fitness coach Vi Technologies (reported here previously.,7340,L-3846357,00.html
Flexible payments during Covid-19. Israel’s Melio helps small businesses to better manage their cash flow during the pandemic. It allows them to transfer and receive payments in a faster, easier way. Melio’s workforce has increased from 35 to 125 since the start of the year and its volumes increased 700% in the last 6 months.,7340,L-3848776,00.html
Walmart trialing delivery by Israeli drones. (TY Hazel) Walmart is launching a drone delivery pilot programme in partnership with Israeli drone startup Flytrex (reported here previously). Walmart branches in North Carolina will trial deliveries to customers’ yards.
Israeli ice cream in New York. (TY Janglo) After debuts in Australia and Puerto Rico, Israeli gelato chain Anita (reported here previously) has finally arrived in New York. Its store, near Central Park, brings unique flavors from the Holy Land, some specifically for the Big Apple.
Investment in Israeli startups: Snyk raised $200 millionMelio raised $140 millionPcysys raised $25 million;
Israeli recovers Catalonian Jewish prayer book. National Library of Israel director of rare books Dr. Idan Perez has won a Catalan culture prize for his publication of the “Sidur Catalunya,” the first complete recreation of a prayer book used by the Jews of Catalonia, Valencia and Majorca before their 1492 expulsion from Spain.
New Israeli stamps. (TY JR) Jacob Richman has posted pictures of some beautiful new Israeli stamps. They include Art for the Jewish New Year, Israeli Murals, Israel & Brazil joint issue, and Israeli helicopters.
Israel Festival is live and on-line. The Israel Festival, scheduled for June and postponed due to Covid-19, will take place through Sep 12 in Jerusalem and online. For the first time in its 38-year history, all performances will be filmed for live and later viewing on the festival website. It also encompasses the International Jazz Festival.
Israel is a nature-lover’s paradise. In these times, it is important to get as much fresh air as possible. Here are four of the top Israeli parks visited by Israeli citizens and by tourists who are lucky enough to be here. Since June, 1.5 million Israelis have visited Israel’s 67 parks. (1.4 million visitors in 2019 included foreign tourists.)
Tonight – a Night of Heroes. This exciting Friends of the IDF event is on Sunday 13th Sep at 7pm EDT.
Israeli helps win MLB game. (TY JBN) Dean Kremer has become the first Israeli pitcher to win a Major League Baseball (MLB) game. He struck out 7 batsmen in six innings for the Baltimore Orioles in a 5 to 1 victory over the New York Yankees. It was his Major League debut and first start.
Jewish soldiers were literate in 600 BCE. Handwriting experts from the Israeli police and Tel Aviv University research archaeologists have examined ancient Hebrew inscriptions made by Jewish soldiers on pottery found at Tel Arad. The multiple varied handwriting proves that most of the soldiers were literate.
Masa programs renew Russian Jewry. Over one million Russian Jews made Aliya in the 1990s.  But Russian immigration to Israel has not stopped, largely thanks to organizations such as Masa. Masa’s Israel programs have awakened a Jewish identity in Russians – some of whom did not even know they were Jewish.  
$20 million donation to fund Israel youth trips. The Marcus Foundation has donated $20 million for its RootOne initiative. It will subsidize trips to Israel organized by BBYO, NCSY, NFTY, USY and Ramah. With the subsidies, the groups can lower the cost of the trips by some $3,000 per participant for the 3 to 6-week trips.

They will all come to Jerusalem. Malawi’s President Lazarus Chakwera said that his country will establish an embassy in Jerusalem - the first African nation to do so. Chad may follow. Kosovo too said that its first Israeli embassy will also be in Jerusalem.  And Honduras has advanced its plans to move its embassy to Jerusalem.
Shana Tova. (TY JR) Israel’s Jacob Richman has compiled a site containing 70 links about Rosh Hashana, ranging from laws and customs to games and recipes. Site languages include English, Hebrew, French, German, Italian, Portugese, Russian and Spanish. Also, over 780 Rosh Hashana cool videos. Something for everyone.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Do you believe?

Gavin Newsom at Ash-Strewn Wildfire Site: ‘The Debate Is Over Around Climate Change’

Ross Rants:

Here is some data that will provide a better picture of the economy:  The household survey, which is a much more complete picture of employment,  rose by 3.8 million jobs. This survey is reasonably accurate over time, but takes in all people who find work, and not just those on official payrolls.  It covers 60,000 households monthly. You hear the payroll number announced when they say how many jobs were created, but that is only Ross Rant.official payroll jobs. So if someone goes to work in the parent’s store or farm, and gets paid off the books, or if they run a business out of the garage on Amazon, they get counted in the household survey if they said they were employed, but not in the payroll data. The household number is a more complete picture. Productivity rose 10.5% in Q2, and that data is critical to the economic growth.  The more productive, the better the margins, the more wages can rise. The virus forced companies to do more with less, and to implement more technology to gain efficiency, and cut costs. This will be a big help to the economy growing. Now the number of unfilled jobs is 6.6 million compared to a little over 7 million before the virus. There are parts of the country where jobs are going unfilled. That suggests September numbers may be better than expected.  Employment agencies report the end of the $600 did make a difference. Layoffs are just 1.2%,  a reduction from 1.45% the prior month. If the governors would fully reopen more cities, then the job growth would accelerate, but they don’t really want to do that and help Trump. Mortgage refis are up 200% over 2019, which is great news for consumers who now can get a 3% +- rate, and see savings of several hundred dollars per month in some cases. There were $1.1 Trillion of new mortgages closed in the April to June period vs $2.5 trillion in all of 2019. The housing market is booming, debt service expense is being lowered materially,  and that is all very helpful for the economy. There is now a good chance the Q3 GDP will be above 30% and maybe as high as 35%. The market is starting to believe that level of growth is possible. The momentum is happening  now in the economy.  
Since 1926, the S&P, or its predecessor index, has had an average annual return of 10.2% according to Schwab. From 1982 on, 38 years, it was up in all but 6 years. Over the same 38 year period since 1982 it has been up more than 10.2% in 23 years. It has been negative 3 years in a row only once –(2000-2002) since 1932.  My point is the same one I frequently make- if you invest in very good, well managed companies, with solid balance sheets, then over time you will far exceed returns on bonds, or on a 60-40 portfolio, and with limited risk. Even if you are old, you will come out better being heavy in equities, unless Biden wins, then everything  changes. . From here, due to ultra- low rates now,  it will be very hard for bonds to show the sort of returns they showed before 2008. Annuities by comparison are stupid investments as they lock in your money, are generally illiquid and have limited returns below the long term S&P Index, and high fees, plus tax issues. But to be successful, you have to be a long term investor, and not a trader, and you have to make careful selections of the stocks, and be prepared to sell one if it looks like it is going into a period of permanent decline-i.e. Macy at $70 to $5, or GE at $32 to $6. It is OK to be a trader if you really know what you are doing, but if not, then trading is not the way to make long term gains. Day trading is a fools game for the average investor. Invest, stay cool, and never panic. If you have a lot of money invested, you need to pay attention every day to what is going on in the world, and the market. It is your money, so like your health, you are responsible, even if you have a very good money manager. Just as in medicine, you need to be your own advocate, and be aware of what is happening. If you feel strongly about a stock, or overall market issue, good or bad, call and talk to your investment advisor. You might be right. Example, in May, 2007 when I decided to get fully out of the market, my advisor thought I was nuts to suggest the crash was coming. Sometimes you may really know something about a specific company, or the economy, or the capital markets he does not know about. I now do all investing myself through Schwab. I have been essentially all equity since March 2009 for those of you who are new subscribers, and have not heard this  before. Keep in  mind not all bonds are the same, and chasing yield with a low rated bond is far more risky than the common stock of a  solid, well capitalized company.  My approach is not for most people, as they do not have the risk tolerance and long view I take. But I have been investing this way for around twenty years, and I have the results to show it works. At least for me. I am objective and very unemotional about investments and market moves, and that is not easy for most people. I look beyond the short term event. I don’t chase the latest hot stock. A Schwab analysis shows that over 40 years an all equity portfolio out performs a 60-40 portfolio by 30% in the aggregate, and if you stuck with solid stocks you had no more risk than with bonds. That is a lot of money difference even if you began with a small portfolio. If you are in equities long term, you managed well, and you manage your expenses when you retire to fit your portfolio, you should be able to earn more each year than you withdraw to live on, so your portfolio continues to stabilize or grow in case you need sudden emergency money, or just want to expand your bucket list.  
The next 45 days is the real test. For now, I still believe Trump will win, but I assess that every day. The economy will surprise on the upside, and a vaccine will be announced as safe by November 1, and the Fed will remain ultra-accommodative, and that will make the difference.  
Keep in mind, risk is a function of time. If you will need a substantial portion of your portfolio to meet expenses in the next few years, and you do not have any excess invested cash, then risk is not for you. If you are middle aged and have a long horizon, then go for the long term risk. If you are old, but have sufficient capital of one sort or another that can be liquid immediately when needed, then taking all equity risk is OK because over time it will outperform, unless Biden wins, of course. A lot of talking heads these days say the markets do not concern themselves with politics, so they do not care if Biden wins. I don’t buy that, and this year it is more so than ever that politics matters a lot. 
Apartment rents are down an average of 15%, plus concessions, but it all depends on the market. In some suburban areas rents are up, while in NYC and San Fran they are down, and going lower. In Manhattan asking rents are down 4%-9%, but that is before two months of free rent and other concessions. There are15,000 empty apartments in Manhattan and increasing. That is 3 times what it normally is. It also depends on who the demographic is. Higher priced buildings are doing better, but rents are still too high in many parts of the country. The south and west are doing better than the northeast or west coast. Collections are still around 90% on average, but that is because much lower rents, forbearance,  and concessions make paying much easier.  The no eviction rules are not making it fun for many landlords, but some lower income tenants still pay as they don’t want to have to accrue the back rent, and they still have a job.  With the $300 unemployment supplement, student loan deferrals, low rates, and other steps to ease things, more will be able to pay rent. One area that is taking a hit is student housing on campuses where there is only online class, or no class. This will likely improve in the spring quarter as the virus is more under control. Lower rents means more savings and spending for consumers.
Around one million small businesses, like local shops, are using Shopify to sell online now. This has saved many from going out of business. Amazon also fulfills, and has helped many small vendors stay alive and thrive. It is hard to know yet where all this sorts out, and who will survive when things are more normal next summer. It may not be so bad as we think outside of places like NYC, Portland, Seattle, and San Fran where crime and violence is damaging small shops and businesses. NYC says restaurants can do 25% indoor after Oct 1. That does nothing for the ability to remain in business, and NY is now below a 1% positive rate on tests. It will be a lot more clear by spring how many restaurants do survive in NYC. Probably 30% -50% will disappear. Thousands of workers will be permanently out of a job thanks to Cuomo and DeBozzo. Some businesses are thriving, like U Haul and movers in urban locations, makers of computers and printers, and lumber companies, homebuilders, among many others. The recovery is very uneven depending on industry and location. In NYC 150 of the top companies just wrote a public letter to the mayor to stop the crime, get rid of the homeless off the streets, and clean up the piles of garbage, and reopen, before the city collapses. DeBozzo is so stupid it is now a city in extremis. Office occupancy is just 10% in midtown, the heart of the city and economy. He will do nothing different because he is so stupid. It will take years for NYC to recover from him. 
In the current world, where intellectual property has far greater value and importance than brick and mortar buildings and machines, the concept of book value misses the real value of many companies like Apple or Google. It is the intellectual assets and culture of Apple that makes it the most valuable company, not its office building which is recognized on the balance sheet. All of the work of the computer scientists at Apple is expensed currently as wages and related research expenses, and none is added to book value when they come out with a new phone, or ear buds or whatever. They have patents, but these do not recognize the inherent potential earnings value of that patent, and therefore its true value. How do you value the combined intellect of the programmers and design engineers. How do you really value the training time that got expensed to increase the intellectual value inherent at these tech companies. In summary, it is one thing to use book as a metric to value stocks as has been done for decades, but when dealing with technology, software applications, and systems where almost all of the cost and value is brainpower, and was expensed, and not capitalized, book becomes somewhat irrelevant. 
Across the EU almost every school is fully open. In France they had 8,600 new cases in one day this week, but there are 60,000 schools and only 32 are not fully open. In Germany almost no schools are closed. There is only 3% teacher absenteeism. In the UK, Boris considers it a ”moral imperative” to keep schools fully open’ despite a surge in cases. The EU view officially is, nobody would even consider closing schools again. The top medical professionals in the EU now say that “schools are not places that transmit Covid”. The OECD interviewed teachers and school authorities in 59 countries and only 13% said they would ever even consider fully closing schools again.  Compare that to Randy Weingarten on TV on Friday complaining too many schools did  not have good wifi to do remote classes, and that the $100 billion in the Senate bill specifically for schools, that the Dems just killed, was a poison pill.  She misses the entire point-  open in-person schools like the whole rest of the world has done so American kids do not fall behind the world any further, and their parents can go back to work. Cuomo just cut school funding by $300 million for NY State, causing schools to not be able to reopen since there is not money to pay teachers. He could have cut lots of other things than schools. This is all purely political to hurt Trump in the election to keep parents from working. Randy Weingarten is doing more damage to America than Bin Laden ever dreamed of doing.
The rioters are screaming for police reform and claiming that the cops are racist. You may not have noticed, but almost every police chief of a major city is black.  The mayors of these cities are almost all black, or make believe black like DeBlasio or the mayor of Portland. The police chiefs who are resigning are all black. In many major cities like NY, Seattle, Detroit  and DC there are now many black cops. There are DA’s and judges who refuse to punish lawbreakers, and just encourage them by sending them back to the street with no penalty. In NYC there is no bail, so they just go back out without even posting bail even for some violent crimes. In the Floyd case, and in Rochester, the perp was very high on dangerous drugs which contributed to their deaths. Several of the police departments are already operating under reform agreements they made under Obama. Many of the city councils like NYC, Portland, Seattle and DC are all or almost all black, or very left. So given these facts, do you think maybe it is not racism that is the real issue. Maybe it is drugs and violent perps who disobey police commands and fight the cops. Maybe it is a culture problem. As I have mentioned before, I have been directly involved on three occasions in assisting cops take down a violent perp,  and until you have done that, you don’t really appreciate how dangerous and fast moving these situations are. You don’t know if the guy has a gun or knife, and he may be big, or on drugs. It is easy for the press and the radicals to say the cop should not have done this or that, but in these encounters, there is only a split second to think how to react, and you have to fear your life is at risk. Cops get shot often, and many die in the line of duty. Far more than innocent blacks. More young blacks die from being shot in two weekends in Chicago, than all of the nine unarmed blacks shot by cops last year in the entire country. And all of the Chicago victims were shot by other blacks.  You do not ever hear a politician express any outrage at that. You do not see sports teams or corporations do anything to honor dead cops. Remember when 5 cops died in Dallas and the NFL team was not allowed to honor them. You never see a university teach that it is a bad thing to attack a cop. You never see Pelosi and her colleagues kneel for a dead cop or soldier. Where was she when the 5 cops died in Dallas. It is time to recognize that blue lives matter, and it is only the cops who stand between us and utter mayhem and destruction. She was also not in Shanksville on Friday
I am totally disgusted with the NFL, NBA, Osaka at tennis, and now the Oscars. Sports is not for political rhetoric. I don’t want to have to look at BLM signs all over the arena. I don’t want to listen to something called the black anthem, nor to listen to the announcers talk about BLM. Sports are supposed to be escape from all of that. I don’t want to be lectured by some grossly overpaid guy who can block, or run fast or dunk, but who has no real background in anything else, and often blows all that money on girlfriends, Momma and bling. The NFL has totally rolled over, and is off my list of things to watch. They are going to play something called the black national anthem, but players do not have to stand or even be on the field for the nation’s anthem. Osaka, the women’s tennis player, appeared at an interview at the US Open with Travon’s mother. What the hell does that have to do with tennis championships. And she falsely claims to be Japanese. Hollywood now has a set of quota rules on who can star and work on a movie. Acting talent and writing talent are secondary. Years ago such quotas were ruled illegal. It is discrimination, just as it is supposed to be but isn’t in universities now. Despite that legal issue, a large group of students and professors at Cornell is demanding quotas of blacks and minorities in hiring and admissions, and an end to SAT testing. And they think this is going to get me to be sympathetic. Instead it gets me angry. How do they think  it is going to make a middle class white guy at a mid or low level job feel when he busts his butt only to see a minority get promoted instead  of him, because that guy is not white. Or when his kid is denied admission so the college can meet a racial quota. Do you think maybe this will create more anger and racism. What is an actor or athlete supposed to feel when they get passed over for the position they earned just because they are white. This whole thing is the exact reverse of whatever discrimination blacks suffered, so now we will make all sides angry, instead of doing what is needed to really solve the problems. We will just convince blacks who did not get the promotion due to lack of skills, that it was discrimination, and not lack of education or ability. It will make the whole problem worse. All this pandering is going to be counter-productive.
American Airlines is also off my list of airlines now that they are allowing BLM buttons to be worn by flight attendants, but not any other political item. When locked into my seat I don’t want to have to see BLM paraphernalia. When I wrote to AA to complain, I got back a ridiculous response saying they were all for inclusion and supporting blacks so they let the attendants show their support for BLM. I asked if there was all out support for cops and soldiers, and could the attendants wear Blue Lives Matter pins.  I do not expect a response to that. Now there is an all-out push to hire, promote and have board seats for blacks in corporations using quotas again, just because they are black. What ever happened to merit. Trump ended what was a very biased anti-white set of courses called critical race theory that many government agencies were being subjected to, with many using a very anti-white book as a text. The answer is not to jam all of this down our throats, but to put the effort and money into changing the schools, getting rid of teachers unions, and changing the culture in many black communities to focus on family and education, and adding cops to end the murders and violence and gangs. Instead we have cities where there is no bail, felons are let out of prison, and cops are told to stand down.  All the things opposite of what is really required. Instead of trying to stop charter schools as they are doing in NYC and other places, we need school choice, and we need all schools to reopen now, the same as in the rest of the world. Until they stop the crime, change the union rules in schools, and push family and education, it is all going to get worse. Unfortunately,  it is going the other way. BLM is against the nuclear family. The exact opposite of what is needed. If there was such systemic racism all these years, where was Obama and Biden for 8 years. When Holder went to Ferguson and tried to blame the cop, that changed the entire narrative and race relations for the worse. It was the inflection point. By pandering the way companies, politicians and sports teams are doing, it just encourages much more disruption and new demands.  So you know where I am coming from, I have had black partners in one business, I had a company that was focused on assisting black churches and had black pastors fully involved, and plenty of black employees,  and a black guy who I promoted to be a manger of a plant because he deserved it. So don’t anyone start to try to accuse me of being racist. I am a realist who believes you are responsible make your own success or failures. As a Jew in the fifties and sixties, I faced plenty of blatant discrimination including admission quotas in the Ivy league, and blatant anti-Semitism in the Navy, and subsequent job searches, but I just moved past it, and took responsibility for my own success with no help from anyone, nor did I expect any.
We are back to Russia collusion and Schiff on TV. Now he is claiming Trump is suppressing the Russia election interference, and China and Iran are not really problems. And right on que comes a whistleblower. Here we go again with lies and a compliant press pushing this story. If Trump wins, you can expect no end to new collusion investigations, and more press attacks claiming Russia helped him win.
Trump downplayed the virus to avoid panic.  Biden and many Dems attacked him for closing the borders in January. Now Biden tries to claim Trump did nothing. Pelosi pushed to go out to Chinatown in February. Other Dems said Trump was panicking for closing the borders. Fauci now says nothing was held back, or could have been changed in any way despite Trump saying let’s not panic. But the press is now claiming he caused loss of life, but none ask Biden how many tens of thousands more would have died under Biden if he had left the China border open, and then the EU border as he said should have been done at the time.  
Obama's best friend, Erdogan, turns out to be a threat to The Middle East, to NATO and eventually to even the Turks:

What's Driving Turkish Aggression in the Mediterranean Sea

Sep 9, 2020 | 10:00 GMT
A Greek vessel patrols the waters surrounding the tiny island of Kastellorizo, which is situated just two kilometers off the south coast of Turkey, on Aug. 28, 2020.

A Greek vessel patrols the waters surrounding the tiny island of Kastellorizo, which is situated just two kilometers off the south coast of Turkey, on Aug. 28, 2020.


Why Trump wins.  You decide.

Here's Why I Believe Trump Will As a Trump supporter, I don't casually dismiss the polls that consistently show he's behind. But I am cautiously optimistic he's  going to win, for many reasons.

As a Trump supporter, I don't casually dismiss the polls that consistently show he's behind. But I am cautiously optimistic he's going to win, for many reasonsTrump won in 2016 against overwhelming odds, the formidable Hillary Clinton machine and almost-unanimous predictions of his defeat

Though Trump was a well-known public figure, people didn't know whether he would fulfill his campaign promises and govern as a conservative. Many were skeptical, especially on social issues, based on some of his past positions. 

Sure, his outsider status was a major part of his appeal, and, yes, Clinton's unlikability helped, but I'm unimpressed with the theory that Joe Biden will defeat Trump because Trump has baggage and Biden doesn't have Clinton's negatives. Biden has plenty of negatives thus far strenuously shielded by the media, and they're becoming more apparent daily. His main negative, of course, is that he is not even a candidate but a hapless placeholder, a puppet in the Democrats' sinister scheme to implement a Bernie Sanders agenda under cover of "centrist" Biden.

Meanwhile, we've never seen a Republican president generate more enthusiasm. He has an electric bond with his supporters, who rightly recognize that he is uniquely situated for these turbulent times. 

Conservative, patriotic Americans and everything they hold dear have been under relentless bombardment by the militant left in all sectors of our society -- culture, academia, Hollywood, the media. Everywhere they turn, they're told that America sucks; that
they are racist; that they are uncompassionate Christian bigots, homophobes and sexists. They are vilified as intolerant by the most intolerant of people and censored by those waving the banner of free speech. 

Most people have no way to respond to the bullying. They're often too intimidated to share their opinions for fear of being demonized. They have their talk radio and television defenders, but they've had no one in elective office to stand up for them  and their essential goodness and dignity. No prominent public official has stood athwart this fraudulent, toxic narrative and said,

"Enough is enough." But in Trump they've found their fearless, tireless advocate. What other Republican president would have had the guts to stand against this high tide of political correctness and challenge the left's divisive ideas, as when he recently banned federal sensitivity training on so-called white supremacy and critical race theory?

Trump has given freedom-loving patriots a voice, and they will never forget it.  Despite efforts to portray him as a carnival barker, he has proven his sincerity on the things that matter to his supporters. They see his genuine love for America and his commitment to their shared agenda

Trump hasn't just paid lip service to his ideas, which is as far as many politicians ever go. While Trump's opponents cast him as  an inveterate liar, he has kept his campaign promises perhaps more than any modern president. He has produced: on the  economy, rebuilding the military, defending life and religious liberty, his stellar judicial appointments, his restoration of  America's energy independence (which Biden wants to reverse through his quixotically reckless promise to eliminate fossil fuels) and his decisive rejection of the Democrats' nationally suicidal Green New Deal agenda. Indeed, Trump has vigorously resisted  enormous pressure from radical environmentalists to surrender our sovereignty to international bodies guided by pseudo-science and a Marxist worldview, hellbent on returning us to the horse and buggy. 

He has also kept his promise to secure more favorable trade deals for the United States, and even Joe Biden recently admitted  that the USMCA is better than NAFTA. He has studiously protected American manufacturing jobs, which is not lost on  American workers. Unlike his predecessors, he honored his promise to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. 

Granted, some single-issue border-enforcement Trump supporters were frustrated for a time when he was unable to secure Democratic approval for even modest improvements to the southern border wall. But despite gratuitous Democratic obstruction, 

Trump is proceeding with the wall and has made substantial progress.
Though the Democrats and media have savaged this president every day for four years, falsely accused him of unspeakable acts, mounted ceaseless investigations and impeachment proceedings against him, and given him no favorable coverage, he remains undaunted and presses forward

On top of all this, America is under siege by leftist street radicals who are fomenting racial tension and turning our cities into hellish war zones, not to advance the cause of racial justice but to dismantle America root and branch and fundamentally convert  it into a Marxist state. Don't tell anyone, but minorities also care about law and order and jobs and are slowly awakening to Democrats' taking them for granted

President Trump stands as a towering figure against this lawlessness condoned and often enabled by Democratic governors and  mayors. Some polls (e.g., Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler's tanking approval ratings) have begun to reflect even Democrats'  outrage at this anarchy and their recognition that Biden and the Democrats own it.

The public can't help but notice that a man the left depicts as erratic, unpredictable and unstable has been a steady hand  throughout the pandemic (notwithstanding Democratic propaganda to the contrary), the riots and the endless personal onslaught against  him

Democrats are so confident they have irreversibly tarnished Trump that they believe they can defeat him with a candidate who's already ripe for the 25th Amendment. They are brazenly hiding Biden in the closet with the media's reprehensible complicity.

Dubious polls reinforce their arrogance, though it's not hard to imagine that when prudent people are afraid to wear their Trump  hats in public, they may not answer polls forthrightly.

So, take heart, Trump supporters. We have a strong candidate with a remarkably successful record, running against a Democratic Party that bears little resemblance to the party of JFK. This new party has no real candidate, no constructive solutions, and a  stubborn insistence on dividing Americans based on their group identities and tearing America down. There are surely enough patriots left to ensure President Trump's reelection.

David Limbaugh is a writer, author and attorney. His latest book is "Guilty by Reason of Insanity: Why the Democrats Must Not Win." Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at To read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate webpage at


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