Monday, September 21, 2020

I Love America Too Much to Stay Silent | PragerU

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Two thoughts from a dear friend and fellow memo reader in response to some of my previous memos:

"Just thought of another little fact, you may need to check on the figures, but I think the Blacks are 13% of the population. What percentage of our football , baseball and basketball teams are black. Why shouldn't there be more whites if we want everything to be equal? OH, but the blacks are better athletes than whites so that is only right! Perhaps it should be the most qualified in every area!!!!

Just random thoughts,
Supreme Court Justice:  We elected Trump President partly because he promised if he is elected President he would fill every vacancy with a Conservative Justice. He has and is keeping this promise. He has the duty and right to fill the vacancy while he is president. The Senate has the right to approve or disapprove this appointment. The President has this responsibility for the full 4 years of his term. He cannot stop being President whenever he feels like it. M------"
In Yiddish, we call this "dricking" it out:

Hello richard,

Why do we even have an FBI at this point? What exactly is this giant federal law enforcement agency doing? Can you name a single accomplishment of the FBI from the past 20 years?

Neither can I! The latest “accomplishment” of the FBI was that it managed to finally turn some of Peter Strzok’s emails over to Judicial Watch. And it only took them three years after receiving a court order!

Check out what the FBI is doing (or more accurately NOT doing) while the country burns down.

~ American Liberty Report


A few links relating to radical behaviour, threats and what is cancel culture . Don't forget these are supporters of those from the liberal aisle.:





And finally:

How to handle Iran and The U.N:

shavua tov g'mar chatima tova



Who is leaving California? These Three Famous People Left California For Republican States


Catholics are moving towards Trump:
He ain't doing it for money.  Possibly for an insatiable ego.  More likely because he loves our nation and wants to turn the nation's direction around.


While most men his age are retired in their vacation homes.

He comes back after a long day that probably started before the sun rose.

Hat in his hand and gets back home exhausted with his tie open feeling that an accomplished day is finally over.

That amazing man is in the age of many people’s grandfathers, great grandfathers but this man just came back home, from a day’s work. This man left his massive gold covered mansion where he could retire happily and play golf all day long.

While this man put his wealth aside and went to work for free, for $1 a year, for us for America while other presidents became rich from the presidency, this man LOST over 2 billion dollars of his wealth during this short 4 years of his life.

He put aside his amazing retirement lifestyle for getting ambushed every single day by the media and the Radical Left Democrats that trash this man who works for them until 1AM for free.

He doesn't do it for money (he donates his salary) or power, he already had.  So they will be able to find jobs or start a new business easier,so they will be able to keep a few dollars in their pockets at the end of the month while other presidents before him made sure to keep digging in their pockets and empty them for taxes.

Look at this picture again, that man is at the age of your fathers, grandfathers or maybe YOU The American People are in a bad place right now.... in their hearts and souls. God help us.... Trump is not the problem.


Some thoughts on the election impact of post RBG events.

If Pelosi and her crowd keep threatening impeachment it will inure to Trump's benefit because the obvious becomes too obvious.

Second, the threat of rioting should the president and Senate carry out their lawful responsibilities this will inure to trump's benefit.  The seat vacated by RBG's death is the people's seat not her's anymore and the people's business mandates action.

Finally, Americans do not like to be threatened, they do not like being bullied and the believe in fair play.

The zeal of radical Democrats exposes them to a rising rebuke at the polls so keep it up you zanies and help re-elect the man you despise. Even the Amish and Mennonites are parading.



Sent to me by one of my dearest conservative friends and a fellow memo 

reader. It pertains to Meg Heap and Soro's  long reach.

Hello Landings Friends,


            At dinner last night at the excellent Palmer’s Steakhouse at Marshwood, our friends stated that “George Soros has given $1 million to Meg Heap’s opponent" in the 2020 election in November. I was somewhat skeptical because, after all,  we’re in Chatham County, not New York or SF or another big city. Then this morning, I got the following in an email. After reading it I reflected that, well, maybe my friend has something there. So I called another friend who is very close to Meg Heap’s campaign to try to get the straight story. Here it is.


            My friend confirmed that Shalena Cook- Jones has indeed received money from a Soros or Soros-backed political organization. He said he didn’t know if it was $1 million but it was big money, filtered through a variety of PACs a few levels deep. I have seen nothing of this in the Savannah Morning News which many now see as having adopted an increasingly Progressive stance after new ownership assumed control. 


            That said, it might be worthwhile to read this article. In it, Gingrich mentioned D.A. Larry Krasner in Philadelphia where I grew up. I come from a family of police officers (3) and over the past year my remaining siblings have expressed universal disgust with Krasner and what he has done to Philadelphia. They all moved outside the city limits a few years ago. So, if Gingrich has it right re Philly, he probably has it right with the other cities as well. I’ll note that earlier this morning, the Department of Justice declared Seattle, New York City and Chicago as essentially abandoning so many of its residents to anarchy and lawlessness. 


            I think Meg Heap has done a superb job for the past 8 years and is eminently worthy of reelection. In fact, in 2019, she was named as the outstanding D.A. by the Assn.of District Attorneys of Georgia, which ain't “chopped liver” ...


            Please feel free to further circulate this among other Landings residents as you see fit.


                                                                                                            Bill Quirk


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