Friday, September 25, 2020

My Sermon!


I am not ritualistically religious and never read either the old or new bible.

However, it is my firm belief man was put on earth, based on Darwin, as an a living improvement over animals and was given a soul. Because he was imperfect his soul was supposed to provide him the ability to improve and he has, up to a point.

Nature was devised to provide man sustenance, beauty,  as well as a guide, an object lesson for perfection because nature adjusts and functions in relative balance. Man can learn much about balance from nature and man, as we know, can also destroy nature. 

Man's world is an imperfect one and, within the various nations, America, in my view, stands out as head of the pack. I am not willing to buy the dangerous nonsense of the anarchists who wish to destroy our nation using their portrayal of systemic evil to justify their radicalism and call for change. Is America perfect?  No, but again, we remain head of the pack and have a constitution, which is our guiding light, for continued improvement. This is why radicals, progressives, liberals and now the Democrat Party has become dangerous threats and impediments to, not only America's stability but also to world progress, at large.

From time to time nations that threaten the world shift places and then progress is made, often after wars, suffering, ideological confrontations.  In my lifetime I have witnessed Germany, Japan and Italy change places, more recently it appears the Arab world could be shifting,. However, Russia, China, Cuba and socialism, among others have continued in the role of growing thorns. In all of this period America has been deemed by its adversaries as the "demon" but always persists as the standard by which the rest of the world needs to aspire. Bush 41, coined the phrase "Thousands Points of Light.  Reagan made reference to America "Shining on The Hill."

Today, America is under attack from within.  The Seditious Trojan Horse we face has been building for decades because we have let our guard down, walked away from our constitution and  embraced the unworkable as a substitute for what made us great. I attribute this phenomena, in large part, to our success. Nothing is more destructive than success because it fools you into believing you hit a home run and the game is over.  The game of life is a continuum. It has no ending innings.  We are being tested constantly.  Climate changes, man must change.  The two are intertwined and linked.

The world is watching to see can America get it's act together, get back on track and re-embrace the eternal verities which made us who we are and need to become again. What it means to be an American is special or why would millions wish to come? Where we went wrong is allowing those who want to come to do so to both change and therefore destroy not to meld, build and improve  We embraced the siren  song of the do-gooder's, the glib, the empties, the shallow cool.

I have always maintained, when all else fails man tragically lowers his standards because the bottom  is where the numbers are, since, speaking physically,  everything falls down. Did "God?" devise the law of gravity to constantly challenge man?  I believe he did.

As the Jewish New Year comes to a conclusion, again I wish all a "honeyed" year of good health, safety, and peace and hope you vote in a reasoned manner so we can perpetuate our glorious republic. 


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