Friday, September 25, 2020

On The Road Again. Turned Out To Be Amy. Durham Investigates Clinton Foundation. Foot Dragging Wray A Goner? Corruption Rife. On Your Own. Health Care.

As previously noted, we left Saturday, Sept. 26 and were on the road when Trump announced  his Judicial nominee for  SCOTUS.  If the nominee is the Catholic mother, Democrats on the committee may bury themselves by "borking" her because of her commitment to her faith fearing she will override Roe v Wade.  If they take this route I believe they will receive voter blowback as they did when they besmirched Kavanaugh.

Should Trump go with the other favored candidate, a Cuban/American Justice it might help him more, politically speaking, with the Hispanic Community and  conservatives who seem to prefer her candidacy.

Time will tell.  Either way, Trump will be able to select 3 Justices in 4 years. Quite amazing. Leaked before we left and it was AMY -  Ray Bolger's Once In Love With Amy, Always In Love With Amy.
I was wondering when Durham would investigate what has to be a corrupt foundation:

First, Feinstein's Chinese driver  turned out to be was a spy  now this.  She and other Democrats  also want to use an un-constitutional religious test for higher office against Trump's possible Catholic Nominee to replace RBG.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This critical information  has been stonewalled and should have come out several years ago. More than $40 Million of tax payer money was wasted along with the disruption of a lawful president.

I think Wray's head is on the block as well it should be. He has proven to be a foot dragger.



++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ There is always a price to pay:

Minneapolis PD Says No One is Coming to Help Local Businesses

Local Business Told by Minneapolis PD: You Are on Your Own


We will look back on the last four years, from the time Trump and Melania, came down the escalator and he announced he was running for the presidency,  as among the most blatantly corrupt period in the history of the Oval Office.

As we are learning, belatedly, because of stonewalling and mass media efforts to cover up same, sleazy Democrats, as is their  tendency, engaged in conduct which they attributed to Trump in order to wreck, not only his ability to perform, but also to attack the underlying pillars of our nation.

Their collective actions border on sedition. Their purchase of insurance policies, their contempt for the FISA Courts, their obtaining of illegal warrants, their false dossiers, their corruption and use of the FBI and our intelligence agencies to trap Administration officials are beyond belief.

The complexity of their intrigue and employment of skilled tactics to thwart efforts to discover what they were doing will go down in the annals of our republic as contempt for democratic governance, adherence to the rule of law and, lamentably, continues to this day as the Democrat Party continues  association with radicals who want to destroy our nation who are engaged in actually doing this by taking to the streets etc. 

If any party ever deserved rejection at the polls Democrats and their corrupt nominees have "legitimately," at least, 
earned that right.

Trump's health plan took more time than it should but he was never able to get a coalescing by his party so, I assume, he crafted his own plan and made it public for campaign purposes. 

I am sure it will be debated should he be re-elected and it will shape the debate.

 Breaking: Trump Announces ‘America First’ Health Care Plan



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