Democrats embraced progressive ideas and PC'ism eons ago . Most progressiveness came from hypocrite Hollywooders so the elites, out there, could feel good with/proud of their double standard life styles which bordered on debauchery. I guess they felt guilty and needed to somehow become/feel virtuous .
These ideas were never based on logic or sound reasoning so their concepts failed and actually did a lot of harm as more of America embraced them.
To acknowledge this was beyond the grasp of Democrats who cannot spell the word failure. It has never been part of their political lexicon. Liberals believe if they say it, it must be so. In fact, most politicians are afflicted with this sickness. Conservatives, were branded racists.
As progressive ideas failed, and promised results missed their mark, a growing number of "deplorables"coalesced to defeat Hillary. Her defeat, along with the egg on the mass media's faces, was unacceptable, could not be tolerated Thus, began a series of illegal activities, some actually started the day Trump and Melania went down the escalator.
As Trump began to do what he campaigned on, Democrats became exceedingly nervous and embraced/implemented all kind of ideas/tactics to disrupt his unorthodox methods of governance and his New York trash talk ways. If they could just put the bad mouth on Trump and destroy him they knew this would allow them to regain power.Which brings us to the 2020 election.
Two fortuitous events have occurred to knock the Trump Train off it's successful tracks: police brutality and a Chinese Pandemic. They allowed the chaos crowd to come out of their sewer holes into the streets of Democrat controlled cities and to challenge the feckless mayors who sought to pacify them by ceding space to protest. These protests turned into mayhem, destruction and it was thought this would make Trump look bad. Trump offered help but it was mostly rejected so the looting and burning escalated.
As it became evident Trump was not to blame for these riots and the election was nearing Democrats, who had become radicalized by embracing Bernie's' Socialist ideas and those, even more outrageous, from the likes of the AOC led Squad, had to come up with other strategies.
Ah, now it was time to embrace the Pandemic and put it to use. Again, they could not blame Trump for it's occurrence but they could blame him for the manner in which he handled it but even that was fraught with pros and cons. So they decided to change the way we have been voting. By allowing the nation to become flooded with unsought ballots they could claim the election was questionable, even fraudulent and box Trump into the corner even should he win fair and square.
Naturally, Trump, not being a chump like his predecessor, chose to fight back. To make matters worse, the now, radical Democrats nominated a candidate who may not be all there and is beginning to slip from his vaulted place, hiding in a dungeon.
This is America today: rioting in the streets, challenges to our freedoms by a radicalized Democrat Party which has embraced PC'ism and socialism, a candidate whose mental acuity seems lacking thus, the proposal of an election that lends itself to charges of fraud and an election that could be undecided beyond a constitutional period.
This has not occurred through happenstance. It has been funded by those who have orchestrated these occurrences and now taken advantage of them because they know our republic rests on a fragile foundation and chaos can be an effective method of bringing America to it's knees.
Radical Democrats know they have a president who dragged a lot of past baggage into The Oval Office and they also believe, if they can constantly expose him to throwback charges, regardless of whether true or not, they can increase the Hate Trump vote. Trump's own unorthodox behaviour and character makes him an easy target if the focus is turned from his accomplishments because, as I have stated, history will prove him to be one of our better and more effective presidents.
It would be sad for the nation if his re-election is thwarted and he is unable to at least spend four more years in pursuit of identified and worthy goals. It is also possible, even were he to be re-elected, were he lose the Senate, the Democrats would be in a position to block his effectiveness at governess.
President Kamala is a hard swallow.
"Bipartisan" Washington Insiders Reveal Their Plan For Chaos If Trump Wins The Election
Sent to me by a very dear friend and fellow memo reader.
For some reason, this touched me. Don't know how he does it!
Love him or hate him, you have to admire his resolve.
A 74 year old man coming back home from work at 2AM while most men his age are retired in their vacation homes.
He comes back after a long day that probably started before the sun rose and gets back home exhausted with his tie open and hat in his hand feeling that an accomplished day is finally over.
That amazing man is in the age of many people’s grandfathers, great grandfathers or my grandfather when he passed away, but this man just came back home from work, for me, for you.
This man left his massive mansion where he could retire happily and play golf all day long.
But this man put his wealth aside and went to work for free for me, for you, for us, for AMERICA.
While other presidents became rich from the presidency, this man LOST over 2 billion dollars of his wealth during this short 4 years of his life.
He put aside his amazing retirement lifestyle for getting ambushed every single day by the media and the Radical Left Democrats that trash this man who works for them until 1AM for free!
He doesn't do it for money or power, he already had it.
So they will be able to find jobs or start a new business easier,
So they will be able to keep a few dollars in their pockets at the end of the month while other presidents before him made sure to keep digging in their pockets and empty them for taxes.
Look at this picture again, that man is at the age of your fathers, grandfathers or maybe YOU!
The American People are in a bad place right now.... in their hearts and souls. God help us.... Trump is not the problem.
God Bless America
Is this one of our problems?
Americans Get Asked Questions from the U.S. Citizenship Test
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