Thursday, September 3, 2020

Hunter Keeps On Giving. Market Thoughts. Welcome To America That No One Built. Have We Become A Nation of Knee Jerks? Cultural Suicide.

                              Both 74


Like the battery ad, Hunter just keeps on giving.

Hunter Biden Holds Stake in Chinese Company Sanctioned for Human-Rights Abuses


Some interesting op eds and articles

Why Trump Doesn’t Just 'Send In the Troops'
Biden Is a Prisoner of His Own Paradoxes
This from my smartest market guru and I share his view. I personally sold some ZOOM yesterday and what little I have left has a 0 cost. I added to IBM and am looking at ABBV after pull back.  As economies recover world wide, market should broaden.  If Trump wins we are off to the races for a while.

"The unemployment numbers today suggest the recovery is in full swing.  I would bet that a lot of hedge funds are long tech and AMZN and TSLA and short the rest of the market.  They need to close that position out.  That is good for Value and good for the overall market. T--"
Disgruntled Democrats fail to stand up to rioters, they attack everything Trump does and meanwhile he keeps working, making deals so Israel and its Arab neighbors have an opportunity for real peace and he continues to offer sane advice and help and is willing to go anywhere and do what a president should.  His opponent continue to hide and has earned himself a new name Biden Hide'n, ducks answering questions and offers healing advice by attacking Trump and casting false aspersions.

 Welcome to America. I have some free bricks you can throw at capitalism and the individual entrepreneur who built this country.  Oh, I forgot, he/she didn't do that according to Obama.  All they did was respect the law, attend church, carry guns, raise patriotic children  and defend our nation.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Walter Williams on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Nonsense

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Nonsense 
By Water Williams

Check out any professional and most college basketball teams. Their starting five, and most of their other 10 players, are black, as is 80% of the NBA. This does not come anywhere close to the diversity and inclusion sought by the nation’s social justice warriors. Both professional and college coaches have ignored and threw any pretense of seeking diversity and inclusiveness. My question to you is: Would a basketball team be improved if coaches were required to include ethnically diverse players for the sake of equity? I have no idea of what your answer might be but mine would be: “The hell with diversity, equity and inclusion. I am going to recruit the best players and do not care if most of them turn out to be black players.” Another question: Do you think that any diversity-crazed college president would chastise his basketball coach for lack of diversity and inclusiveness?

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (National Accelerator Laboratory) is home to the world’s most powerful experiments, fastest supercomputers and top-notch physics researchers. Much of SLAC’s research is on particle accelerators that are complicated machines that are designed, engineered and operated to produce high-quality particle beams and develop clues to the fundamental structure of matter and the forces between subatomic particles. You can bet that their personnel makeup exhibits very little concern about racial diversity, equity and inclusion. The bulk of their scientists is not only Americans of European and Asian ancestry but mostly men. My question to you is: What would you do to make SLAC more illustrative of the racial, ethnic and sexual diversity of America? As for me, my answer would be the same one that I gave in the basketball example: I am going to recruit the brightest scientists and I do not care if most of them turn out to be men of European and Asian ancestry.

In the hard sciences, one will find black Americans underrepresented. For example, a 2018 survey of the American Astronomical Society, which includes undergraduates, graduate students, faculty members and retired astronomers, found that 82% of members identified as white and only 2% as black or African American. Only 3% of bachelor’s degrees in physics go to black students. In 2017, some fields, such as structural engineering and atmospheric physics, graduated not a single black Ph.D. The conspicuous absence of black Americans in the sciences have little or nothing to do with racism. It has to do with academic preparation. If one graduates from high school and has not mastered a minimum proficiency in high school algebra, geometry and precalculus, it is likely that high-paying careers such as engineering, medicine, physics and computer technology are hermetically sealed off for life.

There are relatively few black fighter jet pilots. There are stringent physical, character and mental requirements, which many black applicants could meet. But fighter pilots must also have a strong knowledge of air navigation, aircraft operating procedures, flight theory, fluid mechanics, meteorology and engineering. The college majors that help prepare undergraduates for a career as a fighter pilot include mathematics, physical science and engineering. But if one graduates from high school without elementary training in math, it is not likely that he will enroll in the college courses that would qualify him for fighter pilot training.

At many predominantly black high schools, not a single black student tests proficient in math and a very low percentage test proficient in reading; however, these schools confer a diploma that attests that the students can read, write and compute at a 12th-grade level and these schools often boast that they have a 70% and higher graduation rate. They mislead students, their families and others by conferring fraudulent diplomas.

What explains the fact that over 80% of professional basketball players are black, as are about 70% of professional football players? Only an idiot would chalk it up to diversity and inclusion. Instead, it is excellence that explains the disproportionate numbers. Jewish Americans, who are just 3% of our population, win over 35% of the Nobel prizes in science that are awarded to Americans. Again, it is excellence that explains the disproportionality, not diversity and inclusion. As my stepfather often told me, “To do well in this world, you have to come early and stay late.”

Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University. To find out more about Walter E. Williams and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate webpage at
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We have become a nation of knee jerk followers.  Never cared for basketball.  Always saw it  as a bunch of bruisers dribbling up and down but do acknowledge they are talented.  That said,  they also have over dribbled and they will pay a price for having done so.

Hi Fellow Patriot,

Sports are never going to be the same. And it’s because athletes don’t care about playing on the field. They have forgotten that they have million-dollar contracts because of their fans. Instead, they want to get political. It started with kneeling during the national anthem.

Fighting for Freedom,
Mike Kinsman
We have allowed emotions to take us into la la land regarding  the plight of black citizens.  Everyone, regardless of color, has something to bitch about, how they have been slighted, how they have been the subject of prejudice and  unfairness. Every one has a grievance. Some are even justified. It also helps to have perspective and a thick skin.  

There is no rational reason or justification to destroy the  livelihood of others. Nothing good comes from attacking others , disregarding police instructions etc.  What we are witnessing  is purposeful efforts to create chaos in furtherance of questionable goals. It is time to stop the nonsense.

I believe blacks made their point but were allowed, by feckless city officials, to go beyond acceptable limits and much of America has gone overboard tolerating the ensuing destruction.

Engaging in civil discourse is the only way to resolve knotty issues and I suggest you leave the bricks, bats  and anger at home.

How Voting for Biden Would Be Ignoring Our History
Click Here
Biden was allowed to answer questions filtered by his handlers but he still faltered.

Had Biden been a prize fighter and taken punches to his head one could understand what is happening but he was a politician all his working life. Most politicians are blow hard's and do not get pummeled

Joe Biden Finally Takes Questions from Media, It Doesn’t End Well

The following story is brought to you courtesy of Red State. Click the link to visit their page and see more stories.
Joe Biden has been hiding in his basement for months.
He managed to struggle through a speech at the Democratic convention with the help of a teleprompter.
But since then, he wasn’t even able to get it together for a simple 12 minute speech in Pittsburgh, again with no audience and reading off a teleprompter, not even taking any questions.
Today they made a big mistake and let him answer questions and it was a complete mess.
First, he had his staff filter what questions to take.
Could it be scripted questions and answers?
That’s clearly what was going on in an interview that he had earlier, as my colleague Bonchie reported.
So it’s perfectly reasonable that could be going on here.
But then it went down hill from that opening.
He didn’t take that many questions. But even the ones that his staff took, he had difficulty with.
There was this word salad which I guess was about President Donald Trump but it was garbled at best.
Then there was this one where he’s asked if he thinks that the officers who shot Jacob Blake and Breonna Taylor should be charged. He actually says Taylor should be charged.
No, no president or Vice President should be interfering in the investigation by saying they should or shouldn’t be charged. Candidates used to know that.
Then his description of the shooting of Trump supporter Aaron Danielson is indefensibly wrong and slanderous, seemingly blaming him for shooting at people when no such thing happened.
But as he was leaving, he made a mistake and took a real question from Fox’s Peter Doocy, who asked that if he claimed he was warning Trump about the pandemic in January why was he still holding crowded events in March? Biden then went into a deflection rant non-answer.
He claimed he was telling Trump to invoke the DPA, but actually Trump invoked it before Biden ever talked about it and Biden didn’t seem to ever understand that, he just kept repeating Trump should invoke it, despite the fact that Trump had.
“Don’t wait” to talk about the need for masks? In March, Biden was still staging events where people weren’t practicing any social distancing or wearing any masks.
Remember when Joe threatened this autoworker, called him a horse’s ass, said her was full of sh*t and wanted to take him outside?
That was March 10.
“I can’t remember” when it was that he talked to Trump, Biden said. It wasn’t March, it was April, after Trump had already come up with the guidance on stopping the spread. Once again, he was late, talking about things that Trump was already doing.
The bottom line was Democrats including Biden in January were downplaying the virus way into March, he even termed Trump’s reaction to China which included cutting off travel as “hysterical xenophobia.” Biden couldn’t even agree publicly that travel should be cut with China until April 2. Trump did it in January. Trump declared a public health emergency in January and created the task force in January.
Biden then went on to say that the Trump policies were “reducing the number of people who are in real trouble economically”. Yes, that’s right! Thanks, Joe!
Thoughtworth reposting.

The story of all Dark Ages is that when civilizations finally prefer suicide, they do it easily, and the remnants flock to the countryside to preserve what they can—allowing the cities go on with their ritual self-destruction.

In February, New York was the world’s most dynamic metropolis. By August, the city was more like the ruins of Ephesus. It is not all that hard to blow up a culture. You can do it in a summer if you haven’t much worry about others.

When you loot and burn a Target in an hour, it takes months to realize there are no more neighborhood Target-stocked groceries, toilet paper, and Advil to buy this winter.

You can in a night assault the police, spit at them, hope to infect them with the coronavirus, and even burn them alive. But when you call 911 in a few weeks after your car is vandalized, your wallet is stolen, and your spouse is violent, and no one comes, only then do you sense that you earlier were voting for a pre-civilized wilderness.

You can burn down a Burger King in half an hour. But it will take years to find anyone at Burger King, Inc., who would ever be dumb enough to rebuild atop the charred ruins—to prepare for the next round of arson in 2021 or 2023.

Today’s looter carrying off sneakers and smartphones in 10 years will be tomorrow’s urban activist, understandably but in vain demanding stores return to a charred no man’s land, to do their fair share, and to help restore the downtown, neighborhood, inner-city, or the “community.”

Old Liberal Ideas Are Being Destroyed
We are living in the most racially polarized climate since the 1960s.

America’s past, present, and future are in the process of being recalibrated entirely through the lens of one’s skin color. Columbus is reduced to nothing more than another racist white Italian sailor of a half-millennium past. Grant might as well have fought for slavery in the mind of today’s campus ignoramus. Apparently, the Antifa thug thinks he could just as easily have written the Gettysburg Address or sculpted a statue of Frederick Douglass.

The old liberal ideas of assimilation, integration, and intermarriage are being destroyed by the Left under the specious doctrines of cultural appropriation, or “acting white” or “how we look is who we are.” 

A new fuzzy Jim Crow returns with racially segregated campus safe spaces and theme houses or the race-based reeducation and training sessions in the workplace—all predicated to stop racism! Somehow selecting strangers on the basis of their race to bully in a restaurant, or targeting old anonymous men and women to beat up in the street by their race, or singling out suburbanites by their race for racial taunts and profanity is redefined as reparatory justice or overdue payback—on the assumption that no one would dare say that the arson, looting, and rhetoric are descending into ever more hate-filled nihilism.

Our collective future of nationalized tribalism will become what always results when citizens identify by superficial appearance or shared religion. Just go to Lebanon, the Balkans, or Iraq to see what is in store first hand. 
Tribalism Rising
To survive, all groups will self-identify, at first quietly, but eventually unapologetically. Some will form alliances of self-preservation, others will war with each other. Tribal gangs, as they already do now in our streets of fire and looting, will assume they are exempt from consequences; and so will their antitheses of vigilantes who band together to guard their stores in the absence of a defunded police.

Liberal elite whites themselves are now uneasy, since the abstract doctrines they so nihilistically advocated, from defunding the police to recalibrating looting as “redistribution,” are now becoming reified and closer to home. They see that when BLM protestors jam a restaurant to demand fealty or lecture on “white privilege” or march into a suburb to wake up the commuter to apprise him of his immorality, the racialists will not qualify their agendas with “except for woke whites.”

When tribalism is distilled to its innate and terrifying essence, there are never exemptions for individuals: you are reduced to what you appear superficially as to strangers. The white felon is no different than the white Harvard president, the black shoplifter is the same as the black physicist. We are all condensed to a sort of collective nothingness, or rather a racial “allness.”

The Self-Immolation of Pro Sports
Professional sports, once an integral part of American life, appears to be nearly in ruins. Professional baseball, basketball, and football might have survived the virus, the lockdown, and the recession—and then maybe they might not have. After all, millions of the bored more quickly than expected got acculturated to the idea of soon not listening to a boring rant from LeBron James or the sad confessionals of Drew Brees.

But what the NBA and NFL, and perhaps MLB won’t survive is cultural suicide as players fragment into causes. The NBA existed on the premise that billionaires were willing to pay multimillionaires to lose billions as a prestige lark—as a franchise became a sort of a huge, showy Louis Vuitton bag. But even billionaires have limits. Snobbery and appearing cool do not always trump losing the equivalent of a Ferrari every hour or a Gulfstream each week.

The NBA, we are told, is a woke industry.

But it’s also the strangest, most non-diverse, right-wing, money-obsessed woke institution in America. More than three-quarters of the multimillionaire players are African-American. Over 90 percent of the billionaire team owners are white.

Yet the entire industry — players, coaches, owners, staff — lecture Americans ad nauseam about their supposed sins. The monotonous sermons have become transparent medieval redemptions—given the mortal sin that the NBA sold its very soul to a racist, genocidal, and totalitarian China—to recover billions abroad for the billions lost in viewership and attendance at home.

Non-diverse multimillionaires, working for even less diverse billionaires, finger-pointing at middle-class Americans on the evils of privilege, in the pay of the Chinese Communist Party, is not a way to win back fans.
Institutional Crack-Ups
Universities are in for hard times. The federal government eventually will get out of the $1.5 trillion student loan subsidy business, and force spendthrift colleges to accept their own self-created moral hazards.

Charging $30,000-$40,000 for tuition over Zoom is a bad business model in a recession. And the alphabet soups after the names of professors and deans will not make a bit of difference. 

Thousands of college-educated protesters and rioters are not especially good advertisements for the building of lifelong character on woke university campuses. Once undergraduate institutions decided to make students socially conscious rather than educated, and once their graduates seem to be neither, then who really finds their mentors essential?

Our major cities, emerging from lockdown, and on the edge of nightly violence, remind us of what Procopius, the Byzantine historian, saw of Rome in AD 538, once the cultural and political megalopolis of the world: a mostly deserted shell of weeds, deserted streets, collapsed stone, choked fountains, and fortified villas where lawlessness reigned and feuding tribes were what was left of a government that once had enshrined habeas corpus. 

No city gets a pass from history, not Athens, not Rome, not Alexandria—not Detroit, Baltimore, or Chicago.

After all, there is no rule that just because Bill Gates and Amazon headquartered in Seattle that its mayor, city council, and state governor will not abandon its signature downtown. What once made Portland great can be undone in a few weeks. 

Wall Street may run the world, but it certainly does not run the New York City government. Electronic capital really does still have human legs and when the proverbial suited investor thinks he will be infected, short of toilet paper, or assaulted on the street, he leaves, taking his laptop with him. Bill de Blasio is left to govern, like a horned and bearded Visigoth, over an increasing shell of former grandeur.

To venture into San Francisco is to return in a time machine to 1855, a boomtown based on silicon chips, not gold dust, but one likewise lawless, fetid, and safe only for those with private security guards. To the casual visitor, it appears a lunatic place now recalibrated for the homeless, the looter, the assaulter—and the very rich. Crimes like public defecation and drug use, or shattering the windows of a parked car window to steal its contents are not crimes unless the targets are the well-connected.

The story of all Dark Ages is that when civilizations finally prefer suicide, they do it easily, and the remnants flock to the countryside to preserve what they can—allowing the cities to go on with their ritual self-destruction. 

So it has begun to seem this endless summer.  

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