Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Justice Robert To Supplant Electorate? Old Grey Steed Ain't What He Used To Be? Is Zuckerberg In Charge?

                                                                                  JoKe Is No JOKE.

Will Justice Roberts supplant the electorate?

Trump ambassador selection: https://thefederalist.com/2020/09/07/wsj-trump-to-pick-foreign-policy-realist-as-afghanistan-ambassador/
The old grey steed ain't what he used to be? https://freebeacon.com/2020-election/not-the-same-joe-biden-white-house-stenographer-says-former-vps-mental-acuity-has-deteriorated/
I no sooner posted in the previous memo what to expect as the campaign heated up and I came across this.

I have no doubt this will be the most fraudulent, manipulated and corrupt election ever and it will set the tone for a further decline in citizen confidence in our republic. This is what radical Democrats want because they no longer care about the republic. They only care about power and their ability to do as they please. By all means vote for Joke if you want the end of our nation because Joe and Kamala will accommodate you as they yield to Bernie and AOC.  Rest assured the cartoon above is no"JOKE."

Hi Fellow Patriot,

Mark Zuckerberg likes to say that he’s a bipartisan participant as he operates Facebook. However, he’s been making a lot of changes in terms of what people see. He wants to stop the flow of disinformation, so he’ll be preventing new ads from going up a week before the election. Not only that, he’s also going to add detailed facts about the election at the top of Facebook and Instagram. Where will these “facts” come from? It’s hard to say…
With so many relying on social media for their info, Facebook could be the determining factor in November’s general election.

Fighting for Freedom,

Samuel Davis

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