Sunday, September 20, 2020

Have Reversed/ Now Say Move Forward. Wray To Be Deservedly Replaced? Democrats Must Internalize To Rec-connect With Traditional American Values. Keen Keane.


I have reversed my view about not  proceeding with a hearing on a replacement of RBG prior to the 2020 election because the prospective candidate Trump is allegedly considering should not be controversial.  I have no doubt  Schumer, The Hate Trumper's and assorted radicals in the Democrat  Party will do whatever they can to create controversy but the Hearing should  not reach the despicable and controversial level of  the Kavanaugh Hearings.

Being able to place our sacred constitution back in the hands of those who are more prone to interpret than legislate is critical and therefore, I favor moving forward.  Certainly the alleged candidate, being a woman, is not likely to suffer the indignant sexual charges leveled at Kavanaugh, is a mother of adopted children, has already demonstrated a level Judicial temperament ,through her many opinions, and is obviously brilliant.

Unless the Democrats choose to turn the hearings into a circus, as they are perennially want to do, Trump and McConnell should move forward.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ More Biden and Mueller sleaze uncovered?

Newly Unearthed Docs Reveal What Joe Biden Knew about Hunter’s Corrupt Board Position


Mueller “Accidentally” Deleted the Russian Collusion Info that Implicated Obama Officials


Breaking: Why Kamala Harris will lose in November


Comey To Testify To Republican Investigation Into FBI’s Russia Hoax Plot


FBI Director Wray may be ,deservedly, on his way out.  He has proven to be a foot dragger and ineffectual considering the fact that the FBI needs a through overhaul to re-established it's tarnished image.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Perhaps when one looks back, assuming Trump wins and the attempt to defraud his re-election is not allowed to control the destiny of our nation, hatred and distaste for Trump, which drove the Democrat Party to engage in self-immolation and selecting flawed candidates, will be understood.

From my perspective The Party has been radicalized beyond recognition, driven to support virtually everything that is historically non-American and has a significant amount of internalizing that it must do to return and aligned with America's traditional values.

They will get there ,in time, because events and failures of the party in power causes reverses and shifts.  Perhaps a truly viable and middle road third-party will emerge.  Stay tuned.


A Keane/Keen perspective:

Click on link then bird to the right.

Video link:



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