Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Something For Every One's Interests.

How can it be that Trump is given credit for something/anything?
Apparently if you like rioting and stores you shop at destroyed JoKe gets your vote:

Democrat Strategists in Confused Panic as Suburban Vote Slips Away From Biden

And so it goes:

At Least 51 Shot, 7 Fatally, Labor Day Weekend in Mayor Lightfoot’s Chicago

Read More+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
China pursues a very aggressive strategy and now has increased their confrontation with India. In my humble opinion, the election of JoKe would prove a disaster in terms of our relationship with an expansionist China.

China will eventually wear out their welcome and create conditions that will boomerang but they also need to be confronted.  Trump will do so and America is the only nation capable of doing so but we also need critical allies.

Stay tuned.


Gordon Chang warns China ‘Configuring its Military to Kill Americans’


Editor's Note: Below is a piece from our colleague Jeff Brown about an alarming new development in the tech space that we think you should take a look at. 

This sounds like a "come on" so if you listen do so with a great deal of skepticism.  I do not question his comments about our health care chain supply dependence on China and the military significance of same.  Nor do I question his comments about the increasing  cost of Chinese labor. Interestingly enough, he speaks to what I have been saying/writing.  We need to stop doing business with China because it will/can cripple them and no longer impact America negatively .  In fact it will/could  enhance America and rebuild or middle class and employment picture.

 Even When he gets into Project Z technology I even agree with him as well because I have consistently talked about robotics and AI etc. as the future but when he talks about a specific  company and groundbreaking hardware  then he, perhaps, sounds like Barnum! So, Caveat Emptor.

Palm Beach Research Group  Daily Reader,
The US military, Google, Amazon, and Apple... have all joined forces to develop the most advanced "weapon" in history.
This modern-day "Manhattan Project" is worth a potential $15 trillion...
And one small company's tech makes the whole thing go.
Early investors are already rushing in...
Jeff Brown
Editor, The Near Future Report
By Paul Sperry: DEVELOPING: Investigators have learned that Obama CIA Director John Brennan ran a secret task force out of Langley with its own separate budget to investigate Trump campaign and alleged ties to Russia. Task force set up before FBI officially launched its own probe on 07/31/16


Breaking: Worn Out Biden Short Circuits Yet Again, Struggles to Get Thru Interview Question During Virtual Event
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced Tuesday that his office is investigating 1,000 Georgia residents who allegedly voted twice in the June primaries, which is illegal.
Raffensperger said the 1,000 individuals were among 150,000 who showed up at the polls despite having requested an absentee ballot by mail, according to WABE.
This was sent by a friend and fellow memo reader:
Mark Your Calendar for Local Election Forums

Before you head to the polls and cast your ballot when early voting opens on Monday, October 12, join us for
the following three candidate forums:
  • October 1, 6:30–8 p.m. – Bryan County Sheriff candidates Mark Crowe and Al Hagan
  • October 5, 7:30–8:45 p.m. – Chatham County District Attorney candidates Meg Heap
  •  (incumbent) and Shalena Cook Jones. Moderated by WTOC’s Dawn Baker.
  • October 6, 7:30–8:45 p.m. – Chatham County Commission Chair candidates Jason Buelterman
  •  and Chester Ellis. Moderated by WTOC’s Dawn Baker. 

Zoom links will be sent prior to each forum. In the meantime, visit Vote411 for detailed information about local 

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