Saturday, September 19, 2020

RBG - RIP and Commentary. The Message We Must Deliver and Pursue. Did Floyd Kill Himself? Embarrassment Of Riches? Zito. Judicial Watch Pursues.


Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead At 87

I began this memo before the news about Justice Ginsburg and then the Jewish Holidays began. Her written comments about her relationship with Justice Scalia speak to what a compassionate and decent person she was.  I disagreed with the legal thrust of much of what she believed but she was a pioneer in an age when it took courage to be so.  May her soul rest in peace.

In my opinion I believe Trump should nominate a new Justice, after a respectful period,  so voters will be apprised of what his intentions are regarding the prospect of shifting The Court away from the current liberal thrust but not put the nation through the trauma of actual hearings.

If this flushed Biden out to also do so that would be an informative plus. Just my thinking.


An organization I support . A condolence  I endorse. A call to action I disagree with:

Dear Judicial Watch Supporter,

I want to personally share with you a press release that was just sent to members of the media today. Thank you for standing with Judicial Watch as we honor the legacy of the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. 

Amelia Koehn
Public Affairs Coordinator
Contact: 202-646-5188
September 18, 2020

Judicial Watch Statement on the Passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement on the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg:
Judicial Watch sends it condolences to the family of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She had a wonderful judicial temperament that will always be remembered.
President Trump now has a historic opportunity to nominate yet another constitutional conservative who will honor the Constitution and the rule of law across the full spectrum of constitutional issues. 
And the U.S. Senate should move quickly to work with President Trump to consider and approve a new justice who will faithfully apply the U.S. Constitution. There is no reason we cannot have a new justice by Election Day.
This from a dear Jewish friend and fellow memo reader.  He has an interesting "religious connection"  perspective, which I gave thought to and I understand what he is saying. However,  I do not believe we should endure the trauma of a hearing. Selection, fine, then the election and, God willing, we make the right choice and re-elect Trump.


Billions of dollars will continue to speak if we do:

“We’re Going to Fight Like Hell” Soros Backed Group Won’t Back Down if Trump Wins

If Justice Goldberg had passed away before yesterdays zoom session we might still be discussing the ramifications of it. Her death in my opinion will be the single most important event for the survival of America and the free world because of the time in which it occurred . I think it is ironic that a Jew died erev  Shabbat and especially on Rosh Hashana . Is Hashem at work? There must be a nominee before the election by Trump and hopefully confirmed because the existence of America ,as founded, is critically on the line now more than ever . This appointment will determine the future of the free world likewise in my opinion. It is going to a  most difficult task because of the rhino republicans…SUSAN COLLINS,LAMAR ALEXANDER, MITT ROMNEY, BARBARA MURKOWSKI AND POSSIBLY LINDSEY GRAPHAM . If these four vote against the nominee, Pence will make it a tie vote and then what will happen?   If we are lucky enough to have Hashem help us in this correct appointment Judaism will again save the world w/o any glory. This will also ensure Trump to become one of the best Presidents in the history of America although it will be decades before he is acknowledged  for it. Trumps choice and hopefully the confirmation thereof  will avoid a constitutional crisis and will avoid a choice between the law and lawlessness for Americas future.


L'shana  TOVAH,


And more thinking on a different subject.:

It should be quite evident, to those who read my memos,  I believe the goal of Antifa, BLM and the assorted radical elements who are destroying our nation is to create an entire generation of un-patriotic American children who believe they must disinfect our country. I further believe it is incumbent upon Barr, or any successor Attorney General,  pursue those who are providing funding of these anarchists  because they are, allegedly, engaged in various forms of sedition and need to be smoked out , prosecuted and punished.

If we allow the education of the next generation to feed upon the vitals of guilt and wash it down with the Kool Ade of the AOC/Bernie Crowd we are damn fools who no longer deserve the freedoms we are about to lose. If America is not worth fighting for then who are we as a people? If the greatest document ever written and debated by man is unworthy of being upheld then we are a totally undeserving people. If we are willing to embrace the total disregard of what our nation has accomplished, the betterment of its citizenry against all odds and resistance to change, then we are totally blind.

Show me any nation on the face of earth that has done more to allow the fruits of one's labor to be their own, a people who have sacrificed more for the world's benefit than Americans.

I have no antipathy toward our black citizens.  I believe we have treated them and deprived them in ways that have caused them to be become a thorn in America's side as well as a self-destructive force to themselves. This is changing and will change more if we fight against those who seek our nation's destruction.

This is the message we must deliver to ourselves and then pursue at whatever cost.


Did Floyd kill himself?  If he did the rioters will not likely accept the decision  so I would expect all hell to break loose again.

Who Killed George Floyd?

By Don Brown

American Thinker


If they get a fair trial, a questionable proposition at best, Minneapolis police officers charged with murdering George Floyd should be acquitted.


Let's consider new, undisputed evidence, beyond the initial bystander’s video that we’ve all seen, to understand why.


On Memorial Day, around 8 PM, Minneapolis Police are called to a local convenience store. Two suspects passed a fake $20 bill to buy cigarettes. When police arrived, the shop manager pointed across the street, where three suspects sat in a parked vehicle. George Floyd sat behind the wheel.


When the officers crossed the street to investigate, two other suspects, another man, and a woman, both black, stepped from the car and politely cooperated.


But George argued and disobeyed ten separate commands from officers to keep his hands up. After the tenth order, he finally put his hands on the steering wheel as instructed.


As George protested, police walked him across the street to the police cruiser, the vehicle shown in the bystander’s video.


That bystander’s video, isolated alone, implies that the officer cruelly forced George onto the ground, then callously put his knee on George's neck, causing George to cry out, pitifully, “I can't breathe.


But when a Minnesota judge authorized the release of police body cam footage, a completer and more different story emerged. First, the police never wanted George on the ground at all, and frantically tried getting him into the back of their squad car.


But Floyd, a strong six-feet-eight-inches tall, fought police every second, and tried pushing his way out. Police video shows George repeatedly saying, “I can't breathe” long before he was on the ground, and before Officer Chauvin employed the infamous knee-restraint tactic.


This is crucial.


Claiming to be “claustrophobic” as they ordered him into the back seat, George Floyd demanded to be placed on the ground. So, the officers did not thrust him down to the ground and then put their knee on George’s neck, as the bystander’s video suggests.


Let's delve into the evidence.


From Officer Thomas Lane's body camera, at 8:09 PM, officers approached George's vehicle, tapped on the window, instructing him to either put his hands up or put his hands on the steering wheel. But George refuses.


Ten separate times, police either instructed George to let them see his hands, or to put his hands on the wheel. Finally, George puts his hands on the wheel, protesting he had “not done anything.


 At 8:17 PM, officers walk George across the street. He keeps arguing, as they order him into the back of the squad car.


“I'm claustrophobic,” he claims, twice, resisting as they again order him to sit in the back seat. He screams, fights and resists getting in the squad car.


At 8:18:08, still standing beside the car and fighting the officers, he says, for the first time, with no knee on his neck, “I can't breathe, officer!” At this point, police are still ordering him into the back seat.

A bystander urges George to stop fighting. “You can’t win,” the bystander says.


George fights anyway.


Police push him in the back seat. He keeps resisting.


Nine seconds later, fighting from the backseat of the police car, George says three times, in rapid succession, beginning at 8:18:19, “I want to lay on the ground! I want to lay on the ground! I want to lay on the ground!” He repeats it a fourth time, five seconds later, “I want to lay on the ground!”


Then, as if he knows he is dying, says, “I’m going down.” 


At 8:18:39, fighting in the backseat, he again says, three times in rapid succession, “I can’t breathe!” Then again,” I can’t breathe.” And then, again, at 8:18:50 repeats, “I can’t breathe!”


At this point, George had demanded to be laid on the ground four times and said “I can't breathe” at least six times, while in the back seat of the squad car, with no knee on his neck.


At 8:19:06, he again says, “I can't breathe,” for the seventh time. 

Of course he can’t breathe. A fentanyl overdose stops a man from breathing.

George fought the officers non-stop for over ten minutes before officers finally removed him from the car and put him down on the ground, beside the squad car, as George himself demanded.


Bystanders then film George on the ground, declaring, “I can’t breathe,” as if this was the first time George said, “I can’t breathe,” and as if Officer Chauvin’s knee (not the fentanyl) caused George’s breathing problems.


Fox 9 in Minneapolis reported that Chief Hennepin County Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker, in a memorandum filed May 26 concluded, “The autopsy revealed no physical evidence suggesting that Mr. Floyd died of asphyxiation.”


In other words, Dr. Baker initially ruled out Chauvin’s knee as causing George’s death.


In a second memorandum filed June 1, Baker described Floyd’s fentanyl level as “pretty high,” and a potentially “fatal level.

Dr. Baker reported Floyd had 11 ng/mL of fentanyl in his blood, adding, “If he were found dead at home alone and no other apparent causes, this could be acceptable to call an OD. Deaths have been certified with levels of 3."


In other words, while levels of 3 ng/mL have caused fatal fentanyl overdoses. George ingested nearly four times that amount, or 11 ng/mL of fentanyl, in his bloodstream. In another document, Dr. Baker said, "That is a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances."


Granted, mounting political pressure led to subsequent private autopsy reports, paid for by the family, showing the cause of death as a combination of both fentanyl and asphyxiation from the officer’s knee.


Of course they do.


But the prosecution, to obtain a conviction, must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. They must prove that the officer’s knee, and not the massive fentanyl dosage, killed George Floyd.


That’s a tall order.


Not only that, but the infamous, “knee-technique,” which should be banned, was authorized by the Minneapolis PD. Officer Chauvin followed authorized procedure, a technique for keeping a suspect on the ground, after George Floyd had fought officers for over ten minutes, and after, only -- and this is the kicker -- George requested, repeatedly, to lay on the ground.


But Chauvin’s knee is a red herring. The issue here is fentanyl.


 Here's how the respected website, WebMD, describes the effects of fentanyl:

“[F]entanyl has rapid and potent effects on the brain and body, and even very small amounts can be extremely dangerous.

“It only takes a tiny amount of the drug to cause a deadly reaction,” “Fentanyl can depress breathing and lead to death. The risk of overdose is high with fentanyl.


Here’s what the CDC says about fentanyl. “It is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine.”


Of course George couldn’t breathe -- because fentanyl, mixed with methamphetamines, kills breathing. Despite the bad optics, “I can’t breathe” was not because of the officer’s knee.


The medical examiner’s statement on lethal fentanyl, and the previous protestations of “I can’t breathe,” even before he got into the back seat of the squad car, and long before Chauvin applied the notorious “knee” technique, shows that George was already dying from the lethal fentanyl overdose before officers put him in the back seat of the car. That fentanyl, with methamphetamine ingestion, and cannabinoids -- that’s right, George popped some meth alongside the fentanyl, plus a little reefer too -- raises more than a reasonable doubt in favor of these policemen.


Here’s the prosecution’s problem - proving beyond a reasonable doubt that it was the officer’s knee, and not the massive fentanyl overdose, that killed George.


No one can prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, not in this case, that Chauvin killed Floyd, not with any intellectual honesty. George overdosed on fentanyl, and mixed it with meth, and reefer. That’s why he’s dead. Without the overdose, George Floyd would still be alive. The officers should be acquitted.


Which begs the question, who killed George Floyd?


Sadly, George Floyd killed himself.


Don Brown, a former U.S. Navy JAG officer,


TACO Biden, an embarrassment of riches ?

Hello Richard,

Joe Biden left his basement for the warmer weather of Miami, Florida this week but he should have just stayed home. His Latino outreach events in the Sunshine State turned out disastrous. Like embarrassingly disastrous. This should come as no surprise from the party that named their 2016 Hispanic outreach program “Operation Taco Bowl.”

Read just how bad Biden did in Florida and why we need to go back to all calling him Creepy Joe instead of Sleepy Joe.

~ American Liberty Report


We must become "woke" to the emerging China.  If we do not throw cold water on them we will be allowing the next devastating nuclear challenge to ripen.

The Stage Is Set for the Rise of the 'Next Chinas'

By Brian Tycangco, analyst, True Wealth Opportunities: China

China's economy grew so fast, a lot of people missed what was happening...

The spectacular growth happened that quick. Let me explain...

You see, for a good stretch of the first decade of this century, China's economy was growing an average of 10% a year, and often faster...

Yet despite this, it never really dawned on many outsiders just how big of an impact this was having on China's people... and what that meant for investors.

I don't blame anyone for this. It's hard to "see" half a billion people being lifted out of abject poverty into the ranks of the middle class, especially when it's happening halfway around the world.

Social advancement on that scale – and speed – shocks the rest of the world into thinking, "Hey, weren't they always this rich?"

They weren't. And China's not alone in proving this story out...

A long time ago, the U.S. saw similar periods of growth that led to massive riches...

The thing is, you have to go back about 100 years to find them.

Think back to the Second Industrial Revolution, around the time Henry Ford's cars were just beginning to be mass produced... or to the years immediately after the Great Depression...

An economy that grows an average of 10% for a decade isn't just an achievement for any country. It's a modern-day miracle. And that kind of growth creates a whole new generation of wealthy entrepreneurs and a bigger middle class, who end up spending more, and growing the economy even more.

You likely have an opinion about China today...

But for better or worse, China's newfound wealth changed the world in ways we previously thought unimaginable...


Salena Zito's comments:

Black Monday: The Day that changed the working class forever.

“ make sure to tell the story right, make sure you tell them Youngstown sure died hard.” 

Click here for the full story.


The race for the Senate is real in Minnesota

The race for the Senate is real in Minnesota.

Click here for the full story

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Judicial Watch pursues:

Obama Official Notes Russians Trolling Joe Biden on Son Hunter

Americans weren’t generally aware of Joe and Hunter Biden’s shenanigans in Ukraine, but Obama’s State Department certainly was, as was Ukraine, its pro-Russian newspaper sardonically referring to the soon to be then-Vice President Joe Biden showing up to protect his son’s business in Ukraine.

We learned this from three pages of State Department records. They include a January 17, 2017, email from George Kent, the Obama administration’s deputy assistant secretary of state in charge of Ukraine policy, which was copied to then-U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, highlighting Russia-linked media “trolling” Joe Biden over “his son’s business.”

We obtained the records in response to our FOIA lawsuit filed in January 2020 seeking records of communications from the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv mentioning Burisma (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:20-cv-00229)). (The records had been separately released to Citizens United.)

An email was sent four days prior to the inauguration of President Donald Trump to a redacted recipient and CCd to Yovanovitch with the subject line “medvedchuk-linked vesti trolls Biden.” Kent writes: “Burisma – gift that keeps on giving. (With medvedchuk affiliated Vesti pushing the troll like storyline on visit day)”

Medvedchuk refers to Viktor Medvedchuk, a Ukrainian politician, lawyer, business oligarch, and People's Deputy of Ukraine. He’s considered a Putin ally. Vesti is the pro-Russian newspaper in Ukraine.

Hunter Biden, son of then-Vice President Joe Biden, served on the board of directors for Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings despite having no previous experience in the energy industry.

Kent includes a “Review of Ukrainian Printed Press” that includes the Ukrainian newspaper Vesti, which described Biden’s visit to Ukraine, saying: “Will J. Biden arrive to secure his son’s business? According to experts, J. Biden, as the unofficial curator of ‘the Ukrainian question’, will give P. Poroshenko recommendations about working with the new US administration. Another aspect is the protection of his own business interests.”
On January 17, 2017, Biden was on his sixth visit in seven years to Ukraine. When Biden visited Ukraine in 2015, he threatened to withhold $1 billion if the country’s top prosecutor was not dismissed. Hunter Biden was under investigation by the later-fired prosecutor general.

Kent and Yovanovitch were both star witnesses for Democrats in the Trump impeachment hearings. Kent testified he warned the Obama administration about Hunter Biden’s work with Burisma: “My concern was that there was the possibility of a perception of a conflict of interest.” Kent answered the questions of Rep. Kathy Castor (D-FL):

CASTOR: OK, but you know Hunter Biden’s role in Burisma’s board of directors. At some point you testified in your deposition that you expressed some concern to the Vice President’s Office. Is that correct
KENT: That is correct.
CASTOR: And what did they do about that concern that you expressed?
KENT: I have no idea. I reported my concern to the Office of the Vice President.

In April 2014, Hunter Biden joined the board of the Ukrainian gas company. He served on the board until early 2019. Burisma, which was under investigation by the Ukrainian government, stated at the time of his hiring that Biden would be “in charge of the Holdings’ legal unit and will provide support for the Company among international organizations.”

This email shows the Obama State Department had a longstanding concern about then-Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden’s Burisma involvement – and how the Russians were using Biden’s conflicts of interest to undermine U.S. policy. 


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