Another why we need to leave the U.N:UN Appoints Health And Human Rights Expert Who Has Suggested Teens Consider Sex Work
Trump is a marketing genius. However, he wasted a day discussing his potential Supreme Court Justices. Undecided voters more interested in two other issues.
Law and order are important but too abstract. He needs to personalize by pointing out without adherence to law you have no order. Without order you have safety concerns.
This ties together the issue of Democrat de-funding of police.
The second critical concern relates to personal economics, ie how do you resolve the pandemic so citizens can return to work, earn their own living, not be dependent on government.
Trump talks about his response to the pandemic but in terms of himself.
He must talk "with" voters, explain he understands "their" concerns and patiently discuss advances he and his medical advisers have made. He must take Americans by the hand and walk them "fatherly" through the amazing steps that defied historical norms in seeking a vaccination in warp speed time, that will be safe and available. He can discuss conflicting medical advice given at the beginning of Covid-19, because it was new and different.
This must be done without boasting, with sincerity that he gets it and is the best person to resolve it because he operates outside the box and removed ponderous government as never before.
He can digress and contrast failures by the opposition, remind voters of Biden, Pelosi and Obama's reactions and gently tie in the impeachment distraction.
Related, he can remind Americans he did not cause the pandemic, the unrelated police episodes, ensuing rioting which, in combination, took down a superb economic/employment recovery. Having created these amazing recoveries he can argus best suited to bring them back. Much of Trump's success was related to common sense and unburdening the economy from the abuses and wrongheaded nonsense of the Obama-Biden's traditional heavy handed resort of government, ie. Socialism versus Capitalism.
Trump trusts "we the people" over " we the bureaucrats."
+++++++++++++++++++++++When you go to vote you are truly voting for two Democrat Presidents:
What a sad country if she becomes president. God save future/protect generations!
DUH: http://freepressers.com/articl
Will the debate moderators finally be trustworthy? Time will tell.
Hi Fellow Patriot,
The moderators for the upcoming presidential and vice-presidential debates have officially been announced.
Shockingly, it seems it will be somewhat fair.
Fighting for Freedom,
Mike Kinsman
WAPO has figured it out. If they can create chaos they can become more relevant and make more money. Riots are entertaining.
I have been consistent in characterizing Trump's personality and management style as unorthodox, his manners totally that of a counter-puncher, many of his responses more symptomatic of insecurity than wise blah blah blah. I have also pointed out he won because he committed himself to and campaigned on ridding the nation of the Potomac elitists, to reverse awful and destructive trade policies, to get NATO to fess up financially and to rebuild our middle class and
return manufacturing to America.
In other words,Trump sought to attack the establishment and to revers many destructive policies. Yes, he has been divisive because he has chosen to step on many toes and bunions. He even moved our embassy to Jerusalem, stopped funding disgraceful agencies of the U.N. and has set in motion peace deals among Arabs with Israel. Talk about stepping on toes? How about entire feet and kicking shins?
Obviously, since cry baby Democrats, led by Hillary, refused to swallow their defeat knowing their mass media shills would back their petulance and impeachment efforts, because it would produce increased revenues,Trump could be attacked for defending himself and thus, be portrayed as divisive.
Trump deserves better, our nation deserves better but rest assured if you believe Democrats and the mass media are interested in healing the wounds they purposely have thrown salt in, FORGET IT. POWER is their Sole/soul goal and if SCREWING AMERICA and Trump is the price so be it.
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