Thursday, September 17, 2020

Continuing My Thinking.


Progressives never learn from their stupidity.  There are always consequences and a price to pay.  Liberals believe because they say it, think it, do it, it works. Comes from believing they can drink their bath water.


To further continue my thoughts about how we have allowed the black population tail to wag our dog because we have been duped into embracing white guilt. Consequently, the parallel often becomes what I frequently say: "when all else fails lower your standards."

America has made mistakes and slavery was one of the most pernicious but set in the tenor of the times it was considered acceptable. We even amended our constitution to accommodate immorality. Our nation has wrestled with disconnecting itself from this tragic period of slavery, freedom, re-segregation, prejudice, second class citizenship and all the negative that flows from such.  The price to our nation and black citizens has been enormous. It has been a terrible burden, a costly drag morally, financially, spiritually and socially.

 Negative occurrences always  remind us we have not gotten where we want and need to be, something acceptable by way of a reminder, surfaces.  The problem is, these situations lend themselves to ultimately being taken over by radicals who attach to a legitimate cause and then everything, generally, goes down hill. Even MLK faced this problem as radical splinter groups undercut his message of "peaceful marches."

I never studied the social sciences but I believe radicals are an impatient lot and always move at a faster pace and I understand.  If the cause is righteous, the aggrieved want the correction/benefits in their lifetime. The problem with uneven pacing is that changesin attitudes can be outrun by radicals and support can dissipate making the circumstances even worse.  This is happening in America now with BLM's Marxists roots, Antifa anarchy actions and of course all the rioting, looting, etc.

Our standards have been ruined/challenged/attacked accordingly because the numbers are always at the bottom of the pyramidal base.  Therefore, we have allowed  education, for instance,  to decline rather than to seek elevation because improvement takes time. The liberals chose hypocrisy and failed to demand/allow the benefits of freedom to bring about self-improvement.  Just in education alone our public school system has been invaded by courses that are focused on making children feel guilty, think evil of their evil nation.  The impact of these messages is subtle. I even look at what it is doing to our sense of patriotism.  Kneeling, a second anthem, the politicization of sports, the attacks on our police etc..  Hell, who would want to fight and protect a nation like America.  

China, Russia and our adversaries may not conquer us from without but The Trojan Horse of the consequences of Radicalized Justice is far more dangerous.  Pernicious rot from within is altering America beyond recognition and planting the seeds for a potential violent counter-reaction. This is what the 2020 election is all about.

I am not advocating we desert our goals of true equality and fairness (whatever that means) but neither must we allow ourselves, our values, the exceptionalism of what it means to be an American to slip from our hands as is happening.

Voters may be distressed by Trump, find his personality and unorthodox style and behaviour distasteful and thus, unable to give him any credit because of their consummate hatred buttressed and encouraged by the intentionally manipulative mass media. This approach , however, is not rational. It has been divisive to the point that we have become the Dis-United States. Our God Given Rights and Freedoms , so beautifully depicted by Normal Rockwell, have been crushed under the heavy foot of those who wish to destroy our republic because America is a threat to their dangerous ambitions.

I distrust those who have attached themselves to the Democrat Party and are manipulating an obvious flawed, weak, exhausted, painful candidate. I seek the best for my nation and, given the choices, I could not live with myself if I cast my vote for  JoKe versus TP.

You decide because the literal fate of your nation is at stake.


The IDF proves it is democratic.  Many years agothe Israeli Consul General to Atlanta was Druze.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From the mouths of kids:

An Elementary School Teacher had twenty-six students in her class.

She presented each child in her classroom the 1st half of a well-known proverb

and asked them to come up with the remainder of the proverb.

It's hard to believe these were actually done by first graders.

Their insight may surprise you. While reading,

keep in mind that these are first-graders, 6-year-olds, because the last one is a classic!


Don't change horses

until they stop running.


Strike while the

bug is close.


It's always darkest before

daylight saving time.


Never underestimate the power of



You can lead a horse to water but



Don't bite the hand that

looks dirty.


No news is



A miss is as good as a



You can't teach an old dog new



If you lie down with dogs, you'll

stink in the morning.


Love all, trust



The pen is mightier than the



An idle mind is

the best way to relax.


Where there's smoke there's



Happy the bride who

gets all the presents.


A penny saved is

not much.


Two's company, three's

the Musketeers.


Don't put off till tomorrow what

you put on to go to bed.


Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry and

you have to blow your nose.


There are none so blind as

Stevie Wonder.


Children should be seen and not

spanked or grounded.


If at first you don't succeed

get new batteries.


You get out of something only what you

see in the picture on the box.


When the blind lead the blind

get out of the way.


A bird in the hand

is going to poop on you.

And the WINNER and last one!


Better late than



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